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NSBM Advanced Certificate Programme for Bachelors Degree
NSBM Certificate Programme for Bachelors Degree
NSBM English Certificate Programme
Bridging Programme
Hostel Fee
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Year / Semester:
Year 01
Year 02
Year 03
Year 04
Semester 01
Semester 02
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Checkin Month:
Module Details
MM 1001 - Concept Development
MM 1002 - World of Multimedia
MM 1003 - Computing Fundamentals
MM 1004 - Drawing
MM 1005 - Design Principles I
MM 1006 - Typography Design
MM 1007 - Illustration
MM 1008 - Story Telling and Script Writing
MM 1009 - Art, Design and Society
MM 1010 - Animation Studies
MM 1011 - Digital Imaging
MM 1012 - Multimedia Imaging
MM 1013 - Photography
MM 1014 - Cinematography
MM 1015 - 3D Design I
MM 1016 - Game Design
MM 1017 - Video Editing and Production
MM 1018 - Interactive Design
MM 1019 - Advertising and Media Art
MM 1020 - Multimedia Project Management
MM 1021 - 3D Design II
MM 1022 - Web Design
MM 1023 - Design Principles II
MM 1024 - Visual Communication
MM 1025 - Multimedia Production
MM 1026 - Professional Studies
MM 1027 - Visual Effects Production
MM 1028 - Research Methodology
MM 1029 - Dissertation
MM 1030 - Internship
MM 1031 - Media Law and Ethics
MM 1032 - Entrepreneurship
MM 1033 - Final Project
CS 101.3 - Introduction to Computer Science
MA 101.3 - Mathematics I
CS 102.3 - Programming in C
CS 103.3 - Professional Development
SE 103.3 - System Analysis and Design
CS 107.3 - Object Oriented Programming with C#
CS 106.3 - Algorithms and Data Structures
CS 104.3 - Computer Architecture
CS 105.3 - Database Management Systems
SE 102.3 - Web Based Application Development
CNET 214SL - Network & System Administration
CNET 233SL - Network security
PUSL 2001 - IT Legalization & Ethics
PUSL 2008 - Introduction to IoT
PUSL 2010 - Servers, Datacenters and Cloud
CNET 237SL - Computer Networks
PUSL 2003 - Integrating project
ISAD 253SL - Databases
PUSL 2009 - Network and Security Programming
PRCO 303SL - Computing Project
CNET 335SL - Cybercrime and Forensics Investigation
PUSL 3109 - Voice and Video over IP
CNET 350SL - Network Monitoring
CNET 349SL - Incident Prevention, Detection & Response
PUSL 3105 - Advanced Networks
PUSL 3107 - Network Security and Penetration Testing
CNET 334SL - Information Security Management
ISAD 254SL - Human Computer Interaction
PUSL 2002 - Web Development Platforms
SOFT 255SL - Software Engineering for the Internet using Java
ISAD 341SL - Software Development and Project Management
SOFT 336SL - Cross-platform Development in C++
PUSL 3110 - Advanced Databases and Their Applications
CNET 343SL - Distributed Systems
PUSL 3111 - API Software Development
PUSL 3108 - Pervasive Computing
PUSL 3106 - Design Patterns and Software Engineering
CN 101.3 - Data Communications and Networks
SE 101.3 - Object Oriented Programming with Java
CN 201.3 - Computer Networks
SE 201.3 - Systems Analysis and Design
CS 201.3 - Operating Systems
MA 201.3 - Mathematics II
CN 202.3 - Network Management
SE 204.3 - Development of Enterprise Applications I
CN 205.3 - Voice and Video over IP
CN 203.3 - Network systems configuration and administration
CN 204.3 - Network Security
SE 206.3 - Human Computer Interaction
CS 301.3 - IT Project Management
CS 306.3 - Information Assurance and Security
SE 307.3 - Social Issues and Professional Practice
SE305.6 - Internship **
CN 301.3 - Advanced Routing and Switching
CN 303.3 - Service provider systems and networks
CN 302.3 - Wireless Technologies and Network Programming
MA 301.3 - Advanced Mathematics for Computing
CS 302.3 - Cryptography
IS 302.3 - IT Audit and Control
IS 301.3 - Enterprise Architecture
CN 401.6 - CN Award Project
CN 402.3 - Enterprise Networks
CN 403.3 - Intrusion Prevention, Detection & Response
CN 406.3 - Disaster Recovery and High Availability Techniques
CS 407.3 - Internet of Things
BS 402.3 - Entrepreneurship
BS 401.3 - Business Policy and Strategy
CS 404.3 - Parallel and Distributed Computing
CS 405.3 - Data Warehousing and Data Mining
IS 401.3 - Management Information Systems
IS 402.3 - E-Business Application Development
CS 408.3 - Embedded Systems
SE 403.3 - Platform Based Development
SE 202.3 - Introduction to Software Engineering
CS 202.3 - Systems Fundamentals
CS 203.3 - Algorithms and Complexity
SE 205.3 - Software Architecture
CS 303.3 - Computational Theory
CS 305.3 - Programming Languages and Compiler Design
CS 304.3 - Advanced Database Management Systems
SE301.3 - Software Process Management
SE 303.3 - Mobile Application Development
CS 402.3 - Computer Graphics and Visualization
CS 403.3 - Intelligent Systems
CS406.3 - Bio Informatics
SE 404.3 - Agent Based Systems
SE 402.3 - Development of Enterprise Applications II
MA 101.3 - Mathematics for Computing
MA 201.3 - Statistics for Computing
BS 201.3 - Business Studies
IS 204.3 - Enterprise Systems
IS 203.3 - Business Process Management
IS 202.3 - Foundations of Information Systems
SE 304.3 - Software Quality Assurance
IS 404.3 - Business Analytics
IS209.3 - Business Processes and ERP
SE207.3 - Software Verification and Validation
SE 401.6 - SE Honours Award Project
NIT 2102 - Cyber Security Essentials
NIT 2112 - Object Oriented Programming
NIT2113 - Cloud Application Development
NIT 2171 - Introduction to ICT Management
NIT 2213 - Software Engineering
NIT 2202 - Big Data
NIT 2271 - ICT Change Management
NIT 2201 - IT Profession and Ethics
NIT3101 - IT Project 1
NIT3112 - Advance Web Application Development
NIT3113 - Advanced Programming
NIT3114 - Online Business System Development
NIT 3171 - ICT Business Analytics and Data Visualisation
NIT 3213 - Mobile Application Development
NIT 3274 - Small IT Business
NIT3201 - IT Project 2
IS 204.3 - Enterprize Systems
CS 401.6 - CS Honours Award Project
IS 301.3 - Enterprize Architecture
IS401.6 - MIS Award Project
SE 308.3 - Software Process
SE306.3 - SE Award Project
CN 406.3 - Disaster Recovery and High Availability Techniques
CN 303.3 - Service Provider Systems and Networks
CN 403.3 - Intrusion Prevention, Detection and Response
SE 308.3 - Software Process Management
IS 405.6 - MIS Special Award Project
MGT 1301 - Management Process
MGT 1302 - Business Communication
MGT 1303 - Financial Accounting I
MGT 1304 - Economics for Managers
MGT 1305 - Soft Skills Development
MGT 1306 - Management Accounting
MGT 1307 - Information and Communication Technology
MGT 1308 - Business Environment
MGT 1309 - Project Management
MGT 1310 - Business Mathematics and Statistics I
MGT 2301 - Organizational Behaviour
MGT 2302 - Marketing Management
MGT 2303 - Financial Accounting II
MGT 2304 - Professional Development
MGT 2305 - Operations Management
MGT 2306 - Financial Management
MGT 2307 - Human Resource Management
MGT 2308 - Logistics Management
MGT 2309 - Quality Management
MGT 2310 - Industrial Relations
MGT 3401 - Strategic Management
MGT 3402 - Management Information Systems
HRM 3401 - Employee Resourcing
HRM 3402 - Human Resources Development
MGT 3403 - International Business Management
MGT 3404 - Business and Industrial Law
MGT 3605 - Industrial Training
MGT 4401 - Research Methodology
HRM 4501 - Performance Management
HRM 4502 - Rewards Management
HRM 4503 - Strategic Human Resource Management
HRM 4504 - HR Processes and Systems
MGT 4602 - Dissertation
LOG 3401 - Inventory and Warehouse Management
LOG 3402 - Procurement Management
LOG 4501 - Import and Export Management Related to Logistics
LOG 4502 - Maritime Law in Logistics
LOG 4503 - Modeling in Transportation Logistics
LOG 4504 - Supply Chain Management
IND 3401 - Production Planning and Control
IND 3402 - Maintenance Management
IND 4501 - Industrial Safety Management
IND 4502 - Industrial Engineering
IND 4503 - Advanced Operations Management
IND 4504 - Materials Management
PRO 3401 - Scope Management
PRO 3402 - Time Management
PRO 4501 - Cost Management
PRO 4502 - Project Risk and Quality Management
PRO 4503 - Project HR Management
PRO 4504 - Project Monitoring, Control, Evaluation and Termination
MGT 1310 - Business Mathematics and Statistics
ACT 2301 - Macro-Economics
ACT 2302 - Business Mathematics and Statistics II
MGT 3301 - Strategic Management
MGT 3302 - Management Information Systems
ACT 3301 - Taxation
ACT 3302 - Corporate Finance
ACT 3303 - Investment and Portfolio Management
MGT 3304 - Business and Industrial Law
ACT 3304 - Computer Based Accounting
ACT 3305 - Financial Reporting and Disclosure
ACT 3306 - International Financial Management
MGT 3305 - Industrial Training
ACT 4401 - Advanced Management Accounting
ACT 4402 - Auditing and Professional Practice
ACT 4303 - Business Valuation
ACT 4304 - Advanced Accounting Theory
ACT 4305 - Financial Statement Analysis
ACT 4306 - Strategic Management Accounting
BScMGT 1101 - Management Process
BScMGT 1102 - Business Communication
BScMGT 1103 - Financial Accounting
BScMGT 1104 - Economics for Managers
BScMGT 1105 - Business Mathematics and Statistics
BScMGT 1106 - Managerial Accounting
BScMGT 1207 - Information and Communication Technology
BScMGT 1208 - Business Environment
BScMGT 1209 - Introduction to Project Management
BScMGT 1210 - Critical Enabling Skills Training
BScMGT 2101 - Organizational Behaviour
BScMGT 2102 - Professional Development
BScMGT 2103 - Marketing Management
BScMGT 2104 - Advanced Financial Accounting
BScMGT 2105 - Logistics Management
BScMGT 2206 - Financial Management
BScMGT 2207 - Human Resource Management
BScMGT 2208 - Quality Management
BScMGT 2209 - Introduction to Operations Management
BScMGT 2210 - Industrial Relations
BScMGT 2211 - Industrial Training
BScMGT 3101 - Strategic Management
BScMGT 3102 - Management Information Systems
BScHRM 3103 - Employee Resourcing
BScMGT 3103 - International Business Management
BScMGT 3104 - Business and Industrial Law
BScHRM 3209 - Human Resources Development
BScHRM 4102 - Performance Management
BScHRM 4103 - Rewards Management
BScMGT 4101 - Research Methodology
BScHRM 4210 - Strategic Human Resource Management
BScHRM 4211 - HR Processes and Systems
BScLOG 3104 - Inventory and Warehouse Management
BScLOG 3210 - Procurement Management
BScLOG 4104 - Import and Export Management Related to Logistics
BScLOG 4105 - Maritime Law in Logistics
BScLOG 4212 - Modeling in Transportation Logistics
BScLOG 4213 - Supply Chain Management
BScIND 3105 - Production Planning and Control
BScIND 3211 - Maintenance Management
BScIND 4106 - Industrial Safety Management
BScIND 4107 - Industrial Engineering
BScIND 4214 - Advanced Operations Management
BScIND 4215 - Materials Management
BScPRO 3106 - Scope Management
BScPRO 3212 - Time Management
BScPRO 4108 - Cost Management
BScPRO 4109 - Project Risk and Quality Management
BScPRO 4216 - Project HR Management
BScPRO 4217 - Project Monitoring, Control, Evaluation and Termination
BEO2255 - Applied Statistics for Business
BLO1105 - Business Law
BEO2401 - Risk Management and Insurance
BBC3004 - Green Economy
BAO2001 - Corporate Finance
BEO2000 - Financial Institutions and Monetary Theory
BPD 2100 - International Business Challenge
BAO3000 - Personal Financial Planning
BAO3402 - International Banking and Finance
BLO2206 - Taxation Law and Practice
BEO3000 - Risk Management Models
BEO2001 - Commercial Banking and Finance
BAO3404 - Credit and Lending Decisions
BLO3405 - Law of Financial Institutions and Securities
BAO3403 - Investment and Portfolio Management
BPD 3100 - Applied Business Challenge
ACC2002L - Financial & Management Accounting
HRM2001L - HRM: Strategy & Policy
BMGT2001L - Managing Change
BMGT2002L - International Business
BMGT2003L - Project Management
MIS2008L - Data Analysis for Decision Makers
MIS3008L - Managing Digital Business Strategy and Operations
BMGT3004L - Management Research Project
BMGT3003L - Operations Management
BMGT 3002L - Management of Organisations
MKT3001L - International Marketing Management
BMGT3001L - Business Policy
HRM3004L - Talent Management
HRM3002L - Workplace Practice
HRM3003L - International Human Resource Management
MA 101.3 - Engineering Mathematics I
CE 101.3 - Programming Fundamentals
EE 101.3 - Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering
ME 102.3 - Engineering Materials
ME 104.3 - Computer Aided Design
EE 104.3 - Electronics I
ME 105.3 - Instrumentation and Control Principles
EE 102.3 - Communication Systems and Networks
CE 102.3 - Computer Architecture and Organization
MA 102.3 - Engineering Mathematics II
ME 101.3 - Introductory Mechanics and Fluids
EE 202.3 - Engineering Electromagnetics
CE 208.3 - Software Development Project
ME 203.3 - Thermodynamics
EE 201.3 - Electronics II
BS 201.3 - Engineering Ethics and Industrial Law
CE 205.3 - Modern Communication Systems
CE 201.3 - Object Oriented Software Development
CE 202.3 - Algorithms
CE 203.3 - Operating Systems
MA 201.3 - Engineering Mathematics III
ME206.5 - Industrial Placement 1
CE 303.3 - Advanced Computer Networks
CE 301.3 - Database Systems
CE 304.3 - Computer Systems Engineering
CE 305.3 - Programming Languages and Syntax Directed Tools
CE 306.3 - Software Engineering
CE 307.3 - Digital Design and Embedded Systems
MA 301.3 - Engineering Mathematics IV
BS 302.3 - Engineering Project Management and Costing Accounting
ME306.3 - Industry Placement II
ME 302.3 - Robotics
ME 304.3 - Sensors and Actuators
EE 301.3 - Advance Communications (Elective 1)
EE 302.3 - Power Electronics and Applications (Elective 1)
EE 311.3 - Antennas and Propagation
EE 306.3 - VLSI Design
BS 303.3 - Engineering & Socioeconomic Impact (Elective 2)
BS 304.3 - Marketing and Business Economics
CE 401.3 - Network Systems and Technologies
CE403.3 - Intelligent Systems
CE 404.3 - Cloud and Distributed Computing
EE 401.3 - Digital Signal Processing and Machine Vision
BS 402.3 - Enterpreneurship and Innovation
BS 401.3 - Organizational Behaviour and Human Resource Management
ME 403.6 - Engineering Honours Thesis
EE407.3 - Optical Communication & Technologies (Elective 1)
EE408.3 - Satellite and Mobile Communication Technology
ME 407.3 - Industrial Automation (Elective 1)
CE 402.3 - Data Science and Big Data
CE403.3 - Data Analytics & Machine Learning (Elective 1)
BS403.3 - Strategic Management & Public Policy Plaining (Elective 2)
BS 404.3 - Psychology for Engineering
ME 202.3 - Fluid Mechanics
ME 204.3 - Control Engineering
ME 205.3 - Mechatronics I
ME 208.3 - Basic Manufacturing Technologies
ME206.3 - Mechanics of Machines
EE 207.3 - Electrical Machines & Drives 1
ME207.5 - Industry Placement 1
ME 301.3 - Engineering Analysis
ME 303.3 - Modern Manufacturing Technologies
ME 307.3 - Mechatronics II
EE 301.3 - Advance Communications
EE 302.3 - Power Electronics and Applications
ME 405.3 - Mechatronics System Integration
ME406.3 - Manufacturing Process Design
ME 407.3 - Industrial Automation
EE 406.3 - Renewable Energy and Technologies
CE 401.3 - Network System & Technologies (Elective 1)
EE408.3 - Satellite and Mobile Communication
EE407.3 - Optical Communication & Technologies ( Elective 1)
BS403.3 - Strategic Management & Public policy Plaining ( Elective 2)
EE 204.3 - Theory of Electricity
EE 205.3 - Introduction to Power Systems
ME207.5 - Industrial Placement 1
EE 303.3 - High Voltage Engineering
EE 304.3 - Power System Engineering and Analysis
EE 309.3 - Electrical Installations
ME306.3 - Industrial Placement II
ME 302.3 - Robotics (Elective 1)
ME 303.3 - Modern Manufacturing Technologies (Elective 1)
EE 405.3 - Advanced Power System Control and Protection
EE402.3 - Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering
EE403.3 - Power System Planning and Markets
EE404.3 - Intelligent Electricity Networks
CE403.3 - Interlligent Systems (Elective 1)
CE 401.3 - Network System and Technologies (Elective 1)
EE407.3 - Optical Communication & Technologies ( Elective 1)
CE 404.3 - Cloud & Distributed Computing (Elective 1)
BS403.3 - Strategic Management & Public Policy Plaining (Elective 2)
PU CMN 1103 - Introduction to Finance
PU CMN 1206 - Economics for Business II and QT
PU CMN 1210 - Business Law
LCS101SL - English for Academic Purposes 1
LCS100SL - Culture and Society
PU LOG 1207 - Introduction to Logistics
PULOG 1209 - Introduction to Shipping
PU HOS 1207 - Introduction to Tourism and Events
PU HOS 1209 - Food and Beverage Operations
PU HOS 1210 - Front Office and Facilities Operations
PU CMN 1101 - Economics for Business I
PU CMN 1102 - World of Business
PU CMN 1104 - Personal Development
PU CMN 1105 - Organizational Communication
BMG 311SL - Current Issues in Management
BMG 312SL - Organizational Leadership
HRS 302SL - International & Comparative HRM
ABF 302SL - Financial Management & Policy
ABF 318SL - Auditing
BSO 316SL - Opearations Management for Competitive Advantage
MAR 330SL - Port Management & Intermodalism
HTM 310SL - Crisis & Disaster Management in the Hospitality, Tourism & Events Industries
PUSL3103 - Event Innovation
MKT 306SL - Marketing Management
ELC 307SL - English for Global Communication
MKT 302SL - Public Relations
BSO 302SL - Global Enterprise
BSO 300SL - Corporate Strategy
MKT 316SL - International Marketing
ABF 311SL - Advanced Financial Accounting & Reporting
ABF 300SL - Advanced Management Accounting
MAR 312SL - Advanced Logistics Management
MAR 313SL - International Supply Chain Management
HTM 309SL - Contemporary Issues in Tourism
HTM 322SL - Managing Service Innovation
HTM 314SL - Honours Project
MKT 301SL - Contemporary Issues in Marketing
ELC 309SL - English for Professional Practice
BSO 213SL - Enterprise & Innovation
BSO 214SL - Operations Management
MKT 216SL - Business & Market Research
ABF 205SL - Management Accounting
BSO 215SL - International Logistics & Supply Chain Opearations
PUSL2006 - Festivals & Exhibitions
MKT 215SL - Advertising, Brand Management & Marketing Communications
MKT 205SL - Digital Marketing
PUSL 2004 - Business Communication
BSO 212SL - Business Ethics
HRS 204SL - Managing People
BSO 208SL - International Business
ABF 207SL - Taxation
ABF 203SL - Financial Accounting & Reporting
ABF 204SL - Financial Institutions & Markets
MAR 211SL - Principles in Purchasing Management
HTM 215SL - Tourism & Planning Management
PUSL 2007 - Events Planning & Strategy
MKT 201SL - Buyer Behaviour & Relations
MKT 217SL - New Product Development & Marketing Planning
BID 1101 - Introduction to Interior Design I
BID 1102 - Historical and Cultural Influence on Interior Design I
BID 1103 - Design Communication I
BID 1104 - Theory and Practice of Interior Design
BID 1105 - Building Science
BID 1106 - Materials Structural - Building Construction I
BID 1107 - Business English
BID 1201 - Interior Design II
BID 1202 - Historical and Cultural Influence on Interior Design II
BID 1203 - Design Communication II
BID 1204 - Basics of Building Construction
BID 1205 - Digital Communication I
BID 1206 - Materials Interior - Interior Construction and Design II
BID 1207 - Environmental Psychology
BID 2101 - Interior Design III
BID 2102 - Historical and Cultural Influences on Interior Design III
BID 2103 - Design Communication III
BID 2104 - Building Technology I
BID 2105 - Furniture Design
BID 2106 - Digital Communication II
BID 2201 - Interior Design IV
BID 2202 - Professional Practice
BID 2203 - Interior Lighting
BID 2204 - Environmental Studies and Services
BID 2205 - Digital Communication III
BID 2206 - Building Technology II
BID 2207 - Interior Acoustics
BID 3101 - Internship
BID 3102 - Research Methodology and Essay
BID 3103 - Introduction to Interior Design V
BID 3104 - Project Management
BID 3105 - Marketing Management
BID 3201 - Interior Design V
BID 3202 - Advanced Interior Design Practice VI
BID 3203 - Design Management and by Law
PGD BM 5101 - Managing People
PGD BM 5102 - Marketing Management
PGD 5107 - Research Methods
PGD HRM 5103 - Human Resource Development
PGD HRM 5101 - Introduction to HRM and Employee Resourcing
PGD HRM 5102 - Employment Law and Labour Relations
5107 - Marketing Management
5114 - Organizational Behaviour
5117 - Independent Study-RM
5115 - Business Ethics and Sustainability
32041 - Project Management
32022 - Big Data Analytics
5111 - Legal Aspect of Management
5110 - International Buisness Management
5112 - Startegic Management
NIT 3202 - Data Analytics for Cyber Security
BBC 2201 - Corporate Communication Management
BBC 2202 - Law for Communication
BBC 2203 - Communication via Web-based Applications
BBC 2204 - International Business
BBC 2205 - Research Methods for Communication Research
EW19.1 - English for Writing
BAI 3166 - Interior Design
NSBM FP 1101 - Principles of Management & Business
NSBM FP 1102 - Fundamentals of Economics
NSBM FP 1205 - Fundamentals of Mathematics and Quantitative Techniques
NSBM FP 1206 - Fundamentals of Accounting
NSBM FP 1207 - Business Theory & Environment
NSBM FP 1208 - Professional Development
NSBM CFP 1103 - Computer Applications and Programming Fundamentals
NSBM FP 1109 - English and Soft skills Development
NSBM CP 1206 - Quantitative Techniques
NSBM CP 1313 - Fundamentals of Project Management
NSBM CP 1207 - Business Theory and Environment
- Personal and Managerial Effectiveness
NSBM CP 1209 - Introduction to Computer Applications
NSBM FP 1110 - Project Management
MBSA 11012 - Accounting for Decision Making
MBSA 11022 - Business Economics
MBSA 11032 - Enterprise Management
MBSA 11042 - Quantitative Methods for Management
MBSA 11051 - Business Communication
MBSA 12012 - Managing Finance
MBSA 12022 - Human Resources Management
MBSA 12032 - Marketing Management
MBSA 12042 - Managing Operations in Business
MBSA 21012 - Management Information Systems
MBSA 21021 - International Business Management
MBSA 21032 - Legal Aspects for Management
MBSA 21042 - Organizational Behaviour
MBSA 21051 - Strategic Management
MBSA 22012 - Business Ethics and Sustainability
MBSA 22021 - Problem Analysis Methodology
MBSA 22035 - Independent Study
MBA 31011 - Research Workshop 1
MBA 31021 - Research Workshop 2
PGD 5101 - Management Process and Practice
PGD 5102 - Accounting for Decision Making
PGD 5103 - Business Communication
PGD 5104 - Business Statistics
PGD 5105 - Organizational Behavior
PGD 5106 - Economics for Business
PGD HRM 5104 - Human Resource Information Systems
PGD HRM 5105 - Organizational Change and Development
PGD 5108 - Project Report
PGD BM 5103 - Financial Management
PGD BM 5104 - Management Information Systems
PUSL 3113 - Current Issues in Tourism, Hospitality & Events
PUSL 3112 - International Events, Culture & Identity
PUSL 2011 - Special Interest Tourism
BP 001.3 - Computational Thinking
BP 002.2 - English & Communication Skills
BP 003.4 - Foundational Mathematics
NSBM CFP 1206 - Computer Technology
NSBM CFP 1207 - Web Design & Development
NSBM CFP 1208 - Programming in Python
NSBM CFP 1209 - Introduction to Multimedia
NSBM CFP 1210 - ICT Project Management
CS003.2 - English for Communication
MA001.2 - Fundamentals of Mathematics
CS001.4 - Introduction to Programming
CS 002.2 - Introduction to Computer Applications
PUSL3100 - Information Security Management
5101 - Enterprise Management
5101-S - Enterprise Management
5102 - Business Economics
5102-S - Business Economics
5103 - Accounting & Finance
5103-S - Accounting & Finance
5104 - Quantitative Methods for Management
5104-S - Quantitative Methods for Management
5105 - Legal Aspects for Managers
5105-S - Legal Aspects for Managers
5106 - Business Communication (Residential workshop)
5106-S - Business Communication (Residential workshop)
5107 - Human Resource Management
5107-S - Human Resource Management
5108 - Marketing Management
5108-S - Marketing Management
5109 - Managing Operations in Business
5109-S - Managing Operations in Business
5110 - Managing Information system
5110-S - Managing Information system
5111 - Organizational Behaviour
5111-S - Organizational Behaviour
6201 - Research Methodology
6202 - Logistics and Supply Chain Management
6203 - Strategic Cost Analysis
6204 - Strategic Management
6205 - Big Data Analytics
6206 - Organizational leadership and Cross Cultural Management
6207 - Knowledge Managemnt
6208 - Innovation and Entreprenurship
6209 - Strategic Cost Analysis
6210 - Tourism Operations & Destination Development
6211 - Managing Small Scale Enterprises in Tourism
6212 - Coparate Finance
6213 - Strategic Cost Analysis
6214 - Final Thesis
6215 - International Business Practice - Case Study
BBC 1101 - Personal Development
BBC 1102 - English for Professional Purposes I
BBC 1103 - Introduction to Management
BBC 1104 - English for Global Communication
BBC 1105 - ICT for Communication
BBC 1201 - Fundamentals of Communication Studies
BBC 1202 - Professional Communication
BBC 1203 - World of Business
BBC 1204 - English for Professional Purposes II
BBC 1205 - Marketing Communication
BBC 2101 - Intercultural and Interpersonal Communication
BBC 2102 - Advertising
BBC 2103 - Visual Communication
BBC 2104 - Business Ethics
BBC 2105 - Organisational Behaviour and Communication
BScMGT 1207 - Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
BScMGT 1210 - Critical Enabling Skills Training – 3 Months
BScMGT 3104 - Business & Industrial Law
BScLOG 3104 - Inventory & Warehouse Management
MBA 31012 - Logistics and Supply Chain Management
MBA 31022 - Strategic Cost Analysis
MBA 31032 - Innovation and Technology Management
MBA 32022 - Big Data Analytics
MBA 32041 - Project Management
MBA 40015 - Research Report
MBA 41012 - Business Negotiation Skills
MBA 42012 - International Business Practice
PGD 5103 - Business Communication
PGD HRM 5102 - Human Resource Development
PGD HRM 5104 - Organizational Change & Development
Module_Code - Module_Name
MBA 31092 - Innovation and Entrepreneurship
MBA 31102 - Small Business Management
MBA 31052 - Cross Cultural Management
MBA 31062 - Industry and Competitive Analysis
MBA 31082 - Organizational Leadership and Culture
MBA 32052 - Knowledge Management
IBM 2301 - Introduction to International Business Management
IBM 2002 - Chinese
BBC 3201 - Final Project
BBC 3101 - Internship
MGT 1131 - Management Process
MGT 1132 - Business Communication
MGT 1133 - Soft Skills Development
ACF 1131 - Financial Accounting
EDS 1131 - Economics for Managers
NSBM CFP 1103 - Computer Applications and Programming Fundamentals
NSBM FP 1104 - English and Soft Skills Development
NSBM FP 1103 - Project Management
NSBM CFP 1207 - Web Design and Development
NSBM CFP 1210 - ICT Project
CS 003.2 - English for Communication
MA 001.2 - Fundamentals of Mathematics
CS 001.4 - Introduction to Programming
CS 002.2 - Introduction to Computer Applications
PU CMN 1208 - Introduction to Finance
PU CMN 1207 - Organizational Behaviour
PU CMN 1209 - Introduction to Marketing
PU CMN 1211 - Introduction to Logistics
PU CMN 1212 - Introduction to shipping
PU CMN 1214 - Introduction to Tourism and Events
PU CMN 1215 - Food and Beverage operations
PU CMN 1213 - Front office and facilities operations
PU BC 1201 - English for Academic Purpose
PU BC 1202 - Culture and Society
CE405.3 - Modern Technologies for Mobile Application Development
BAO 3403 - Investment and Portfolio Management
MGT 1104 - Introduction to Sustainability Development
EL 101.1 - English for Communication Skills
CS 101.3 - Introduction to Computer Science
CS 102.3 - Programming in C
CS 105.3 - Database Management Systems
EL 101.3 - English for Communication Skills
SE 102.3 - Web Application Development
SE 201.3 - System Analysis and Design
MGT 1234 - Fundamentals of Communication Studies
MGT 1235 - English for Professional Purposes (I)
NSBM CFP 1211 - Network Fundamentals
MBS 5101 - Enterprise Management
MBS 5102 - Business Economics
MBS 5103 - Accounting & Finance
MBS 5104 - Quantitative Methods for Management
MBS 5105 - Legal Aspects for Managers
MBS 5106 - Business Communication
MBS 5107 - Human Resource Management
MBS 5108 - Marketing Management
MBS 5109 - Managing Operations in Business
MBS 5110 - Managing Information Systems
MBS 5111 - Organizational Behaviour
PGD 5105 - Organizational Behaviour
PGDBM 5102 - Marketing Management
PGDBM 5101 - Managing People
PGD BM 5103 - Financial Management
PGD HRM 5101 - Intro to HRM and EMP Resourcing
PGD HRM 5102 - Employment Law & Labour Relations
PGD HRM 5104 - HR Information Systems
MBSA 11051 - Residential Workshop 1
MBSA 22021 - Residential Workshop II-Problem Analysis Methodology
PGDBM 5103 - Financial Management
PGDBM 5104 - Management Information Systems
PCN 11103 - Computer Network Models and Design
PCN 11203 - Routing and Switching
PCN 11303 - Network Planning Implementing and Administration
PCN 12103 - Voice and Telephony Technologies
PCN 12203 - Wireless Communication
PCN 21103 - Service Provider Networks
PCN 21203 - Network Security
PCN 21301 - Research Methods
PCN 22103 - Disaster Recovery and High Availability Techniques
PCN 22301 - Project Report
MM 1014 - Cinemaatography
MM 1019 - Advertising & Media Art
MM 1020 - Multimedia Project Mgt
MM1025 - Multimedia Production
MM1026 - Professional Studies
MM1027 - Visual Effects Production
MM1028 - Research Methodology
MM1029 - Dissertation
MM1030 - Internship
MM1031 - Media Law & Ethics
MM1032 - Entrepreneurship
MM1033 - Final Project
MBS 5105 - Legal Aspect for Managers
MGT 3138 - International Communication
MGT 3139 - Foreign Trade Theory
MTM 3135 - International Marketing and Branding
MGT 31310 - Foreign Direct Investments and MNC corporations
PUSL 2028 - Media Law & Ethics
PUSL 2029 - Psychology of Communication
PUSL 3136 - Crisis Communication
MGT 2133 - Introduction to International Business Management
MGT 2134 - Intercultural & Interpersonal Communication
MGT 2135 - Modern World Literatures
MTM 2133 - Advertising
EDS 2131 - Macroeconomics
MGT 2131 - Human Resources Management
OPL 2131 - Operations Management
MGT 2102 - Professional Development
MIS2001L - Database & Information Resource Management
MIS2005L - Business Analytics
MIS2007L - Digital Business Infrastructure Applications (UCD)
BMGT 3002L - Management of Organizations
MIS3003L - Information Systems Applications
MIS3005L - Information Systems Development
MIS3007L - Digital Business and Social Media Strategy (UCD)
ISAD357SL - Software Development and Project Management
CNET 335SL - Cyber crime and Forensics Investigation
PUSL 2018 - Computer Theory and Statistics for Computing
PUSL 2019 - Information Management and Retrieval
PUSL 2020 - Software Development Tools and Practices
PUSL 2021 - Computing Group Project
PUSL 2022 - Introduction to IOT
PUSL 2023 - Mobile Application Development (NSBM)
PUSL 2024 - Software Engineering 2
PUSL 2025 - Security Architecure and Cryptography
PUSL 2026 - Computer Networks
ACB103 - Introduction to Economics & Accounting
ACB203 - Business Englis
BMO 2000 - Human Resources Management
BMO 2004 - Business Ethics
BMO 2202 - Purchasing and Supply Management
CBC - Chinese for Beginners - Certificate Course
FBC - French for Beginners- Certificate Course
JBC - Japanese for Beginners- Certificate Course
BP 1101 - General Business Knowledge
BP 1102 - Principles of Accounting
BP 1103 - Principles of Economics
BP 1104 - English and Communication Skills
BS 102.3 - Professional English for Engineering
CE 406.3 - Web Architecture and Modern Web Development Technologies
MGT 2231 - Management Information System
MGT 2232 - Organizational Behaviour
OPL 2231 - Logistics Management
EDS 2231 - Business Mathematics and Stat II
LGS 2231 - Business Law
CS 002.2 - Computer Fundamentals
ACC 503.3 - Soft Skills for Personal Development
ACC 303.3 - Introduction to Data and Information Systems
MGT 2234 - Business Ethics
MGT 2235 - Communication via Web-Based Applications
MGT 2236 - Research Methods for Communication Research
EAE - English for Academic Excellence (EAE)
MGT 3234 - International HRM
MGT 32311 - Cross Cultural Management
ACF 3233 - International Financial Management
MTM 3235 - Digital Marketing
PUSL 2048 - Business Research
ME 101.1 - Introductory Design Project
EE 201.1 - Product Development Project
EE 301.1 - Industrial Project
PUSL 3133 - Forensics and Malware
MGT 1132 - Business and Academic Writing
MAT IT ENG - Maths / IT / English
MGTc 1201 - Business Theory and Environment
MGTc 1202 - Introduction to Computer Applications
EDSc 1201 - Quantitative Techniques
DOLc 1201 - Fundamentals of Project Management and MS Project
EDSc 1202 - Introduction to Economics & Accounting
MGTc 1303 - Personal and Managerial Effectiveness (PME)
EMLc 1301 - Business English
BMO 2005 - Innovation and Entrepreneurship
BMO 2002 - Strategic Management
BMO 2181 - Operations Management
BMO 2201 - Distribution Management
BHO 3373 - International Marketing
BMO 3000 - Knowledge Management Practices for Innovative Organization
BMO 3123 - Integrated Supply Chain Management
BMO 3418 - Transport & Logistics Management
MBS 5131 - Management Theory & Practice
MBS 5132 - Business Economics
MBS 5133 - Accounting & Finance
MBS5 125 - Leagal Aspects for Managers
MBS 5116 - Business Comunication
MBS 5134 - Human Resource Management
MBS 5231 - Quantitative Methods for Management
MBS 5232 - Marketing Management
MBS 5233 - Managing Oparations in Business
MBS 5234 - Managing Information System
MBS 5235 - Organizational Behavior
MBAOP 6132 - Managing Service Operations
MBA 62121 - Final Thesis
MBA 6232 - International Business Practice - Case Study
PGD 5131 - Management Process & Practice
PGD 5132 - Accounting for Decision Making
PGD 5113 - Business Comunication
PGD 5134 - Business Statistics
PGD 5135 - Organizational Behavior
PGD 5136 - Econimics for Business
PGD BM 5231 - Managing People
PGD BM 5232 - Marketing Management
PGD 5217 - Research Methods
PGD BM 5233 - Financial Management
PGD BM 5234 - Management Information Systems
PGD 5238 - Project Reports
PGD HRM 5231 - Introduction to HRM &Employee Resourcing
PGD HRM 5232 - Employement Law & Labour Relations
PGD HRM 5233 - Human Resource Development
PGD HRM 5204 - Human Resourse Information Systems
PGD HRM 5205 - Organizational Change & Development
PG 11103 - Management Process & Practice
PG 11203 - Accounting for Decision Making
PG 11301 - Business Comunication
PG 12102 - Business Statistics
PG 12202 - Information Systems Project Management
PG 12303 - Economics for Business
PPM 21103 - Applied project Management
PPM 21203 - Project Risk & Scope Management
PG 21101 - Research Methods
PPM 22103 - Project Finance and Cost Management
PPM 22203 - Project Intergration Management
PPM 22301 - Project Report
PIM 21102 - Operatinal Research
PIM 21202 - Industrial Marketing Management
PIM 21302 - Production & Operation Management
PIM 22302 - Research Methods
PPM 22103 - Industrial Safety & Maintenance Management
PPM 22203 - Industrial Engineering & Quality Management
PIM 22301A - Project Report
PCN 12203 - Wireless Comunication
PHR 22301 - Project Report
PSE 11103 - Advance Computer Programming
PSE 11203 - Design Patterns
PSE 11303 - Human Computer Nteraction
PSE 12103 - Mobile Application Development
PSE 12203 - Advance Database Concepts
PSE 21103 - Service Oriented Architecture
PSE 21203 - Software Project Management
PSE 21301 - Research Methods
PSE 21103 - Software Quality Assuarance/ Software Simultion
PSE 21205 - Project Report
PIM 22103 - Research Methods
SE 309.3 - Software Verification and Validation
IS401.6 - Final Year Project
PGD 5131 - Management Process and Practice
PGD 5113 - Business Communication
PGD 5136 - Economics for Business
PGD 5238 - Project Report
MBS 5131 - Management Theory and Practice
MBS 5133 - Accounting and Finance
MBS 5125 - Legal Aspects for Managers
MBS 5116 - Business Communication
MBS 5233 - Managing Operations in Business
MBS 5234 - Managing Information Systems
MBS 5235 - Organizational Behaviour
MBA 6131 - Research Methodology
MBAEN 6131 - Innovation and Entreprenurship
MBAEN 6132 - Small Business Management
MBA 6132 - Strategic Management
MBA 6133 - Big Data Analytics
MBA 62151 - Final Thesis
MBAMP 6131 - Organizational leadership & Cross Cultural Management
MBAMP 6132 - Knowledge Managemnt
MBAOP 6131 - Logistics and Supply Chain Management
MBAFN 6131 - Coparate Finance
MBAFN 6132 - Strategic Cost Analysis
IS 204.3 - Advanced Database Management Systems
IS 203.3 - Mobile Application Development
MA 301.3 - Advanced Mathematics for Computing
CN 201.3 - Information Assurance and Security
SE 204.3 - Social Issues and Professional Practice
SE 202.3 - Software Process Management
IS 202.3 - Software Quality Assurance
SE305.6 - Internship **
CS 403.3 - Artificial Intelligence
CS 402.3 - Computer Graphics and Visualization
IS401.6 - Research
CN 401.6 - Research Project
CS 401.6 - Research Project
IS401.6 - Research Project
SE306.3 - Research Project
ME207.3 - Industrial Placement I
MA203.3 - Engineering Mathematics IV
CE 403.6 - Engineering Honours Thesis
CE406.3 - Web Architecture and Modern Web Development Technologies
ME 209.3 - Industrial Placement I
EE 207.3 - Electrical Machines and Drives I
EE 304.3 - Power System Engineering Analysis
EE 313.3 - Electrical Machines and Drives II
CE 209.3 - Industrial Placement I
CE 314.3 - Industrial Placement II
CE 301.1 - Industrial Project
EE 209.3 - Industrial Placement I
EE314.3 - Industrial Placement II
EE 403.6 - Engineering Honours Thesis
ME314.3 - Industrial Placement II
ME 301.1 - Industrial Project
MGT 3131 - Strategic Management
MGT 3136 - Public Relations in Practice & Theory
LGS 3131 - Law for Communication
BMO 3332 - Managing Organizational Change
BMO 2203 - E-Supply Chain Management
BMO 3419 - Supply Chain Analytics
MGT 1203 - Academic Writing
LLB 1143 - Leagal Systems
LLB 1141 - Introduction to Law
LLB 1142 - Criminal Law
LLb 1144 - Leagal Research and Writing
LLB 1100 - English for Leagal Studies
SE 303.3 - Service Provider Systems and Networks
DS 206.3 - Ethics in Data Science
DS 205.3 - Data Science in Python
PUSL 2023 - Mobile Application Development
PUSL 2025 - Security Architecture and Cryptography
PUSL 2018 - Computational Theory and Statistics for Computing
NSBM FP 1205 - Fundamentals of Mathematics and QT
DS 305.3 - Advanced Database Management Systems
DS 306.6 - Internship
CS 307.3 - Cloud Computing
DS 307.3 - Machine Learning
DS 308.3 - Big Data Analytics
DS 401.3 - Natural Language Processing
DS 402.3 - Neural Networks
DS 403.3 - Big Data Programming
DS 404.6 - DS Honors Award Project
DS 405.3 - Urban Computing
DS 406.3 - Data Science Trends and Applications
DS 407.3 - Deep Learning
SE 107.3 - Object Oriented Programming with C#
DS 206.3 - Ethics in Data Science
DS 205.3 - Data Science in Python
DS 301.3 - Web Mining
DS 302.3 - Advanced Statistics for Data Science
DS 303.3 - Data Warehousing & Data Mining
DS 304.3 - Data Visualization
CS 103.2 - Personal Development
EL 101.1 - Academic Writing and Communication
NSBM FP 1103 - Computer Applications and Programming Fundamentals
NSBM FP 1101 - Principles of Management and Business
PUSL 3120 - Full-Stack Development
PUSL 3123 - AI and Machine Learning
PUSL 3122 - HCI, Computer Graphics, and Visualization
PUSL 3134 - Software Project Management
PUSL 3119 - Computer Individual Project
PUSL 3121 - Big Data Analytics
PUSL 3131 - Security Operations and Incident Management
PUSL 3132 - Ethical Hacking
PUSL 3129 - Multimedia over IP
PUSL 3130 - Advance Computer Networking Infrastructures
LLB 1245 - Constitutional Law
LLB 1246 - Equity and Trust
LLB 1247 - Family Law
LLB 1248 - Law of Contracts
MTM 2131 - Marketing Management
ACF 2131 - Finance Management
MGT 2107 - Chinese Language
BSO 316SL - Operations Management for Competitive Advantage
MGT 4131 - Research Methodology
MGT 4132 - Leadership for Organizational Change
MGT 4135 - Internationalization of Entrepreneurship and Innovation
LGS 4131 - International Trade Law
EDS 4131 - Sri Lankan Economy and Global Economic Trends
MGT 2233 - English for Professional Purposes (II)
HTM 322 SL - Managing Service Innovation
PU SL 3112 - International Events Culture and Identity
PU SL 3113 - Current Issues in Tourism, Hospitality and Events
PUSL 3112 - International Events Culture and Identity
PUSL 3113 - Current Issues in Tourism, Hospitality and Events
MKT 306 SL - Marketing Management
PU SL 3154 - Marketing Honours Project
ABF 311SL - Advanced Financial Accounting & Reporting
ABF 203SL - Financial Accounting & Reporting
ABF 205SL - Management Accounting
MGT 2232 - Organisational Behaviour
EDS 2231 - Business Mathematics and Stat II
LGS 2231 - Business Law
MGT 2231 - Management Information Systems
MGT 3162 - Industrial Training
PUSL 3154 - Marketing Honours Project
ACF 1231 - Management Accounting
MGT 1231 - Computer Application
OPL 1231 - Introduction to Project Management
EDS 1231 - Business Mathematics and Stat 1
EDS 1232 - Economic History
EDS 1233 - Introduction to Business Analytics
EDS 1234 - Fundamentals of Mathematics
EDS 1235 - Statistics for Analytics I
MGT 2131 - Human Respurce Management
ACF 2131 - Financial Management
EDF 2131 - Macroeconomics
IS 201.3 - Business Processes and ERP
CN 401.6 - CN Honours Award Project
NIT 3171 - ICT Business Analytics and Data Visualization
NEF 3001 - Applied Project 1
NEF 3002 - Applied Project 2
DS 201.3 - Introduction to Data Science
DS 203.3 - Statistics for Data Science
DS 202.3 - Data Programming with R
MGT 1232 - Business Environment
CN 403.3 - Intrusion Prevention, Detection, and Response
Mod Code - Mod Name
PU CMN 1206 - Quantitative Techniques
OPL 1231 - Introduction to Project
EDS 1231 - Business Mathematics
MGT 1236 - ICT for Communication
MTM 1234 - Marketing Communication
BLO 3405 - Law of Financial Institutuions and Securities
BEO 2401 - Risk Management & Insurance
BEO 2001 - Commercial banking and Finance
BLO 3405 - Law of financial Institutions and securities
BEO 2401 - Risk management and Insurance
EDS 1231 - Business Mathematics and Stat I
BMO 2000 - Human Resource Management
BMO 2202 - Purchasing and Supply Chain Management
MBAMp 6132 - Knowlegdge Management
MBATo 6131 - Tourism Operations & Destination Development
MBATo 6132 - Managing Small Acale Enterprise in Tourism
Code - Name
ACF 3131 - Advanced Financial Accounting
ACF 3132 - Corporate Finance
ACF 3133 - Investment and Portfolio Management
ACF 3135 - Accounting & Financial Modeling and Forecasting
MGT 2207 - French Language
MGT 3134 - Employee Resourcing
MGT 3135 - Human Resources Development
MGT 3133 - Industrial Relations
BMS 1111 - Laboratory Practice and Safety
BMS 1132 - General Chemistry
BMS 1125 - Biomolecules
BMS 1124 - Cell Biology
BMS 1117 - Personality Development
BMS 1136 - Anatomical Planes and Sections
BMS 1128 - General and Professional English
BMS 1133 - Human Physiology I
BMS 1231 - General Instrumentation
BMS 1232 - General Microbiology
BMS 1233 - Human Anatomy II
BMS 1234 - Human Physiology II
BMS 1235 - Organic Chemistry
BMS 1226 - Genetics
BMS 1217 - Psychology
BMS 2121 - Biochemistry
BMS 2132 - General Pathology
BMS 2133 - Principles of Analytical Chemistry
BMS 2134 - Human Parasitology
BMS 2135 - Immunobiology
BMS 2117 - Basic Mathematics
BMS 2136 - Molecular Biology
BMS 2225 - Biostatistics
BMS 2221 - Metabolism
BMS 2232 - Human Diseases I
BMS 2233 - Toxicology
BMS 2234 - Clinical Biochemistry
BMS 2216 - Information Technology
BMS 3131 - Clinical Nutrition
BMS 3132 - Molecular Pharmacology
BMS 3133 - Haematology
BMS 3134 - Human Diseases II
BMS 3135 - Diagnostic Pathology
BMS 3136 - Research Methodology
BMS 3231 - Transfusion Medicine
BMS 3232 - Clinical Microbiology
BMS 3233 - Medical Bioinformatics
BMS 3234 - Genomic and Precision Medicine
BMS 3225 - Research Bioethics
BMS 3246 - Laboratory/ Industrial Training Module
BMS 4131 - Advanced Instrumentation
BMS 4162 - Research Project
BMS 4133 - Medical Physics
BMS 4134 - Laboratory Quality Assurance and Accreditation
BMS 4125 - Drug Development and Clinical Trials
BMS 4231 - Basics in Nanobiotechnology
BMS 4232 - Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine
BMS 4233 - Laboratory Quality and Control Management
BMS 4234 - Cancer Biology and Diagnostics
BMS 4235 - Applied Recombinant Technology
BHCS 1004 - Introduction to Human Pathology
BHCS 1006 - Infection and Immunity
BHCS 1011 - Study Skills and Personal DevelopmentÂ
BHCS 1012 - Workshop and Seminars
NUR 1151 - Fundamentals of Nursing I
NUR 1122 - Applied Sociology and Anthropology
NUR 1133 - Human Physiology I
NUR 1124 - Applied Nutrition and Dietetics
NUR 1125 - Biomolecules
NUR 1136 - Anatomical Planes and Sections
NUR 1128 - General and Professional English
NUR 1117 - Personality Development
NUR 1261 - Fundamentals of Nursing (Practical)
NUR 1212 - Communication Skills in Nursing
NUR 1233 - Human Anatomy II
NUR 1234 - Human Physiology II
NUR 1235 - Pathology
NUR 1226 - Applied psychology
NUR 1227 - Microbiology
NUR 1228 - Biochemistry
PUSL 2053 - Fundamentals of Nursing II
PUSL 2054 - Pharmacology
PUSL 2055 - Adult Health Nursing I
PUSL 2056 - Adult Health Nursing II
PUSL 2057 - Child Health Nursing
PUSL 2058 - Midwifery Obstetric and Gynecological Nursing
PUSL 3161 - Developing Nursing Practice
PUSL 3162 - Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing
PUSL 3127 - Leadership and Professional practice
PUSL 3164 - Transition to professional practice
PUSL 3165 - Nursing Research
PUSL 3163 - Community Health Nursing
PSY 1141 - Science of Learning
PSY 1142 - Fundamentals in Psychological Science
PSY 1143 - Debates in Psychology
PSY 1117 - Personality Development
PSY 1128 - General and Professional English
PSY 1241 - Psychology of Relationships
PSY 1242 - Topics in Psychology
PSY 1243 - Connecting Psychology
FNS 0141 - Fundamentals in Biology
FNS 0142 - Fundamentals in Chemistry I
FNS 0123 - Fundamentals in Physics
NSBM FP 1103 - omputer Applications and Programming Fundamentals
FNS 0241 - Genetics and Human Biology
FNS 0222 - Fundamentals in Psychology
FNS 0223 - Academic Writing
FNS 0224 - Communication and Presentation Skills
FNS 0225 - Technological Skills
FNS 0236 - Fndamentals in Chemistry II
PHN 1111 - Laboratory Practice and Safety
PHN 1132 - General Chemistry
PHN 1125 - Biomolecules
PHN 1124 - Cell Biology
PHN 1117 - Personality Development
PHN 1136 - Anatomical Planes and Sections
PHN 1128 - General and Professional English
PHN 1133 - Human Physiology I
PHN 1231 - General Instrumentation
PHN 1232 - General Microbiology
PHN 1233 - Human Anatomy II
PHN 1234 - Human Physiology II
PHN 1235 - Organic Chemistry
PHN 1226 - Genetics
PHN 1217 - Psychology
PHN 2121 - Biochemistry
PHN 2132 - General Pathology
PHN 2133 - Principles of Analytical Chemistry
PHN 2134 - Human Parasitology
PHN 2135 - Immunobiology
PHN 2117 - Basic Mathematics
PHN 2136 - Molecular Biology
PHN 2225 - Biostatistics
PHN 2221 - Metabolism
PHN 2232 - Human Diseases I
PHN 2233 - Toxicology
PHN 2234 - Clinical Biochemistry
PHN 2216 - Information Technology
PHN 3131 - Pharmacology I
PHN 3132 - Basics of Human Nutrition
PHN 3133 - Pathology II
PHN 3134 - Human Diseases II
PHN 3135 - Nutrition and Life Cycle
PHN 3136 - Research Methodology
PHN 3231 - Pharmacology II
PHN 3232 - Food and Food Analysis
PHN 3233 - Nutritional Product Development
PHN 3234 - Nutrition and Chronic Diseases
PHN 3225 - Research Bioethics
PHN 3246 - Industrial Training Module
PHN 4131 - Nutrition and Public Health
PHN 4162 - Research Project
PHN 4133 - Epidemiology
PHN 4241 - Health Education
PHN 4242 - Environmental and Occupational Health
PHN 4234 - Global Health
PHN 4225 - Public Health Microbiology
PHN 4236 - Cancer Biology
PHN 4233 - Nutraceutical Development
BMS 1136 - Anotomical planes and sections
FNS 0133 - Physics and Applied Mathematics
FNS 0134 - Principles of Management
FNS 0125 - General English
FNS 0236 - Fundamentals in Chemistry II
MGT 4361 - Dissertation
MGT 4201 - Dissertation
MGT 3233 - Reward Management
IS 304.3 - Business Analysis and Product Management
IS 303.2 - Research Methodology
SE 305.4 - Internship
IS 301.3 - Contemporary Topics in IS
ACF 3231 - Taxation
ACF 3232 - Financial Reporting and Disclosure
BS 201.3 - Engineering Ethics & Industrial Law
MA 202.3 - Engineering Mathematics IV
EE 207.3 - Electrical Machines & Drives I
ME 105.3 - Instrumentation & Control Principles
EE 102.3 - Communication Systems & Networks
CE 102.3 - Computer Architecture & Organization
ME 101.3 - Introductory Mechanics & Fluids
CE 307.3 - Digital Design & Embedded Systems
BS 302.3 - Engineering Project Management & Costing Accounting
CE 305.3 - Programming Languages & Compiler Designing
ME 304.3 - Sensors & Actuators
EE 301.3 - Advanced Communications
EE 302.3 - Power Electronics & Applications
EE 311.3 - Antennas & Propagation
BS 303.3 - Engineering & Socioeconomic Impact
BS 304.3 - Marketing & Business Economics
EE 313.3 - Electrical Machines & Drives II
EE 304.3 - Power System Engineering & Analysis
MGT 4234 - Business Ethics and CSR
MGT 4235 - Global Strategy
MGT 4236 - Contemporary Issues in International Business
MGT 4261 - Dissertation
NSBM CP 1502 - Basic Rendering Techniques
NSBM CP 1505 - Design Fundamentals
NSBM CP 1506 - Nature Studies
NSBM CP 1508 - Art, Design & Culture
BID 1106 - Materials - Structural - Building Construction I
BID 3103 - Introduction to Interior Design V
QS 1100 - Measurement Workshop
BLDG 402 - Principles of Economics and Management
BLDG 406 - Fundamentals of Construction
CIVL 102 - Construction Materials and Site Surveying
BLDG 409 - Digital Built Environment
BLDG 405 - Built Environment Project 1
BLDG 407 - Building Physics
PUSL 2012 - Transdisciplinary Design
PUSL 2013 - Design Studies and Communication
PUSL 2014 - Building Scince and Technology
PUSL 2015 - Spatial and Interior Integrated Skills
PUSL 2016 - Advance Design Practices
PUSL 2017 - Creative Career Development
PUSL 3114 - Internship
PUSL 3115 - Research Methodology
PUSL 3116 - Market Assessment and Project Management
PUSL 3117 - Interior Design Consolidation
PUSL 3118 - Comprehensive Design Project
BID 1206 - Materials - Interior - Interior Construction and Design II
IS 305.3 - Contemporary Topics in IS
NSBM QS 1201 - Construction Fundamentals
NSBM QS 1202 - Fundamentals of Project Management
NSBM QS 1203 - Drawing Fundamnetals
NSBM QS 1204 - Communication Skills
MGT 3237 - Critical Thinking
MGT 3238 - Social Media Management
MGT 3239 - Corporate Communication Management
LOG 4503 - Modelling in Transportation Logistics
IND 4503 - Advance Operations Management
PRO 4503 - Project HRM
PRO 4504 - Project Monitoring Control Evaluation and Termination
MGT 3136 - Public Relations in Practice &Theory
OPL 3237 - Innovation and New product Development
PUSL 2024 - Software Engineering 02
TSD-INTRO - TSD-Introductory Session
TSD-ENG - TSD-English
TSD-PD - TSD-Personal Development
TSD-TECH - TSD-Technical Session
PU CMN 1206 - Macroeconomics
PU CMN 1207 - Organization Behaviour
MGT 3233 - Industrial Training
MKT 215SL - Advertising Brand Management and Mkt
PUSL 2059 - Biology of Disease
PUSL 2060 - Evidence Based Practice in Biomedical Science
PUSL 2061 - Genetic Continuity and Diversity
PUSL 2062 - Cell Biology in Health and Disease
PUSL 2063 - Clinical Haematology and Biochemistry Â
PUSL 2064 - Infection, Immunity and Disease
PUSL 2065 - Preparation for Internship
PUSL 3166 - Personal Research Project
PUSL 3169 - Cellular Basis of Immunity
PUSL 3170 - Current Developments in Biomedical Science
PUSL 3168 - Specialist Biochemistry and Screening
PUSL 3167 - Clinical Microbiology
PUSL 3171 - Internship
PUSL 3190 - Computing Individual Project
PUSL 3120 - Full Stack Development
PUSL 3131 - Security Operation and Incident Management
PUSL 3133 - Digital Forensics and Malware Analysis
ABF 207 SL - Taxation
BSO 214 SL - Operations Management
PUSL 2042 - Research Skills in Practice 1
PUSL 2044 - Individual Differences, Social, & Developmental Psychology
PUSL 2047 - Applied Psychology
PUSL 2043 - Research Skills in Practice 2
PUSL 2045 - Cognitive and Biological Psychology
PUSL 2046 - Health & Wellbeing
PUSL 3149 - Current Topics in Psychology 1
PUSL 3150 - Current Topics in Psychology 2
PUSL 3151 - Advances in Psychology
PUSL 3152 - Internship
PUSL 3153 - Research Project
PUSL 2048 - Business Research
BSO 215SL - International Logistics & Supply Chain
BLDG 501 - Technology of Large and Innovative Building
BLDG 506 - Contract Procedure
BLDG 511 - Building Services Engineering
BLDG 508 - Built Environment Project 2
BLDG 604 - Building and Property Law
BLDG 603 - Sustainable and Safe Construction
BLDG 611 - Research Methods in the Built Environment
BLDG 612 - Dissertation Project
BLDG 614 - Quantity Surveying Professional Practice
BLDG 609 - Built Environemnt Project 3
EDS 1231 - Business Mathematics & Stat I
PUSL 3135 - Business Writing
NAH 1111 - Laboratory Practice and Safety
NAH 1117 - Personality Development
NAH 1124 - Cell Biology
NAH 1125 - Biomolecules
NAH 1128 - General and Professional English
NAH 1132 - General Chemistry
NAH 1133 - Human Physiology I
NAH 1136 - Anatomical Planes and Sections
ACE 0001 - Physics
ACE 0002 - Mathematical Methods
ACE 0003 - Applied Mathematics
PHYS 050 - Physics I
MATH 051 - Mathematical Methods I
MATH 058 - Applied Mathematics
ENGR 103 - Engineering Science (ENGR103)
ENGR 104 - Engineering Mathematics (ENGR104)
ENGR 104 - Engineering Mathematics
BID 1100 - Design Fundamentals
CREST CMN 01 - Capacity Enhancement
CREST CMN 02 - Law for Life
CREST MGT 01 - Fundamentals of HRM
CREST MGT 02 - Fundamentals of Logistics & Project Management
CREST MGT 03 - Fundamentals of Industrial Management
CREST IB 01 - Business in Global Context
CREST_BC_01_Crisis Communication -
CREST_LLB_01_English for Academic Purpos -
CREST ACC 01 - Fundamentals of Accounting
CREST LAW 01 - Law for Life
BAO 2001 - Corporate Finance
BSK 2001 - My Professional Brand
BEO 2255 - Applied Statistics for Business
BEO 2000 - Financial Institutions & Monetory Theory
BAO 3404 - Credit and Lending Decision
BAO 2007 - International Finance
BEO 3000 - Risk Management Models
BLO 2206 - Taxation Law and Practice
QS 1101 - Professional Communication Workshop
EDS 1131 - Microeconomics
EML 1131 - Academic and Business Writing
NIT 2122 - Server Administration and Management
NIT 2141 - Digital Forensics and Ethical Hacking
NIT 2103 - Cloud Computing
BMO 3002 - Knowledge Management
BHO 3373 - International Marketing
BMO 3008 - Strategic Supply Chain Management
BMO 3007 - Global Transport and Distribution Mnagement
CE 401.3 - Network Systems & Technologies
CE 404.3 - Cloud & Distributed Computing
EE 401.3 - Digital Signal Processing & Machine Vision
BS 402.3 - Entrepreneurship & Innovation
CE 402.3 - Data Science & Big Data Analytics
EE 405.3 - Advanced Power System Control & Protection
ACF 1131 - Financial Accounting I
MGT 3266 - Industrial Training
MGT 1235 - English for Professional Purposes I
MGT 2136 - Visual Communication
MGT 2233 - English for Professional Purposes II
MGT 3137 - English for Global Communication
MGT 32610 - Final Project
QS 2101 - Quantity Surveying Practices
Module Code - Name
PGD HRM 5231 - Introduction to HRM and Employee Resourcing
PGD HRM 5232 - Employment Law and Labour Relations
PGD HRM 5204 - Human Resource Information Systems
PGD HRM 5205 - Organizational Change and Development
BS 102.3 - Professional English for Engineering
BS 401.3 - Organizational Behaviour & Human Resource Management
EE407.3 - Optical Communication & Technologies
EE408.3 - Satellite & Mobile Communication Technology
CE406.3 - Web Architecture & Modern Web Development Technologies
BS403.3 - Strategic Management & Public Policy Planning
EE402.3 - Advances in Electrical & Electronic Engineering
EE403.3 - Power System Planning & Markets
EE 406.3 - Renewable Energy & Technologies
BS 401.3 - Organizational Behaviour & Human Resources Management
CE 401.3 - Network System & Technologies
MBAMP 6131 - Organizational Leadership and Cross-Cultural Management
MBAFN 6131 - Corporate Finance
OPL 3134 - Production Planing and Control
OPL 3135 - Maintenance Management
OPL 3131 - Port Operations and Management
OPL 3132 - Inventory & Warehouse Management
OPL 3133 - Procument Management
OPL 3136 - Scope Management
OPL 3137 - Time Management
OPL 3138 - Business Analysis
ACF 3133 - Investment Portfolio Management
ACF 3135 - Financial Modeling and Forecasting (Elective)
ABF 300 SL - Advanced Management Accounting
ABF 302 SL - Financial Management & Policy
MGT 4142 - Leadership for Organizational Change
MGT 3231 - International Business Management
MGT 3232 - Industrial Health and Safety
OPL 4145 - Project Estimation and Cost Management
OPL 4146 - Project Risk and Quality Management
OPL 4147 - Project Portfolio Management
OPL 4141 - Strategic Quality Management and Lean Six Sigma
OPL 4142 - Import and Export Management Related to Logistics
OPL 4143 - Operational Research
OPL 4144 - Industrial Engineering
IS 406.3 - Enterprise Architecture
FNS 0223 - Academic Writing
FNS 0224 - Communication and Presentation Skills
FNS 0227 - Research Methods in Psychology
NSBM FP 1101 - Principles of Management and Business (24.1)
NSBM FP 1104 - English and Soft Skills Development (24.1)
NSBM FP 1205 - Fundamentals of Mathematics and Quantitative Techniques (24.1)
NSBM FP 1103 - Computer Applications and Programming Fundamentals (24.1)
EDS 2133 - Introduction to Information systems
EDS 2132 - Mathematics for Economics I
LLB 2141 - Law of Property
LLB 2142 - Commercial Law
LLB 2143 - Negotiations
LLB 2144 - International Law
EML 2131 - Intercultural & Interpersonal Communication
EML 2132 - Modern World Literature
ACF 2132 - Financial Revenue Management
BSO 316 SL - Operations Management for Comp Adv (21.1/21.2)
BMG 312SL - Organisational Leadership
FDCN 01 - Fundamentals of Data Communication and Networking
FITS 02 - Fundamentals of IT security
FCSNS 03 - Fundamentals of Computer Systems and Network Services
ECS 04 - Essentials for Cyber Security
ABF 203 SL - Financial Accounting and Reporting (22.1/22.2)
ABF 204 SL - Financial Institution & Markets (22.1/22.2)
ABF 205 SL - Management Accounting (22.1/22.2)
PUSL 3124 - Study skills and Professional Values
PUSL 3125 - Understanding Evidence to Inform Clinical Decision
PUSL 3126 - Clinical Decision Making in Healthcare Practice
PUSL 3128 - Independent Study
PUSL 1004 - Contract Law
PUSL 1005 - Family Law
PUSL 1006 - Public Law
PUSL 2076 - Data Programming in R
PUSL 2077 - Data Science in Python
PUSL 2078 - Statistics for Data Science
PUSL 2052 - Business Process and ERP
PUSL 2079 - Topics in Business Analytics and Intelligence
BLDG 510 - Property Development and Refurbishment
BLDG 514 - Quantity Surveying Principles
PUSL 2030 - Construction Technology
PUSL 2034 - Building Services Engineering
PUSL 2031 - Contract Procedures
PUSL 2032 - Common Challenge: Built Environment
OPL 3233 - Computer Integrated Manufacturing
MGT 3235 - Innovation and New product Development
OPL 3231 - Aviation Operations and Management
LGS 3231 - Maritime Law in Logistics
OPL 3232 - Supply Chain Management
OPL 3236 - Agile Project Management
OPL 3235 - Project Information Systems and Management Applications
OPL 3234 - Project Procurement and Contract Management
PUSL 2028 - Media,Law and Ethics
NSBM FP 1101 - Principles of Management and Business (24.2)
NSBM FP 1104 - English and Soft Skills Development (24.2)
NSBM FP 1205 - Fundamentals of Mathematics and Quantitative Techniques (24.2)
NSBM FP 1103 - Computer Applications and Programming Fundamentals (24.2)
OPL 3131 - Port Operations and Management
NAH 1217 - Psychology
NAH 1226 - Genetics
NAH 1231 - General Instrumentation
NAH 1232 - General Microbiology
NAH 1233 - Human Anatomy II
NAH 1234 - Human Physiology II
NAH 1235 - Organic Chemistry
NAH 2117 - Basic Mathematics
NAH 2121 - Biochemistry
NAH 2132 - General Pathology
NAH 2133 - Principles of Analytical Chemistry
NAH 2134 - Human Parasitology
NAH 2135 - Immunobiology
NAH 2136 - Molecular Biology
NAH 2216 - Information Technology
NAH 2221 - Metabolism
NAH 2225 - Biostatistics
NAH 2232 - Human Diseases I
NAH 2233 - Toxicology
NAH 2234 - Clinical Biochemistry
NAH 3131 - Pharmacology I
NAH 3132 - Basics of Human Nutrition
NAH 3133 - Pathology II
NAH 3134 - Human Diseases II
NAH 3135 - Nutrition and Life Cycle
NAH 3136 - Research Methodology
NAH 3225 - Research Bioethics
NAH 3231 - Pharmacology II
NAH 3232 - Food and Food Analysis
NAH 3233 - Nutritional Product Development
NAH 3234 - Nutrition and Chronic Diseases
NAH 3246 - Industrial Training Module
NAH 4131 - Nutrition and Public Health
NAH 4133 - Epidemiology
NAH 4162 - Research Project
NAH 4225 - Public Health Microbiology
NAH 4233 - Nutraceutical Development
NAH 4234 - Global Health
NAH 4236 - Cancer Biology
NAH 4241 - Health Education
NAH 4242 - Environmental and Occupational Health
BHCS 1011 - Study Skills and Personal Development
PUSL 2063 - Clinical Haematology and Biochemistry
MKT 201 SL - Buyer Behaviour & Relationships
MKT 201SL - Buyer Behaviour & Relationships
MKT 217 SL - New Product Development and Marketing Planning
MKT 217SL - New Product Development and Marketing Planning
NUR 1141 - Fundamentals of Nursing I
NUR 1142 - Human Anatomy and Physiology I
NUR 1143 - Applied Psychology, Sociology and Communication Skills
NUR 1244 - Human Anatomy and Physiology II
NUR 1245 - Applied Nutrition and Dietetics and Biochemistry
NUR 1246 - Microbiology and Pathology
NUR 1247 - Fundamentals of Nursing I (Practical)
CS 102.3 - Programming Fundamentals
SE 103.3 - Systems Analysis and Design
ACF 4141 - Advanced Management Accounting
ACF 4142 - Auditing and Professional Practice
ACF 4143 - Business Valuation
MGT 1131 - Principles of Management
HTM 215SL - Tourism and Planning Management
PUSL 2011 - Special Interest in Tourism
PUSL 3103 - Event Innovation
PU BC 1201 - English for Academic Purposes
EDS 1231 - Business Statitics I
EDS 1232 - Economics History
EML 1203 - Academic Writing
PHS 11101 - Laboratory Practice and Safety
PHS 11107 - Chemistry Elementary Laboratory
PHS 11108 - Basic Mathematics
PHS 11109 - Personality Development
PHS 11202 - General Chemistry
PHS 11203 - Human Physiology I
PHS 11204 - Cell Biology
PHS 11205 - Biomolecules
PHS 11206 - Anatomical Planes and Sections
PHS 11210 - General and Professional English
PHS 12107 - Analytical Chemistry Laboratory
PHS 12108 - Information Technology
PHS 12109 - Psychology
PHS 12110 - Mathematics 2
PHS 12202 - Pharmaceutical Analytical Chemistry
PHS 12203 - Human Anatomy II
PHS 12204 - Human Physiology II
PHS 12301 - General Instrumentation
PHS 12305 - Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry
PHS 12306 - Pharmaceutics I
CS 104.3 - Computer Architechture
ENGR 101 - Engineering Design
ENGR 102 - Engineering Practice and Experimental Techniques
ENGR 105 - Engineering Mechanics and Structures
ENGR 106 - Engineering Materials
PROJ 100 - Embedded System Design and Build
ELEC 144 - Electrical priciples and machines
EML 1231 - Fundamentals of Communication Studies
EML 1232 - English for Professional Purposes (I)
ACF 1232 - Financial Accounting II
ACF 1233 - Financial Management
CIVL 102 - Construcion Materials and Site Surveying
BLDG 405 - Built Environment Project
PHYS 051 - Physics 2
MATH 053 - Mathematical methods 2
ELEC 051 - Electronics
ACS 0031 - Biology
ACS 0032 - Chemistry
ACS 0033 - Physics
DESC 1102 - Design Fundamentals
DESC 1105 - Basic Drafting and Presentation Techniques
DESC 1101 - Drawing Fundamentals
DESC 1104 - Design Culture & Society
BAO 3403 - Investment Portfolio Management
BAO 3000 - Personal Financial Planning
BPD 3100 - Applied Business Challenge (Common)
BEO 2008 - Banking Law
BEO 2012 - Financial Modelling for Entreprise Risk Management
ABF 311 SL - Advanced Financial Accounting & Reporting (21.1/21.2)
ABF 318 SL - Auditing (21.1/21.2)
NSBM CFP 1208 - Programming in C
NSBM FP 1106 - Fundamentals of Accounting
NSBM FP 1107 - Business Theory & Environment
NSBM FP 1108 - Professional Development
BMO 3332 - Managing Organisational Change
BMO 2013 - Digital Supply Chain Management
BSK 3000 - Professional Business Project
BMO 2014 - Leadership
BMO 2012 - Procurement and Supply Management
BMO 2008 - Digital Business
NIT 2241 - Cyber Law Policy and Professional Ethics
NIT 2242 - Data Privacy and Cyber Physical Systems Security
BMO 3010 - Entrepreneurial Venture Scale Up
NSBM CP 1100 - Library Session
IS 405.6 - Computer Network Award Project
CN 406.3 - Disaster Recovery and High Availability Techniques
IS 405.6 - Computer Network Award Project
ACP EDS 101 - Basic Mathematics
ACP EML 102 - Critical Thinking for Academic Literacy
ACP EDS 103 - Introduction to Economics
ACP MGT 104 - Out-bound Training
ACF 4231 - Advanced Accounting Theory
ACF 4232 - Financial Statement Analysis
ACF 4233 - Strategic Management Accounting
BSC MM 1001 - Concept Development
BSC MM 1002 - World of Multimedia
BSC MM 1003 - Computing Fundamentals
BSC MM 1004 - Drawing
BSC MM 1005 - Design Principles 1
BSC MM 1006 - Typography Design
MGT 1104 - Introduction to Sustainability
MBS 5116 - Business Communication (Residential Woekshop)
MBS5 125 - Legal Aspects for Managers
MGT 2232 - Organizational Behavior
EDS 2231 - Business Statistics II
EDS 2232 - Managerial Economics
EDS 2233 - Data visualization using Tableau
EDS 2234 - R for Business Analytics
EDS 2235 - Statistics for Analytics II
EDS 2236 - Introduction to enterprise Systems
EML 2231 - English for Professional Purposes (II)
EML 2232 - Communication via Web-Based Applications
EML 2233 - Research Methods for Communication Research
LLB 2245 - Law of Evidence
LLB 2246 - Administrative Law
LLB 2247 - Employment Law
LLB 2248 - Interpretation of Statutes
EML 2207 - French Language
MBS 5116 - Business Communication (Residential Workshop)
MBAEN 6131 - Innovation and Entrepreneurship
MBAMP 6132 - Knowledge Management
MBAOP 6132 - Managing Service Operation
MBATo 6132 - Managing Small Scale Enterprises in Tourism
PCN 11103 - Computer Network Models and Design
PCN 11203 - Routing and Switching
PCN 12103 - Voice & Telephony Technologies
PCN 22103 - Disaster Recovery & High Availability Techniques
PCN 22301 - Project Reports
PGD 5135 - Organizational Behaviour
PGD HRM 5231 - Introduction to HRM & Employee Resourcing
PGD HRM 5232 - Employment Law & Labour Relations
MGT 4143 - Performance Management
MGT 4144 - Work Psychology and Counselling
MTM 2132 - Tourism Planning & Development
MTM 2231 - Social Etiquette and Professional Development for Tourism
MTM 2232 - Resources, Recreation & Tourism
MTM 2233 - Service Quality Management
MTM 2234 - Tourism, Hospitality and Event Marketing
MTM 2235 - Housekeeping & Accommodation Operations
MTM 3131 - Tourism and Sustainable Development
MTM 3132 - Entrepreneurship in Tourism Hospitality & Events
MTM 3133 - Sustainable Tourism Principles and Practices
MTM 3134 - MICE Tourism
LGS 3232 - Legal Environment of Tourism, Hospitality and Events
MTM 3231 - Project Management in Tourism
MTM 3232 - Crisis and Disaster Management in Tourism
MTM 3233 - Travel and Tour Agency Operations
MTM 3234 - E Commerce for Tourism
MTM 4141 - Cultural Diversity in Tourism, Hospitality and Event Management
MTM 4142 - Sustainable Event Management
MTM 4143 - Aviation and Airport Operations
LSC 1111 - Laboratory Practice and Safety
LSC 1132 - General Chemistry
LSC 1133 - Human Physiology
LSC 1124 - Cell Biology
LSC 1125 - Biomolecules
LSC 1136 - Anatomical Planes and Sections
LSC 1117 - Personality Development
LSC 1128 - General and Professional English
PHS 1121 - General Chemistry
PHS 1122 - Human Physiology I
PHS 1123 - Anatomical Planes and Sections
PHS 1114 - Chemistry Elementary Laboratory
PHS 1115 - Basic Mathematics
NUR 1143 - Applied Psychology, Sociology, and Communication Skills
PUSL 2053 - Fundamentals of Nursing 2
PUSL 2054 - Pharmocology
PUSL 2056 - Adult Health Nursing 2
PUSL 2058 - Midwifery, Obstetrics and Gynaecological Nursing
PUSL 3162 - Psychiatric & Mental health nursing
CS 103.2 - Personal Development
PHYS 049 - Physics Laboratory 1
ENGR 103 - Engineering Science
ELEC 142 - Analogue Electronics
ELEC 141 - Digital Electronics
BSC MM 1013 - Photography
BSC MM 1014 - Cinematography
BSC MM 1015 - 3D Design 1
BSC MM 1016 - Game Design
BSC MM 1017 - Video Editing and Production
BSC MM 1018 - Interactive Design
BSC MM 1007 - Illustration
BSC MM 1008 - Story Telling and Script Writing
BSC MM 1009 - Art, Design and Society
BSC MM 1010 - Animation Studies
BSC MM 1011 - Digital Imagine
BSC MM 1012 - Multimedia Imagine
ACE 0004 - Professional Communication
BAI 1100 - Referrals
NSBM QS 1205 - Mathematics Fundamentals
BSC MM 1019 - Advertising and Media Art
BSC MM 1020 - Multimedia Project Management
BSC MM 1021 - 3D Design 2
BSC MM 1022 - Web Design
BSC MM 1023 - Design Principles 2
BSC MM 1024 - Visual Communication
BSC MM 1025 - Multimedia Production
BSC MM 1026 - Professional Studies
BSC MM 1027 - Visual Effects Production
BSC MM 1028 - Research Methodology
BSC MM 1029 - Dissertation
BSC MM 1008 - Story Telling & Script Writing
BSC MM 1011 - Digital Imaging
BSC MM 1012 - Multimedia Imaging
BSC MM 1030 - Internship
BSC MM 1031 - Media Law & Ethics
BSC MM 1032 - Entrepreneurship
BSC MM 1033 - Final Project
BSO 300 SL - Corporate Strategy
MGT 1233 - Academic Writing
BLDG 402 - Principles of Economic and Management
NSBM SR 1100 - Self Reflection
MSC 5101 - Problem Solving and Programming
MSC 5102 - Software Development Paradigms and Processes
MSC 5103 - Systems Analysis and Design
MSC 5201 - Data Communication and Computer Networks
MSC 5202 - Web and Mobile Application Development
MSC 5203 - Governance and Management in ICT
MSC 5204 - Intergrated Project
MBATo 6132 - Managing Small Scale Enterprise in Tourism
PUSL 2019 - Informational Management and Retreieval
PUSL 2018 - Computational Theory and Statistics for Computing
LLB 1143 - Legal Systems
LLB 1144 - Introduction to Legal Research and Writing
MKT 215SL - Advertising Brand Management & Mkt Comms
PUSL 2066 - Property Law
PUSL 2067 - Tort Law
PUSL 2068 - European Law
BSO 300SL - Corporate Stratergy
PUSL 2086 - Engineering Mathematics and Statistics
PUSL 2087 - Real Time Systems Project
PUSL 2082 - Introduction to Robotics
PUSL 2092 - Civil Engineering Practice
PUSL 2093 - Structural Analysis and Design 1
PUSL 2094 - Geotechnical Engineering 1
PUSL 2095 - Engineering Analysis
PUSL 2080 - Materials and Structural Integrity
PUSL 2081 - Manufacturing Processes
PUSL 2083 - Engineering Mathematics and Control
PUSL 2088 - Communication Systems
BSO 215SL - International Logistics and Supply Chain
BSO 214 SL - Opernations Management
PUSL 2031 - Contract Procedure
PUSL 2032 - Common Challenge : and Built Environment
PUSL 3190 - Computing Project
PUSL 3159 - Entreprise, Innovations and Creativity
PUSL 3189 - Natural Language Processing
BEO 3002 - Derivatives and Risk Management
BAO 3404 - Credit and Lending Decisions
ENGR 101 - Engineering Design (S1)
ENGR 102 - Engineering Practice and Experimental Techniques (S1)
PROJ 100 - Embedded System Design and Build (S1)
ELEC 144 - Electrical principles and machines (S1)
BS 101.3 - Technical Communication
BMO 3007 - Global Transport and Distribution Management
BMO 3002 - Strategic Management
NIT 3141 - Securities Operations and Vulnerability Analysis
NIT 3122 - Enterprise Network Management
NIT 3203 - Software Development and IT Operations
COM 0001 - Common Module 01
MEML 3133 - English for Global Communication
EML 2132 - Modern World Literatures
EML 3161 - Industrial Training
EML 3132 - Public Relations in Practice & Theory
EML 3133 - English for Global Communication
EML 3231 - Critical Thinking
EML 3232 - Social Media Management
EML 3233 - Corporate Communication Management
EML 3264 - Final Project
MGT 4232 - Strategic Human Resource Management
MGT 4233 - HR Processes and Systems
EDS 4232 - Labor Economics
OPL 3133 - Procurement Management
OPL 4143 - Operations Research
OPL 4231 - Transport Planning and Demand Modelling
OPL 4232 - Enterprise Resource Planning
OPL 4235 - Project Human Resource Management
OPL 4236 - Project Monitoring, Control, Evaluation and Termination
OPL 3134 - Production Planning and Control
OPL 3135 - Maintenance Management
OPL 4233 - Business Simulation
OPL 4234 - Materials Management
COM 0001 - Academic Writing
ACF 3134 - Computer Based Accounting
ACF 3135 - Financial Modeling and Forecasting
ACF 4141 - Advanced Management Accounting
MM 1005 - Design Principles 1
MM 1008 - Story Telling & Script Writing
MM 1015 - 3D Design 1
MM 1021 - 3D Design 2
MM 1023 - Design Principles 2
MM 1031 - Media Law & Ethics
MBAMP 6131 - Organizational Leadership and Cross-Cultural Management
PUSL 2042 - Research Skills in Practice I
PUSL 2043 - Research Skills in Practice II
PUSL 3149 - Current Topics in Psychology I
PUSL 3150 - Current Topics in Psychology II
DS 201.3 - Introduction to Data Science
SE 204.3 - Development of Enterprise Applications I
DS 202.3 - Data Programming with R
DS 203.3 - Statistics for Data Science
SE 202.3 - Introduction to Software Engineering
CS 202.3 - Systems Fundamentals
CS 203.3 - Algorithms and Complexity
SE 206.3 - Human Computer Interaction
PGD 5133 - Business Communication
MBS 5125 - Leagal Aspects for Managers
COM 0003 - Law of Contract/Contract Law
EDS 1231 - Business Statistics I
MTM 1231 - Introduction to Tourism and Hospitality
MTM 1232 - Event Management
MTM 2235 - Accomadation Operations
ELEC 144 - Electrical Principles and Machines
COM 0002 - Statistics for Analytics I/Business Statitics I
EDS 2134 - Business Statistics
ACF 3135 - Accounting, Financial Modeling and Forecasting
EML 2107 - Chinese Language
MGT 4131 - Research Methadology
PU CMN 1213 - Accommodation Operations
EDS 1231 - Business and Statistics I
MTM 1233 - Accommodation Operations
MTM 2132 - Tourism Planning and Development
EDS 3135 - Marketing Analytics
EDS 3136 - Human Resource Analytics
EDS 3137 - System analysis and design
EDS 3138 - Big data analytics in Business
EDS 3139 - Operations Analytics
EDS 3131 - Mathematics for Economics II
EDS 3132 - Financial Institutions and Monetary Theory
EDS 3133 - Financial Economics
EDS 3134 - Transferrable Skills and Employability
OPL 3134 - Production Planing and Control
LLB 3141 - Procedural Laws
LLB 3142 - Human Rights Law
LLB 3143 - Law of Delict
LLB 3144 - Internship/Industrial Training
CREST TOU 01 - History of Tourism & Sri Lankan Tourism Geography
MSC 5104 - Modern Operating Systems
MSC 5105 - Information Management and Retrieval
PUSL 3137 - Quantity Surveying Professional Practice
QS 3201 - Industrial Training Workshop
PUSL 2065 - Computer Networks
PUSL 3130 - Advance Computer Networking Infrastructure
PUSL 3122 - HCI, Computer Graphics & Visualization
PUSL 2096 - Hydraulic and Coastal Engineering
PUSL 2097 - Construction Management
PUSL 2085 - Mechanical Engineering Design & Commercialization
PUSL 2084 - Engineering Quality Management
PUSL 2090 - Control Engineering
PUSL 2091 - Sensors and Actuators for Robotics Systems
PUSL 2089 - Power Electronics and Generation
ABF 311 SL - Advanced Financial Accounting & Reporting
ABF 318 SL - Auditing
BSO 316 SL - Operations Management for Comp Adv
ABF 203 SL - Financial Accounting and Reporting
ABF 204 SL - Financial Institutions & Marketing
ABF 205 SL - Management Accounting
MKT 216SL - Business and Market Research
PUSL 2007 - Events Planning and Strategy
PHS 21201 - Biochemistry
PHS 21302 - General Pathology
PHS 21303 - Pharmaceutical Microbiology
PHS 21304 - Physical Pharmacy I
PHS 21305 - Immunobiology
PHS 21306 - Pharmaceutics II
PHS 21107 - Physical Pharmacy I Laboratory
PHS 21108 - Organic Chemistry Laboratory
OPL 4235 - Project HR Management
PUSL 2069 - Equity and Trust
PUSL 2070 - Public International Law
PUSL 2071 - Internship/Work Based Learning
COM 0004 - Public Relations in Practice & Theory
LLB 1100 - English for Legal Studies
LLB PU CMN 01 - Legal English
EML 1131 - Business Communication
LSC 1231 - General Instrumentation
LSC 1232 - General Microbiology
LSC 1233 - Human Anatomy II
LSC 1234 - Human Physiology II
LSC 1235 - Organic Chemistry
LSC 1226 - Genetics
LSC 1217 - Psychology
PHS 1221 - Pharmaceutical Analytical Chemistry
PHS 1222 - Human Anatomy II
PHS 1223 - Human Physiology II
PHS 1234 - Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry
PHS 1235 - Pharmaceutics I
PHS 1216 - Analytical Chemistry Laboratory
PHS 1217 - Mathematics II
MGT 1133 - Soft Skills Development
PUSL 1001 - Introduction to Law and Legal System
PUSL 1002 - Criminal Law
PUSL 1003 - Introduction to Legal Writing and Legal Research
NSBM BFP 1101 - Principles of Management and Business
NSBM BFP 1102 - English and Soft Skills Development
NSBM BFP 1103 - Fundamentals of Mathematics and Quantitative Techniques
NSBM BFP 1201 - Fundamentals of Economics
NSBM BFP 1202 - Project Management
NSBM BFP 1203 - Fundamentals of Accounting
NSBM BFP 1204 - Business Theory & Legal Environment
NSBM BFP 1205 - Professional Development
PU CMN 1206 - Economics for Business II
PU CMN 1214 - Introduction to Tourism and Event
PU CMN 1213 - Accomodation Operations
MTM 1233 - Front Office Operations
MTM 1233 - Accomodation Operations
MM 1001 - Concept Development
MM 1002 - World of Multimedia
MM 1003 - Computing Fundamentals
MM 1004 - Drawing
MM 1005 - Design Principles I
MM 1006 - Typography Design
MM 1007 - Illustration
MM 1008 - Story Telling and Script Writing
MM 1009 - Art, Design and Society
MM 1010 - Animation Studies
MM 1011 - Digital Imaging
MM 1012 - Multimedia Imaging
MM 1013 - Photography
MM 1014 - Cinematography
MM 1015 - 3D Design I
MM 1016 - Game Design
MM 1017 - Video Editing and Production
MM 1018 - Interactive Design
MM 1019 - Advertising and Media Art
MM 1020 - Multimedia Project Management
MM 1021 - 3D Design II
MM 1022 - Web Design
MM 1023 - Design Principles II
MM 1024 - Visual Communication
MM 1025 - Multimedia Production
MM 1026 - Professional Studies
MM 1027 - Visual Effects Production
MM 1028 - Research Methodology
MM 1029 - Dissertation
MM 1030 - Internship
MM 1031 - Media Law and Ethics
MM 1032 - Entrepreneurship
MM 1033 - Final Project
CS 101.3 - Introduction to Computer Science
MA 101.3 - Mathematics I
CS 102.3 - Programming in C
CS 103.3 - Professional Development
SE 103.3 - System Analysis and Design
CS 107.3 - Object Oriented Programming with C#
CS 106.3 - Algorithms and Data Structures
CS 104.3 - Computer Architecture
CS 105.3 - Database Management Systems
SE 102.3 - Web Based Application Development
CNET 214SL - Network & System Administration
CNET 233SL - Network security
PUSL 2001 - IT Legalization & Ethics
PUSL 2008 - Introduction to IoT
PUSL 2010 - Servers, Datacenters and Cloud
CNET 237SL - Computer Networks
PUSL 2003 - Integrating project
ISAD 253SL - Databases
PUSL 2009 - Network and Security Programming
PRCO 303SL - Computing Project
CNET 335SL - Cybercrime and Forensics Investigation
PUSL 3109 - Voice and Video over IP
CNET 350SL - Network Monitoring
CNET 349SL - Incident Prevention, Detection & Response
PUSL 3105 - Advanced Networks
PUSL 3107 - Network Security and Penetration Testing
CNET 334SL - Information Security Management
ISAD 254SL - Human Computer Interaction
PUSL 2002 - Web Development Platforms
SOFT 255SL - Software Engineering for the Internet using Java
ISAD 341SL - Software Development and Project Management
SOFT 336SL - Cross-platform Development in C++
PUSL 3110 - Advanced Databases and Their Applications
CNET 343SL - Distributed Systems
PUSL 3111 - API Software Development
PUSL 3108 - Pervasive Computing
PUSL 3106 - Design Patterns and Software Engineering
CN 101.3 - Data Communications and Networks
SE 101.3 - Object Oriented Programming with Java
CN 201.3 - Computer Networks
SE 201.3 - Systems Analysis and Design
CS 201.3 - Operating Systems
MA 201.3 - Mathematics II
CN 202.3 - Network Management
SE 204.3 - Development of Enterprise Applications I
CN 205.3 - Voice and Video over IP
CN 203.3 - Network systems configuration and administration
CN 204.3 - Network Security
SE 206.3 - Human Computer Interaction
CS 301.3 - IT Project Management
CS 306.3 - Information Assurance and Security
SE 307.3 - Social Issues and Professional Practice
SE305.6 - Internship **
CN 301.3 - Advanced Routing and Switching
CN 303.3 - Service provider systems and networks
CN 302.3 - Wireless Technologies and Network Programming
MA 301.3 - Advanced Mathematics for Computing
CS 302.3 - Cryptography
IS 302.3 - IT Audit and Control
IS 301.3 - Enterprise Architecture
CN 401.6 - CN Award Project
CN 402.3 - Enterprise Networks
CN 403.3 - Intrusion Prevention, Detection & Response
CN 406.3 - Disaster Recovery and High Availability Techniques
CS 407.3 - Internet of Things
BS 402.3 - Entrepreneurship
BS 401.3 - Business Policy and Strategy
CS 404.3 - Parallel and Distributed Computing
CS 405.3 - Data Warehousing and Data Mining
IS 401.3 - Management Information Systems
IS 402.3 - E-Business Application Development
CS 408.3 - Embedded Systems
SE 403.3 - Platform Based Development
SE 202.3 - Introduction to Software Engineering
CS 202.3 - Systems Fundamentals
CS 203.3 - Algorithms and Complexity
SE 205.3 - Software Architecture
CS 303.3 - Computational Theory
CS 305.3 - Programming Languages and Compiler Design
CS 304.3 - Advanced Database Management Systems
SE301.3 - Software Process Management
SE 303.3 - Mobile Application Development
CS 402.3 - Computer Graphics and Visualization
CS 403.3 - Intelligent Systems
CS406.3 - Bio Informatics
SE 404.3 - Agent Based Systems
SE 402.3 - Development of Enterprise Applications II
MA 101.3 - Mathematics for Computing
MA 201.3 - Statistics for Computing
BS 201.3 - Business Studies
IS 204.3 - Enterprise Systems
IS 203.3 - Business Process Management
IS 202.3 - Foundations of Information Systems
SE 304.3 - Software Quality Assurance
IS 404.3 - Business Analytics
IS209.3 - Business Processes and ERP
SE207.3 - Software Verification and Validation
SE 401.6 - SE Honours Award Project
NIT 2102 - Cyber Security Essentials
NIT 2112 - Object Oriented Programming
NIT2113 - Cloud Application Development
NIT 2171 - Introduction to ICT Management
NIT 2213 - Software Engineering
NIT 2202 - Big Data
NIT 2271 - ICT Change Management
NIT 2201 - IT Profession and Ethics
NIT3101 - IT Project 1
NIT3112 - Advance Web Application Development
NIT3113 - Advanced Programming
NIT3114 - Online Business System Development
NIT 3171 - ICT Business Analytics and Data Visualisation
NIT 3213 - Mobile Application Development
NIT 3274 - Small IT Business
NIT3201 - IT Project 2
IS 204.3 - Enterprize Systems
CS 401.6 - CS Honours Award Project
IS 301.3 - Enterprize Architecture
IS401.6 - MIS Award Project
SE 308.3 - Software Process
SE306.3 - SE Award Project
CN 406.3 - Disaster Recovery and High Availability Techniques
CN 303.3 - Service Provider Systems and Networks
CN 403.3 - Intrusion Prevention, Detection and Response
SE 308.3 - Software Process Management
IS 405.6 - MIS Special Award Project
MGT 1301 - Management Process
MGT 1302 - Business Communication
MGT 1303 - Financial Accounting I
MGT 1304 - Economics for Managers
MGT 1305 - Soft Skills Development
MGT 1306 - Management Accounting
MGT 1307 - Information and Communication Technology
MGT 1308 - Business Environment
MGT 1309 - Project Management
MGT 1310 - Business Mathematics and Statistics I
MGT 2301 - Organizational Behaviour
MGT 2302 - Marketing Management
MGT 2303 - Financial Accounting II
MGT 2304 - Professional Development
MGT 2305 - Operations Management
MGT 2306 - Financial Management
MGT 2307 - Human Resource Management
MGT 2308 - Logistics Management
MGT 2309 - Quality Management
MGT 2310 - Industrial Relations
MGT 3401 - Strategic Management
MGT 3402 - Management Information Systems
HRM 3401 - Employee Resourcing
HRM 3402 - Human Resources Development
MGT 3403 - International Business Management
MGT 3404 - Business and Industrial Law
MGT 3605 - Industrial Training
MGT 4401 - Research Methodology
HRM 4501 - Performance Management
HRM 4502 - Rewards Management
HRM 4503 - Strategic Human Resource Management
HRM 4504 - HR Processes and Systems
MGT 4602 - Dissertation
LOG 3401 - Inventory and Warehouse Management
LOG 3402 - Procurement Management
LOG 4501 - Import and Export Management Related to Logistics
LOG 4502 - Maritime Law in Logistics
LOG 4503 - Modeling in Transportation Logistics
LOG 4504 - Supply Chain Management
IND 3401 - Production Planning and Control
IND 3402 - Maintenance Management
IND 4501 - Industrial Safety Management
IND 4502 - Industrial Engineering
IND 4503 - Advanced Operations Management
IND 4504 - Materials Management
PRO 3401 - Scope Management
PRO 3402 - Time Management
PRO 4501 - Cost Management
PRO 4502 - Project Risk and Quality Management
PRO 4503 - Project HR Management
PRO 4504 - Project Monitoring, Control, Evaluation and Termination
MGT 1310 - Business Mathematics and Statistics
ACT 2301 - Macro-Economics
ACT 2302 - Business Mathematics and Statistics II
MGT 3301 - Strategic Management
MGT 3302 - Management Information Systems
ACT 3301 - Taxation
ACT 3302 - Corporate Finance
ACT 3303 - Investment and Portfolio Management
MGT 3304 - Business and Industrial Law
ACT 3304 - Computer Based Accounting
ACT 3305 - Financial Reporting and Disclosure
ACT 3306 - International Financial Management
MGT 3305 - Industrial Training
ACT 4401 - Advanced Management Accounting
ACT 4402 - Auditing and Professional Practice
ACT 4303 - Business Valuation
ACT 4304 - Advanced Accounting Theory
ACT 4305 - Financial Statement Analysis
ACT 4306 - Strategic Management Accounting
BScMGT 1101 - Management Process
BScMGT 1102 - Business Communication
BScMGT 1103 - Financial Accounting
BScMGT 1104 - Economics for Managers
BScMGT 1105 - Business Mathematics and Statistics
BScMGT 1106 - Managerial Accounting
BScMGT 1207 - Information and Communication Technology
BScMGT 1208 - Business Environment
BScMGT 1209 - Introduction to Project Management
BScMGT 1210 - Critical Enabling Skills Training
BScMGT 2101 - Organizational Behaviour
BScMGT 2102 - Professional Development
BScMGT 2103 - Marketing Management
BScMGT 2104 - Advanced Financial Accounting
BScMGT 2105 - Logistics Management
BScMGT 2206 - Financial Management
BScMGT 2207 - Human Resource Management
BScMGT 2208 - Quality Management
BScMGT 2209 - Introduction to Operations Management
BScMGT 2210 - Industrial Relations
BScMGT 2211 - Industrial Training
BScMGT 3101 - Strategic Management
BScMGT 3102 - Management Information Systems
BScHRM 3103 - Employee Resourcing
BScMGT 3103 - International Business Management
BScMGT 3104 - Business and Industrial Law
BScHRM 3209 - Human Resources Development
BScHRM 4102 - Performance Management
BScHRM 4103 - Rewards Management
BScMGT 4101 - Research Methodology
BScHRM 4210 - Strategic Human Resource Management
BScHRM 4211 - HR Processes and Systems
BScLOG 3104 - Inventory and Warehouse Management
BScLOG 3210 - Procurement Management
BScLOG 4104 - Import and Export Management Related to Logistics
BScLOG 4105 - Maritime Law in Logistics
BScLOG 4212 - Modeling in Transportation Logistics
BScLOG 4213 - Supply Chain Management
BScIND 3105 - Production Planning and Control
BScIND 3211 - Maintenance Management
BScIND 4106 - Industrial Safety Management
BScIND 4107 - Industrial Engineering
BScIND 4214 - Advanced Operations Management
BScIND 4215 - Materials Management
BScPRO 3106 - Scope Management
BScPRO 3212 - Time Management
BScPRO 4108 - Cost Management
BScPRO 4109 - Project Risk and Quality Management
BScPRO 4216 - Project HR Management
BScPRO 4217 - Project Monitoring, Control, Evaluation and Termination
BEO2255 - Applied Statistics for Business
BLO1105 - Business Law
BEO2401 - Risk Management and Insurance
BBC3004 - Green Economy
BAO2001 - Corporate Finance
BEO2000 - Financial Institutions and Monetary Theory
BPD 2100 - International Business Challenge
BAO3000 - Personal Financial Planning
BAO3402 - International Banking and Finance
BLO2206 - Taxation Law and Practice
BEO3000 - Risk Management Models
BEO2001 - Commercial Banking and Finance
BAO3404 - Credit and Lending Decisions
BLO3405 - Law of Financial Institutions and Securities
BAO3403 - Investment and Portfolio Management
BPD 3100 - Applied Business Challenge
ACC2002L - Financial & Management Accounting
HRM2001L - HRM: Strategy & Policy
BMGT2001L - Managing Change
BMGT2002L - International Business
BMGT2003L - Project Management
MIS2008L - Data Analysis for Decision Makers
MIS3008L - Managing Digital Business Strategy and Operations
BMGT3004L - Management Research Project
BMGT3003L - Operations Management
BMGT 3002L - Management of Organisations
MKT3001L - International Marketing Management
BMGT3001L - Business Policy
HRM3004L - Talent Management
HRM3002L - Workplace Practice
HRM3003L - International Human Resource Management
MA 101.3 - Engineering Mathematics I
CE 101.3 - Programming Fundamentals
EE 101.3 - Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering
ME 102.3 - Engineering Materials
ME 104.3 - Computer Aided Design
EE 104.3 - Electronics I
ME 105.3 - Instrumentation and Control Principles
EE 102.3 - Communication Systems and Networks
CE 102.3 - Computer Architecture and Organization
MA 102.3 - Engineering Mathematics II
ME 101.3 - Introductory Mechanics and Fluids
EE 202.3 - Engineering Electromagnetics
CE 208.3 - Software Development Project
ME 203.3 - Thermodynamics
EE 201.3 - Electronics II
BS 201.3 - Engineering Ethics and Industrial Law
CE 205.3 - Modern Communication Systems
CE 201.3 - Object Oriented Software Development
CE 202.3 - Algorithms
CE 203.3 - Operating Systems
MA 201.3 - Engineering Mathematics III
ME206.5 - Industrial Placement 1
CE 303.3 - Advanced Computer Networks
CE 301.3 - Database Systems
CE 304.3 - Computer Systems Engineering
CE 305.3 - Programming Languages and Syntax Directed Tools
CE 306.3 - Software Engineering
CE 307.3 - Digital Design and Embedded Systems
MA 301.3 - Engineering Mathematics IV
BS 302.3 - Engineering Project Management and Costing Accounting
ME306.3 - Industry Placement II
ME 302.3 - Robotics
ME 304.3 - Sensors and Actuators
EE 301.3 - Advance Communications (Elective 1)
EE 302.3 - Power Electronics and Applications (Elective 1)
EE 311.3 - Antennas and Propagation
EE 306.3 - VLSI Design
BS 303.3 - Engineering & Socioeconomic Impact (Elective 2)
BS 304.3 - Marketing and Business Economics
CE 401.3 - Network Systems and Technologies
CE403.3 - Intelligent Systems
CE 404.3 - Cloud and Distributed Computing
EE 401.3 - Digital Signal Processing and Machine Vision
BS 402.3 - Enterpreneurship and Innovation
BS 401.3 - Organizational Behaviour and Human Resource Management
ME 403.6 - Engineering Honours Thesis
EE407.3 - Optical Communication & Technologies (Elective 1)
EE408.3 - Satellite and Mobile Communication Technology
ME 407.3 - Industrial Automation (Elective 1)
CE 402.3 - Data Science and Big Data
CE403.3 - Data Analytics & Machine Learning (Elective 1)
BS403.3 - Strategic Management & Public Policy Plaining (Elective 2)
BS 404.3 - Psychology for Engineering
ME 202.3 - Fluid Mechanics
ME 204.3 - Control Engineering
ME 205.3 - Mechatronics I
ME 208.3 - Basic Manufacturing Technologies
ME206.3 - Mechanics of Machines
EE 207.3 - Electrical Machines & Drives 1
ME207.5 - Industry Placement 1
ME 301.3 - Engineering Analysis
ME 303.3 - Modern Manufacturing Technologies
ME 307.3 - Mechatronics II
EE 301.3 - Advance Communications
EE 302.3 - Power Electronics and Applications
ME 405.3 - Mechatronics System Integration
ME406.3 - Manufacturing Process Design
ME 407.3 - Industrial Automation
EE 406.3 - Renewable Energy and Technologies
CE 401.3 - Network System & Technologies (Elective 1)
EE408.3 - Satellite and Mobile Communication
EE407.3 - Optical Communication & Technologies ( Elective 1)
BS403.3 - Strategic Management & Public policy Plaining ( Elective 2)
EE 204.3 - Theory of Electricity
EE 205.3 - Introduction to Power Systems
ME207.5 - Industrial Placement 1
EE 303.3 - High Voltage Engineering
EE 304.3 - Power System Engineering and Analysis
EE 309.3 - Electrical Installations
ME306.3 - Industrial Placement II
ME 302.3 - Robotics (Elective 1)
ME 303.3 - Modern Manufacturing Technologies (Elective 1)
EE 405.3 - Advanced Power System Control and Protection
EE402.3 - Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering
EE403.3 - Power System Planning and Markets
EE404.3 - Intelligent Electricity Networks
CE403.3 - Interlligent Systems (Elective 1)
CE 401.3 - Network System and Technologies (Elective 1)
EE407.3 - Optical Communication & Technologies ( Elective 1)
CE 404.3 - Cloud & Distributed Computing (Elective 1)
BS403.3 - Strategic Management & Public Policy Plaining (Elective 2)
PU CMN 1103 - Introduction to Finance
PU CMN 1206 - Economics for Business II and QT
PU CMN 1210 - Business Law
LCS101SL - English for Academic Purposes 1
LCS100SL - Culture and Society
PU LOG 1207 - Introduction to Logistics
PULOG 1209 - Introduction to Shipping
PU HOS 1207 - Introduction to Tourism and Events
PU HOS 1209 - Food and Beverage Operations
PU HOS 1210 - Front Office and Facilities Operations
PU CMN 1101 - Economics for Business I
PU CMN 1102 - World of Business
PU CMN 1104 - Personal Development
PU CMN 1105 - Organizational Communication
BMG 311SL - Current Issues in Management
BMG 312SL - Organizational Leadership
HRS 302SL - International & Comparative HRM
ABF 302SL - Financial Management & Policy
ABF 318SL - Auditing
BSO 316SL - Opearations Management for Competitive Advantage
MAR 330SL - Port Management & Intermodalism
HTM 310SL - Crisis & Disaster Management in the Hospitality, Tourism & Events Industries
PUSL3103 - Event Innovation
MKT 306SL - Marketing Management
ELC 307SL - English for Global Communication
MKT 302SL - Public Relations
BSO 302SL - Global Enterprise
BSO 300SL - Corporate Strategy
MKT 316SL - International Marketing
ABF 311SL - Advanced Financial Accounting & Reporting
ABF 300SL - Advanced Management Accounting
MAR 312SL - Advanced Logistics Management
MAR 313SL - International Supply Chain Management
HTM 309SL - Contemporary Issues in Tourism
HTM 322SL - Managing Service Innovation
HTM 314SL - Honours Project
MKT 301SL - Contemporary Issues in Marketing
ELC 309SL - English for Professional Practice
BSO 213SL - Enterprise & Innovation
BSO 214SL - Operations Management
MKT 216SL - Business & Market Research
ABF 205SL - Management Accounting
BSO 215SL - International Logistics & Supply Chain Opearations
PUSL2006 - Festivals & Exhibitions
MKT 215SL - Advertising, Brand Management & Marketing Communications
MKT 205SL - Digital Marketing
PUSL 2004 - Business Communication
BSO 212SL - Business Ethics
HRS 204SL - Managing People
BSO 208SL - International Business
ABF 207SL - Taxation
ABF 203SL - Financial Accounting & Reporting
ABF 204SL - Financial Institutions & Markets
MAR 211SL - Principles in Purchasing Management
HTM 215SL - Tourism & Planning Management
PUSL 2007 - Events Planning & Strategy
MKT 201SL - Buyer Behaviour & Relations
MKT 217SL - New Product Development & Marketing Planning
BID 1101 - Introduction to Interior Design I
BID 1102 - Historical and Cultural Influence on Interior Design I
BID 1103 - Design Communication I
BID 1104 - Theory and Practice of Interior Design
BID 1105 - Building Science
BID 1106 - Materials Structural - Building Construction I
BID 1107 - Business English
BID 1201 - Interior Design II
BID 1202 - Historical and Cultural Influence on Interior Design II
BID 1203 - Design Communication II
BID 1204 - Basics of Building Construction
BID 1205 - Digital Communication I
BID 1206 - Materials Interior - Interior Construction and Design II
BID 1207 - Environmental Psychology
BID 2101 - Interior Design III
BID 2102 - Historical and Cultural Influences on Interior Design III
BID 2103 - Design Communication III
BID 2104 - Building Technology I
BID 2105 - Furniture Design
BID 2106 - Digital Communication II
BID 2201 - Interior Design IV
BID 2202 - Professional Practice
BID 2203 - Interior Lighting
BID 2204 - Environmental Studies and Services
BID 2205 - Digital Communication III
BID 2206 - Building Technology II
BID 2207 - Interior Acoustics
BID 3101 - Internship
BID 3102 - Research Methodology and Essay
BID 3103 - Introduction to Interior Design V
BID 3104 - Project Management
BID 3105 - Marketing Management
BID 3201 - Interior Design V
BID 3202 - Advanced Interior Design Practice VI
BID 3203 - Design Management and by Law
PGD BM 5101 - Managing People
PGD BM 5102 - Marketing Management
PGD 5107 - Research Methods
PGD HRM 5103 - Human Resource Development
PGD HRM 5101 - Introduction to HRM and Employee Resourcing
PGD HRM 5102 - Employment Law and Labour Relations
5107 - Marketing Management
5114 - Organizational Behaviour
5117 - Independent Study-RM
5115 - Business Ethics and Sustainability
32041 - Project Management
32022 - Big Data Analytics
5111 - Legal Aspect of Management
5110 - International Buisness Management
5112 - Startegic Management
NIT 3202 - Data Analytics for Cyber Security
BBC 2201 - Corporate Communication Management
BBC 2202 - Law for Communication
BBC 2203 - Communication via Web-based Applications
BBC 2204 - International Business
BBC 2205 - Research Methods for Communication Research
EW19.1 - English for Writing
BAI 3166 - Interior Design
NSBM FP 1101 - Principles of Management & Business
NSBM FP 1102 - Fundamentals of Economics
NSBM FP 1205 - Fundamentals of Mathematics and Quantitative Techniques
NSBM FP 1206 - Fundamentals of Accounting
NSBM FP 1207 - Business Theory & Environment
NSBM FP 1208 - Professional Development
NSBM CFP 1103 - Computer Applications and Programming Fundamentals
NSBM FP 1109 - English and Soft skills Development
NSBM CP 1206 - Quantitative Techniques
NSBM CP 1313 - Fundamentals of Project Management
NSBM CP 1207 - Business Theory and Environment
- Personal and Managerial Effectiveness
NSBM CP 1209 - Introduction to Computer Applications
NSBM FP 1110 - Project Management
MBSA 11012 - Accounting for Decision Making
MBSA 11022 - Business Economics
MBSA 11032 - Enterprise Management
MBSA 11042 - Quantitative Methods for Management
MBSA 11051 - Business Communication
MBSA 12012 - Managing Finance
MBSA 12022 - Human Resources Management
MBSA 12032 - Marketing Management
MBSA 12042 - Managing Operations in Business
MBSA 21012 - Management Information Systems
MBSA 21021 - International Business Management
MBSA 21032 - Legal Aspects for Management
MBSA 21042 - Organizational Behaviour
MBSA 21051 - Strategic Management
MBSA 22012 - Business Ethics and Sustainability
MBSA 22021 - Problem Analysis Methodology
MBSA 22035 - Independent Study
MBA 31011 - Research Workshop 1
MBA 31021 - Research Workshop 2
PGD 5101 - Management Process and Practice
PGD 5102 - Accounting for Decision Making
PGD 5103 - Business Communication
PGD 5104 - Business Statistics
PGD 5105 - Organizational Behavior
PGD 5106 - Economics for Business
PGD HRM 5104 - Human Resource Information Systems
PGD HRM 5105 - Organizational Change and Development
PGD 5108 - Project Report
PGD BM 5103 - Financial Management
PGD BM 5104 - Management Information Systems
PUSL 3113 - Current Issues in Tourism, Hospitality & Events
PUSL 3112 - International Events, Culture & Identity
PUSL 2011 - Special Interest Tourism
BP 001.3 - Computational Thinking
BP 002.2 - English & Communication Skills
BP 003.4 - Foundational Mathematics
NSBM CFP 1206 - Computer Technology
NSBM CFP 1207 - Web Design & Development
NSBM CFP 1208 - Programming in Python
NSBM CFP 1209 - Introduction to Multimedia
NSBM CFP 1210 - ICT Project Management
CS003.2 - English for Communication
MA001.2 - Fundamentals of Mathematics
CS001.4 - Introduction to Programming
CS 002.2 - Introduction to Computer Applications
PUSL3100 - Information Security Management
5101 - Enterprise Management
5101-S - Enterprise Management
5102 - Business Economics
5102-S - Business Economics
5103 - Accounting & Finance
5103-S - Accounting & Finance
5104 - Quantitative Methods for Management
5104-S - Quantitative Methods for Management
5105 - Legal Aspects for Managers
5105-S - Legal Aspects for Managers
5106 - Business Communication (Residential workshop)
5106-S - Business Communication (Residential workshop)
5107 - Human Resource Management
5107-S - Human Resource Management
5108 - Marketing Management
5108-S - Marketing Management
5109 - Managing Operations in Business
5109-S - Managing Operations in Business
5110 - Managing Information system
5110-S - Managing Information system
5111 - Organizational Behaviour
5111-S - Organizational Behaviour
6201 - Research Methodology
6202 - Logistics and Supply Chain Management
6203 - Strategic Cost Analysis
6204 - Strategic Management
6205 - Big Data Analytics
6206 - Organizational leadership and Cross Cultural Management
6207 - Knowledge Managemnt
6208 - Innovation and Entreprenurship
6209 - Strategic Cost Analysis
6210 - Tourism Operations & Destination Development
6211 - Managing Small Scale Enterprises in Tourism
6212 - Coparate Finance
6213 - Strategic Cost Analysis
6214 - Final Thesis
6215 - International Business Practice - Case Study
BBC 1101 - Personal Development
BBC 1102 - English for Professional Purposes I
BBC 1103 - Introduction to Management
BBC 1104 - English for Global Communication
BBC 1105 - ICT for Communication
BBC 1201 - Fundamentals of Communication Studies
BBC 1202 - Professional Communication
BBC 1203 - World of Business
BBC 1204 - English for Professional Purposes II
BBC 1205 - Marketing Communication
BBC 2101 - Intercultural and Interpersonal Communication
BBC 2102 - Advertising
BBC 2103 - Visual Communication
BBC 2104 - Business Ethics
BBC 2105 - Organisational Behaviour and Communication
BScMGT 1207 - Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
BScMGT 1210 - Critical Enabling Skills Training – 3 Months
BScMGT 3104 - Business & Industrial Law
BScLOG 3104 - Inventory & Warehouse Management
MBA 31012 - Logistics and Supply Chain Management
MBA 31022 - Strategic Cost Analysis
MBA 31032 - Innovation and Technology Management
MBA 32022 - Big Data Analytics
MBA 32041 - Project Management
MBA 40015 - Research Report
MBA 41012 - Business Negotiation Skills
MBA 42012 - International Business Practice
PGD 5103 - Business Communication
PGD HRM 5102 - Human Resource Development
PGD HRM 5104 - Organizational Change & Development
Module_Code - Module_Name
MBA 31092 - Innovation and Entrepreneurship
MBA 31102 - Small Business Management
MBA 31052 - Cross Cultural Management
MBA 31062 - Industry and Competitive Analysis
MBA 31082 - Organizational Leadership and Culture
MBA 32052 - Knowledge Management
IBM 2301 - Introduction to International Business Management
IBM 2002 - Chinese
BBC 3201 - Final Project
BBC 3101 - Internship
MGT 1131 - Management Process
MGT 1132 - Business Communication
MGT 1133 - Soft Skills Development
ACF 1131 - Financial Accounting
EDS 1131 - Economics for Managers
NSBM CFP 1103 - Computer Applications and Programming Fundamentals
NSBM FP 1104 - English and Soft Skills Development
NSBM FP 1103 - Project Management
NSBM CFP 1207 - Web Design and Development
NSBM CFP 1210 - ICT Project
CS 003.2 - English for Communication
MA 001.2 - Fundamentals of Mathematics
CS 001.4 - Introduction to Programming
CS 002.2 - Introduction to Computer Applications
PU CMN 1208 - Introduction to Finance
PU CMN 1207 - Organizational Behaviour
PU CMN 1209 - Introduction to Marketing
PU CMN 1211 - Introduction to Logistics
PU CMN 1212 - Introduction to shipping
PU CMN 1214 - Introduction to Tourism and Events
PU CMN 1215 - Food and Beverage operations
PU CMN 1213 - Front office and facilities operations
PU BC 1201 - English for Academic Purpose
PU BC 1202 - Culture and Society
CE405.3 - Modern Technologies for Mobile Application Development
BAO 3403 - Investment and Portfolio Management
MGT 1104 - Introduction to Sustainability Development
EL 101.1 - English for Communication Skills
CS 101.3 - Introduction to Computer Science
CS 102.3 - Programming in C
CS 105.3 - Database Management Systems
EL 101.3 - English for Communication Skills
SE 102.3 - Web Application Development
SE 201.3 - System Analysis and Design
MGT 1234 - Fundamentals of Communication Studies
MGT 1235 - English for Professional Purposes (I)
NSBM CFP 1211 - Network Fundamentals
MBS 5101 - Enterprise Management
MBS 5102 - Business Economics
MBS 5103 - Accounting & Finance
MBS 5104 - Quantitative Methods for Management
MBS 5105 - Legal Aspects for Managers
MBS 5106 - Business Communication
MBS 5107 - Human Resource Management
MBS 5108 - Marketing Management
MBS 5109 - Managing Operations in Business
MBS 5110 - Managing Information Systems
MBS 5111 - Organizational Behaviour
PGD 5105 - Organizational Behaviour
PGDBM 5102 - Marketing Management
PGDBM 5101 - Managing People
PGD BM 5103 - Financial Management
PGD HRM 5101 - Intro to HRM and EMP Resourcing
PGD HRM 5102 - Employment Law & Labour Relations
PGD HRM 5104 - HR Information Systems
MBSA 11051 - Residential Workshop 1
MBSA 22021 - Residential Workshop II-Problem Analysis Methodology
PGDBM 5103 - Financial Management
PGDBM 5104 - Management Information Systems
PCN 11103 - Computer Network Models and Design
PCN 11203 - Routing and Switching
PCN 11303 - Network Planning Implementing and Administration
PCN 12103 - Voice and Telephony Technologies
PCN 12203 - Wireless Communication
PCN 21103 - Service Provider Networks
PCN 21203 - Network Security
PCN 21301 - Research Methods
PCN 22103 - Disaster Recovery and High Availability Techniques
PCN 22301 - Project Report
MM 1014 - Cinemaatography
MM 1019 - Advertising & Media Art
MM 1020 - Multimedia Project Mgt
MM1025 - Multimedia Production
MM1026 - Professional Studies
MM1027 - Visual Effects Production
MM1028 - Research Methodology
MM1029 - Dissertation
MM1030 - Internship
MM1031 - Media Law & Ethics
MM1032 - Entrepreneurship
MM1033 - Final Project
MBS 5105 - Legal Aspect for Managers
MGT 3138 - International Communication
MGT 3139 - Foreign Trade Theory
MTM 3135 - International Marketing and Branding
MGT 31310 - Foreign Direct Investments and MNC corporations
PUSL 2028 - Media Law & Ethics
PUSL 2029 - Psychology of Communication
PUSL 3136 - Crisis Communication
MGT 2133 - Introduction to International Business Management
MGT 2134 - Intercultural & Interpersonal Communication
MGT 2135 - Modern World Literatures
MTM 2133 - Advertising
EDS 2131 - Macroeconomics
MGT 2131 - Human Resources Management
OPL 2131 - Operations Management
MGT 2102 - Professional Development
MIS2001L - Database & Information Resource Management
MIS2005L - Business Analytics
MIS2007L - Digital Business Infrastructure Applications (UCD)
BMGT 3002L - Management of Organizations
MIS3003L - Information Systems Applications
MIS3005L - Information Systems Development
MIS3007L - Digital Business and Social Media Strategy (UCD)
ISAD357SL - Software Development and Project Management
CNET 335SL - Cyber crime and Forensics Investigation
PUSL 2018 - Computer Theory and Statistics for Computing
PUSL 2019 - Information Management and Retrieval
PUSL 2020 - Software Development Tools and Practices
PUSL 2021 - Computing Group Project
PUSL 2022 - Introduction to IOT
PUSL 2023 - Mobile Application Development (NSBM)
PUSL 2024 - Software Engineering 2
PUSL 2025 - Security Architecure and Cryptography
PUSL 2026 - Computer Networks
ACB103 - Introduction to Economics & Accounting
ACB203 - Business Englis
BMO 2000 - Human Resources Management
BMO 2004 - Business Ethics
BMO 2202 - Purchasing and Supply Management
CBC - Chinese for Beginners - Certificate Course
FBC - French for Beginners- Certificate Course
JBC - Japanese for Beginners- Certificate Course
BP 1101 - General Business Knowledge
BP 1102 - Principles of Accounting
BP 1103 - Principles of Economics
BP 1104 - English and Communication Skills
BS 102.3 - Professional English for Engineering
CE 406.3 - Web Architecture and Modern Web Development Technologies
MGT 2231 - Management Information System
MGT 2232 - Organizational Behaviour
OPL 2231 - Logistics Management
EDS 2231 - Business Mathematics and Stat II
LGS 2231 - Business Law
CS 002.2 - Computer Fundamentals
ACC 503.3 - Soft Skills for Personal Development
ACC 303.3 - Introduction to Data and Information Systems
MGT 2234 - Business Ethics
MGT 2235 - Communication via Web-Based Applications
MGT 2236 - Research Methods for Communication Research
EAE - English for Academic Excellence (EAE)
MGT 3234 - International HRM
MGT 32311 - Cross Cultural Management
ACF 3233 - International Financial Management
MTM 3235 - Digital Marketing
PUSL 2048 - Business Research
ME 101.1 - Introductory Design Project
EE 201.1 - Product Development Project
EE 301.1 - Industrial Project
PUSL 3133 - Forensics and Malware
MGT 1132 - Business and Academic Writing
MAT IT ENG - Maths / IT / English
MGTc 1201 - Business Theory and Environment
MGTc 1202 - Introduction to Computer Applications
EDSc 1201 - Quantitative Techniques
DOLc 1201 - Fundamentals of Project Management and MS Project
EDSc 1202 - Introduction to Economics & Accounting
MGTc 1303 - Personal and Managerial Effectiveness (PME)
EMLc 1301 - Business English
BMO 2005 - Innovation and Entrepreneurship
BMO 2002 - Strategic Management
BMO 2181 - Operations Management
BMO 2201 - Distribution Management
BHO 3373 - International Marketing
BMO 3000 - Knowledge Management Practices for Innovative Organization
BMO 3123 - Integrated Supply Chain Management
BMO 3418 - Transport & Logistics Management
MBS 5131 - Management Theory & Practice
MBS 5132 - Business Economics
MBS 5133 - Accounting & Finance
MBS5 125 - Leagal Aspects for Managers
MBS 5116 - Business Comunication
MBS 5134 - Human Resource Management
MBS 5231 - Quantitative Methods for Management
MBS 5232 - Marketing Management
MBS 5233 - Managing Oparations in Business
MBS 5234 - Managing Information System
MBS 5235 - Organizational Behavior
MBAOP 6132 - Managing Service Operations
MBA 62121 - Final Thesis
MBA 6232 - International Business Practice - Case Study
PGD 5131 - Management Process & Practice
PGD 5132 - Accounting for Decision Making
PGD 5113 - Business Comunication
PGD 5134 - Business Statistics
PGD 5135 - Organizational Behavior
PGD 5136 - Econimics for Business
PGD BM 5231 - Managing People
PGD BM 5232 - Marketing Management
PGD 5217 - Research Methods
PGD BM 5233 - Financial Management
PGD BM 5234 - Management Information Systems
PGD 5238 - Project Reports
PGD HRM 5231 - Introduction to HRM &Employee Resourcing
PGD HRM 5232 - Employement Law & Labour Relations
PGD HRM 5233 - Human Resource Development
PGD HRM 5204 - Human Resourse Information Systems
PGD HRM 5205 - Organizational Change & Development
PG 11103 - Management Process & Practice
PG 11203 - Accounting for Decision Making
PG 11301 - Business Comunication
PG 12102 - Business Statistics
PG 12202 - Information Systems Project Management
PG 12303 - Economics for Business
PPM 21103 - Applied project Management
PPM 21203 - Project Risk & Scope Management
PG 21101 - Research Methods
PPM 22103 - Project Finance and Cost Management
PPM 22203 - Project Intergration Management
PPM 22301 - Project Report
PIM 21102 - Operatinal Research
PIM 21202 - Industrial Marketing Management
PIM 21302 - Production & Operation Management
PIM 22302 - Research Methods
PPM 22103 - Industrial Safety & Maintenance Management
PPM 22203 - Industrial Engineering & Quality Management
PIM 22301A - Project Report
PCN 12203 - Wireless Comunication
PHR 22301 - Project Report
PSE 11103 - Advance Computer Programming
PSE 11203 - Design Patterns
PSE 11303 - Human Computer Nteraction
PSE 12103 - Mobile Application Development
PSE 12203 - Advance Database Concepts
PSE 21103 - Service Oriented Architecture
PSE 21203 - Software Project Management
PSE 21301 - Research Methods
PSE 21103 - Software Quality Assuarance/ Software Simultion
PSE 21205 - Project Report
PIM 22103 - Research Methods
SE 309.3 - Software Verification and Validation
IS401.6 - Final Year Project
PGD 5131 - Management Process and Practice
PGD 5113 - Business Communication
PGD 5136 - Economics for Business
PGD 5238 - Project Report
MBS 5131 - Management Theory and Practice
MBS 5133 - Accounting and Finance
MBS 5125 - Legal Aspects for Managers
MBS 5116 - Business Communication
MBS 5233 - Managing Operations in Business
MBS 5234 - Managing Information Systems
MBS 5235 - Organizational Behaviour
MBA 6131 - Research Methodology
MBAEN 6131 - Innovation and Entreprenurship
MBAEN 6132 - Small Business Management
MBA 6132 - Strategic Management
MBA 6133 - Big Data Analytics
MBA 62151 - Final Thesis
MBAMP 6131 - Organizational leadership & Cross Cultural Management
MBAMP 6132 - Knowledge Managemnt
MBAOP 6131 - Logistics and Supply Chain Management
MBAFN 6131 - Coparate Finance
MBAFN 6132 - Strategic Cost Analysis
IS 204.3 - Advanced Database Management Systems
IS 203.3 - Mobile Application Development
MA 301.3 - Advanced Mathematics for Computing
CN 201.3 - Information Assurance and Security
SE 204.3 - Social Issues and Professional Practice
SE 202.3 - Software Process Management
IS 202.3 - Software Quality Assurance
SE305.6 - Internship **
CS 403.3 - Artificial Intelligence
CS 402.3 - Computer Graphics and Visualization
IS401.6 - Research
CN 401.6 - Research Project
CS 401.6 - Research Project
IS401.6 - Research Project
SE306.3 - Research Project
ME207.3 - Industrial Placement I
MA203.3 - Engineering Mathematics IV
CE 403.6 - Engineering Honours Thesis
CE406.3 - Web Architecture and Modern Web Development Technologies
ME 209.3 - Industrial Placement I
EE 207.3 - Electrical Machines and Drives I
EE 304.3 - Power System Engineering Analysis
EE 313.3 - Electrical Machines and Drives II
CE 209.3 - Industrial Placement I
CE 314.3 - Industrial Placement II
CE 301.1 - Industrial Project
EE 209.3 - Industrial Placement I
EE314.3 - Industrial Placement II
EE 403.6 - Engineering Honours Thesis
ME314.3 - Industrial Placement II
ME 301.1 - Industrial Project
MGT 3131 - Strategic Management
MGT 3136 - Public Relations in Practice & Theory
LGS 3131 - Law for Communication
BMO 3332 - Managing Organizational Change
BMO 2203 - E-Supply Chain Management
BMO 3419 - Supply Chain Analytics
MGT 1203 - Academic Writing
LLB 1143 - Leagal Systems
LLB 1141 - Introduction to Law
LLB 1142 - Criminal Law
LLb 1144 - Leagal Research and Writing
LLB 1100 - English for Leagal Studies
SE 303.3 - Service Provider Systems and Networks
DS 206.3 - Ethics in Data Science
DS 205.3 - Data Science in Python
PUSL 2023 - Mobile Application Development
PUSL 2025 - Security Architecture and Cryptography
PUSL 2018 - Computational Theory and Statistics for Computing
NSBM FP 1205 - Fundamentals of Mathematics and QT
DS 305.3 - Advanced Database Management Systems
DS 306.6 - Internship
CS 307.3 - Cloud Computing
DS 307.3 - Machine Learning
DS 308.3 - Big Data Analytics
DS 401.3 - Natural Language Processing
DS 402.3 - Neural Networks
DS 403.3 - Big Data Programming
DS 404.6 - DS Honors Award Project
DS 405.3 - Urban Computing
DS 406.3 - Data Science Trends and Applications
DS 407.3 - Deep Learning
SE 107.3 - Object Oriented Programming with C#
DS 206.3 - Ethics in Data Science
DS 205.3 - Data Science in Python
DS 301.3 - Web Mining
DS 302.3 - Advanced Statistics for Data Science
DS 303.3 - Data Warehousing & Data Mining
DS 304.3 - Data Visualization
CS 103.2 - Personal Development
EL 101.1 - Academic Writing and Communication
NSBM FP 1103 - Computer Applications and Programming Fundamentals
NSBM FP 1101 - Principles of Management and Business
PUSL 3120 - Full-Stack Development
PUSL 3123 - AI and Machine Learning
PUSL 3122 - HCI, Computer Graphics, and Visualization
PUSL 3134 - Software Project Management
PUSL 3119 - Computer Individual Project
PUSL 3121 - Big Data Analytics
PUSL 3131 - Security Operations and Incident Management
PUSL 3132 - Ethical Hacking
PUSL 3129 - Multimedia over IP
PUSL 3130 - Advance Computer Networking Infrastructures
LLB 1245 - Constitutional Law
LLB 1246 - Equity and Trust
LLB 1247 - Family Law
LLB 1248 - Law of Contracts
MTM 2131 - Marketing Management
ACF 2131 - Finance Management
MGT 2107 - Chinese Language
BSO 316SL - Operations Management for Competitive Advantage
MGT 4131 - Research Methodology
MGT 4132 - Leadership for Organizational Change
MGT 4135 - Internationalization of Entrepreneurship and Innovation
LGS 4131 - International Trade Law
EDS 4131 - Sri Lankan Economy and Global Economic Trends
MGT 2233 - English for Professional Purposes (II)
HTM 322 SL - Managing Service Innovation
PU SL 3112 - International Events Culture and Identity
PU SL 3113 - Current Issues in Tourism, Hospitality and Events
PUSL 3112 - International Events Culture and Identity
PUSL 3113 - Current Issues in Tourism, Hospitality and Events
MKT 306 SL - Marketing Management
PU SL 3154 - Marketing Honours Project
ABF 311SL - Advanced Financial Accounting & Reporting
ABF 203SL - Financial Accounting & Reporting
ABF 205SL - Management Accounting
MGT 2232 - Organisational Behaviour
EDS 2231 - Business Mathematics and Stat II
LGS 2231 - Business Law
MGT 2231 - Management Information Systems
MGT 3162 - Industrial Training
PUSL 3154 - Marketing Honours Project
ACF 1231 - Management Accounting
MGT 1231 - Computer Application
OPL 1231 - Introduction to Project Management
EDS 1231 - Business Mathematics and Stat 1
EDS 1232 - Economic History
EDS 1233 - Introduction to Business Analytics
EDS 1234 - Fundamentals of Mathematics
EDS 1235 - Statistics for Analytics I
MGT 2131 - Human Respurce Management
ACF 2131 - Financial Management
EDF 2131 - Macroeconomics
IS 201.3 - Business Processes and ERP
CN 401.6 - CN Honours Award Project
NIT 3171 - ICT Business Analytics and Data Visualization
NEF 3001 - Applied Project 1
NEF 3002 - Applied Project 2
DS 201.3 - Introduction to Data Science
DS 203.3 - Statistics for Data Science
DS 202.3 - Data Programming with R
MGT 1232 - Business Environment
CN 403.3 - Intrusion Prevention, Detection, and Response
Mod Code - Mod Name
PU CMN 1206 - Quantitative Techniques
OPL 1231 - Introduction to Project
EDS 1231 - Business Mathematics
MGT 1236 - ICT for Communication
MTM 1234 - Marketing Communication
BLO 3405 - Law of Financial Institutuions and Securities
BEO 2401 - Risk Management & Insurance
BEO 2001 - Commercial banking and Finance
BLO 3405 - Law of financial Institutions and securities
BEO 2401 - Risk management and Insurance
EDS 1231 - Business Mathematics and Stat I
BMO 2000 - Human Resource Management
BMO 2202 - Purchasing and Supply Chain Management
MBAMp 6132 - Knowlegdge Management
MBATo 6131 - Tourism Operations & Destination Development
MBATo 6132 - Managing Small Acale Enterprise in Tourism
Code - Name
ACF 3131 - Advanced Financial Accounting
ACF 3132 - Corporate Finance
ACF 3133 - Investment and Portfolio Management
ACF 3135 - Accounting & Financial Modeling and Forecasting
MGT 2207 - French Language
MGT 3134 - Employee Resourcing
MGT 3135 - Human Resources Development
MGT 3133 - Industrial Relations
BMS 1111 - Laboratory Practice and Safety
BMS 1132 - General Chemistry
BMS 1125 - Biomolecules
BMS 1124 - Cell Biology
BMS 1117 - Personality Development
BMS 1136 - Anatomical Planes and Sections
BMS 1128 - General and Professional English
BMS 1133 - Human Physiology I
BMS 1231 - General Instrumentation
BMS 1232 - General Microbiology
BMS 1233 - Human Anatomy II
BMS 1234 - Human Physiology II
BMS 1235 - Organic Chemistry
BMS 1226 - Genetics
BMS 1217 - Psychology
BMS 2121 - Biochemistry
BMS 2132 - General Pathology
BMS 2133 - Principles of Analytical Chemistry
BMS 2134 - Human Parasitology
BMS 2135 - Immunobiology
BMS 2117 - Basic Mathematics
BMS 2136 - Molecular Biology
BMS 2225 - Biostatistics
BMS 2221 - Metabolism
BMS 2232 - Human Diseases I
BMS 2233 - Toxicology
BMS 2234 - Clinical Biochemistry
BMS 2216 - Information Technology
BMS 3131 - Clinical Nutrition
BMS 3132 - Molecular Pharmacology
BMS 3133 - Haematology
BMS 3134 - Human Diseases II
BMS 3135 - Diagnostic Pathology
BMS 3136 - Research Methodology
BMS 3231 - Transfusion Medicine
BMS 3232 - Clinical Microbiology
BMS 3233 - Medical Bioinformatics
BMS 3234 - Genomic and Precision Medicine
BMS 3225 - Research Bioethics
BMS 3246 - Laboratory/ Industrial Training Module
BMS 4131 - Advanced Instrumentation
BMS 4162 - Research Project
BMS 4133 - Medical Physics
BMS 4134 - Laboratory Quality Assurance and Accreditation
BMS 4125 - Drug Development and Clinical Trials
BMS 4231 - Basics in Nanobiotechnology
BMS 4232 - Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine
BMS 4233 - Laboratory Quality and Control Management
BMS 4234 - Cancer Biology and Diagnostics
BMS 4235 - Applied Recombinant Technology
BHCS 1004 - Introduction to Human Pathology
BHCS 1006 - Infection and Immunity
BHCS 1011 - Study Skills and Personal DevelopmentÂ
BHCS 1012 - Workshop and Seminars
NUR 1151 - Fundamentals of Nursing I
NUR 1122 - Applied Sociology and Anthropology
NUR 1133 - Human Physiology I
NUR 1124 - Applied Nutrition and Dietetics
NUR 1125 - Biomolecules
NUR 1136 - Anatomical Planes and Sections
NUR 1128 - General and Professional English
NUR 1117 - Personality Development
NUR 1261 - Fundamentals of Nursing (Practical)
NUR 1212 - Communication Skills in Nursing
NUR 1233 - Human Anatomy II
NUR 1234 - Human Physiology II
NUR 1235 - Pathology
NUR 1226 - Applied psychology
NUR 1227 - Microbiology
NUR 1228 - Biochemistry
PUSL 2053 - Fundamentals of Nursing II
PUSL 2054 - Pharmacology
PUSL 2055 - Adult Health Nursing I
PUSL 2056 - Adult Health Nursing II
PUSL 2057 - Child Health Nursing
PUSL 2058 - Midwifery Obstetric and Gynecological Nursing
PUSL 3161 - Developing Nursing Practice
PUSL 3162 - Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing
PUSL 3127 - Leadership and Professional practice
PUSL 3164 - Transition to professional practice
PUSL 3165 - Nursing Research
PUSL 3163 - Community Health Nursing
PSY 1141 - Science of Learning
PSY 1142 - Fundamentals in Psychological Science
PSY 1143 - Debates in Psychology
PSY 1117 - Personality Development
PSY 1128 - General and Professional English
PSY 1241 - Psychology of Relationships
PSY 1242 - Topics in Psychology
PSY 1243 - Connecting Psychology
FNS 0141 - Fundamentals in Biology
FNS 0142 - Fundamentals in Chemistry I
FNS 0123 - Fundamentals in Physics
NSBM FP 1103 - omputer Applications and Programming Fundamentals
FNS 0241 - Genetics and Human Biology
FNS 0222 - Fundamentals in Psychology
FNS 0223 - Academic Writing
FNS 0224 - Communication and Presentation Skills
FNS 0225 - Technological Skills
FNS 0236 - Fndamentals in Chemistry II
PHN 1111 - Laboratory Practice and Safety
PHN 1132 - General Chemistry
PHN 1125 - Biomolecules
PHN 1124 - Cell Biology
PHN 1117 - Personality Development
PHN 1136 - Anatomical Planes and Sections
PHN 1128 - General and Professional English
PHN 1133 - Human Physiology I
PHN 1231 - General Instrumentation
PHN 1232 - General Microbiology
PHN 1233 - Human Anatomy II
PHN 1234 - Human Physiology II
PHN 1235 - Organic Chemistry
PHN 1226 - Genetics
PHN 1217 - Psychology
PHN 2121 - Biochemistry
PHN 2132 - General Pathology
PHN 2133 - Principles of Analytical Chemistry
PHN 2134 - Human Parasitology
PHN 2135 - Immunobiology
PHN 2117 - Basic Mathematics
PHN 2136 - Molecular Biology
PHN 2225 - Biostatistics
PHN 2221 - Metabolism
PHN 2232 - Human Diseases I
PHN 2233 - Toxicology
PHN 2234 - Clinical Biochemistry
PHN 2216 - Information Technology
PHN 3131 - Pharmacology I
PHN 3132 - Basics of Human Nutrition
PHN 3133 - Pathology II
PHN 3134 - Human Diseases II
PHN 3135 - Nutrition and Life Cycle
PHN 3136 - Research Methodology
PHN 3231 - Pharmacology II
PHN 3232 - Food and Food Analysis
PHN 3233 - Nutritional Product Development
PHN 3234 - Nutrition and Chronic Diseases
PHN 3225 - Research Bioethics
PHN 3246 - Industrial Training Module
PHN 4131 - Nutrition and Public Health
PHN 4162 - Research Project
PHN 4133 - Epidemiology
PHN 4241 - Health Education
PHN 4242 - Environmental and Occupational Health
PHN 4234 - Global Health
PHN 4225 - Public Health Microbiology
PHN 4236 - Cancer Biology
PHN 4233 - Nutraceutical Development
BMS 1136 - Anotomical planes and sections
FNS 0133 - Physics and Applied Mathematics
FNS 0134 - Principles of Management
FNS 0125 - General English
FNS 0236 - Fundamentals in Chemistry II
MGT 4361 - Dissertation
MGT 4201 - Dissertation
MGT 3233 - Reward Management
IS 304.3 - Business Analysis and Product Management
IS 303.2 - Research Methodology
SE 305.4 - Internship
IS 301.3 - Contemporary Topics in IS
ACF 3231 - Taxation
ACF 3232 - Financial Reporting and Disclosure
BS 201.3 - Engineering Ethics & Industrial Law
MA 202.3 - Engineering Mathematics IV
EE 207.3 - Electrical Machines & Drives I
ME 105.3 - Instrumentation & Control Principles
EE 102.3 - Communication Systems & Networks
CE 102.3 - Computer Architecture & Organization
ME 101.3 - Introductory Mechanics & Fluids
CE 307.3 - Digital Design & Embedded Systems
BS 302.3 - Engineering Project Management & Costing Accounting
CE 305.3 - Programming Languages & Compiler Designing
ME 304.3 - Sensors & Actuators
EE 301.3 - Advanced Communications
EE 302.3 - Power Electronics & Applications
EE 311.3 - Antennas & Propagation
BS 303.3 - Engineering & Socioeconomic Impact
BS 304.3 - Marketing & Business Economics
EE 313.3 - Electrical Machines & Drives II
EE 304.3 - Power System Engineering & Analysis
MGT 4234 - Business Ethics and CSR
MGT 4235 - Global Strategy
MGT 4236 - Contemporary Issues in International Business
MGT 4261 - Dissertation
NSBM CP 1502 - Basic Rendering Techniques
NSBM CP 1505 - Design Fundamentals
NSBM CP 1506 - Nature Studies
NSBM CP 1508 - Art, Design & Culture
BID 1106 - Materials - Structural - Building Construction I
BID 3103 - Introduction to Interior Design V
QS 1100 - Measurement Workshop
BLDG 402 - Principles of Economics and Management
BLDG 406 - Fundamentals of Construction
CIVL 102 - Construction Materials and Site Surveying
BLDG 409 - Digital Built Environment
BLDG 405 - Built Environment Project 1
BLDG 407 - Building Physics
PUSL 2012 - Transdisciplinary Design
PUSL 2013 - Design Studies and Communication
PUSL 2014 - Building Scince and Technology
PUSL 2015 - Spatial and Interior Integrated Skills
PUSL 2016 - Advance Design Practices
PUSL 2017 - Creative Career Development
PUSL 3114 - Internship
PUSL 3115 - Research Methodology
PUSL 3116 - Market Assessment and Project Management
PUSL 3117 - Interior Design Consolidation
PUSL 3118 - Comprehensive Design Project
BID 1206 - Materials - Interior - Interior Construction and Design II
IS 305.3 - Contemporary Topics in IS
NSBM QS 1201 - Construction Fundamentals
NSBM QS 1202 - Fundamentals of Project Management
NSBM QS 1203 - Drawing Fundamnetals
NSBM QS 1204 - Communication Skills
MGT 3237 - Critical Thinking
MGT 3238 - Social Media Management
MGT 3239 - Corporate Communication Management
LOG 4503 - Modelling in Transportation Logistics
IND 4503 - Advance Operations Management
PRO 4503 - Project HRM
PRO 4504 - Project Monitoring Control Evaluation and Termination
MGT 3136 - Public Relations in Practice &Theory
OPL 3237 - Innovation and New product Development
PUSL 2024 - Software Engineering 02
TSD-INTRO - TSD-Introductory Session
TSD-ENG - TSD-English
TSD-PD - TSD-Personal Development
TSD-TECH - TSD-Technical Session
PU CMN 1206 - Macroeconomics
PU CMN 1207 - Organization Behaviour
MGT 3233 - Industrial Training
MKT 215SL - Advertising Brand Management and Mkt
PUSL 2059 - Biology of Disease
PUSL 2060 - Evidence Based Practice in Biomedical Science
PUSL 2061 - Genetic Continuity and Diversity
PUSL 2062 - Cell Biology in Health and Disease
PUSL 2063 - Clinical Haematology and Biochemistry Â
PUSL 2064 - Infection, Immunity and Disease
PUSL 2065 - Preparation for Internship
PUSL 3166 - Personal Research Project
PUSL 3169 - Cellular Basis of Immunity
PUSL 3170 - Current Developments in Biomedical Science
PUSL 3168 - Specialist Biochemistry and Screening
PUSL 3167 - Clinical Microbiology
PUSL 3171 - Internship
PUSL 3190 - Computing Individual Project
PUSL 3120 - Full Stack Development
PUSL 3131 - Security Operation and Incident Management
PUSL 3133 - Digital Forensics and Malware Analysis
ABF 207 SL - Taxation
BSO 214 SL - Operations Management
PUSL 2042 - Research Skills in Practice 1
PUSL 2044 - Individual Differences, Social, & Developmental Psychology
PUSL 2047 - Applied Psychology
PUSL 2043 - Research Skills in Practice 2
PUSL 2045 - Cognitive and Biological Psychology
PUSL 2046 - Health & Wellbeing
PUSL 3149 - Current Topics in Psychology 1
PUSL 3150 - Current Topics in Psychology 2
PUSL 3151 - Advances in Psychology
PUSL 3152 - Internship
PUSL 3153 - Research Project
PUSL 2048 - Business Research
BSO 215SL - International Logistics & Supply Chain
BLDG 501 - Technology of Large and Innovative Building
BLDG 506 - Contract Procedure
BLDG 511 - Building Services Engineering
BLDG 508 - Built Environment Project 2
BLDG 604 - Building and Property Law
BLDG 603 - Sustainable and Safe Construction
BLDG 611 - Research Methods in the Built Environment
BLDG 612 - Dissertation Project
BLDG 614 - Quantity Surveying Professional Practice
BLDG 609 - Built Environemnt Project 3
EDS 1231 - Business Mathematics & Stat I
PUSL 3135 - Business Writing
NAH 1111 - Laboratory Practice and Safety
NAH 1117 - Personality Development
NAH 1124 - Cell Biology
NAH 1125 - Biomolecules
NAH 1128 - General and Professional English
NAH 1132 - General Chemistry
NAH 1133 - Human Physiology I
NAH 1136 - Anatomical Planes and Sections
ACE 0001 - Physics
ACE 0002 - Mathematical Methods
ACE 0003 - Applied Mathematics
PHYS 050 - Physics I
MATH 051 - Mathematical Methods I
MATH 058 - Applied Mathematics
ENGR 103 - Engineering Science (ENGR103)
ENGR 104 - Engineering Mathematics (ENGR104)
ENGR 104 - Engineering Mathematics
BID 1100 - Design Fundamentals
CREST CMN 01 - Capacity Enhancement
CREST CMN 02 - Law for Life
CREST MGT 01 - Fundamentals of HRM
CREST MGT 02 - Fundamentals of Logistics & Project Management
CREST MGT 03 - Fundamentals of Industrial Management
CREST IB 01 - Business in Global Context
CREST_BC_01_Crisis Communication -
CREST_LLB_01_English for Academic Purpos -
CREST ACC 01 - Fundamentals of Accounting
CREST LAW 01 - Law for Life
BAO 2001 - Corporate Finance
BSK 2001 - My Professional Brand
BEO 2255 - Applied Statistics for Business
BEO 2000 - Financial Institutions & Monetory Theory
BAO 3404 - Credit and Lending Decision
BAO 2007 - International Finance
BEO 3000 - Risk Management Models
BLO 2206 - Taxation Law and Practice
QS 1101 - Professional Communication Workshop
EDS 1131 - Microeconomics
EML 1131 - Academic and Business Writing
NIT 2122 - Server Administration and Management
NIT 2141 - Digital Forensics and Ethical Hacking
NIT 2103 - Cloud Computing
BMO 3002 - Knowledge Management
BHO 3373 - International Marketing
BMO 3008 - Strategic Supply Chain Management
BMO 3007 - Global Transport and Distribution Mnagement
CE 401.3 - Network Systems & Technologies
CE 404.3 - Cloud & Distributed Computing
EE 401.3 - Digital Signal Processing & Machine Vision
BS 402.3 - Entrepreneurship & Innovation
CE 402.3 - Data Science & Big Data Analytics
EE 405.3 - Advanced Power System Control & Protection
ACF 1131 - Financial Accounting I
MGT 3266 - Industrial Training
MGT 1235 - English for Professional Purposes I
MGT 2136 - Visual Communication
MGT 2233 - English for Professional Purposes II
MGT 3137 - English for Global Communication
MGT 32610 - Final Project
QS 2101 - Quantity Surveying Practices
Module Code - Name
PGD HRM 5231 - Introduction to HRM and Employee Resourcing
PGD HRM 5232 - Employment Law and Labour Relations
PGD HRM 5204 - Human Resource Information Systems
PGD HRM 5205 - Organizational Change and Development
BS 102.3 - Professional English for Engineering
BS 401.3 - Organizational Behaviour & Human Resource Management
EE407.3 - Optical Communication & Technologies
EE408.3 - Satellite & Mobile Communication Technology
CE406.3 - Web Architecture & Modern Web Development Technologies
BS403.3 - Strategic Management & Public Policy Planning
EE402.3 - Advances in Electrical & Electronic Engineering
EE403.3 - Power System Planning & Markets
EE 406.3 - Renewable Energy & Technologies
BS 401.3 - Organizational Behaviour & Human Resources Management
CE 401.3 - Network System & Technologies
MBAMP 6131 - Organizational Leadership and Cross-Cultural Management
MBAFN 6131 - Corporate Finance
OPL 3134 - Production Planing and Control
OPL 3135 - Maintenance Management
OPL 3131 - Port Operations and Management
OPL 3132 - Inventory & Warehouse Management
OPL 3133 - Procument Management
OPL 3136 - Scope Management
OPL 3137 - Time Management
OPL 3138 - Business Analysis
ACF 3133 - Investment Portfolio Management
ACF 3135 - Financial Modeling and Forecasting (Elective)
ABF 300 SL - Advanced Management Accounting
ABF 302 SL - Financial Management & Policy
MGT 4142 - Leadership for Organizational Change
MGT 3231 - International Business Management
MGT 3232 - Industrial Health and Safety
OPL 4145 - Project Estimation and Cost Management
OPL 4146 - Project Risk and Quality Management
OPL 4147 - Project Portfolio Management
OPL 4141 - Strategic Quality Management and Lean Six Sigma
OPL 4142 - Import and Export Management Related to Logistics
OPL 4143 - Operational Research
OPL 4144 - Industrial Engineering
IS 406.3 - Enterprise Architecture
FNS 0223 - Academic Writing
FNS 0224 - Communication and Presentation Skills
FNS 0227 - Research Methods in Psychology
NSBM FP 1101 - Principles of Management and Business (24.1)
NSBM FP 1104 - English and Soft Skills Development (24.1)
NSBM FP 1205 - Fundamentals of Mathematics and Quantitative Techniques (24.1)
NSBM FP 1103 - Computer Applications and Programming Fundamentals (24.1)
EDS 2133 - Introduction to Information systems
EDS 2132 - Mathematics for Economics I
LLB 2141 - Law of Property
LLB 2142 - Commercial Law
LLB 2143 - Negotiations
LLB 2144 - International Law
EML 2131 - Intercultural & Interpersonal Communication
EML 2132 - Modern World Literature
ACF 2132 - Financial Revenue Management
BSO 316 SL - Operations Management for Comp Adv (21.1/21.2)
BMG 312SL - Organisational Leadership
FDCN 01 - Fundamentals of Data Communication and Networking
FITS 02 - Fundamentals of IT security
FCSNS 03 - Fundamentals of Computer Systems and Network Services
ECS 04 - Essentials for Cyber Security
ABF 203 SL - Financial Accounting and Reporting (22.1/22.2)
ABF 204 SL - Financial Institution & Markets (22.1/22.2)
ABF 205 SL - Management Accounting (22.1/22.2)
PUSL 3124 - Study skills and Professional Values
PUSL 3125 - Understanding Evidence to Inform Clinical Decision
PUSL 3126 - Clinical Decision Making in Healthcare Practice
PUSL 3128 - Independent Study
PUSL 1004 - Contract Law
PUSL 1005 - Family Law
PUSL 1006 - Public Law
PUSL 2076 - Data Programming in R
PUSL 2077 - Data Science in Python
PUSL 2078 - Statistics for Data Science
PUSL 2052 - Business Process and ERP
PUSL 2079 - Topics in Business Analytics and Intelligence
BLDG 510 - Property Development and Refurbishment
BLDG 514 - Quantity Surveying Principles
PUSL 2030 - Construction Technology
PUSL 2034 - Building Services Engineering
PUSL 2031 - Contract Procedures
PUSL 2032 - Common Challenge: Built Environment
OPL 3233 - Computer Integrated Manufacturing
MGT 3235 - Innovation and New product Development
OPL 3231 - Aviation Operations and Management
LGS 3231 - Maritime Law in Logistics
OPL 3232 - Supply Chain Management
OPL 3236 - Agile Project Management
OPL 3235 - Project Information Systems and Management Applications
OPL 3234 - Project Procurement and Contract Management
PUSL 2028 - Media,Law and Ethics
NSBM FP 1101 - Principles of Management and Business (24.2)
NSBM FP 1104 - English and Soft Skills Development (24.2)
NSBM FP 1205 - Fundamentals of Mathematics and Quantitative Techniques (24.2)
NSBM FP 1103 - Computer Applications and Programming Fundamentals (24.2)
OPL 3131 - Port Operations and Management
NAH 1217 - Psychology
NAH 1226 - Genetics
NAH 1231 - General Instrumentation
NAH 1232 - General Microbiology
NAH 1233 - Human Anatomy II
NAH 1234 - Human Physiology II
NAH 1235 - Organic Chemistry
NAH 2117 - Basic Mathematics
NAH 2121 - Biochemistry
NAH 2132 - General Pathology
NAH 2133 - Principles of Analytical Chemistry
NAH 2134 - Human Parasitology
NAH 2135 - Immunobiology
NAH 2136 - Molecular Biology
NAH 2216 - Information Technology
NAH 2221 - Metabolism
NAH 2225 - Biostatistics
NAH 2232 - Human Diseases I
NAH 2233 - Toxicology
NAH 2234 - Clinical Biochemistry
NAH 3131 - Pharmacology I
NAH 3132 - Basics of Human Nutrition
NAH 3133 - Pathology II
NAH 3134 - Human Diseases II
NAH 3135 - Nutrition and Life Cycle
NAH 3136 - Research Methodology
NAH 3225 - Research Bioethics
NAH 3231 - Pharmacology II
NAH 3232 - Food and Food Analysis
NAH 3233 - Nutritional Product Development
NAH 3234 - Nutrition and Chronic Diseases
NAH 3246 - Industrial Training Module
NAH 4131 - Nutrition and Public Health
NAH 4133 - Epidemiology
NAH 4162 - Research Project
NAH 4225 - Public Health Microbiology
NAH 4233 - Nutraceutical Development
NAH 4234 - Global Health
NAH 4236 - Cancer Biology
NAH 4241 - Health Education
NAH 4242 - Environmental and Occupational Health
BHCS 1011 - Study Skills and Personal Development
PUSL 2063 - Clinical Haematology and Biochemistry
MKT 201 SL - Buyer Behaviour & Relationships
MKT 201SL - Buyer Behaviour & Relationships
MKT 217 SL - New Product Development and Marketing Planning
MKT 217SL - New Product Development and Marketing Planning
NUR 1141 - Fundamentals of Nursing I
NUR 1142 - Human Anatomy and Physiology I
NUR 1143 - Applied Psychology, Sociology and Communication Skills
NUR 1244 - Human Anatomy and Physiology II
NUR 1245 - Applied Nutrition and Dietetics and Biochemistry
NUR 1246 - Microbiology and Pathology
NUR 1247 - Fundamentals of Nursing I (Practical)
CS 102.3 - Programming Fundamentals
SE 103.3 - Systems Analysis and Design
ACF 4141 - Advanced Management Accounting
ACF 4142 - Auditing and Professional Practice
ACF 4143 - Business Valuation
MGT 1131 - Principles of Management
HTM 215SL - Tourism and Planning Management
PUSL 2011 - Special Interest in Tourism
PUSL 3103 - Event Innovation
PU BC 1201 - English for Academic Purposes
EDS 1231 - Business Statitics I
EDS 1232 - Economics History
EML 1203 - Academic Writing
PHS 11101 - Laboratory Practice and Safety
PHS 11107 - Chemistry Elementary Laboratory
PHS 11108 - Basic Mathematics
PHS 11109 - Personality Development
PHS 11202 - General Chemistry
PHS 11203 - Human Physiology I
PHS 11204 - Cell Biology
PHS 11205 - Biomolecules
PHS 11206 - Anatomical Planes and Sections
PHS 11210 - General and Professional English
PHS 12107 - Analytical Chemistry Laboratory
PHS 12108 - Information Technology
PHS 12109 - Psychology
PHS 12110 - Mathematics 2
PHS 12202 - Pharmaceutical Analytical Chemistry
PHS 12203 - Human Anatomy II
PHS 12204 - Human Physiology II
PHS 12301 - General Instrumentation
PHS 12305 - Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry
PHS 12306 - Pharmaceutics I
CS 104.3 - Computer Architechture
ENGR 101 - Engineering Design
ENGR 102 - Engineering Practice and Experimental Techniques
ENGR 105 - Engineering Mechanics and Structures
ENGR 106 - Engineering Materials
PROJ 100 - Embedded System Design and Build
ELEC 144 - Electrical priciples and machines
EML 1231 - Fundamentals of Communication Studies
EML 1232 - English for Professional Purposes (I)
ACF 1232 - Financial Accounting II
ACF 1233 - Financial Management
CIVL 102 - Construcion Materials and Site Surveying
BLDG 405 - Built Environment Project
PHYS 051 - Physics 2
MATH 053 - Mathematical methods 2
ELEC 051 - Electronics
ACS 0031 - Biology
ACS 0032 - Chemistry
ACS 0033 - Physics
DESC 1102 - Design Fundamentals
DESC 1105 - Basic Drafting and Presentation Techniques
DESC 1101 - Drawing Fundamentals
DESC 1104 - Design Culture & Society
BAO 3403 - Investment Portfolio Management
BAO 3000 - Personal Financial Planning
BPD 3100 - Applied Business Challenge (Common)
BEO 2008 - Banking Law
BEO 2012 - Financial Modelling for Entreprise Risk Management
ABF 311 SL - Advanced Financial Accounting & Reporting (21.1/21.2)
ABF 318 SL - Auditing (21.1/21.2)
NSBM CFP 1208 - Programming in C
NSBM FP 1106 - Fundamentals of Accounting
NSBM FP 1107 - Business Theory & Environment
NSBM FP 1108 - Professional Development
BMO 3332 - Managing Organisational Change
BMO 2013 - Digital Supply Chain Management
BSK 3000 - Professional Business Project
BMO 2014 - Leadership
BMO 2012 - Procurement and Supply Management
BMO 2008 - Digital Business
NIT 2241 - Cyber Law Policy and Professional Ethics
NIT 2242 - Data Privacy and Cyber Physical Systems Security
BMO 3010 - Entrepreneurial Venture Scale Up
NSBM CP 1100 - Library Session
IS 405.6 - Computer Network Award Project
CN 406.3 - Disaster Recovery and High Availability Techniques
IS 405.6 - Computer Network Award Project
ACP EDS 101 - Basic Mathematics
ACP EML 102 - Critical Thinking for Academic Literacy
ACP EDS 103 - Introduction to Economics
ACP MGT 104 - Out-bound Training
ACF 4231 - Advanced Accounting Theory
ACF 4232 - Financial Statement Analysis
ACF 4233 - Strategic Management Accounting
BSC MM 1001 - Concept Development
BSC MM 1002 - World of Multimedia
BSC MM 1003 - Computing Fundamentals
BSC MM 1004 - Drawing
BSC MM 1005 - Design Principles 1
BSC MM 1006 - Typography Design
MGT 1104 - Introduction to Sustainability
MBS 5116 - Business Communication (Residential Woekshop)
MBS5 125 - Legal Aspects for Managers
MGT 2232 - Organizational Behavior
EDS 2231 - Business Statistics II
EDS 2232 - Managerial Economics
EDS 2233 - Data visualization using Tableau
EDS 2234 - R for Business Analytics
EDS 2235 - Statistics for Analytics II
EDS 2236 - Introduction to enterprise Systems
EML 2231 - English for Professional Purposes (II)
EML 2232 - Communication via Web-Based Applications
EML 2233 - Research Methods for Communication Research
LLB 2245 - Law of Evidence
LLB 2246 - Administrative Law
LLB 2247 - Employment Law
LLB 2248 - Interpretation of Statutes
EML 2207 - French Language
MBS 5116 - Business Communication (Residential Workshop)
MBAEN 6131 - Innovation and Entrepreneurship
MBAMP 6132 - Knowledge Management
MBAOP 6132 - Managing Service Operation
MBATo 6132 - Managing Small Scale Enterprises in Tourism
PCN 11103 - Computer Network Models and Design
PCN 11203 - Routing and Switching
PCN 12103 - Voice & Telephony Technologies
PCN 22103 - Disaster Recovery & High Availability Techniques
PCN 22301 - Project Reports
PGD 5135 - Organizational Behaviour
PGD HRM 5231 - Introduction to HRM & Employee Resourcing
PGD HRM 5232 - Employment Law & Labour Relations
MGT 4143 - Performance Management
MGT 4144 - Work Psychology and Counselling
MTM 2132 - Tourism Planning & Development
MTM 2231 - Social Etiquette and Professional Development for Tourism
MTM 2232 - Resources, Recreation & Tourism
MTM 2233 - Service Quality Management
MTM 2234 - Tourism, Hospitality and Event Marketing
MTM 2235 - Housekeeping & Accommodation Operations
MTM 3131 - Tourism and Sustainable Development
MTM 3132 - Entrepreneurship in Tourism Hospitality & Events
MTM 3133 - Sustainable Tourism Principles and Practices
MTM 3134 - MICE Tourism
LGS 3232 - Legal Environment of Tourism, Hospitality and Events
MTM 3231 - Project Management in Tourism
MTM 3232 - Crisis and Disaster Management in Tourism
MTM 3233 - Travel and Tour Agency Operations
MTM 3234 - E Commerce for Tourism
MTM 4141 - Cultural Diversity in Tourism, Hospitality and Event Management
MTM 4142 - Sustainable Event Management
MTM 4143 - Aviation and Airport Operations
LSC 1111 - Laboratory Practice and Safety
LSC 1132 - General Chemistry
LSC 1133 - Human Physiology
LSC 1124 - Cell Biology
LSC 1125 - Biomolecules
LSC 1136 - Anatomical Planes and Sections
LSC 1117 - Personality Development
LSC 1128 - General and Professional English
PHS 1121 - General Chemistry
PHS 1122 - Human Physiology I
PHS 1123 - Anatomical Planes and Sections
PHS 1114 - Chemistry Elementary Laboratory
PHS 1115 - Basic Mathematics
NUR 1143 - Applied Psychology, Sociology, and Communication Skills
PUSL 2053 - Fundamentals of Nursing 2
PUSL 2054 - Pharmocology
PUSL 2056 - Adult Health Nursing 2
PUSL 2058 - Midwifery, Obstetrics and Gynaecological Nursing
PUSL 3162 - Psychiatric & Mental health nursing
CS 103.2 - Personal Development
PHYS 049 - Physics Laboratory 1
ENGR 103 - Engineering Science
ELEC 142 - Analogue Electronics
ELEC 141 - Digital Electronics
BSC MM 1013 - Photography
BSC MM 1014 - Cinematography
BSC MM 1015 - 3D Design 1
BSC MM 1016 - Game Design
BSC MM 1017 - Video Editing and Production
BSC MM 1018 - Interactive Design
BSC MM 1007 - Illustration
BSC MM 1008 - Story Telling and Script Writing
BSC MM 1009 - Art, Design and Society
BSC MM 1010 - Animation Studies
BSC MM 1011 - Digital Imagine
BSC MM 1012 - Multimedia Imagine
ACE 0004 - Professional Communication
BAI 1100 - Referrals
NSBM QS 1205 - Mathematics Fundamentals
BSC MM 1019 - Advertising and Media Art
BSC MM 1020 - Multimedia Project Management
BSC MM 1021 - 3D Design 2
BSC MM 1022 - Web Design
BSC MM 1023 - Design Principles 2
BSC MM 1024 - Visual Communication
BSC MM 1025 - Multimedia Production
BSC MM 1026 - Professional Studies
BSC MM 1027 - Visual Effects Production
BSC MM 1028 - Research Methodology
BSC MM 1029 - Dissertation
BSC MM 1008 - Story Telling & Script Writing
BSC MM 1011 - Digital Imaging
BSC MM 1012 - Multimedia Imaging
BSC MM 1030 - Internship
BSC MM 1031 - Media Law & Ethics
BSC MM 1032 - Entrepreneurship
BSC MM 1033 - Final Project
BSO 300 SL - Corporate Strategy
MGT 1233 - Academic Writing
BLDG 402 - Principles of Economic and Management
NSBM SR 1100 - Self Reflection
MSC 5101 - Problem Solving and Programming
MSC 5102 - Software Development Paradigms and Processes
MSC 5103 - Systems Analysis and Design
MSC 5201 - Data Communication and Computer Networks
MSC 5202 - Web and Mobile Application Development
MSC 5203 - Governance and Management in ICT
MSC 5204 - Intergrated Project
MBATo 6132 - Managing Small Scale Enterprise in Tourism
PUSL 2019 - Informational Management and Retreieval
PUSL 2018 - Computational Theory and Statistics for Computing
LLB 1143 - Legal Systems
LLB 1144 - Introduction to Legal Research and Writing
MKT 215SL - Advertising Brand Management & Mkt Comms
PUSL 2066 - Property Law
PUSL 2067 - Tort Law
PUSL 2068 - European Law
BSO 300SL - Corporate Stratergy
PUSL 2086 - Engineering Mathematics and Statistics
PUSL 2087 - Real Time Systems Project
PUSL 2082 - Introduction to Robotics
PUSL 2092 - Civil Engineering Practice
PUSL 2093 - Structural Analysis and Design 1
PUSL 2094 - Geotechnical Engineering 1
PUSL 2095 - Engineering Analysis
PUSL 2080 - Materials and Structural Integrity
PUSL 2081 - Manufacturing Processes
PUSL 2083 - Engineering Mathematics and Control
PUSL 2088 - Communication Systems
BSO 215SL - International Logistics and Supply Chain
BSO 214 SL - Opernations Management
PUSL 2031 - Contract Procedure
PUSL 2032 - Common Challenge : and Built Environment
PUSL 3190 - Computing Project
PUSL 3159 - Entreprise, Innovations and Creativity
PUSL 3189 - Natural Language Processing
BEO 3002 - Derivatives and Risk Management
BAO 3404 - Credit and Lending Decisions
ENGR 101 - Engineering Design (S1)
ENGR 102 - Engineering Practice and Experimental Techniques (S1)
PROJ 100 - Embedded System Design and Build (S1)
ELEC 144 - Electrical principles and machines (S1)
BS 101.3 - Technical Communication
BMO 3007 - Global Transport and Distribution Management
BMO 3002 - Strategic Management
NIT 3141 - Securities Operations and Vulnerability Analysis
NIT 3122 - Enterprise Network Management
NIT 3203 - Software Development and IT Operations
COM 0001 - Common Module 01
MEML 3133 - English for Global Communication
EML 2132 - Modern World Literatures
EML 3161 - Industrial Training
EML 3132 - Public Relations in Practice & Theory
EML 3133 - English for Global Communication
EML 3231 - Critical Thinking
EML 3232 - Social Media Management
EML 3233 - Corporate Communication Management
EML 3264 - Final Project
MGT 4232 - Strategic Human Resource Management
MGT 4233 - HR Processes and Systems
EDS 4232 - Labor Economics
OPL 3133 - Procurement Management
OPL 4143 - Operations Research
OPL 4231 - Transport Planning and Demand Modelling
OPL 4232 - Enterprise Resource Planning
OPL 4235 - Project Human Resource Management
OPL 4236 - Project Monitoring, Control, Evaluation and Termination
OPL 3134 - Production Planning and Control
OPL 3135 - Maintenance Management
OPL 4233 - Business Simulation
OPL 4234 - Materials Management
COM 0001 - Academic Writing
ACF 3134 - Computer Based Accounting
ACF 3135 - Financial Modeling and Forecasting
ACF 4141 - Advanced Management Accounting
MM 1005 - Design Principles 1
MM 1008 - Story Telling & Script Writing
MM 1015 - 3D Design 1
MM 1021 - 3D Design 2
MM 1023 - Design Principles 2
MM 1031 - Media Law & Ethics
MBAMP 6131 - Organizational Leadership and Cross-Cultural Management
PUSL 2042 - Research Skills in Practice I
PUSL 2043 - Research Skills in Practice II
PUSL 3149 - Current Topics in Psychology I
PUSL 3150 - Current Topics in Psychology II
DS 201.3 - Introduction to Data Science
SE 204.3 - Development of Enterprise Applications I
DS 202.3 - Data Programming with R
DS 203.3 - Statistics for Data Science
SE 202.3 - Introduction to Software Engineering
CS 202.3 - Systems Fundamentals
CS 203.3 - Algorithms and Complexity
SE 206.3 - Human Computer Interaction
PGD 5133 - Business Communication
MBS 5125 - Leagal Aspects for Managers
COM 0003 - Law of Contract/Contract Law
EDS 1231 - Business Statistics I
MTM 1231 - Introduction to Tourism and Hospitality
MTM 1232 - Event Management
MTM 2235 - Accomadation Operations
ELEC 144 - Electrical Principles and Machines
COM 0002 - Statistics for Analytics I/Business Statitics I
EDS 2134 - Business Statistics
ACF 3135 - Accounting, Financial Modeling and Forecasting
EML 2107 - Chinese Language
MGT 4131 - Research Methadology
PU CMN 1213 - Accommodation Operations
EDS 1231 - Business and Statistics I
MTM 1233 - Accommodation Operations
MTM 2132 - Tourism Planning and Development
EDS 3135 - Marketing Analytics
EDS 3136 - Human Resource Analytics
EDS 3137 - System analysis and design
EDS 3138 - Big data analytics in Business
EDS 3139 - Operations Analytics
EDS 3131 - Mathematics for Economics II
EDS 3132 - Financial Institutions and Monetary Theory
EDS 3133 - Financial Economics
EDS 3134 - Transferrable Skills and Employability
OPL 3134 - Production Planing and Control
LLB 3141 - Procedural Laws
LLB 3142 - Human Rights Law
LLB 3143 - Law of Delict
LLB 3144 - Internship/Industrial Training
CREST TOU 01 - History of Tourism & Sri Lankan Tourism Geography
MSC 5104 - Modern Operating Systems
MSC 5105 - Information Management and Retrieval
PUSL 3137 - Quantity Surveying Professional Practice
QS 3201 - Industrial Training Workshop
PUSL 2065 - Computer Networks
PUSL 3130 - Advance Computer Networking Infrastructure
PUSL 3122 - HCI, Computer Graphics & Visualization
PUSL 2096 - Hydraulic and Coastal Engineering
PUSL 2097 - Construction Management
PUSL 2085 - Mechanical Engineering Design & Commercialization
PUSL 2084 - Engineering Quality Management
PUSL 2090 - Control Engineering
PUSL 2091 - Sensors and Actuators for Robotics Systems
PUSL 2089 - Power Electronics and Generation
ABF 311 SL - Advanced Financial Accounting & Reporting
ABF 318 SL - Auditing
BSO 316 SL - Operations Management for Comp Adv
ABF 203 SL - Financial Accounting and Reporting
ABF 204 SL - Financial Institutions & Marketing
ABF 205 SL - Management Accounting
MKT 216SL - Business and Market Research
PUSL 2007 - Events Planning and Strategy
PHS 21201 - Biochemistry
PHS 21302 - General Pathology
PHS 21303 - Pharmaceutical Microbiology
PHS 21304 - Physical Pharmacy I
PHS 21305 - Immunobiology
PHS 21306 - Pharmaceutics II
PHS 21107 - Physical Pharmacy I Laboratory
PHS 21108 - Organic Chemistry Laboratory
OPL 4235 - Project HR Management
PUSL 2069 - Equity and Trust
PUSL 2070 - Public International Law
PUSL 2071 - Internship/Work Based Learning
COM 0004 - Public Relations in Practice & Theory
LLB 1100 - English for Legal Studies
LLB PU CMN 01 - Legal English
EML 1131 - Business Communication
LSC 1231 - General Instrumentation
LSC 1232 - General Microbiology
LSC 1233 - Human Anatomy II
LSC 1234 - Human Physiology II
LSC 1235 - Organic Chemistry
LSC 1226 - Genetics
LSC 1217 - Psychology
PHS 1221 - Pharmaceutical Analytical Chemistry
PHS 1222 - Human Anatomy II
PHS 1223 - Human Physiology II
PHS 1234 - Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry
PHS 1235 - Pharmaceutics I
PHS 1216 - Analytical Chemistry Laboratory
PHS 1217 - Mathematics II
MGT 1133 - Soft Skills Development
PUSL 1001 - Introduction to Law and Legal System
PUSL 1002 - Criminal Law
PUSL 1003 - Introduction to Legal Writing and Legal Research
NSBM BFP 1101 - Principles of Management and Business
NSBM BFP 1102 - English and Soft Skills Development
NSBM BFP 1103 - Fundamentals of Mathematics and Quantitative Techniques
NSBM BFP 1201 - Fundamentals of Economics
NSBM BFP 1202 - Project Management
NSBM BFP 1203 - Fundamentals of Accounting
NSBM BFP 1204 - Business Theory & Legal Environment
NSBM BFP 1205 - Professional Development
PU CMN 1206 - Economics for Business II
PU CMN 1214 - Introduction to Tourism and Event
PU CMN 1213 - Accomodation Operations
MTM 1233 - Front Office Operations
MTM 1233 - Accomodation Operations
MM 1001 - Concept Development
MM 1002 - World of Multimedia
MM 1003 - Computing Fundamentals
MM 1004 - Drawing
MM 1005 - Design Principles I
MM 1006 - Typography Design
MM 1007 - Illustration
MM 1008 - Story Telling and Script Writing
MM 1009 - Art, Design and Society
MM 1010 - Animation Studies
MM 1011 - Digital Imaging
MM 1012 - Multimedia Imaging
MM 1013 - Photography
MM 1014 - Cinematography
MM 1015 - 3D Design I
MM 1016 - Game Design
MM 1017 - Video Editing and Production
MM 1018 - Interactive Design
MM 1019 - Advertising and Media Art
MM 1020 - Multimedia Project Management
MM 1021 - 3D Design II
MM 1022 - Web Design
MM 1023 - Design Principles II
MM 1024 - Visual Communication
MM 1025 - Multimedia Production
MM 1026 - Professional Studies
MM 1027 - Visual Effects Production
MM 1028 - Research Methodology
MM 1029 - Dissertation
MM 1030 - Internship
MM 1031 - Media Law and Ethics
MM 1032 - Entrepreneurship
MM 1033 - Final Project
CS 101.3 - Introduction to Computer Science
MA 101.3 - Mathematics I
CS 102.3 - Programming in C
CS 103.3 - Professional Development
SE 103.3 - System Analysis and Design
CS 107.3 - Object Oriented Programming with C#
CS 106.3 - Algorithms and Data Structures
CS 104.3 - Computer Architecture
CS 105.3 - Database Management Systems
SE 102.3 - Web Based Application Development
CNET 214SL - Network & System Administration
CNET 233SL - Network security
PUSL 2001 - IT Legalization & Ethics
PUSL 2008 - Introduction to IoT
PUSL 2010 - Servers, Datacenters and Cloud
CNET 237SL - Computer Networks
PUSL 2003 - Integrating project
ISAD 253SL - Databases
PUSL 2009 - Network and Security Programming
PRCO 303SL - Computing Project
CNET 335SL - Cybercrime and Forensics Investigation
PUSL 3109 - Voice and Video over IP
CNET 350SL - Network Monitoring
CNET 349SL - Incident Prevention, Detection & Response
PUSL 3105 - Advanced Networks
PUSL 3107 - Network Security and Penetration Testing
CNET 334SL - Information Security Management
ISAD 254SL - Human Computer Interaction
PUSL 2002 - Web Development Platforms
SOFT 255SL - Software Engineering for the Internet using Java
ISAD 341SL - Software Development and Project Management
SOFT 336SL - Cross-platform Development in C++
PUSL 3110 - Advanced Databases and Their Applications
CNET 343SL - Distributed Systems
PUSL 3111 - API Software Development
PUSL 3108 - Pervasive Computing
PUSL 3106 - Design Patterns and Software Engineering
CN 101.3 - Data Communications and Networks
SE 101.3 - Object Oriented Programming with Java
CN 201.3 - Computer Networks
SE 201.3 - Systems Analysis and Design
CS 201.3 - Operating Systems
MA 201.3 - Mathematics II
CN 202.3 - Network Management
SE 204.3 - Development of Enterprise Applications I
CN 205.3 - Voice and Video over IP
CN 203.3 - Network systems configuration and administration
CN 204.3 - Network Security
SE 206.3 - Human Computer Interaction
CS 301.3 - IT Project Management
CS 306.3 - Information Assurance and Security
SE 307.3 - Social Issues and Professional Practice
SE305.6 - Internship **
CN 301.3 - Advanced Routing and Switching
CN 303.3 - Service provider systems and networks
CN 302.3 - Wireless Technologies and Network Programming
MA 301.3 - Advanced Mathematics for Computing
CS 302.3 - Cryptography
IS 302.3 - IT Audit and Control
IS 301.3 - Enterprise Architecture
CN 401.6 - CN Award Project
CN 402.3 - Enterprise Networks
CN 403.3 - Intrusion Prevention, Detection & Response
CN 406.3 - Disaster Recovery and High Availability Techniques
CS 407.3 - Internet of Things
BS 402.3 - Entrepreneurship
BS 401.3 - Business Policy and Strategy
CS 404.3 - Parallel and Distributed Computing
CS 405.3 - Data Warehousing and Data Mining
IS 401.3 - Management Information Systems
IS 402.3 - E-Business Application Development
CS 408.3 - Embedded Systems
SE 403.3 - Platform Based Development
SE 202.3 - Introduction to Software Engineering
CS 202.3 - Systems Fundamentals
CS 203.3 - Algorithms and Complexity
SE 205.3 - Software Architecture
CS 303.3 - Computational Theory
CS 305.3 - Programming Languages and Compiler Design
CS 304.3 - Advanced Database Management Systems
SE301.3 - Software Process Management
SE 303.3 - Mobile Application Development
CS 402.3 - Computer Graphics and Visualization
CS 403.3 - Intelligent Systems
CS406.3 - Bio Informatics
SE 404.3 - Agent Based Systems
SE 402.3 - Development of Enterprise Applications II
MA 101.3 - Mathematics for Computing
MA 201.3 - Statistics for Computing
BS 201.3 - Business Studies
IS 204.3 - Enterprise Systems
IS 203.3 - Business Process Management
IS 202.3 - Foundations of Information Systems
SE 304.3 - Software Quality Assurance
IS 404.3 - Business Analytics
IS209.3 - Business Processes and ERP
SE207.3 - Software Verification and Validation
SE 401.6 - SE Honours Award Project
NIT 2102 - Cyber Security Essentials
NIT 2112 - Object Oriented Programming
NIT2113 - Cloud Application Development
NIT 2171 - Introduction to ICT Management
NIT 2213 - Software Engineering
NIT 2202 - Big Data
NIT 2271 - ICT Change Management
NIT 2201 - IT Profession and Ethics
NIT3101 - IT Project 1
NIT3112 - Advance Web Application Development
NIT3113 - Advanced Programming
NIT3114 - Online Business System Development
NIT 3171 - ICT Business Analytics and Data Visualisation
NIT 3213 - Mobile Application Development
NIT 3274 - Small IT Business
NIT3201 - IT Project 2
IS 204.3 - Enterprize Systems
CS 401.6 - CS Honours Award Project
IS 301.3 - Enterprize Architecture
IS401.6 - MIS Award Project
SE 308.3 - Software Process
SE306.3 - SE Award Project
CN 406.3 - Disaster Recovery and High Availability Techniques
CN 303.3 - Service Provider Systems and Networks
CN 403.3 - Intrusion Prevention, Detection and Response
SE 308.3 - Software Process Management
IS 405.6 - MIS Special Award Project
MGT 1301 - Management Process
MGT 1302 - Business Communication
MGT 1303 - Financial Accounting I
MGT 1304 - Economics for Managers
MGT 1305 - Soft Skills Development
MGT 1306 - Management Accounting
MGT 1307 - Information and Communication Technology
MGT 1308 - Business Environment
MGT 1309 - Project Management
MGT 1310 - Business Mathematics and Statistics I
MGT 2301 - Organizational Behaviour
MGT 2302 - Marketing Management
MGT 2303 - Financial Accounting II
MGT 2304 - Professional Development
MGT 2305 - Operations Management
MGT 2306 - Financial Management
MGT 2307 - Human Resource Management
MGT 2308 - Logistics Management
MGT 2309 - Quality Management
MGT 2310 - Industrial Relations
MGT 3401 - Strategic Management
MGT 3402 - Management Information Systems
HRM 3401 - Employee Resourcing
HRM 3402 - Human Resources Development
MGT 3403 - International Business Management
MGT 3404 - Business and Industrial Law
MGT 3605 - Industrial Training
MGT 4401 - Research Methodology
HRM 4501 - Performance Management
HRM 4502 - Rewards Management
HRM 4503 - Strategic Human Resource Management
HRM 4504 - HR Processes and Systems
MGT 4602 - Dissertation
LOG 3401 - Inventory and Warehouse Management
LOG 3402 - Procurement Management
LOG 4501 - Import and Export Management Related to Logistics
LOG 4502 - Maritime Law in Logistics
LOG 4503 - Modeling in Transportation Logistics
LOG 4504 - Supply Chain Management
IND 3401 - Production Planning and Control
IND 3402 - Maintenance Management
IND 4501 - Industrial Safety Management
IND 4502 - Industrial Engineering
IND 4503 - Advanced Operations Management
IND 4504 - Materials Management
PRO 3401 - Scope Management
PRO 3402 - Time Management
PRO 4501 - Cost Management
PRO 4502 - Project Risk and Quality Management
PRO 4503 - Project HR Management
PRO 4504 - Project Monitoring, Control, Evaluation and Termination
MGT 1310 - Business Mathematics and Statistics
ACT 2301 - Macro-Economics
ACT 2302 - Business Mathematics and Statistics II
MGT 3301 - Strategic Management
MGT 3302 - Management Information Systems
ACT 3301 - Taxation
ACT 3302 - Corporate Finance
ACT 3303 - Investment and Portfolio Management
MGT 3304 - Business and Industrial Law
ACT 3304 - Computer Based Accounting
ACT 3305 - Financial Reporting and Disclosure
ACT 3306 - International Financial Management
MGT 3305 - Industrial Training
ACT 4401 - Advanced Management Accounting
ACT 4402 - Auditing and Professional Practice
ACT 4303 - Business Valuation
ACT 4304 - Advanced Accounting Theory
ACT 4305 - Financial Statement Analysis
ACT 4306 - Strategic Management Accounting
BScMGT 1101 - Management Process
BScMGT 1102 - Business Communication
BScMGT 1103 - Financial Accounting
BScMGT 1104 - Economics for Managers
BScMGT 1105 - Business Mathematics and Statistics
BScMGT 1106 - Managerial Accounting
BScMGT 1207 - Information and Communication Technology
BScMGT 1208 - Business Environment
BScMGT 1209 - Introduction to Project Management
BScMGT 1210 - Critical Enabling Skills Training
BScMGT 2101 - Organizational Behaviour
BScMGT 2102 - Professional Development
BScMGT 2103 - Marketing Management
BScMGT 2104 - Advanced Financial Accounting
BScMGT 2105 - Logistics Management
BScMGT 2206 - Financial Management
BScMGT 2207 - Human Resource Management
BScMGT 2208 - Quality Management
BScMGT 2209 - Introduction to Operations Management
BScMGT 2210 - Industrial Relations
BScMGT 2211 - Industrial Training
BScMGT 3101 - Strategic Management
BScMGT 3102 - Management Information Systems
BScHRM 3103 - Employee Resourcing
BScMGT 3103 - International Business Management
BScMGT 3104 - Business and Industrial Law
BScHRM 3209 - Human Resources Development
BScHRM 4102 - Performance Management
BScHRM 4103 - Rewards Management
BScMGT 4101 - Research Methodology
BScHRM 4210 - Strategic Human Resource Management
BScHRM 4211 - HR Processes and Systems
BScLOG 3104 - Inventory and Warehouse Management
BScLOG 3210 - Procurement Management
BScLOG 4104 - Import and Export Management Related to Logistics
BScLOG 4105 - Maritime Law in Logistics
BScLOG 4212 - Modeling in Transportation Logistics
BScLOG 4213 - Supply Chain Management
BScIND 3105 - Production Planning and Control
BScIND 3211 - Maintenance Management
BScIND 4106 - Industrial Safety Management
BScIND 4107 - Industrial Engineering
BScIND 4214 - Advanced Operations Management
BScIND 4215 - Materials Management
BScPRO 3106 - Scope Management
BScPRO 3212 - Time Management
BScPRO 4108 - Cost Management
BScPRO 4109 - Project Risk and Quality Management
BScPRO 4216 - Project HR Management
BScPRO 4217 - Project Monitoring, Control, Evaluation and Termination
BEO2255 - Applied Statistics for Business
BLO1105 - Business Law
BEO2401 - Risk Management and Insurance
BBC3004 - Green Economy
BAO2001 - Corporate Finance
BEO2000 - Financial Institutions and Monetary Theory
BPD 2100 - International Business Challenge
BAO3000 - Personal Financial Planning
BAO3402 - International Banking and Finance
BLO2206 - Taxation Law and Practice
BEO3000 - Risk Management Models
BEO2001 - Commercial Banking and Finance
BAO3404 - Credit and Lending Decisions
BLO3405 - Law of Financial Institutions and Securities
BAO3403 - Investment and Portfolio Management
BPD 3100 - Applied Business Challenge
ACC2002L - Financial & Management Accounting
HRM2001L - HRM: Strategy & Policy
BMGT2001L - Managing Change
BMGT2002L - International Business
BMGT2003L - Project Management
MIS2008L - Data Analysis for Decision Makers
MIS3008L - Managing Digital Business Strategy and Operations
BMGT3004L - Management Research Project
BMGT3003L - Operations Management
BMGT 3002L - Management of Organisations
MKT3001L - International Marketing Management
BMGT3001L - Business Policy
HRM3004L - Talent Management
HRM3002L - Workplace Practice
HRM3003L - International Human Resource Management
MA 101.3 - Engineering Mathematics I
CE 101.3 - Programming Fundamentals
EE 101.3 - Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering
ME 102.3 - Engineering Materials
ME 104.3 - Computer Aided Design
EE 104.3 - Electronics I
ME 105.3 - Instrumentation and Control Principles
EE 102.3 - Communication Systems and Networks
CE 102.3 - Computer Architecture and Organization
MA 102.3 - Engineering Mathematics II
ME 101.3 - Introductory Mechanics and Fluids
EE 202.3 - Engineering Electromagnetics
CE 208.3 - Software Development Project
ME 203.3 - Thermodynamics
EE 201.3 - Electronics II
BS 201.3 - Engineering Ethics and Industrial Law
CE 205.3 - Modern Communication Systems
CE 201.3 - Object Oriented Software Development
CE 202.3 - Algorithms
CE 203.3 - Operating Systems
MA 201.3 - Engineering Mathematics III
ME206.5 - Industrial Placement 1
CE 303.3 - Advanced Computer Networks
CE 301.3 - Database Systems
CE 304.3 - Computer Systems Engineering
CE 305.3 - Programming Languages and Syntax Directed Tools
CE 306.3 - Software Engineering
CE 307.3 - Digital Design and Embedded Systems
MA 301.3 - Engineering Mathematics IV
BS 302.3 - Engineering Project Management and Costing Accounting
ME306.3 - Industry Placement II
ME 302.3 - Robotics
ME 304.3 - Sensors and Actuators
EE 301.3 - Advance Communications (Elective 1)
EE 302.3 - Power Electronics and Applications (Elective 1)
EE 311.3 - Antennas and Propagation
EE 306.3 - VLSI Design
BS 303.3 - Engineering & Socioeconomic Impact (Elective 2)
BS 304.3 - Marketing and Business Economics
CE 401.3 - Network Systems and Technologies
CE403.3 - Intelligent Systems
CE 404.3 - Cloud and Distributed Computing
EE 401.3 - Digital Signal Processing and Machine Vision
BS 402.3 - Enterpreneurship and Innovation
BS 401.3 - Organizational Behaviour and Human Resource Management
ME 403.6 - Engineering Honours Thesis
EE407.3 - Optical Communication & Technologies (Elective 1)
EE408.3 - Satellite and Mobile Communication Technology
ME 407.3 - Industrial Automation (Elective 1)
CE 402.3 - Data Science and Big Data
CE403.3 - Data Analytics & Machine Learning (Elective 1)
BS403.3 - Strategic Management & Public Policy Plaining (Elective 2)
BS 404.3 - Psychology for Engineering
ME 202.3 - Fluid Mechanics
ME 204.3 - Control Engineering
ME 205.3 - Mechatronics I
ME 208.3 - Basic Manufacturing Technologies
ME206.3 - Mechanics of Machines
EE 207.3 - Electrical Machines & Drives 1
ME207.5 - Industry Placement 1
ME 301.3 - Engineering Analysis
ME 303.3 - Modern Manufacturing Technologies
ME 307.3 - Mechatronics II
EE 301.3 - Advance Communications
EE 302.3 - Power Electronics and Applications
ME 405.3 - Mechatronics System Integration
ME406.3 - Manufacturing Process Design
ME 407.3 - Industrial Automation
EE 406.3 - Renewable Energy and Technologies
CE 401.3 - Network System & Technologies (Elective 1)
EE408.3 - Satellite and Mobile Communication
EE407.3 - Optical Communication & Technologies ( Elective 1)
BS403.3 - Strategic Management & Public policy Plaining ( Elective 2)
EE 204.3 - Theory of Electricity
EE 205.3 - Introduction to Power Systems
ME207.5 - Industrial Placement 1
EE 303.3 - High Voltage Engineering
EE 304.3 - Power System Engineering and Analysis
EE 309.3 - Electrical Installations
ME306.3 - Industrial Placement II
ME 302.3 - Robotics (Elective 1)
ME 303.3 - Modern Manufacturing Technologies (Elective 1)
EE 405.3 - Advanced Power System Control and Protection
EE402.3 - Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering
EE403.3 - Power System Planning and Markets
EE404.3 - Intelligent Electricity Networks
CE403.3 - Interlligent Systems (Elective 1)
CE 401.3 - Network System and Technologies (Elective 1)
EE407.3 - Optical Communication & Technologies ( Elective 1)
CE 404.3 - Cloud & Distributed Computing (Elective 1)
BS403.3 - Strategic Management & Public Policy Plaining (Elective 2)
PU CMN 1103 - Introduction to Finance
PU CMN 1206 - Economics for Business II and QT
PU CMN 1210 - Business Law
LCS101SL - English for Academic Purposes 1
LCS100SL - Culture and Society
PU LOG 1207 - Introduction to Logistics
PULOG 1209 - Introduction to Shipping
PU HOS 1207 - Introduction to Tourism and Events
PU HOS 1209 - Food and Beverage Operations
PU HOS 1210 - Front Office and Facilities Operations
PU CMN 1101 - Economics for Business I
PU CMN 1102 - World of Business
PU CMN 1104 - Personal Development
PU CMN 1105 - Organizational Communication
BMG 311SL - Current Issues in Management
BMG 312SL - Organizational Leadership
HRS 302SL - International & Comparative HRM
ABF 302SL - Financial Management & Policy
ABF 318SL - Auditing
BSO 316SL - Opearations Management for Competitive Advantage
MAR 330SL - Port Management & Intermodalism
HTM 310SL - Crisis & Disaster Management in the Hospitality, Tourism & Events Industries
PUSL3103 - Event Innovation
MKT 306SL - Marketing Management
ELC 307SL - English for Global Communication
MKT 302SL - Public Relations
BSO 302SL - Global Enterprise
BSO 300SL - Corporate Strategy
MKT 316SL - International Marketing
ABF 311SL - Advanced Financial Accounting & Reporting
ABF 300SL - Advanced Management Accounting
MAR 312SL - Advanced Logistics Management
MAR 313SL - International Supply Chain Management
HTM 309SL - Contemporary Issues in Tourism
HTM 322SL - Managing Service Innovation
HTM 314SL - Honours Project
MKT 301SL - Contemporary Issues in Marketing
ELC 309SL - English for Professional Practice
BSO 213SL - Enterprise & Innovation
BSO 214SL - Operations Management
MKT 216SL - Business & Market Research
ABF 205SL - Management Accounting
BSO 215SL - International Logistics & Supply Chain Opearations
PUSL2006 - Festivals & Exhibitions
MKT 215SL - Advertising, Brand Management & Marketing Communications
MKT 205SL - Digital Marketing
PUSL 2004 - Business Communication
BSO 212SL - Business Ethics
HRS 204SL - Managing People
BSO 208SL - International Business
ABF 207SL - Taxation
ABF 203SL - Financial Accounting & Reporting
ABF 204SL - Financial Institutions & Markets
MAR 211SL - Principles in Purchasing Management
HTM 215SL - Tourism & Planning Management
PUSL 2007 - Events Planning & Strategy
MKT 201SL - Buyer Behaviour & Relations
MKT 217SL - New Product Development & Marketing Planning
BID 1101 - Introduction to Interior Design I
BID 1102 - Historical and Cultural Influence on Interior Design I
BID 1103 - Design Communication I
BID 1104 - Theory and Practice of Interior Design
BID 1105 - Building Science
BID 1106 - Materials Structural - Building Construction I
BID 1107 - Business English
BID 1201 - Interior Design II
BID 1202 - Historical and Cultural Influence on Interior Design II
BID 1203 - Design Communication II
BID 1204 - Basics of Building Construction
BID 1205 - Digital Communication I
BID 1206 - Materials Interior - Interior Construction and Design II
BID 1207 - Environmental Psychology
BID 2101 - Interior Design III
BID 2102 - Historical and Cultural Influences on Interior Design III
BID 2103 - Design Communication III
BID 2104 - Building Technology I
BID 2105 - Furniture Design
BID 2106 - Digital Communication II
BID 2201 - Interior Design IV
BID 2202 - Professional Practice
BID 2203 - Interior Lighting
BID 2204 - Environmental Studies and Services
BID 2205 - Digital Communication III
BID 2206 - Building Technology II
BID 2207 - Interior Acoustics
BID 3101 - Internship
BID 3102 - Research Methodology and Essay
BID 3103 - Introduction to Interior Design V
BID 3104 - Project Management
BID 3105 - Marketing Management
BID 3201 - Interior Design V
BID 3202 - Advanced Interior Design Practice VI
BID 3203 - Design Management and by Law
PGD BM 5101 - Managing People
PGD BM 5102 - Marketing Management
PGD 5107 - Research Methods
PGD HRM 5103 - Human Resource Development
PGD HRM 5101 - Introduction to HRM and Employee Resourcing
PGD HRM 5102 - Employment Law and Labour Relations
5107 - Marketing Management
5114 - Organizational Behaviour
5117 - Independent Study-RM
5115 - Business Ethics and Sustainability
32041 - Project Management
32022 - Big Data Analytics
5111 - Legal Aspect of Management
5110 - International Buisness Management
5112 - Startegic Management
NIT 3202 - Data Analytics for Cyber Security
BBC 2201 - Corporate Communication Management
BBC 2202 - Law for Communication
BBC 2203 - Communication via Web-based Applications
BBC 2204 - International Business
BBC 2205 - Research Methods for Communication Research
EW19.1 - English for Writing
BAI 3166 - Interior Design
NSBM FP 1101 - Principles of Management & Business
NSBM FP 1102 - Fundamentals of Economics
NSBM FP 1205 - Fundamentals of Mathematics and Quantitative Techniques
NSBM FP 1206 - Fundamentals of Accounting
NSBM FP 1207 - Business Theory & Environment
NSBM FP 1208 - Professional Development
NSBM CFP 1103 - Computer Applications and Programming Fundamentals
NSBM FP 1109 - English and Soft skills Development
NSBM CP 1206 - Quantitative Techniques
NSBM CP 1313 - Fundamentals of Project Management
NSBM CP 1207 - Business Theory and Environment
- Personal and Managerial Effectiveness
NSBM CP 1209 - Introduction to Computer Applications
NSBM FP 1110 - Project Management
MBSA 11012 - Accounting for Decision Making
MBSA 11022 - Business Economics
MBSA 11032 - Enterprise Management
MBSA 11042 - Quantitative Methods for Management
MBSA 11051 - Business Communication
MBSA 12012 - Managing Finance
MBSA 12022 - Human Resources Management
MBSA 12032 - Marketing Management
MBSA 12042 - Managing Operations in Business
MBSA 21012 - Management Information Systems
MBSA 21021 - International Business Management
MBSA 21032 - Legal Aspects for Management
MBSA 21042 - Organizational Behaviour
MBSA 21051 - Strategic Management
MBSA 22012 - Business Ethics and Sustainability
MBSA 22021 - Problem Analysis Methodology
MBSA 22035 - Independent Study
MBA 31011 - Research Workshop 1
MBA 31021 - Research Workshop 2
PGD 5101 - Management Process and Practice
PGD 5102 - Accounting for Decision Making
PGD 5103 - Business Communication
PGD 5104 - Business Statistics
PGD 5105 - Organizational Behavior
PGD 5106 - Economics for Business
PGD HRM 5104 - Human Resource Information Systems
PGD HRM 5105 - Organizational Change and Development
PGD 5108 - Project Report
PGD BM 5103 - Financial Management
PGD BM 5104 - Management Information Systems
PUSL 3113 - Current Issues in Tourism, Hospitality & Events
PUSL 3112 - International Events, Culture & Identity
PUSL 2011 - Special Interest Tourism
BP 001.3 - Computational Thinking
BP 002.2 - English & Communication Skills
BP 003.4 - Foundational Mathematics
NSBM CFP 1206 - Computer Technology
NSBM CFP 1207 - Web Design & Development
NSBM CFP 1208 - Programming in Python
NSBM CFP 1209 - Introduction to Multimedia
NSBM CFP 1210 - ICT Project Management
CS003.2 - English for Communication
MA001.2 - Fundamentals of Mathematics
CS001.4 - Introduction to Programming
CS 002.2 - Introduction to Computer Applications
PUSL3100 - Information Security Management
5101 - Enterprise Management
5101-S - Enterprise Management
5102 - Business Economics
5102-S - Business Economics
5103 - Accounting & Finance
5103-S - Accounting & Finance
5104 - Quantitative Methods for Management
5104-S - Quantitative Methods for Management
5105 - Legal Aspects for Managers
5105-S - Legal Aspects for Managers
5106 - Business Communication (Residential workshop)
5106-S - Business Communication (Residential workshop)
5107 - Human Resource Management
5107-S - Human Resource Management
5108 - Marketing Management
5108-S - Marketing Management
5109 - Managing Operations in Business
5109-S - Managing Operations in Business
5110 - Managing Information system
5110-S - Managing Information system
5111 - Organizational Behaviour
5111-S - Organizational Behaviour
6201 - Research Methodology
6202 - Logistics and Supply Chain Management
6203 - Strategic Cost Analysis
6204 - Strategic Management
6205 - Big Data Analytics
6206 - Organizational leadership and Cross Cultural Management
6207 - Knowledge Managemnt
6208 - Innovation and Entreprenurship
6209 - Strategic Cost Analysis
6210 - Tourism Operations & Destination Development
6211 - Managing Small Scale Enterprises in Tourism
6212 - Coparate Finance
6213 - Strategic Cost Analysis
6214 - Final Thesis
6215 - International Business Practice - Case Study
BBC 1101 - Personal Development
BBC 1102 - English for Professional Purposes I
BBC 1103 - Introduction to Management
BBC 1104 - English for Global Communication
BBC 1105 - ICT for Communication
BBC 1201 - Fundamentals of Communication Studies
BBC 1202 - Professional Communication
BBC 1203 - World of Business
BBC 1204 - English for Professional Purposes II
BBC 1205 - Marketing Communication
BBC 2101 - Intercultural and Interpersonal Communication
BBC 2102 - Advertising
BBC 2103 - Visual Communication
BBC 2104 - Business Ethics
BBC 2105 - Organisational Behaviour and Communication
BScMGT 1207 - Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
BScMGT 1210 - Critical Enabling Skills Training – 3 Months
BScMGT 3104 - Business & Industrial Law
BScLOG 3104 - Inventory & Warehouse Management
MBA 31012 - Logistics and Supply Chain Management
MBA 31022 - Strategic Cost Analysis
MBA 31032 - Innovation and Technology Management
MBA 32022 - Big Data Analytics
MBA 32041 - Project Management
MBA 40015 - Research Report
MBA 41012 - Business Negotiation Skills
MBA 42012 - International Business Practice
PGD 5103 - Business Communication
PGD HRM 5102 - Human Resource Development
PGD HRM 5104 - Organizational Change & Development
Module_Code - Module_Name
MBA 31092 - Innovation and Entrepreneurship
MBA 31102 - Small Business Management
MBA 31052 - Cross Cultural Management
MBA 31062 - Industry and Competitive Analysis
MBA 31082 - Organizational Leadership and Culture
MBA 32052 - Knowledge Management
IBM 2301 - Introduction to International Business Management
IBM 2002 - Chinese
BBC 3201 - Final Project
BBC 3101 - Internship
MGT 1131 - Management Process
MGT 1132 - Business Communication
MGT 1133 - Soft Skills Development
ACF 1131 - Financial Accounting
EDS 1131 - Economics for Managers
NSBM CFP 1103 - Computer Applications and Programming Fundamentals
NSBM FP 1104 - English and Soft Skills Development
NSBM FP 1103 - Project Management
NSBM CFP 1207 - Web Design and Development
NSBM CFP 1210 - ICT Project
CS 003.2 - English for Communication
MA 001.2 - Fundamentals of Mathematics
CS 001.4 - Introduction to Programming
CS 002.2 - Introduction to Computer Applications
PU CMN 1208 - Introduction to Finance
PU CMN 1207 - Organizational Behaviour
PU CMN 1209 - Introduction to Marketing
PU CMN 1211 - Introduction to Logistics
PU CMN 1212 - Introduction to shipping
PU CMN 1214 - Introduction to Tourism and Events
PU CMN 1215 - Food and Beverage operations
PU CMN 1213 - Front office and facilities operations
PU BC 1201 - English for Academic Purpose
PU BC 1202 - Culture and Society
CE405.3 - Modern Technologies for Mobile Application Development
BAO 3403 - Investment and Portfolio Management
MGT 1104 - Introduction to Sustainability Development
EL 101.1 - English for Communication Skills
CS 101.3 - Introduction to Computer Science
CS 102.3 - Programming in C
CS 105.3 - Database Management Systems
EL 101.3 - English for Communication Skills
SE 102.3 - Web Application Development
SE 201.3 - System Analysis and Design
MGT 1234 - Fundamentals of Communication Studies
MGT 1235 - English for Professional Purposes (I)
NSBM CFP 1211 - Network Fundamentals
MBS 5101 - Enterprise Management
MBS 5102 - Business Economics
MBS 5103 - Accounting & Finance
MBS 5104 - Quantitative Methods for Management
MBS 5105 - Legal Aspects for Managers
MBS 5106 - Business Communication
MBS 5107 - Human Resource Management
MBS 5108 - Marketing Management
MBS 5109 - Managing Operations in Business
MBS 5110 - Managing Information Systems
MBS 5111 - Organizational Behaviour
PGD 5105 - Organizational Behaviour
PGDBM 5102 - Marketing Management
PGDBM 5101 - Managing People
PGD BM 5103 - Financial Management
PGD HRM 5101 - Intro to HRM and EMP Resourcing
PGD HRM 5102 - Employment Law & Labour Relations
PGD HRM 5104 - HR Information Systems
MBSA 11051 - Residential Workshop 1
MBSA 22021 - Residential Workshop II-Problem Analysis Methodology
PGDBM 5103 - Financial Management
PGDBM 5104 - Management Information Systems
PCN 11103 - Computer Network Models and Design
PCN 11203 - Routing and Switching
PCN 11303 - Network Planning Implementing and Administration
PCN 12103 - Voice and Telephony Technologies
PCN 12203 - Wireless Communication
PCN 21103 - Service Provider Networks
PCN 21203 - Network Security
PCN 21301 - Research Methods
PCN 22103 - Disaster Recovery and High Availability Techniques
PCN 22301 - Project Report
MM 1014 - Cinemaatography
MM 1019 - Advertising & Media Art
MM 1020 - Multimedia Project Mgt
MM1025 - Multimedia Production
MM1026 - Professional Studies
MM1027 - Visual Effects Production
MM1028 - Research Methodology
MM1029 - Dissertation
MM1030 - Internship
MM1031 - Media Law & Ethics
MM1032 - Entrepreneurship
MM1033 - Final Project
MBS 5105 - Legal Aspect for Managers
MGT 3138 - International Communication
MGT 3139 - Foreign Trade Theory
MTM 3135 - International Marketing and Branding
MGT 31310 - Foreign Direct Investments and MNC corporations
PUSL 2028 - Media Law & Ethics
PUSL 2029 - Psychology of Communication
PUSL 3136 - Crisis Communication
MGT 2133 - Introduction to International Business Management
MGT 2134 - Intercultural & Interpersonal Communication
MGT 2135 - Modern World Literatures
MTM 2133 - Advertising
EDS 2131 - Macroeconomics
MGT 2131 - Human Resources Management
OPL 2131 - Operations Management
MGT 2102 - Professional Development
MIS2001L - Database & Information Resource Management
MIS2005L - Business Analytics
MIS2007L - Digital Business Infrastructure Applications (UCD)
BMGT 3002L - Management of Organizations
MIS3003L - Information Systems Applications
MIS3005L - Information Systems Development
MIS3007L - Digital Business and Social Media Strategy (UCD)
ISAD357SL - Software Development and Project Management
CNET 335SL - Cyber crime and Forensics Investigation
PUSL 2018 - Computer Theory and Statistics for Computing
PUSL 2019 - Information Management and Retrieval
PUSL 2020 - Software Development Tools and Practices
PUSL 2021 - Computing Group Project
PUSL 2022 - Introduction to IOT
PUSL 2023 - Mobile Application Development (NSBM)
PUSL 2024 - Software Engineering 2
PUSL 2025 - Security Architecure and Cryptography
PUSL 2026 - Computer Networks
ACB103 - Introduction to Economics & Accounting
ACB203 - Business Englis
BMO 2000 - Human Resources Management
BMO 2004 - Business Ethics
BMO 2202 - Purchasing and Supply Management
CBC - Chinese for Beginners - Certificate Course
FBC - French for Beginners- Certificate Course
JBC - Japanese for Beginners- Certificate Course
BP 1101 - General Business Knowledge
BP 1102 - Principles of Accounting
BP 1103 - Principles of Economics
BP 1104 - English and Communication Skills
BS 102.3 - Professional English for Engineering
CE 406.3 - Web Architecture and Modern Web Development Technologies
MGT 2231 - Management Information System
MGT 2232 - Organizational Behaviour
OPL 2231 - Logistics Management
EDS 2231 - Business Mathematics and Stat II
LGS 2231 - Business Law
CS 002.2 - Computer Fundamentals
ACC 503.3 - Soft Skills for Personal Development
ACC 303.3 - Introduction to Data and Information Systems
MGT 2234 - Business Ethics
MGT 2235 - Communication via Web-Based Applications
MGT 2236 - Research Methods for Communication Research
EAE - English for Academic Excellence (EAE)
MGT 3234 - International HRM
MGT 32311 - Cross Cultural Management
ACF 3233 - International Financial Management
MTM 3235 - Digital Marketing
PUSL 2048 - Business Research
ME 101.1 - Introductory Design Project
EE 201.1 - Product Development Project
EE 301.1 - Industrial Project
PUSL 3133 - Forensics and Malware
MGT 1132 - Business and Academic Writing
MAT IT ENG - Maths / IT / English
MGTc 1201 - Business Theory and Environment
MGTc 1202 - Introduction to Computer Applications
EDSc 1201 - Quantitative Techniques
DOLc 1201 - Fundamentals of Project Management and MS Project
EDSc 1202 - Introduction to Economics & Accounting
MGTc 1303 - Personal and Managerial Effectiveness (PME)
EMLc 1301 - Business English
BMO 2005 - Innovation and Entrepreneurship
BMO 2002 - Strategic Management
BMO 2181 - Operations Management
BMO 2201 - Distribution Management
BHO 3373 - International Marketing
BMO 3000 - Knowledge Management Practices for Innovative Organization
BMO 3123 - Integrated Supply Chain Management
BMO 3418 - Transport & Logistics Management
MBS 5131 - Management Theory & Practice
MBS 5132 - Business Economics
MBS 5133 - Accounting & Finance
MBS5 125 - Leagal Aspects for Managers
MBS 5116 - Business Comunication
MBS 5134 - Human Resource Management
MBS 5231 - Quantitative Methods for Management
MBS 5232 - Marketing Management
MBS 5233 - Managing Oparations in Business
MBS 5234 - Managing Information System
MBS 5235 - Organizational Behavior
MBAOP 6132 - Managing Service Operations
MBA 62121 - Final Thesis
MBA 6232 - International Business Practice - Case Study
PGD 5131 - Management Process & Practice
PGD 5132 - Accounting for Decision Making
PGD 5113 - Business Comunication
PGD 5134 - Business Statistics
PGD 5135 - Organizational Behavior
PGD 5136 - Econimics for Business
PGD BM 5231 - Managing People
PGD BM 5232 - Marketing Management
PGD 5217 - Research Methods
PGD BM 5233 - Financial Management
PGD BM 5234 - Management Information Systems
PGD 5238 - Project Reports
PGD HRM 5231 - Introduction to HRM &Employee Resourcing
PGD HRM 5232 - Employement Law & Labour Relations
PGD HRM 5233 - Human Resource Development
PGD HRM 5204 - Human Resourse Information Systems
PGD HRM 5205 - Organizational Change & Development
PG 11103 - Management Process & Practice
PG 11203 - Accounting for Decision Making
PG 11301 - Business Comunication
PG 12102 - Business Statistics
PG 12202 - Information Systems Project Management
PG 12303 - Economics for Business
PPM 21103 - Applied project Management
PPM 21203 - Project Risk & Scope Management
PG 21101 - Research Methods
PPM 22103 - Project Finance and Cost Management
PPM 22203 - Project Intergration Management
PPM 22301 - Project Report
PIM 21102 - Operatinal Research
PIM 21202 - Industrial Marketing Management
PIM 21302 - Production & Operation Management
PIM 22302 - Research Methods
PPM 22103 - Industrial Safety & Maintenance Management
PPM 22203 - Industrial Engineering & Quality Management
PIM 22301A - Project Report
PCN 12203 - Wireless Comunication
PHR 22301 - Project Report
PSE 11103 - Advance Computer Programming
PSE 11203 - Design Patterns
PSE 11303 - Human Computer Nteraction
PSE 12103 - Mobile Application Development
PSE 12203 - Advance Database Concepts
PSE 21103 - Service Oriented Architecture
PSE 21203 - Software Project Management
PSE 21301 - Research Methods
PSE 21103 - Software Quality Assuarance/ Software Simultion
PSE 21205 - Project Report
PIM 22103 - Research Methods
SE 309.3 - Software Verification and Validation
IS401.6 - Final Year Project
PGD 5131 - Management Process and Practice
PGD 5113 - Business Communication
PGD 5136 - Economics for Business
PGD 5238 - Project Report
MBS 5131 - Management Theory and Practice
MBS 5133 - Accounting and Finance
MBS 5125 - Legal Aspects for Managers
MBS 5116 - Business Communication
MBS 5233 - Managing Operations in Business
MBS 5234 - Managing Information Systems
MBS 5235 - Organizational Behaviour
MBA 6131 - Research Methodology
MBAEN 6131 - Innovation and Entreprenurship
MBAEN 6132 - Small Business Management
MBA 6132 - Strategic Management
MBA 6133 - Big Data Analytics
MBA 62151 - Final Thesis
MBAMP 6131 - Organizational leadership & Cross Cultural Management
MBAMP 6132 - Knowledge Managemnt
MBAOP 6131 - Logistics and Supply Chain Management
MBAFN 6131 - Coparate Finance
MBAFN 6132 - Strategic Cost Analysis
IS 204.3 - Advanced Database Management Systems
IS 203.3 - Mobile Application Development
MA 301.3 - Advanced Mathematics for Computing
CN 201.3 - Information Assurance and Security
SE 204.3 - Social Issues and Professional Practice
SE 202.3 - Software Process Management
IS 202.3 - Software Quality Assurance
SE305.6 - Internship **
CS 403.3 - Artificial Intelligence
CS 402.3 - Computer Graphics and Visualization
IS401.6 - Research
CN 401.6 - Research Project
CS 401.6 - Research Project
IS401.6 - Research Project
SE306.3 - Research Project
ME207.3 - Industrial Placement I
MA203.3 - Engineering Mathematics IV
CE 403.6 - Engineering Honours Thesis
CE406.3 - Web Architecture and Modern Web Development Technologies
ME 209.3 - Industrial Placement I
EE 207.3 - Electrical Machines and Drives I
EE 304.3 - Power System Engineering Analysis
EE 313.3 - Electrical Machines and Drives II
CE 209.3 - Industrial Placement I
CE 314.3 - Industrial Placement II
CE 301.1 - Industrial Project
EE 209.3 - Industrial Placement I
EE314.3 - Industrial Placement II
EE 403.6 - Engineering Honours Thesis
ME314.3 - Industrial Placement II
ME 301.1 - Industrial Project
MGT 3131 - Strategic Management
MGT 3136 - Public Relations in Practice & Theory
LGS 3131 - Law for Communication
BMO 3332 - Managing Organizational Change
BMO 2203 - E-Supply Chain Management
BMO 3419 - Supply Chain Analytics
MGT 1203 - Academic Writing
LLB 1143 - Leagal Systems
LLB 1141 - Introduction to Law
LLB 1142 - Criminal Law
LLb 1144 - Leagal Research and Writing
LLB 1100 - English for Leagal Studies
SE 303.3 - Service Provider Systems and Networks
DS 206.3 - Ethics in Data Science
DS 205.3 - Data Science in Python
PUSL 2023 - Mobile Application Development
PUSL 2025 - Security Architecture and Cryptography
PUSL 2018 - Computational Theory and Statistics for Computing
NSBM FP 1205 - Fundamentals of Mathematics and QT
DS 305.3 - Advanced Database Management Systems
DS 306.6 - Internship
CS 307.3 - Cloud Computing
DS 307.3 - Machine Learning
DS 308.3 - Big Data Analytics
DS 401.3 - Natural Language Processing
DS 402.3 - Neural Networks
DS 403.3 - Big Data Programming
DS 404.6 - DS Honors Award Project
DS 405.3 - Urban Computing
DS 406.3 - Data Science Trends and Applications
DS 407.3 - Deep Learning
SE 107.3 - Object Oriented Programming with C#
DS 206.3 - Ethics in Data Science
DS 205.3 - Data Science in Python
DS 301.3 - Web Mining
DS 302.3 - Advanced Statistics for Data Science
DS 303.3 - Data Warehousing & Data Mining
DS 304.3 - Data Visualization
CS 103.2 - Personal Development
EL 101.1 - Academic Writing and Communication
NSBM FP 1103 - Computer Applications and Programming Fundamentals
NSBM FP 1101 - Principles of Management and Business
PUSL 3120 - Full-Stack Development
PUSL 3123 - AI and Machine Learning
PUSL 3122 - HCI, Computer Graphics, and Visualization
PUSL 3134 - Software Project Management
PUSL 3119 - Computer Individual Project
PUSL 3121 - Big Data Analytics
PUSL 3131 - Security Operations and Incident Management
PUSL 3132 - Ethical Hacking
PUSL 3129 - Multimedia over IP
PUSL 3130 - Advance Computer Networking Infrastructures
LLB 1245 - Constitutional Law
LLB 1246 - Equity and Trust
LLB 1247 - Family Law
LLB 1248 - Law of Contracts
MTM 2131 - Marketing Management
ACF 2131 - Finance Management
MGT 2107 - Chinese Language
BSO 316SL - Operations Management for Competitive Advantage
MGT 4131 - Research Methodology
MGT 4132 - Leadership for Organizational Change
MGT 4135 - Internationalization of Entrepreneurship and Innovation
LGS 4131 - International Trade Law
EDS 4131 - Sri Lankan Economy and Global Economic Trends
MGT 2233 - English for Professional Purposes (II)
HTM 322 SL - Managing Service Innovation
PU SL 3112 - International Events Culture and Identity
PU SL 3113 - Current Issues in Tourism, Hospitality and Events
PUSL 3112 - International Events Culture and Identity
PUSL 3113 - Current Issues in Tourism, Hospitality and Events
MKT 306 SL - Marketing Management
PU SL 3154 - Marketing Honours Project
ABF 311SL - Advanced Financial Accounting & Reporting
ABF 203SL - Financial Accounting & Reporting
ABF 205SL - Management Accounting
MGT 2232 - Organisational Behaviour
EDS 2231 - Business Mathematics and Stat II
LGS 2231 - Business Law
MGT 2231 - Management Information Systems
MGT 3162 - Industrial Training
PUSL 3154 - Marketing Honours Project
ACF 1231 - Management Accounting
MGT 1231 - Computer Application
OPL 1231 - Introduction to Project Management
EDS 1231 - Business Mathematics and Stat 1
EDS 1232 - Economic History
EDS 1233 - Introduction to Business Analytics
EDS 1234 - Fundamentals of Mathematics
EDS 1235 - Statistics for Analytics I
MGT 2131 - Human Respurce Management
ACF 2131 - Financial Management
EDF 2131 - Macroeconomics
IS 201.3 - Business Processes and ERP
CN 401.6 - CN Honours Award Project
NIT 3171 - ICT Business Analytics and Data Visualization
NEF 3001 - Applied Project 1
NEF 3002 - Applied Project 2
DS 201.3 - Introduction to Data Science
DS 203.3 - Statistics for Data Science
DS 202.3 - Data Programming with R
MGT 1232 - Business Environment
CN 403.3 - Intrusion Prevention, Detection, and Response
Mod Code - Mod Name
PU CMN 1206 - Quantitative Techniques
OPL 1231 - Introduction to Project
EDS 1231 - Business Mathematics
MGT 1236 - ICT for Communication
MTM 1234 - Marketing Communication
BLO 3405 - Law of Financial Institutuions and Securities
BEO 2401 - Risk Management & Insurance
BEO 2001 - Commercial banking and Finance
BLO 3405 - Law of financial Institutions and securities
BEO 2401 - Risk management and Insurance
EDS 1231 - Business Mathematics and Stat I
BMO 2000 - Human Resource Management
BMO 2202 - Purchasing and Supply Chain Management
MBAMp 6132 - Knowlegdge Management
MBATo 6131 - Tourism Operations & Destination Development
MBATo 6132 - Managing Small Acale Enterprise in Tourism
Code - Name
ACF 3131 - Advanced Financial Accounting
ACF 3132 - Corporate Finance
ACF 3133 - Investment and Portfolio Management
ACF 3135 - Accounting & Financial Modeling and Forecasting
MGT 2207 - French Language
MGT 3134 - Employee Resourcing
MGT 3135 - Human Resources Development
MGT 3133 - Industrial Relations
BMS 1111 - Laboratory Practice and Safety
BMS 1132 - General Chemistry
BMS 1125 - Biomolecules
BMS 1124 - Cell Biology
BMS 1117 - Personality Development
BMS 1136 - Anatomical Planes and Sections
BMS 1128 - General and Professional English
BMS 1133 - Human Physiology I
BMS 1231 - General Instrumentation
BMS 1232 - General Microbiology
BMS 1233 - Human Anatomy II
BMS 1234 - Human Physiology II
BMS 1235 - Organic Chemistry
BMS 1226 - Genetics
BMS 1217 - Psychology
BMS 2121 - Biochemistry
BMS 2132 - General Pathology
BMS 2133 - Principles of Analytical Chemistry
BMS 2134 - Human Parasitology
BMS 2135 - Immunobiology
BMS 2117 - Basic Mathematics
BMS 2136 - Molecular Biology
BMS 2225 - Biostatistics
BMS 2221 - Metabolism
BMS 2232 - Human Diseases I
BMS 2233 - Toxicology
BMS 2234 - Clinical Biochemistry
BMS 2216 - Information Technology
BMS 3131 - Clinical Nutrition
BMS 3132 - Molecular Pharmacology
BMS 3133 - Haematology
BMS 3134 - Human Diseases II
BMS 3135 - Diagnostic Pathology
BMS 3136 - Research Methodology
BMS 3231 - Transfusion Medicine
BMS 3232 - Clinical Microbiology
BMS 3233 - Medical Bioinformatics
BMS 3234 - Genomic and Precision Medicine
BMS 3225 - Research Bioethics
BMS 3246 - Laboratory/ Industrial Training Module
BMS 4131 - Advanced Instrumentation
BMS 4162 - Research Project
BMS 4133 - Medical Physics
BMS 4134 - Laboratory Quality Assurance and Accreditation
BMS 4125 - Drug Development and Clinical Trials
BMS 4231 - Basics in Nanobiotechnology
BMS 4232 - Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine
BMS 4233 - Laboratory Quality and Control Management
BMS 4234 - Cancer Biology and Diagnostics
BMS 4235 - Applied Recombinant Technology
BHCS 1004 - Introduction to Human Pathology
BHCS 1006 - Infection and Immunity
BHCS 1011 - Study Skills and Personal DevelopmentÂ
BHCS 1012 - Workshop and Seminars
NUR 1151 - Fundamentals of Nursing I
NUR 1122 - Applied Sociology and Anthropology
NUR 1133 - Human Physiology I
NUR 1124 - Applied Nutrition and Dietetics
NUR 1125 - Biomolecules
NUR 1136 - Anatomical Planes and Sections
NUR 1128 - General and Professional English
NUR 1117 - Personality Development
NUR 1261 - Fundamentals of Nursing (Practical)
NUR 1212 - Communication Skills in Nursing
NUR 1233 - Human Anatomy II
NUR 1234 - Human Physiology II
NUR 1235 - Pathology
NUR 1226 - Applied psychology
NUR 1227 - Microbiology
NUR 1228 - Biochemistry
PUSL 2053 - Fundamentals of Nursing II
PUSL 2054 - Pharmacology
PUSL 2055 - Adult Health Nursing I
PUSL 2056 - Adult Health Nursing II
PUSL 2057 - Child Health Nursing
PUSL 2058 - Midwifery Obstetric and Gynecological Nursing
PUSL 3161 - Developing Nursing Practice
PUSL 3162 - Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing
PUSL 3127 - Leadership and Professional practice
PUSL 3164 - Transition to professional practice
PUSL 3165 - Nursing Research
PUSL 3163 - Community Health Nursing
PSY 1141 - Science of Learning
PSY 1142 - Fundamentals in Psychological Science
PSY 1143 - Debates in Psychology
PSY 1117 - Personality Development
PSY 1128 - General and Professional English
PSY 1241 - Psychology of Relationships
PSY 1242 - Topics in Psychology
PSY 1243 - Connecting Psychology
FNS 0141 - Fundamentals in Biology
FNS 0142 - Fundamentals in Chemistry I
FNS 0123 - Fundamentals in Physics
NSBM FP 1103 - omputer Applications and Programming Fundamentals
FNS 0241 - Genetics and Human Biology
FNS 0222 - Fundamentals in Psychology
FNS 0223 - Academic Writing
FNS 0224 - Communication and Presentation Skills
FNS 0225 - Technological Skills
FNS 0236 - Fndamentals in Chemistry II
PHN 1111 - Laboratory Practice and Safety
PHN 1132 - General Chemistry
PHN 1125 - Biomolecules
PHN 1124 - Cell Biology
PHN 1117 - Personality Development
PHN 1136 - Anatomical Planes and Sections
PHN 1128 - General and Professional English
PHN 1133 - Human Physiology I
PHN 1231 - General Instrumentation
PHN 1232 - General Microbiology
PHN 1233 - Human Anatomy II
PHN 1234 - Human Physiology II
PHN 1235 - Organic Chemistry
PHN 1226 - Genetics
PHN 1217 - Psychology
PHN 2121 - Biochemistry
PHN 2132 - General Pathology
PHN 2133 - Principles of Analytical Chemistry
PHN 2134 - Human Parasitology
PHN 2135 - Immunobiology
PHN 2117 - Basic Mathematics
PHN 2136 - Molecular Biology
PHN 2225 - Biostatistics
PHN 2221 - Metabolism
PHN 2232 - Human Diseases I
PHN 2233 - Toxicology
PHN 2234 - Clinical Biochemistry
PHN 2216 - Information Technology
PHN 3131 - Pharmacology I
PHN 3132 - Basics of Human Nutrition
PHN 3133 - Pathology II
PHN 3134 - Human Diseases II
PHN 3135 - Nutrition and Life Cycle
PHN 3136 - Research Methodology
PHN 3231 - Pharmacology II
PHN 3232 - Food and Food Analysis
PHN 3233 - Nutritional Product Development
PHN 3234 - Nutrition and Chronic Diseases
PHN 3225 - Research Bioethics
PHN 3246 - Industrial Training Module
PHN 4131 - Nutrition and Public Health
PHN 4162 - Research Project
PHN 4133 - Epidemiology
PHN 4241 - Health Education
PHN 4242 - Environmental and Occupational Health
PHN 4234 - Global Health
PHN 4225 - Public Health Microbiology
PHN 4236 - Cancer Biology
PHN 4233 - Nutraceutical Development
BMS 1136 - Anotomical planes and sections
FNS 0133 - Physics and Applied Mathematics
FNS 0134 - Principles of Management
FNS 0125 - General English
FNS 0236 - Fundamentals in Chemistry II
MGT 4361 - Dissertation
MGT 4201 - Dissertation
MGT 3233 - Reward Management
IS 304.3 - Business Analysis and Product Management
IS 303.2 - Research Methodology
SE 305.4 - Internship
IS 301.3 - Contemporary Topics in IS
ACF 3231 - Taxation
ACF 3232 - Financial Reporting and Disclosure
BS 201.3 - Engineering Ethics & Industrial Law
MA 202.3 - Engineering Mathematics IV
EE 207.3 - Electrical Machines & Drives I
ME 105.3 - Instrumentation & Control Principles
EE 102.3 - Communication Systems & Networks
CE 102.3 - Computer Architecture & Organization
ME 101.3 - Introductory Mechanics & Fluids
CE 307.3 - Digital Design & Embedded Systems
BS 302.3 - Engineering Project Management & Costing Accounting
CE 305.3 - Programming Languages & Compiler Designing
ME 304.3 - Sensors & Actuators
EE 301.3 - Advanced Communications
EE 302.3 - Power Electronics & Applications
EE 311.3 - Antennas & Propagation
BS 303.3 - Engineering & Socioeconomic Impact
BS 304.3 - Marketing & Business Economics
EE 313.3 - Electrical Machines & Drives II
EE 304.3 - Power System Engineering & Analysis
MGT 4234 - Business Ethics and CSR
MGT 4235 - Global Strategy
MGT 4236 - Contemporary Issues in International Business
MGT 4261 - Dissertation
NSBM CP 1502 - Basic Rendering Techniques
NSBM CP 1505 - Design Fundamentals
NSBM CP 1506 - Nature Studies
NSBM CP 1508 - Art, Design & Culture
BID 1106 - Materials - Structural - Building Construction I
BID 3103 - Introduction to Interior Design V
QS 1100 - Measurement Workshop
BLDG 402 - Principles of Economics and Management
BLDG 406 - Fundamentals of Construction
CIVL 102 - Construction Materials and Site Surveying
BLDG 409 - Digital Built Environment
BLDG 405 - Built Environment Project 1
BLDG 407 - Building Physics
PUSL 2012 - Transdisciplinary Design
PUSL 2013 - Design Studies and Communication
PUSL 2014 - Building Scince and Technology
PUSL 2015 - Spatial and Interior Integrated Skills
PUSL 2016 - Advance Design Practices
PUSL 2017 - Creative Career Development
PUSL 3114 - Internship
PUSL 3115 - Research Methodology
PUSL 3116 - Market Assessment and Project Management
PUSL 3117 - Interior Design Consolidation
PUSL 3118 - Comprehensive Design Project
BID 1206 - Materials - Interior - Interior Construction and Design II
IS 305.3 - Contemporary Topics in IS
NSBM QS 1201 - Construction Fundamentals
NSBM QS 1202 - Fundamentals of Project Management
NSBM QS 1203 - Drawing Fundamnetals
NSBM QS 1204 - Communication Skills
MGT 3237 - Critical Thinking
MGT 3238 - Social Media Management
MGT 3239 - Corporate Communication Management
LOG 4503 - Modelling in Transportation Logistics
IND 4503 - Advance Operations Management
PRO 4503 - Project HRM
PRO 4504 - Project Monitoring Control Evaluation and Termination
MGT 3136 - Public Relations in Practice &Theory
OPL 3237 - Innovation and New product Development
PUSL 2024 - Software Engineering 02
TSD-INTRO - TSD-Introductory Session
TSD-ENG - TSD-English
TSD-PD - TSD-Personal Development
TSD-TECH - TSD-Technical Session
PU CMN 1206 - Macroeconomics
PU CMN 1207 - Organization Behaviour
MGT 3233 - Industrial Training
MKT 215SL - Advertising Brand Management and Mkt
PUSL 2059 - Biology of Disease
PUSL 2060 - Evidence Based Practice in Biomedical Science
PUSL 2061 - Genetic Continuity and Diversity
PUSL 2062 - Cell Biology in Health and Disease
PUSL 2063 - Clinical Haematology and Biochemistry Â
PUSL 2064 - Infection, Immunity and Disease
PUSL 2065 - Preparation for Internship
PUSL 3166 - Personal Research Project
PUSL 3169 - Cellular Basis of Immunity
PUSL 3170 - Current Developments in Biomedical Science
PUSL 3168 - Specialist Biochemistry and Screening
PUSL 3167 - Clinical Microbiology
PUSL 3171 - Internship
PUSL 3190 - Computing Individual Project
PUSL 3120 - Full Stack Development
PUSL 3131 - Security Operation and Incident Management
PUSL 3133 - Digital Forensics and Malware Analysis
ABF 207 SL - Taxation
BSO 214 SL - Operations Management
PUSL 2042 - Research Skills in Practice 1
PUSL 2044 - Individual Differences, Social, & Developmental Psychology
PUSL 2047 - Applied Psychology
PUSL 2043 - Research Skills in Practice 2
PUSL 2045 - Cognitive and Biological Psychology
PUSL 2046 - Health & Wellbeing
PUSL 3149 - Current Topics in Psychology 1
PUSL 3150 - Current Topics in Psychology 2
PUSL 3151 - Advances in Psychology
PUSL 3152 - Internship
PUSL 3153 - Research Project
PUSL 2048 - Business Research
BSO 215SL - International Logistics & Supply Chain
BLDG 501 - Technology of Large and Innovative Building
BLDG 506 - Contract Procedure
BLDG 511 - Building Services Engineering
BLDG 508 - Built Environment Project 2
BLDG 604 - Building and Property Law
BLDG 603 - Sustainable and Safe Construction
BLDG 611 - Research Methods in the Built Environment
BLDG 612 - Dissertation Project
BLDG 614 - Quantity Surveying Professional Practice
BLDG 609 - Built Environemnt Project 3
EDS 1231 - Business Mathematics & Stat I
PUSL 3135 - Business Writing
NAH 1111 - Laboratory Practice and Safety
NAH 1117 - Personality Development
NAH 1124 - Cell Biology
NAH 1125 - Biomolecules
NAH 1128 - General and Professional English
NAH 1132 - General Chemistry
NAH 1133 - Human Physiology I
NAH 1136 - Anatomical Planes and Sections
ACE 0001 - Physics
ACE 0002 - Mathematical Methods
ACE 0003 - Applied Mathematics
PHYS 050 - Physics I
MATH 051 - Mathematical Methods I
MATH 058 - Applied Mathematics
ENGR 103 - Engineering Science (ENGR103)
ENGR 104 - Engineering Mathematics (ENGR104)
ENGR 104 - Engineering Mathematics
BID 1100 - Design Fundamentals
CREST CMN 01 - Capacity Enhancement
CREST CMN 02 - Law for Life
CREST MGT 01 - Fundamentals of HRM
CREST MGT 02 - Fundamentals of Logistics & Project Management
CREST MGT 03 - Fundamentals of Industrial Management
CREST IB 01 - Business in Global Context
CREST_BC_01_Crisis Communication -
CREST_LLB_01_English for Academic Purpos -
CREST ACC 01 - Fundamentals of Accounting
CREST LAW 01 - Law for Life
BAO 2001 - Corporate Finance
BSK 2001 - My Professional Brand
BEO 2255 - Applied Statistics for Business
BEO 2000 - Financial Institutions & Monetory Theory
BAO 3404 - Credit and Lending Decision
BAO 2007 - International Finance
BEO 3000 - Risk Management Models
BLO 2206 - Taxation Law and Practice
QS 1101 - Professional Communication Workshop
EDS 1131 - Microeconomics
EML 1131 - Academic and Business Writing
NIT 2122 - Server Administration and Management
NIT 2141 - Digital Forensics and Ethical Hacking
NIT 2103 - Cloud Computing
BMO 3002 - Knowledge Management
BHO 3373 - International Marketing
BMO 3008 - Strategic Supply Chain Management
BMO 3007 - Global Transport and Distribution Mnagement
CE 401.3 - Network Systems & Technologies
CE 404.3 - Cloud & Distributed Computing
EE 401.3 - Digital Signal Processing & Machine Vision
BS 402.3 - Entrepreneurship & Innovation
CE 402.3 - Data Science & Big Data Analytics
EE 405.3 - Advanced Power System Control & Protection
ACF 1131 - Financial Accounting I
MGT 3266 - Industrial Training
MGT 1235 - English for Professional Purposes I
MGT 2136 - Visual Communication
MGT 2233 - English for Professional Purposes II
MGT 3137 - English for Global Communication
MGT 32610 - Final Project
QS 2101 - Quantity Surveying Practices
Module Code - Name
PGD HRM 5231 - Introduction to HRM and Employee Resourcing
PGD HRM 5232 - Employment Law and Labour Relations
PGD HRM 5204 - Human Resource Information Systems
PGD HRM 5205 - Organizational Change and Development
BS 102.3 - Professional English for Engineering
BS 401.3 - Organizational Behaviour & Human Resource Management
EE407.3 - Optical Communication & Technologies
EE408.3 - Satellite & Mobile Communication Technology
CE406.3 - Web Architecture & Modern Web Development Technologies
BS403.3 - Strategic Management & Public Policy Planning
EE402.3 - Advances in Electrical & Electronic Engineering
EE403.3 - Power System Planning & Markets
EE 406.3 - Renewable Energy & Technologies
BS 401.3 - Organizational Behaviour & Human Resources Management
CE 401.3 - Network System & Technologies
MBAMP 6131 - Organizational Leadership and Cross-Cultural Management
MBAFN 6131 - Corporate Finance
OPL 3134 - Production Planing and Control
OPL 3135 - Maintenance Management
OPL 3131 - Port Operations and Management
OPL 3132 - Inventory & Warehouse Management
OPL 3133 - Procument Management
OPL 3136 - Scope Management
OPL 3137 - Time Management
OPL 3138 - Business Analysis
ACF 3133 - Investment Portfolio Management
ACF 3135 - Financial Modeling and Forecasting (Elective)
ABF 300 SL - Advanced Management Accounting
ABF 302 SL - Financial Management & Policy
MGT 4142 - Leadership for Organizational Change
MGT 3231 - International Business Management
MGT 3232 - Industrial Health and Safety
OPL 4145 - Project Estimation and Cost Management
OPL 4146 - Project Risk and Quality Management
OPL 4147 - Project Portfolio Management
OPL 4141 - Strategic Quality Management and Lean Six Sigma
OPL 4142 - Import and Export Management Related to Logistics
OPL 4143 - Operational Research
OPL 4144 - Industrial Engineering
IS 406.3 - Enterprise Architecture
FNS 0223 - Academic Writing
FNS 0224 - Communication and Presentation Skills
FNS 0227 - Research Methods in Psychology
NSBM FP 1101 - Principles of Management and Business (24.1)
NSBM FP 1104 - English and Soft Skills Development (24.1)
NSBM FP 1205 - Fundamentals of Mathematics and Quantitative Techniques (24.1)
NSBM FP 1103 - Computer Applications and Programming Fundamentals (24.1)
EDS 2133 - Introduction to Information systems
EDS 2132 - Mathematics for Economics I
LLB 2141 - Law of Property
LLB 2142 - Commercial Law
LLB 2143 - Negotiations
LLB 2144 - International Law
EML 2131 - Intercultural & Interpersonal Communication
EML 2132 - Modern World Literature
ACF 2132 - Financial Revenue Management
BSO 316 SL - Operations Management for Comp Adv (21.1/21.2)
BMG 312SL - Organisational Leadership
FDCN 01 - Fundamentals of Data Communication and Networking
FITS 02 - Fundamentals of IT security
FCSNS 03 - Fundamentals of Computer Systems and Network Services
ECS 04 - Essentials for Cyber Security
ABF 203 SL - Financial Accounting and Reporting (22.1/22.2)
ABF 204 SL - Financial Institution & Markets (22.1/22.2)
ABF 205 SL - Management Accounting (22.1/22.2)
PUSL 3124 - Study skills and Professional Values
PUSL 3125 - Understanding Evidence to Inform Clinical Decision
PUSL 3126 - Clinical Decision Making in Healthcare Practice
PUSL 3128 - Independent Study
PUSL 1004 - Contract Law
PUSL 1005 - Family Law
PUSL 1006 - Public Law
PUSL 2076 - Data Programming in R
PUSL 2077 - Data Science in Python
PUSL 2078 - Statistics for Data Science
PUSL 2052 - Business Process and ERP
PUSL 2079 - Topics in Business Analytics and Intelligence
BLDG 510 - Property Development and Refurbishment
BLDG 514 - Quantity Surveying Principles
PUSL 2030 - Construction Technology
PUSL 2034 - Building Services Engineering
PUSL 2031 - Contract Procedures
PUSL 2032 - Common Challenge: Built Environment
OPL 3233 - Computer Integrated Manufacturing
MGT 3235 - Innovation and New product Development
OPL 3231 - Aviation Operations and Management
LGS 3231 - Maritime Law in Logistics
OPL 3232 - Supply Chain Management
OPL 3236 - Agile Project Management
OPL 3235 - Project Information Systems and Management Applications
OPL 3234 - Project Procurement and Contract Management
PUSL 2028 - Media,Law and Ethics
NSBM FP 1101 - Principles of Management and Business (24.2)
NSBM FP 1104 - English and Soft Skills Development (24.2)
NSBM FP 1205 - Fundamentals of Mathematics and Quantitative Techniques (24.2)
NSBM FP 1103 - Computer Applications and Programming Fundamentals (24.2)
OPL 3131 - Port Operations and Management
NAH 1217 - Psychology
NAH 1226 - Genetics
NAH 1231 - General Instrumentation
NAH 1232 - General Microbiology
NAH 1233 - Human Anatomy II
NAH 1234 - Human Physiology II
NAH 1235 - Organic Chemistry
NAH 2117 - Basic Mathematics
NAH 2121 - Biochemistry
NAH 2132 - General Pathology
NAH 2133 - Principles of Analytical Chemistry
NAH 2134 - Human Parasitology
NAH 2135 - Immunobiology
NAH 2136 - Molecular Biology
NAH 2216 - Information Technology
NAH 2221 - Metabolism
NAH 2225 - Biostatistics
NAH 2232 - Human Diseases I
NAH 2233 - Toxicology
NAH 2234 - Clinical Biochemistry
NAH 3131 - Pharmacology I
NAH 3132 - Basics of Human Nutrition
NAH 3133 - Pathology II
NAH 3134 - Human Diseases II
NAH 3135 - Nutrition and Life Cycle
NAH 3136 - Research Methodology
NAH 3225 - Research Bioethics
NAH 3231 - Pharmacology II
NAH 3232 - Food and Food Analysis
NAH 3233 - Nutritional Product Development
NAH 3234 - Nutrition and Chronic Diseases
NAH 3246 - Industrial Training Module
NAH 4131 - Nutrition and Public Health
NAH 4133 - Epidemiology
NAH 4162 - Research Project
NAH 4225 - Public Health Microbiology
NAH 4233 - Nutraceutical Development
NAH 4234 - Global Health
NAH 4236 - Cancer Biology
NAH 4241 - Health Education
NAH 4242 - Environmental and Occupational Health
BHCS 1011 - Study Skills and Personal Development
PUSL 2063 - Clinical Haematology and Biochemistry
MKT 201 SL - Buyer Behaviour & Relationships
MKT 201SL - Buyer Behaviour & Relationships
MKT 217 SL - New Product Development and Marketing Planning
MKT 217SL - New Product Development and Marketing Planning
NUR 1141 - Fundamentals of Nursing I
NUR 1142 - Human Anatomy and Physiology I
NUR 1143 - Applied Psychology, Sociology and Communication Skills
NUR 1244 - Human Anatomy and Physiology II
NUR 1245 - Applied Nutrition and Dietetics and Biochemistry
NUR 1246 - Microbiology and Pathology
NUR 1247 - Fundamentals of Nursing I (Practical)
CS 102.3 - Programming Fundamentals
SE 103.3 - Systems Analysis and Design
ACF 4141 - Advanced Management Accounting
ACF 4142 - Auditing and Professional Practice
ACF 4143 - Business Valuation
MGT 1131 - Principles of Management
HTM 215SL - Tourism and Planning Management
PUSL 2011 - Special Interest in Tourism
PUSL 3103 - Event Innovation
PU BC 1201 - English for Academic Purposes
EDS 1231 - Business Statitics I
EDS 1232 - Economics History
EML 1203 - Academic Writing
PHS 11101 - Laboratory Practice and Safety
PHS 11107 - Chemistry Elementary Laboratory
PHS 11108 - Basic Mathematics
PHS 11109 - Personality Development
PHS 11202 - General Chemistry
PHS 11203 - Human Physiology I
PHS 11204 - Cell Biology
PHS 11205 - Biomolecules
PHS 11206 - Anatomical Planes and Sections
PHS 11210 - General and Professional English
PHS 12107 - Analytical Chemistry Laboratory
PHS 12108 - Information Technology
PHS 12109 - Psychology
PHS 12110 - Mathematics 2
PHS 12202 - Pharmaceutical Analytical Chemistry
PHS 12203 - Human Anatomy II
PHS 12204 - Human Physiology II
PHS 12301 - General Instrumentation
PHS 12305 - Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry
PHS 12306 - Pharmaceutics I
CS 104.3 - Computer Architechture
ENGR 101 - Engineering Design
ENGR 102 - Engineering Practice and Experimental Techniques
ENGR 105 - Engineering Mechanics and Structures
ENGR 106 - Engineering Materials
PROJ 100 - Embedded System Design and Build
ELEC 144 - Electrical priciples and machines
EML 1231 - Fundamentals of Communication Studies
EML 1232 - English for Professional Purposes (I)
ACF 1232 - Financial Accounting II
ACF 1233 - Financial Management
CIVL 102 - Construcion Materials and Site Surveying
BLDG 405 - Built Environment Project
PHYS 051 - Physics 2
MATH 053 - Mathematical methods 2
ELEC 051 - Electronics
ACS 0031 - Biology
ACS 0032 - Chemistry
ACS 0033 - Physics
DESC 1102 - Design Fundamentals
DESC 1105 - Basic Drafting and Presentation Techniques
DESC 1101 - Drawing Fundamentals
DESC 1104 - Design Culture & Society
BAO 3403 - Investment Portfolio Management
BAO 3000 - Personal Financial Planning
BPD 3100 - Applied Business Challenge (Common)
BEO 2008 - Banking Law
BEO 2012 - Financial Modelling for Entreprise Risk Management
ABF 311 SL - Advanced Financial Accounting & Reporting (21.1/21.2)
ABF 318 SL - Auditing (21.1/21.2)
NSBM CFP 1208 - Programming in C
NSBM FP 1106 - Fundamentals of Accounting
NSBM FP 1107 - Business Theory & Environment
NSBM FP 1108 - Professional Development
BMO 3332 - Managing Organisational Change
BMO 2013 - Digital Supply Chain Management
BSK 3000 - Professional Business Project
BMO 2014 - Leadership
BMO 2012 - Procurement and Supply Management
BMO 2008 - Digital Business
NIT 2241 - Cyber Law Policy and Professional Ethics
NIT 2242 - Data Privacy and Cyber Physical Systems Security
BMO 3010 - Entrepreneurial Venture Scale Up
NSBM CP 1100 - Library Session
IS 405.6 - Computer Network Award Project
CN 406.3 - Disaster Recovery and High Availability Techniques
IS 405.6 - Computer Network Award Project
ACP EDS 101 - Basic Mathematics
ACP EML 102 - Critical Thinking for Academic Literacy
ACP EDS 103 - Introduction to Economics
ACP MGT 104 - Out-bound Training
ACF 4231 - Advanced Accounting Theory
ACF 4232 - Financial Statement Analysis
ACF 4233 - Strategic Management Accounting
BSC MM 1001 - Concept Development
BSC MM 1002 - World of Multimedia
BSC MM 1003 - Computing Fundamentals
BSC MM 1004 - Drawing
BSC MM 1005 - Design Principles 1
BSC MM 1006 - Typography Design
MGT 1104 - Introduction to Sustainability
MBS 5116 - Business Communication (Residential Woekshop)
MBS5 125 - Legal Aspects for Managers
MGT 2232 - Organizational Behavior
EDS 2231 - Business Statistics II
EDS 2232 - Managerial Economics
EDS 2233 - Data visualization using Tableau
EDS 2234 - R for Business Analytics
EDS 2235 - Statistics for Analytics II
EDS 2236 - Introduction to enterprise Systems
EML 2231 - English for Professional Purposes (II)
EML 2232 - Communication via Web-Based Applications
EML 2233 - Research Methods for Communication Research
LLB 2245 - Law of Evidence
LLB 2246 - Administrative Law
LLB 2247 - Employment Law
LLB 2248 - Interpretation of Statutes
EML 2207 - French Language
MBS 5116 - Business Communication (Residential Workshop)
MBAEN 6131 - Innovation and Entrepreneurship
MBAMP 6132 - Knowledge Management
MBAOP 6132 - Managing Service Operation
MBATo 6132 - Managing Small Scale Enterprises in Tourism
PCN 11103 - Computer Network Models and Design
PCN 11203 - Routing and Switching
PCN 12103 - Voice & Telephony Technologies
PCN 22103 - Disaster Recovery & High Availability Techniques
PCN 22301 - Project Reports
PGD 5135 - Organizational Behaviour
PGD HRM 5231 - Introduction to HRM & Employee Resourcing
PGD HRM 5232 - Employment Law & Labour Relations
MGT 4143 - Performance Management
MGT 4144 - Work Psychology and Counselling
MTM 2132 - Tourism Planning & Development
MTM 2231 - Social Etiquette and Professional Development for Tourism
MTM 2232 - Resources, Recreation & Tourism
MTM 2233 - Service Quality Management
MTM 2234 - Tourism, Hospitality and Event Marketing
MTM 2235 - Housekeeping & Accommodation Operations
MTM 3131 - Tourism and Sustainable Development
MTM 3132 - Entrepreneurship in Tourism Hospitality & Events
MTM 3133 - Sustainable Tourism Principles and Practices
MTM 3134 - MICE Tourism
LGS 3232 - Legal Environment of Tourism, Hospitality and Events
MTM 3231 - Project Management in Tourism
MTM 3232 - Crisis and Disaster Management in Tourism
MTM 3233 - Travel and Tour Agency Operations
MTM 3234 - E Commerce for Tourism
MTM 4141 - Cultural Diversity in Tourism, Hospitality and Event Management
MTM 4142 - Sustainable Event Management
MTM 4143 - Aviation and Airport Operations
LSC 1111 - Laboratory Practice and Safety
LSC 1132 - General Chemistry
LSC 1133 - Human Physiology
LSC 1124 - Cell Biology
LSC 1125 - Biomolecules
LSC 1136 - Anatomical Planes and Sections
LSC 1117 - Personality Development
LSC 1128 - General and Professional English
PHS 1121 - General Chemistry
PHS 1122 - Human Physiology I
PHS 1123 - Anatomical Planes and Sections
PHS 1114 - Chemistry Elementary Laboratory
PHS 1115 - Basic Mathematics
NUR 1143 - Applied Psychology, Sociology, and Communication Skills
PUSL 2053 - Fundamentals of Nursing 2
PUSL 2054 - Pharmocology
PUSL 2056 - Adult Health Nursing 2
PUSL 2058 - Midwifery, Obstetrics and Gynaecological Nursing
PUSL 3162 - Psychiatric & Mental health nursing
CS 103.2 - Personal Development
PHYS 049 - Physics Laboratory 1
ENGR 103 - Engineering Science
ELEC 142 - Analogue Electronics
ELEC 141 - Digital Electronics
BSC MM 1013 - Photography
BSC MM 1014 - Cinematography
BSC MM 1015 - 3D Design 1
BSC MM 1016 - Game Design
BSC MM 1017 - Video Editing and Production
BSC MM 1018 - Interactive Design
BSC MM 1007 - Illustration
BSC MM 1008 - Story Telling and Script Writing
BSC MM 1009 - Art, Design and Society
BSC MM 1010 - Animation Studies
BSC MM 1011 - Digital Imagine
BSC MM 1012 - Multimedia Imagine
ACE 0004 - Professional Communication
BAI 1100 - Referrals
NSBM QS 1205 - Mathematics Fundamentals
BSC MM 1019 - Advertising and Media Art
BSC MM 1020 - Multimedia Project Management
BSC MM 1021 - 3D Design 2
BSC MM 1022 - Web Design
BSC MM 1023 - Design Principles 2
BSC MM 1024 - Visual Communication
BSC MM 1025 - Multimedia Production
BSC MM 1026 - Professional Studies
BSC MM 1027 - Visual Effects Production
BSC MM 1028 - Research Methodology
BSC MM 1029 - Dissertation
BSC MM 1008 - Story Telling & Script Writing
BSC MM 1011 - Digital Imaging
BSC MM 1012 - Multimedia Imaging
BSC MM 1030 - Internship
BSC MM 1031 - Media Law & Ethics
BSC MM 1032 - Entrepreneurship
BSC MM 1033 - Final Project
BSO 300 SL - Corporate Strategy
MGT 1233 - Academic Writing
BLDG 402 - Principles of Economic and Management
NSBM SR 1100 - Self Reflection
MSC 5101 - Problem Solving and Programming
MSC 5102 - Software Development Paradigms and Processes
MSC 5103 - Systems Analysis and Design
MSC 5201 - Data Communication and Computer Networks
MSC 5202 - Web and Mobile Application Development
MSC 5203 - Governance and Management in ICT
MSC 5204 - Intergrated Project
MBATo 6132 - Managing Small Scale Enterprise in Tourism
PUSL 2019 - Informational Management and Retreieval
PUSL 2018 - Computational Theory and Statistics for Computing
LLB 1143 - Legal Systems
LLB 1144 - Introduction to Legal Research and Writing
MKT 215SL - Advertising Brand Management & Mkt Comms
PUSL 2066 - Property Law
PUSL 2067 - Tort Law
PUSL 2068 - European Law
BSO 300SL - Corporate Stratergy
PUSL 2086 - Engineering Mathematics and Statistics
PUSL 2087 - Real Time Systems Project
PUSL 2082 - Introduction to Robotics
PUSL 2092 - Civil Engineering Practice
PUSL 2093 - Structural Analysis and Design 1
PUSL 2094 - Geotechnical Engineering 1
PUSL 2095 - Engineering Analysis
PUSL 2080 - Materials and Structural Integrity
PUSL 2081 - Manufacturing Processes
PUSL 2083 - Engineering Mathematics and Control
PUSL 2088 - Communication Systems
BSO 215SL - International Logistics and Supply Chain
BSO 214 SL - Opernations Management
PUSL 2031 - Contract Procedure
PUSL 2032 - Common Challenge : and Built Environment
PUSL 3190 - Computing Project
PUSL 3159 - Entreprise, Innovations and Creativity
PUSL 3189 - Natural Language Processing
BEO 3002 - Derivatives and Risk Management
BAO 3404 - Credit and Lending Decisions
ENGR 101 - Engineering Design (S1)
ENGR 102 - Engineering Practice and Experimental Techniques (S1)
PROJ 100 - Embedded System Design and Build (S1)
ELEC 144 - Electrical principles and machines (S1)
BS 101.3 - Technical Communication
BMO 3007 - Global Transport and Distribution Management
BMO 3002 - Strategic Management
NIT 3141 - Securities Operations and Vulnerability Analysis
NIT 3122 - Enterprise Network Management
NIT 3203 - Software Development and IT Operations
COM 0001 - Common Module 01
MEML 3133 - English for Global Communication
EML 2132 - Modern World Literatures
EML 3161 - Industrial Training
EML 3132 - Public Relations in Practice & Theory
EML 3133 - English for Global Communication
EML 3231 - Critical Thinking
EML 3232 - Social Media Management
EML 3233 - Corporate Communication Management
EML 3264 - Final Project
MGT 4232 - Strategic Human Resource Management
MGT 4233 - HR Processes and Systems
EDS 4232 - Labor Economics
OPL 3133 - Procurement Management
OPL 4143 - Operations Research
OPL 4231 - Transport Planning and Demand Modelling
OPL 4232 - Enterprise Resource Planning
OPL 4235 - Project Human Resource Management
OPL 4236 - Project Monitoring, Control, Evaluation and Termination
OPL 3134 - Production Planning and Control
OPL 3135 - Maintenance Management
OPL 4233 - Business Simulation
OPL 4234 - Materials Management
COM 0001 - Academic Writing
ACF 3134 - Computer Based Accounting
ACF 3135 - Financial Modeling and Forecasting
ACF 4141 - Advanced Management Accounting
MM 1005 - Design Principles 1
MM 1008 - Story Telling & Script Writing
MM 1015 - 3D Design 1
MM 1021 - 3D Design 2
MM 1023 - Design Principles 2
MM 1031 - Media Law & Ethics
MBAMP 6131 - Organizational Leadership and Cross-Cultural Management
PUSL 2042 - Research Skills in Practice I
PUSL 2043 - Research Skills in Practice II
PUSL 3149 - Current Topics in Psychology I
PUSL 3150 - Current Topics in Psychology II
DS 201.3 - Introduction to Data Science
SE 204.3 - Development of Enterprise Applications I
DS 202.3 - Data Programming with R
DS 203.3 - Statistics for Data Science
SE 202.3 - Introduction to Software Engineering
CS 202.3 - Systems Fundamentals
CS 203.3 - Algorithms and Complexity
SE 206.3 - Human Computer Interaction
PGD 5133 - Business Communication
MBS 5125 - Leagal Aspects for Managers
COM 0003 - Law of Contract/Contract Law
EDS 1231 - Business Statistics I
MTM 1231 - Introduction to Tourism and Hospitality
MTM 1232 - Event Management
MTM 2235 - Accomadation Operations
ELEC 144 - Electrical Principles and Machines
COM 0002 - Statistics for Analytics I/Business Statitics I
EDS 2134 - Business Statistics
ACF 3135 - Accounting, Financial Modeling and Forecasting
EML 2107 - Chinese Language
MGT 4131 - Research Methadology
PU CMN 1213 - Accommodation Operations
EDS 1231 - Business and Statistics I
MTM 1233 - Accommodation Operations
MTM 2132 - Tourism Planning and Development
EDS 3135 - Marketing Analytics
EDS 3136 - Human Resource Analytics
EDS 3137 - System analysis and design
EDS 3138 - Big data analytics in Business
EDS 3139 - Operations Analytics
EDS 3131 - Mathematics for Economics II
EDS 3132 - Financial Institutions and Monetary Theory
EDS 3133 - Financial Economics
EDS 3134 - Transferrable Skills and Employability
OPL 3134 - Production Planing and Control
LLB 3141 - Procedural Laws
LLB 3142 - Human Rights Law
LLB 3143 - Law of Delict
LLB 3144 - Internship/Industrial Training
CREST TOU 01 - History of Tourism & Sri Lankan Tourism Geography
MSC 5104 - Modern Operating Systems
MSC 5105 - Information Management and Retrieval
PUSL 3137 - Quantity Surveying Professional Practice
QS 3201 - Industrial Training Workshop
PUSL 2065 - Computer Networks
PUSL 3130 - Advance Computer Networking Infrastructure
PUSL 3122 - HCI, Computer Graphics & Visualization
PUSL 2096 - Hydraulic and Coastal Engineering
PUSL 2097 - Construction Management
PUSL 2085 - Mechanical Engineering Design & Commercialization
PUSL 2084 - Engineering Quality Management
PUSL 2090 - Control Engineering
PUSL 2091 - Sensors and Actuators for Robotics Systems
PUSL 2089 - Power Electronics and Generation
ABF 311 SL - Advanced Financial Accounting & Reporting
ABF 318 SL - Auditing
BSO 316 SL - Operations Management for Comp Adv
ABF 203 SL - Financial Accounting and Reporting
ABF 204 SL - Financial Institutions & Marketing
ABF 205 SL - Management Accounting
MKT 216SL - Business and Market Research
PUSL 2007 - Events Planning and Strategy
PHS 21201 - Biochemistry
PHS 21302 - General Pathology
PHS 21303 - Pharmaceutical Microbiology
PHS 21304 - Physical Pharmacy I
PHS 21305 - Immunobiology
PHS 21306 - Pharmaceutics II
PHS 21107 - Physical Pharmacy I Laboratory
PHS 21108 - Organic Chemistry Laboratory
OPL 4235 - Project HR Management
PUSL 2069 - Equity and Trust
PUSL 2070 - Public International Law
PUSL 2071 - Internship/Work Based Learning
COM 0004 - Public Relations in Practice & Theory
LLB 1100 - English for Legal Studies
LLB PU CMN 01 - Legal English
EML 1131 - Business Communication
LSC 1231 - General Instrumentation
LSC 1232 - General Microbiology
LSC 1233 - Human Anatomy II
LSC 1234 - Human Physiology II
LSC 1235 - Organic Chemistry
LSC 1226 - Genetics
LSC 1217 - Psychology
PHS 1221 - Pharmaceutical Analytical Chemistry
PHS 1222 - Human Anatomy II
PHS 1223 - Human Physiology II
PHS 1234 - Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry
PHS 1235 - Pharmaceutics I
PHS 1216 - Analytical Chemistry Laboratory
PHS 1217 - Mathematics II
MGT 1133 - Soft Skills Development
PUSL 1001 - Introduction to Law and Legal System
PUSL 1002 - Criminal Law
PUSL 1003 - Introduction to Legal Writing and Legal Research
NSBM BFP 1101 - Principles of Management and Business
NSBM BFP 1102 - English and Soft Skills Development
NSBM BFP 1103 - Fundamentals of Mathematics and Quantitative Techniques
NSBM BFP 1201 - Fundamentals of Economics
NSBM BFP 1202 - Project Management
NSBM BFP 1203 - Fundamentals of Accounting
NSBM BFP 1204 - Business Theory & Legal Environment
NSBM BFP 1205 - Professional Development
PU CMN 1206 - Economics for Business II
PU CMN 1214 - Introduction to Tourism and Event
PU CMN 1213 - Accomodation Operations
MTM 1233 - Front Office Operations
MTM 1233 - Accomodation Operations
MM 1001 - Concept Development
MM 1002 - World of Multimedia
MM 1003 - Computing Fundamentals
MM 1004 - Drawing
MM 1005 - Design Principles I
MM 1006 - Typography Design
MM 1007 - Illustration
MM 1008 - Story Telling and Script Writing
MM 1009 - Art, Design and Society
MM 1010 - Animation Studies
MM 1011 - Digital Imaging
MM 1012 - Multimedia Imaging
MM 1013 - Photography
MM 1014 - Cinematography
MM 1015 - 3D Design I
MM 1016 - Game Design
MM 1017 - Video Editing and Production
MM 1018 - Interactive Design
MM 1019 - Advertising and Media Art
MM 1020 - Multimedia Project Management
MM 1021 - 3D Design II
MM 1022 - Web Design
MM 1023 - Design Principles II
MM 1024 - Visual Communication
MM 1025 - Multimedia Production
MM 1026 - Professional Studies
MM 1027 - Visual Effects Production
MM 1028 - Research Methodology
MM 1029 - Dissertation
MM 1030 - Internship
MM 1031 - Media Law and Ethics
MM 1032 - Entrepreneurship
MM 1033 - Final Project
CS 101.3 - Introduction to Computer Science
MA 101.3 - Mathematics I
CS 102.3 - Programming in C
CS 103.3 - Professional Development
SE 103.3 - System Analysis and Design
CS 107.3 - Object Oriented Programming with C#
CS 106.3 - Algorithms and Data Structures
CS 104.3 - Computer Architecture
CS 105.3 - Database Management Systems
SE 102.3 - Web Based Application Development
CNET 214SL - Network & System Administration
CNET 233SL - Network security
PUSL 2001 - IT Legalization & Ethics
PUSL 2008 - Introduction to IoT
PUSL 2010 - Servers, Datacenters and Cloud
CNET 237SL - Computer Networks
PUSL 2003 - Integrating project
ISAD 253SL - Databases
PUSL 2009 - Network and Security Programming
PRCO 303SL - Computing Project
CNET 335SL - Cybercrime and Forensics Investigation
PUSL 3109 - Voice and Video over IP
CNET 350SL - Network Monitoring
CNET 349SL - Incident Prevention, Detection & Response
PUSL 3105 - Advanced Networks
PUSL 3107 - Network Security and Penetration Testing
CNET 334SL - Information Security Management
ISAD 254SL - Human Computer Interaction
PUSL 2002 - Web Development Platforms
SOFT 255SL - Software Engineering for the Internet using Java
ISAD 341SL - Software Development and Project Management
SOFT 336SL - Cross-platform Development in C++
PUSL 3110 - Advanced Databases and Their Applications
CNET 343SL - Distributed Systems
PUSL 3111 - API Software Development
PUSL 3108 - Pervasive Computing
PUSL 3106 - Design Patterns and Software Engineering
CN 101.3 - Data Communications and Networks
SE 101.3 - Object Oriented Programming with Java
CN 201.3 - Computer Networks
SE 201.3 - Systems Analysis and Design
CS 201.3 - Operating Systems
MA 201.3 - Mathematics II
CN 202.3 - Network Management
SE 204.3 - Development of Enterprise Applications I
CN 205.3 - Voice and Video over IP
CN 203.3 - Network systems configuration and administration
CN 204.3 - Network Security
SE 206.3 - Human Computer Interaction
CS 301.3 - IT Project Management
CS 306.3 - Information Assurance and Security
SE 307.3 - Social Issues and Professional Practice
SE305.6 - Internship **
CN 301.3 - Advanced Routing and Switching
CN 303.3 - Service provider systems and networks
CN 302.3 - Wireless Technologies and Network Programming
MA 301.3 - Advanced Mathematics for Computing
CS 302.3 - Cryptography
IS 302.3 - IT Audit and Control
IS 301.3 - Enterprise Architecture
CN 401.6 - CN Award Project
CN 402.3 - Enterprise Networks
CN 403.3 - Intrusion Prevention, Detection & Response
CN 406.3 - Disaster Recovery and High Availability Techniques
CS 407.3 - Internet of Things
BS 402.3 - Entrepreneurship
BS 401.3 - Business Policy and Strategy
CS 404.3 - Parallel and Distributed Computing
CS 405.3 - Data Warehousing and Data Mining
IS 401.3 - Management Information Systems
IS 402.3 - E-Business Application Development
CS 408.3 - Embedded Systems
SE 403.3 - Platform Based Development
SE 202.3 - Introduction to Software Engineering
CS 202.3 - Systems Fundamentals
CS 203.3 - Algorithms and Complexity
SE 205.3 - Software Architecture
CS 303.3 - Computational Theory
CS 305.3 - Programming Languages and Compiler Design
CS 304.3 - Advanced Database Management Systems
SE301.3 - Software Process Management
SE 303.3 - Mobile Application Development
CS 402.3 - Computer Graphics and Visualization
CS 403.3 - Intelligent Systems
CS406.3 - Bio Informatics
SE 404.3 - Agent Based Systems
SE 402.3 - Development of Enterprise Applications II
MA 101.3 - Mathematics for Computing
MA 201.3 - Statistics for Computing
BS 201.3 - Business Studies
IS 204.3 - Enterprise Systems
IS 203.3 - Business Process Management
IS 202.3 - Foundations of Information Systems
SE 304.3 - Software Quality Assurance
IS 404.3 - Business Analytics
IS209.3 - Business Processes and ERP
SE207.3 - Software Verification and Validation
SE 401.6 - SE Honours Award Project
NIT 2102 - Cyber Security Essentials
NIT 2112 - Object Oriented Programming
NIT2113 - Cloud Application Development
NIT 2171 - Introduction to ICT Management
NIT 2213 - Software Engineering
NIT 2202 - Big Data
NIT 2271 - ICT Change Management
NIT 2201 - IT Profession and Ethics
NIT3101 - IT Project 1
NIT3112 - Advance Web Application Development
NIT3113 - Advanced Programming
NIT3114 - Online Business System Development
NIT 3171 - ICT Business Analytics and Data Visualisation
NIT 3213 - Mobile Application Development
NIT 3274 - Small IT Business
NIT3201 - IT Project 2
IS 204.3 - Enterprize Systems
CS 401.6 - CS Honours Award Project
IS 301.3 - Enterprize Architecture
IS401.6 - MIS Award Project
SE 308.3 - Software Process
SE306.3 - SE Award Project
CN 406.3 - Disaster Recovery and High Availability Techniques
CN 303.3 - Service Provider Systems and Networks
CN 403.3 - Intrusion Prevention, Detection and Response
SE 308.3 - Software Process Management
IS 405.6 - MIS Special Award Project
MGT 1301 - Management Process
MGT 1302 - Business Communication
MGT 1303 - Financial Accounting I
MGT 1304 - Economics for Managers
MGT 1305 - Soft Skills Development
MGT 1306 - Management Accounting
MGT 1307 - Information and Communication Technology
MGT 1308 - Business Environment
MGT 1309 - Project Management
MGT 1310 - Business Mathematics and Statistics I
MGT 2301 - Organizational Behaviour
MGT 2302 - Marketing Management
MGT 2303 - Financial Accounting II
MGT 2304 - Professional Development
MGT 2305 - Operations Management
MGT 2306 - Financial Management
MGT 2307 - Human Resource Management
MGT 2308 - Logistics Management
MGT 2309 - Quality Management
MGT 2310 - Industrial Relations
MGT 3401 - Strategic Management
MGT 3402 - Management Information Systems
HRM 3401 - Employee Resourcing
HRM 3402 - Human Resources Development
MGT 3403 - International Business Management
MGT 3404 - Business and Industrial Law
MGT 3605 - Industrial Training
MGT 4401 - Research Methodology
HRM 4501 - Performance Management
HRM 4502 - Rewards Management
HRM 4503 - Strategic Human Resource Management
HRM 4504 - HR Processes and Systems
MGT 4602 - Dissertation
LOG 3401 - Inventory and Warehouse Management
LOG 3402 - Procurement Management
LOG 4501 - Import and Export Management Related to Logistics
LOG 4502 - Maritime Law in Logistics
LOG 4503 - Modeling in Transportation Logistics
LOG 4504 - Supply Chain Management
IND 3401 - Production Planning and Control
IND 3402 - Maintenance Management
IND 4501 - Industrial Safety Management
IND 4502 - Industrial Engineering
IND 4503 - Advanced Operations Management
IND 4504 - Materials Management
PRO 3401 - Scope Management
PRO 3402 - Time Management
PRO 4501 - Cost Management
PRO 4502 - Project Risk and Quality Management
PRO 4503 - Project HR Management
PRO 4504 - Project Monitoring, Control, Evaluation and Termination
MGT 1310 - Business Mathematics and Statistics
ACT 2301 - Macro-Economics
ACT 2302 - Business Mathematics and Statistics II
MGT 3301 - Strategic Management
MGT 3302 - Management Information Systems
ACT 3301 - Taxation
ACT 3302 - Corporate Finance
ACT 3303 - Investment and Portfolio Management
MGT 3304 - Business and Industrial Law
ACT 3304 - Computer Based Accounting
ACT 3305 - Financial Reporting and Disclosure
ACT 3306 - International Financial Management
MGT 3305 - Industrial Training
ACT 4401 - Advanced Management Accounting
ACT 4402 - Auditing and Professional Practice
ACT 4303 - Business Valuation
ACT 4304 - Advanced Accounting Theory
ACT 4305 - Financial Statement Analysis
ACT 4306 - Strategic Management Accounting
BScMGT 1101 - Management Process
BScMGT 1102 - Business Communication
BScMGT 1103 - Financial Accounting
BScMGT 1104 - Economics for Managers
BScMGT 1105 - Business Mathematics and Statistics
BScMGT 1106 - Managerial Accounting
BScMGT 1207 - Information and Communication Technology
BScMGT 1208 - Business Environment
BScMGT 1209 - Introduction to Project Management
BScMGT 1210 - Critical Enabling Skills Training
BScMGT 2101 - Organizational Behaviour
BScMGT 2102 - Professional Development
BScMGT 2103 - Marketing Management
BScMGT 2104 - Advanced Financial Accounting
BScMGT 2105 - Logistics Management
BScMGT 2206 - Financial Management
BScMGT 2207 - Human Resource Management
BScMGT 2208 - Quality Management
BScMGT 2209 - Introduction to Operations Management
BScMGT 2210 - Industrial Relations
BScMGT 2211 - Industrial Training
BScMGT 3101 - Strategic Management
BScMGT 3102 - Management Information Systems
BScHRM 3103 - Employee Resourcing
BScMGT 3103 - International Business Management
BScMGT 3104 - Business and Industrial Law
BScHRM 3209 - Human Resources Development
BScHRM 4102 - Performance Management
BScHRM 4103 - Rewards Management
BScMGT 4101 - Research Methodology
BScHRM 4210 - Strategic Human Resource Management
BScHRM 4211 - HR Processes and Systems
BScLOG 3104 - Inventory and Warehouse Management
BScLOG 3210 - Procurement Management
BScLOG 4104 - Import and Export Management Related to Logistics
BScLOG 4105 - Maritime Law in Logistics
BScLOG 4212 - Modeling in Transportation Logistics
BScLOG 4213 - Supply Chain Management
BScIND 3105 - Production Planning and Control
BScIND 3211 - Maintenance Management
BScIND 4106 - Industrial Safety Management
BScIND 4107 - Industrial Engineering
BScIND 4214 - Advanced Operations Management
BScIND 4215 - Materials Management
BScPRO 3106 - Scope Management
BScPRO 3212 - Time Management
BScPRO 4108 - Cost Management
BScPRO 4109 - Project Risk and Quality Management
BScPRO 4216 - Project HR Management
BScPRO 4217 - Project Monitoring, Control, Evaluation and Termination
BEO2255 - Applied Statistics for Business
BLO1105 - Business Law
BEO2401 - Risk Management and Insurance
BBC3004 - Green Economy
BAO2001 - Corporate Finance
BEO2000 - Financial Institutions and Monetary Theory
BPD 2100 - International Business Challenge
BAO3000 - Personal Financial Planning
BAO3402 - International Banking and Finance
BLO2206 - Taxation Law and Practice
BEO3000 - Risk Management Models
BEO2001 - Commercial Banking and Finance
BAO3404 - Credit and Lending Decisions
BLO3405 - Law of Financial Institutions and Securities
BAO3403 - Investment and Portfolio Management
BPD 3100 - Applied Business Challenge
ACC2002L - Financial & Management Accounting
HRM2001L - HRM: Strategy & Policy
BMGT2001L - Managing Change
BMGT2002L - International Business
BMGT2003L - Project Management
MIS2008L - Data Analysis for Decision Makers
MIS3008L - Managing Digital Business Strategy and Operations
BMGT3004L - Management Research Project
BMGT3003L - Operations Management
BMGT 3002L - Management of Organisations
MKT3001L - International Marketing Management
BMGT3001L - Business Policy
HRM3004L - Talent Management
HRM3002L - Workplace Practice
HRM3003L - International Human Resource Management
MA 101.3 - Engineering Mathematics I
CE 101.3 - Programming Fundamentals
EE 101.3 - Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering
ME 102.3 - Engineering Materials
ME 104.3 - Computer Aided Design
EE 104.3 - Electronics I
ME 105.3 - Instrumentation and Control Principles
EE 102.3 - Communication Systems and Networks
CE 102.3 - Computer Architecture and Organization
MA 102.3 - Engineering Mathematics II
ME 101.3 - Introductory Mechanics and Fluids
EE 202.3 - Engineering Electromagnetics
CE 208.3 - Software Development Project
ME 203.3 - Thermodynamics
EE 201.3 - Electronics II
BS 201.3 - Engineering Ethics and Industrial Law
CE 205.3 - Modern Communication Systems
CE 201.3 - Object Oriented Software Development
CE 202.3 - Algorithms
CE 203.3 - Operating Systems
MA 201.3 - Engineering Mathematics III
ME206.5 - Industrial Placement 1
CE 303.3 - Advanced Computer Networks
CE 301.3 - Database Systems
CE 304.3 - Computer Systems Engineering
CE 305.3 - Programming Languages and Syntax Directed Tools
CE 306.3 - Software Engineering
CE 307.3 - Digital Design and Embedded Systems
MA 301.3 - Engineering Mathematics IV
BS 302.3 - Engineering Project Management and Costing Accounting
ME306.3 - Industry Placement II
ME 302.3 - Robotics
ME 304.3 - Sensors and Actuators
EE 301.3 - Advance Communications (Elective 1)
EE 302.3 - Power Electronics and Applications (Elective 1)
EE 311.3 - Antennas and Propagation
EE 306.3 - VLSI Design
BS 303.3 - Engineering & Socioeconomic Impact (Elective 2)
BS 304.3 - Marketing and Business Economics
CE 401.3 - Network Systems and Technologies
CE403.3 - Intelligent Systems
CE 404.3 - Cloud and Distributed Computing
EE 401.3 - Digital Signal Processing and Machine Vision
BS 402.3 - Enterpreneurship and Innovation
BS 401.3 - Organizational Behaviour and Human Resource Management
ME 403.6 - Engineering Honours Thesis
EE407.3 - Optical Communication & Technologies (Elective 1)
EE408.3 - Satellite and Mobile Communication Technology
ME 407.3 - Industrial Automation (Elective 1)
CE 402.3 - Data Science and Big Data
CE403.3 - Data Analytics & Machine Learning (Elective 1)
BS403.3 - Strategic Management & Public Policy Plaining (Elective 2)
BS 404.3 - Psychology for Engineering
ME 202.3 - Fluid Mechanics
ME 204.3 - Control Engineering
ME 205.3 - Mechatronics I
ME 208.3 - Basic Manufacturing Technologies
ME206.3 - Mechanics of Machines
EE 207.3 - Electrical Machines & Drives 1
ME207.5 - Industry Placement 1
ME 301.3 - Engineering Analysis
ME 303.3 - Modern Manufacturing Technologies
ME 307.3 - Mechatronics II
EE 301.3 - Advance Communications
EE 302.3 - Power Electronics and Applications
ME 405.3 - Mechatronics System Integration
ME406.3 - Manufacturing Process Design
ME 407.3 - Industrial Automation
EE 406.3 - Renewable Energy and Technologies
CE 401.3 - Network System & Technologies (Elective 1)
EE408.3 - Satellite and Mobile Communication
EE407.3 - Optical Communication & Technologies ( Elective 1)
BS403.3 - Strategic Management & Public policy Plaining ( Elective 2)
EE 204.3 - Theory of Electricity
EE 205.3 - Introduction to Power Systems
ME207.5 - Industrial Placement 1
EE 303.3 - High Voltage Engineering
EE 304.3 - Power System Engineering and Analysis
EE 309.3 - Electrical Installations
ME306.3 - Industrial Placement II
ME 302.3 - Robotics (Elective 1)
ME 303.3 - Modern Manufacturing Technologies (Elective 1)
EE 405.3 - Advanced Power System Control and Protection
EE402.3 - Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering
EE403.3 - Power System Planning and Markets
EE404.3 - Intelligent Electricity Networks
CE403.3 - Interlligent Systems (Elective 1)
CE 401.3 - Network System and Technologies (Elective 1)
EE407.3 - Optical Communication & Technologies ( Elective 1)
CE 404.3 - Cloud & Distributed Computing (Elective 1)
BS403.3 - Strategic Management & Public Policy Plaining (Elective 2)
PU CMN 1103 - Introduction to Finance
PU CMN 1206 - Economics for Business II and QT
PU CMN 1210 - Business Law
LCS101SL - English for Academic Purposes 1
LCS100SL - Culture and Society
PU LOG 1207 - Introduction to Logistics
PULOG 1209 - Introduction to Shipping
PU HOS 1207 - Introduction to Tourism and Events
PU HOS 1209 - Food and Beverage Operations
PU HOS 1210 - Front Office and Facilities Operations
PU CMN 1101 - Economics for Business I
PU CMN 1102 - World of Business
PU CMN 1104 - Personal Development
PU CMN 1105 - Organizational Communication
BMG 311SL - Current Issues in Management
BMG 312SL - Organizational Leadership
HRS 302SL - International & Comparative HRM
ABF 302SL - Financial Management & Policy
ABF 318SL - Auditing
BSO 316SL - Opearations Management for Competitive Advantage
MAR 330SL - Port Management & Intermodalism
HTM 310SL - Crisis & Disaster Management in the Hospitality, Tourism & Events Industries
PUSL3103 - Event Innovation
MKT 306SL - Marketing Management
ELC 307SL - English for Global Communication
MKT 302SL - Public Relations
BSO 302SL - Global Enterprise
BSO 300SL - Corporate Strategy
MKT 316SL - International Marketing
ABF 311SL - Advanced Financial Accounting & Reporting
ABF 300SL - Advanced Management Accounting
MAR 312SL - Advanced Logistics Management
MAR 313SL - International Supply Chain Management
HTM 309SL - Contemporary Issues in Tourism
HTM 322SL - Managing Service Innovation
HTM 314SL - Honours Project
MKT 301SL - Contemporary Issues in Marketing
ELC 309SL - English for Professional Practice
BSO 213SL - Enterprise & Innovation
BSO 214SL - Operations Management
MKT 216SL - Business & Market Research
ABF 205SL - Management Accounting
BSO 215SL - International Logistics & Supply Chain Opearations
PUSL2006 - Festivals & Exhibitions
MKT 215SL - Advertising, Brand Management & Marketing Communications
MKT 205SL - Digital Marketing
PUSL 2004 - Business Communication
BSO 212SL - Business Ethics
HRS 204SL - Managing People
BSO 208SL - International Business
ABF 207SL - Taxation
ABF 203SL - Financial Accounting & Reporting
ABF 204SL - Financial Institutions & Markets
MAR 211SL - Principles in Purchasing Management
HTM 215SL - Tourism & Planning Management
PUSL 2007 - Events Planning & Strategy
MKT 201SL - Buyer Behaviour & Relations
MKT 217SL - New Product Development & Marketing Planning
BID 1101 - Introduction to Interior Design I
BID 1102 - Historical and Cultural Influence on Interior Design I
BID 1103 - Design Communication I
BID 1104 - Theory and Practice of Interior Design
BID 1105 - Building Science
BID 1106 - Materials Structural - Building Construction I
BID 1107 - Business English
BID 1201 - Interior Design II
BID 1202 - Historical and Cultural Influence on Interior Design II
BID 1203 - Design Communication II
BID 1204 - Basics of Building Construction
BID 1205 - Digital Communication I
BID 1206 - Materials Interior - Interior Construction and Design II
BID 1207 - Environmental Psychology
BID 2101 - Interior Design III
BID 2102 - Historical and Cultural Influences on Interior Design III
BID 2103 - Design Communication III
BID 2104 - Building Technology I
BID 2105 - Furniture Design
BID 2106 - Digital Communication II
BID 2201 - Interior Design IV
BID 2202 - Professional Practice
BID 2203 - Interior Lighting
BID 2204 - Environmental Studies and Services
BID 2205 - Digital Communication III
BID 2206 - Building Technology II
BID 2207 - Interior Acoustics
BID 3101 - Internship
BID 3102 - Research Methodology and Essay
BID 3103 - Introduction to Interior Design V
BID 3104 - Project Management
BID 3105 - Marketing Management
BID 3201 - Interior Design V
BID 3202 - Advanced Interior Design Practice VI
BID 3203 - Design Management and by Law
PGD BM 5101 - Managing People
PGD BM 5102 - Marketing Management
PGD 5107 - Research Methods
PGD HRM 5103 - Human Resource Development
PGD HRM 5101 - Introduction to HRM and Employee Resourcing
PGD HRM 5102 - Employment Law and Labour Relations
5107 - Marketing Management
5114 - Organizational Behaviour
5117 - Independent Study-RM
5115 - Business Ethics and Sustainability
32041 - Project Management
32022 - Big Data Analytics
5111 - Legal Aspect of Management
5110 - International Buisness Management
5112 - Startegic Management
NIT 3202 - Data Analytics for Cyber Security
BBC 2201 - Corporate Communication Management
BBC 2202 - Law for Communication
BBC 2203 - Communication via Web-based Applications
BBC 2204 - International Business
BBC 2205 - Research Methods for Communication Research
EW19.1 - English for Writing
BAI 3166 - Interior Design
NSBM FP 1101 - Principles of Management & Business
NSBM FP 1102 - Fundamentals of Economics
NSBM FP 1205 - Fundamentals of Mathematics and Quantitative Techniques
NSBM FP 1206 - Fundamentals of Accounting
NSBM FP 1207 - Business Theory & Environment
NSBM FP 1208 - Professional Development
NSBM CFP 1103 - Computer Applications and Programming Fundamentals
NSBM FP 1109 - English and Soft skills Development
NSBM CP 1206 - Quantitative Techniques
NSBM CP 1313 - Fundamentals of Project Management
NSBM CP 1207 - Business Theory and Environment
- Personal and Managerial Effectiveness
NSBM CP 1209 - Introduction to Computer Applications
NSBM FP 1110 - Project Management
MBSA 11012 - Accounting for Decision Making
MBSA 11022 - Business Economics
MBSA 11032 - Enterprise Management
MBSA 11042 - Quantitative Methods for Management
MBSA 11051 - Business Communication
MBSA 12012 - Managing Finance
MBSA 12022 - Human Resources Management
MBSA 12032 - Marketing Management
MBSA 12042 - Managing Operations in Business
MBSA 21012 - Management Information Systems
MBSA 21021 - International Business Management
MBSA 21032 - Legal Aspects for Management
MBSA 21042 - Organizational Behaviour
MBSA 21051 - Strategic Management
MBSA 22012 - Business Ethics and Sustainability
MBSA 22021 - Problem Analysis Methodology
MBSA 22035 - Independent Study
MBA 31011 - Research Workshop 1
MBA 31021 - Research Workshop 2
PGD 5101 - Management Process and Practice
PGD 5102 - Accounting for Decision Making
PGD 5103 - Business Communication
PGD 5104 - Business Statistics
PGD 5105 - Organizational Behavior
PGD 5106 - Economics for Business
PGD HRM 5104 - Human Resource Information Systems
PGD HRM 5105 - Organizational Change and Development
PGD 5108 - Project Report
PGD BM 5103 - Financial Management
PGD BM 5104 - Management Information Systems
PUSL 3113 - Current Issues in Tourism, Hospitality & Events
PUSL 3112 - International Events, Culture & Identity
PUSL 2011 - Special Interest Tourism
BP 001.3 - Computational Thinking
BP 002.2 - English & Communication Skills
BP 003.4 - Foundational Mathematics
NSBM CFP 1206 - Computer Technology
NSBM CFP 1207 - Web Design & Development
NSBM CFP 1208 - Programming in Python
NSBM CFP 1209 - Introduction to Multimedia
NSBM CFP 1210 - ICT Project Management
CS003.2 - English for Communication
MA001.2 - Fundamentals of Mathematics
CS001.4 - Introduction to Programming
CS 002.2 - Introduction to Computer Applications
PUSL3100 - Information Security Management
5101 - Enterprise Management
5101-S - Enterprise Management
5102 - Business Economics
5102-S - Business Economics
5103 - Accounting & Finance
5103-S - Accounting & Finance
5104 - Quantitative Methods for Management
5104-S - Quantitative Methods for Management
5105 - Legal Aspects for Managers
5105-S - Legal Aspects for Managers
5106 - Business Communication (Residential workshop)
5106-S - Business Communication (Residential workshop)
5107 - Human Resource Management
5107-S - Human Resource Management
5108 - Marketing Management
5108-S - Marketing Management
5109 - Managing Operations in Business
5109-S - Managing Operations in Business
5110 - Managing Information system
5110-S - Managing Information system
5111 - Organizational Behaviour
5111-S - Organizational Behaviour
6201 - Research Methodology
6202 - Logistics and Supply Chain Management
6203 - Strategic Cost Analysis
6204 - Strategic Management
6205 - Big Data Analytics
6206 - Organizational leadership and Cross Cultural Management
6207 - Knowledge Managemnt
6208 - Innovation and Entreprenurship
6209 - Strategic Cost Analysis
6210 - Tourism Operations & Destination Development
6211 - Managing Small Scale Enterprises in Tourism
6212 - Coparate Finance
6213 - Strategic Cost Analysis
6214 - Final Thesis
6215 - International Business Practice - Case Study
BBC 1101 - Personal Development
BBC 1102 - English for Professional Purposes I
BBC 1103 - Introduction to Management
BBC 1104 - English for Global Communication
BBC 1105 - ICT for Communication
BBC 1201 - Fundamentals of Communication Studies
BBC 1202 - Professional Communication
BBC 1203 - World of Business
BBC 1204 - English for Professional Purposes II
BBC 1205 - Marketing Communication
BBC 2101 - Intercultural and Interpersonal Communication
BBC 2102 - Advertising
BBC 2103 - Visual Communication
BBC 2104 - Business Ethics
BBC 2105 - Organisational Behaviour and Communication
BScMGT 1207 - Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
BScMGT 1210 - Critical Enabling Skills Training – 3 Months
BScMGT 3104 - Business & Industrial Law
BScLOG 3104 - Inventory & Warehouse Management
MBA 31012 - Logistics and Supply Chain Management
MBA 31022 - Strategic Cost Analysis
MBA 31032 - Innovation and Technology Management
MBA 32022 - Big Data Analytics
MBA 32041 - Project Management
MBA 40015 - Research Report
MBA 41012 - Business Negotiation Skills
MBA 42012 - International Business Practice
PGD 5103 - Business Communication
PGD HRM 5102 - Human Resource Development
PGD HRM 5104 - Organizational Change & Development
Module_Code - Module_Name
MBA 31092 - Innovation and Entrepreneurship
MBA 31102 - Small Business Management
MBA 31052 - Cross Cultural Management
MBA 31062 - Industry and Competitive Analysis
MBA 31082 - Organizational Leadership and Culture
MBA 32052 - Knowledge Management
IBM 2301 - Introduction to International Business Management
IBM 2002 - Chinese
BBC 3201 - Final Project
BBC 3101 - Internship
MGT 1131 - Management Process
MGT 1132 - Business Communication
MGT 1133 - Soft Skills Development
ACF 1131 - Financial Accounting
EDS 1131 - Economics for Managers
NSBM CFP 1103 - Computer Applications and Programming Fundamentals
NSBM FP 1104 - English and Soft Skills Development
NSBM FP 1103 - Project Management
NSBM CFP 1207 - Web Design and Development
NSBM CFP 1210 - ICT Project
CS 003.2 - English for Communication
MA 001.2 - Fundamentals of Mathematics
CS 001.4 - Introduction to Programming
CS 002.2 - Introduction to Computer Applications
PU CMN 1208 - Introduction to Finance
PU CMN 1207 - Organizational Behaviour
PU CMN 1209 - Introduction to Marketing
PU CMN 1211 - Introduction to Logistics
PU CMN 1212 - Introduction to shipping
PU CMN 1214 - Introduction to Tourism and Events
PU CMN 1215 - Food and Beverage operations
PU CMN 1213 - Front office and facilities operations
PU BC 1201 - English for Academic Purpose
PU BC 1202 - Culture and Society
CE405.3 - Modern Technologies for Mobile Application Development
BAO 3403 - Investment and Portfolio Management
MGT 1104 - Introduction to Sustainability Development
EL 101.1 - English for Communication Skills
CS 101.3 - Introduction to Computer Science
CS 102.3 - Programming in C
CS 105.3 - Database Management Systems
EL 101.3 - English for Communication Skills
SE 102.3 - Web Application Development
SE 201.3 - System Analysis and Design
MGT 1234 - Fundamentals of Communication Studies
MGT 1235 - English for Professional Purposes (I)
NSBM CFP 1211 - Network Fundamentals
MBS 5101 - Enterprise Management
MBS 5102 - Business Economics
MBS 5103 - Accounting & Finance
MBS 5104 - Quantitative Methods for Management
MBS 5105 - Legal Aspects for Managers
MBS 5106 - Business Communication
MBS 5107 - Human Resource Management
MBS 5108 - Marketing Management
MBS 5109 - Managing Operations in Business
MBS 5110 - Managing Information Systems
MBS 5111 - Organizational Behaviour
PGD 5105 - Organizational Behaviour
PGDBM 5102 - Marketing Management
PGDBM 5101 - Managing People
PGD BM 5103 - Financial Management
PGD HRM 5101 - Intro to HRM and EMP Resourcing
PGD HRM 5102 - Employment Law & Labour Relations
PGD HRM 5104 - HR Information Systems
MBSA 11051 - Residential Workshop 1
MBSA 22021 - Residential Workshop II-Problem Analysis Methodology
PGDBM 5103 - Financial Management
PGDBM 5104 - Management Information Systems
PCN 11103 - Computer Network Models and Design
PCN 11203 - Routing and Switching
PCN 11303 - Network Planning Implementing and Administration
PCN 12103 - Voice and Telephony Technologies
PCN 12203 - Wireless Communication
PCN 21103 - Service Provider Networks
PCN 21203 - Network Security
PCN 21301 - Research Methods
PCN 22103 - Disaster Recovery and High Availability Techniques
PCN 22301 - Project Report
MM 1014 - Cinemaatography
MM 1019 - Advertising & Media Art
MM 1020 - Multimedia Project Mgt
MM1025 - Multimedia Production
MM1026 - Professional Studies
MM1027 - Visual Effects Production
MM1028 - Research Methodology
MM1029 - Dissertation
MM1030 - Internship
MM1031 - Media Law & Ethics
MM1032 - Entrepreneurship
MM1033 - Final Project
MBS 5105 - Legal Aspect for Managers
MGT 3138 - International Communication
MGT 3139 - Foreign Trade Theory
MTM 3135 - International Marketing and Branding
MGT 31310 - Foreign Direct Investments and MNC corporations
PUSL 2028 - Media Law & Ethics
PUSL 2029 - Psychology of Communication
PUSL 3136 - Crisis Communication
MGT 2133 - Introduction to International Business Management
MGT 2134 - Intercultural & Interpersonal Communication
MGT 2135 - Modern World Literatures
MTM 2133 - Advertising
EDS 2131 - Macroeconomics
MGT 2131 - Human Resources Management
OPL 2131 - Operations Management
MGT 2102 - Professional Development
MIS2001L - Database & Information Resource Management
MIS2005L - Business Analytics
MIS2007L - Digital Business Infrastructure Applications (UCD)
BMGT 3002L - Management of Organizations
MIS3003L - Information Systems Applications
MIS3005L - Information Systems Development
MIS3007L - Digital Business and Social Media Strategy (UCD)
ISAD357SL - Software Development and Project Management
CNET 335SL - Cyber crime and Forensics Investigation
PUSL 2018 - Computer Theory and Statistics for Computing
PUSL 2019 - Information Management and Retrieval
PUSL 2020 - Software Development Tools and Practices
PUSL 2021 - Computing Group Project
PUSL 2022 - Introduction to IOT
PUSL 2023 - Mobile Application Development (NSBM)
PUSL 2024 - Software Engineering 2
PUSL 2025 - Security Architecure and Cryptography
PUSL 2026 - Computer Networks
ACB103 - Introduction to Economics & Accounting
ACB203 - Business Englis
BMO 2000 - Human Resources Management
BMO 2004 - Business Ethics
BMO 2202 - Purchasing and Supply Management
CBC - Chinese for Beginners - Certificate Course
FBC - French for Beginners- Certificate Course
JBC - Japanese for Beginners- Certificate Course
BP 1101 - General Business Knowledge
BP 1102 - Principles of Accounting
BP 1103 - Principles of Economics
BP 1104 - English and Communication Skills
BS 102.3 - Professional English for Engineering
CE 406.3 - Web Architecture and Modern Web Development Technologies
MGT 2231 - Management Information System
MGT 2232 - Organizational Behaviour
OPL 2231 - Logistics Management
EDS 2231 - Business Mathematics and Stat II
LGS 2231 - Business Law
CS 002.2 - Computer Fundamentals
ACC 503.3 - Soft Skills for Personal Development
ACC 303.3 - Introduction to Data and Information Systems
MGT 2234 - Business Ethics
MGT 2235 - Communication via Web-Based Applications
MGT 2236 - Research Methods for Communication Research
EAE - English for Academic Excellence (EAE)
MGT 3234 - International HRM
MGT 32311 - Cross Cultural Management
ACF 3233 - International Financial Management
MTM 3235 - Digital Marketing
PUSL 2048 - Business Research
ME 101.1 - Introductory Design Project
EE 201.1 - Product Development Project
EE 301.1 - Industrial Project
PUSL 3133 - Forensics and Malware
MGT 1132 - Business and Academic Writing
MAT IT ENG - Maths / IT / English
MGTc 1201 - Business Theory and Environment
MGTc 1202 - Introduction to Computer Applications
EDSc 1201 - Quantitative Techniques
DOLc 1201 - Fundamentals of Project Management and MS Project
EDSc 1202 - Introduction to Economics & Accounting
MGTc 1303 - Personal and Managerial Effectiveness (PME)
EMLc 1301 - Business English
BMO 2005 - Innovation and Entrepreneurship
BMO 2002 - Strategic Management
BMO 2181 - Operations Management
BMO 2201 - Distribution Management
BHO 3373 - International Marketing
BMO 3000 - Knowledge Management Practices for Innovative Organization
BMO 3123 - Integrated Supply Chain Management
BMO 3418 - Transport & Logistics Management
MBS 5131 - Management Theory & Practice
MBS 5132 - Business Economics
MBS 5133 - Accounting & Finance
MBS5 125 - Leagal Aspects for Managers
MBS 5116 - Business Comunication
MBS 5134 - Human Resource Management
MBS 5231 - Quantitative Methods for Management
MBS 5232 - Marketing Management
MBS 5233 - Managing Oparations in Business
MBS 5234 - Managing Information System
MBS 5235 - Organizational Behavior
MBAOP 6132 - Managing Service Operations
MBA 62121 - Final Thesis
MBA 6232 - International Business Practice - Case Study
PGD 5131 - Management Process & Practice
PGD 5132 - Accounting for Decision Making
PGD 5113 - Business Comunication
PGD 5134 - Business Statistics
PGD 5135 - Organizational Behavior
PGD 5136 - Econimics for Business
PGD BM 5231 - Managing People
PGD BM 5232 - Marketing Management
PGD 5217 - Research Methods
PGD BM 5233 - Financial Management
PGD BM 5234 - Management Information Systems
PGD 5238 - Project Reports
PGD HRM 5231 - Introduction to HRM &Employee Resourcing
PGD HRM 5232 - Employement Law & Labour Relations
PGD HRM 5233 - Human Resource Development
PGD HRM 5204 - Human Resourse Information Systems
PGD HRM 5205 - Organizational Change & Development
PG 11103 - Management Process & Practice
PG 11203 - Accounting for Decision Making
PG 11301 - Business Comunication
PG 12102 - Business Statistics
PG 12202 - Information Systems Project Management
PG 12303 - Economics for Business
PPM 21103 - Applied project Management
PPM 21203 - Project Risk & Scope Management
PG 21101 - Research Methods
PPM 22103 - Project Finance and Cost Management
PPM 22203 - Project Intergration Management
PPM 22301 - Project Report
PIM 21102 - Operatinal Research
PIM 21202 - Industrial Marketing Management
PIM 21302 - Production & Operation Management
PIM 22302 - Research Methods
PPM 22103 - Industrial Safety & Maintenance Management
PPM 22203 - Industrial Engineering & Quality Management
PIM 22301A - Project Report
PCN 12203 - Wireless Comunication
PHR 22301 - Project Report
PSE 11103 - Advance Computer Programming
PSE 11203 - Design Patterns
PSE 11303 - Human Computer Nteraction
PSE 12103 - Mobile Application Development
PSE 12203 - Advance Database Concepts
PSE 21103 - Service Oriented Architecture
PSE 21203 - Software Project Management
PSE 21301 - Research Methods
PSE 21103 - Software Quality Assuarance/ Software Simultion
PSE 21205 - Project Report
PIM 22103 - Research Methods
SE 309.3 - Software Verification and Validation
IS401.6 - Final Year Project
PGD 5131 - Management Process and Practice
PGD 5113 - Business Communication
PGD 5136 - Economics for Business
PGD 5238 - Project Report
MBS 5131 - Management Theory and Practice
MBS 5133 - Accounting and Finance
MBS 5125 - Legal Aspects for Managers
MBS 5116 - Business Communication
MBS 5233 - Managing Operations in Business
MBS 5234 - Managing Information Systems
MBS 5235 - Organizational Behaviour
MBA 6131 - Research Methodology
MBAEN 6131 - Innovation and Entreprenurship
MBAEN 6132 - Small Business Management
MBA 6132 - Strategic Management
MBA 6133 - Big Data Analytics
MBA 62151 - Final Thesis
MBAMP 6131 - Organizational leadership & Cross Cultural Management
MBAMP 6132 - Knowledge Managemnt
MBAOP 6131 - Logistics and Supply Chain Management
MBAFN 6131 - Coparate Finance
MBAFN 6132 - Strategic Cost Analysis
IS 204.3 - Advanced Database Management Systems
IS 203.3 - Mobile Application Development
MA 301.3 - Advanced Mathematics for Computing
CN 201.3 - Information Assurance and Security
SE 204.3 - Social Issues and Professional Practice
SE 202.3 - Software Process Management
IS 202.3 - Software Quality Assurance
SE305.6 - Internship **
CS 403.3 - Artificial Intelligence
CS 402.3 - Computer Graphics and Visualization
IS401.6 - Research
CN 401.6 - Research Project
CS 401.6 - Research Project
IS401.6 - Research Project
SE306.3 - Research Project
ME207.3 - Industrial Placement I
MA203.3 - Engineering Mathematics IV
CE 403.6 - Engineering Honours Thesis
CE406.3 - Web Architecture and Modern Web Development Technologies
ME 209.3 - Industrial Placement I
EE 207.3 - Electrical Machines and Drives I
EE 304.3 - Power System Engineering Analysis
EE 313.3 - Electrical Machines and Drives II
CE 209.3 - Industrial Placement I
CE 314.3 - Industrial Placement II
CE 301.1 - Industrial Project
EE 209.3 - Industrial Placement I
EE314.3 - Industrial Placement II
EE 403.6 - Engineering Honours Thesis
ME314.3 - Industrial Placement II
ME 301.1 - Industrial Project
MGT 3131 - Strategic Management
MGT 3136 - Public Relations in Practice & Theory
LGS 3131 - Law for Communication
BMO 3332 - Managing Organizational Change
BMO 2203 - E-Supply Chain Management
BMO 3419 - Supply Chain Analytics
MGT 1203 - Academic Writing
LLB 1143 - Leagal Systems
LLB 1141 - Introduction to Law
LLB 1142 - Criminal Law
LLb 1144 - Leagal Research and Writing
LLB 1100 - English for Leagal Studies
SE 303.3 - Service Provider Systems and Networks
DS 206.3 - Ethics in Data Science
DS 205.3 - Data Science in Python
PUSL 2023 - Mobile Application Development
PUSL 2025 - Security Architecture and Cryptography
PUSL 2018 - Computational Theory and Statistics for Computing
NSBM FP 1205 - Fundamentals of Mathematics and QT
DS 305.3 - Advanced Database Management Systems
DS 306.6 - Internship
CS 307.3 - Cloud Computing
DS 307.3 - Machine Learning
DS 308.3 - Big Data Analytics
DS 401.3 - Natural Language Processing
DS 402.3 - Neural Networks
DS 403.3 - Big Data Programming
DS 404.6 - DS Honors Award Project
DS 405.3 - Urban Computing
DS 406.3 - Data Science Trends and Applications
DS 407.3 - Deep Learning
SE 107.3 - Object Oriented Programming with C#
DS 206.3 - Ethics in Data Science
DS 205.3 - Data Science in Python
DS 301.3 - Web Mining
DS 302.3 - Advanced Statistics for Data Science
DS 303.3 - Data Warehousing & Data Mining
DS 304.3 - Data Visualization
CS 103.2 - Personal Development
EL 101.1 - Academic Writing and Communication
NSBM FP 1103 - Computer Applications and Programming Fundamentals
NSBM FP 1101 - Principles of Management and Business
PUSL 3120 - Full-Stack Development
PUSL 3123 - AI and Machine Learning
PUSL 3122 - HCI, Computer Graphics, and Visualization
PUSL 3134 - Software Project Management
PUSL 3119 - Computer Individual Project
PUSL 3121 - Big Data Analytics
PUSL 3131 - Security Operations and Incident Management
PUSL 3132 - Ethical Hacking
PUSL 3129 - Multimedia over IP
PUSL 3130 - Advance Computer Networking Infrastructures
LLB 1245 - Constitutional Law
LLB 1246 - Equity and Trust
LLB 1247 - Family Law
LLB 1248 - Law of Contracts
MTM 2131 - Marketing Management
ACF 2131 - Finance Management
MGT 2107 - Chinese Language
BSO 316SL - Operations Management for Competitive Advantage
MGT 4131 - Research Methodology
MGT 4132 - Leadership for Organizational Change
MGT 4135 - Internationalization of Entrepreneurship and Innovation
LGS 4131 - International Trade Law
EDS 4131 - Sri Lankan Economy and Global Economic Trends
MGT 2233 - English for Professional Purposes (II)
HTM 322 SL - Managing Service Innovation
PU SL 3112 - International Events Culture and Identity
PU SL 3113 - Current Issues in Tourism, Hospitality and Events
PUSL 3112 - International Events Culture and Identity
PUSL 3113 - Current Issues in Tourism, Hospitality and Events
MKT 306 SL - Marketing Management
PU SL 3154 - Marketing Honours Project
ABF 311SL - Advanced Financial Accounting & Reporting
ABF 203SL - Financial Accounting & Reporting
ABF 205SL - Management Accounting
MGT 2232 - Organisational Behaviour
EDS 2231 - Business Mathematics and Stat II
LGS 2231 - Business Law
MGT 2231 - Management Information Systems
MGT 3162 - Industrial Training
PUSL 3154 - Marketing Honours Project
ACF 1231 - Management Accounting
MGT 1231 - Computer Application
OPL 1231 - Introduction to Project Management
EDS 1231 - Business Mathematics and Stat 1
EDS 1232 - Economic History
EDS 1233 - Introduction to Business Analytics
EDS 1234 - Fundamentals of Mathematics
EDS 1235 - Statistics for Analytics I
MGT 2131 - Human Respurce Management
ACF 2131 - Financial Management
EDF 2131 - Macroeconomics
IS 201.3 - Business Processes and ERP
CN 401.6 - CN Honours Award Project
NIT 3171 - ICT Business Analytics and Data Visualization
NEF 3001 - Applied Project 1
NEF 3002 - Applied Project 2
DS 201.3 - Introduction to Data Science
DS 203.3 - Statistics for Data Science
DS 202.3 - Data Programming with R
MGT 1232 - Business Environment
CN 403.3 - Intrusion Prevention, Detection, and Response
Mod Code - Mod Name
PU CMN 1206 - Quantitative Techniques
OPL 1231 - Introduction to Project
EDS 1231 - Business Mathematics
MGT 1236 - ICT for Communication
MTM 1234 - Marketing Communication
BLO 3405 - Law of Financial Institutuions and Securities
BEO 2401 - Risk Management & Insurance
BEO 2001 - Commercial banking and Finance
BLO 3405 - Law of financial Institutions and securities
BEO 2401 - Risk management and Insurance
EDS 1231 - Business Mathematics and Stat I
BMO 2000 - Human Resource Management
BMO 2202 - Purchasing and Supply Chain Management
MBAMp 6132 - Knowlegdge Management
MBATo 6131 - Tourism Operations & Destination Development
MBATo 6132 - Managing Small Acale Enterprise in Tourism
Code - Name
ACF 3131 - Advanced Financial Accounting
ACF 3132 - Corporate Finance
ACF 3133 - Investment and Portfolio Management
ACF 3135 - Accounting & Financial Modeling and Forecasting
MGT 2207 - French Language
MGT 3134 - Employee Resourcing
MGT 3135 - Human Resources Development
MGT 3133 - Industrial Relations
BMS 1111 - Laboratory Practice and Safety
BMS 1132 - General Chemistry
BMS 1125 - Biomolecules
BMS 1124 - Cell Biology
BMS 1117 - Personality Development
BMS 1136 - Anatomical Planes and Sections
BMS 1128 - General and Professional English
BMS 1133 - Human Physiology I
BMS 1231 - General Instrumentation
BMS 1232 - General Microbiology
BMS 1233 - Human Anatomy II
BMS 1234 - Human Physiology II
BMS 1235 - Organic Chemistry
BMS 1226 - Genetics
BMS 1217 - Psychology
BMS 2121 - Biochemistry
BMS 2132 - General Pathology
BMS 2133 - Principles of Analytical Chemistry
BMS 2134 - Human Parasitology
BMS 2135 - Immunobiology
BMS 2117 - Basic Mathematics
BMS 2136 - Molecular Biology
BMS 2225 - Biostatistics
BMS 2221 - Metabolism
BMS 2232 - Human Diseases I
BMS 2233 - Toxicology
BMS 2234 - Clinical Biochemistry
BMS 2216 - Information Technology
BMS 3131 - Clinical Nutrition
BMS 3132 - Molecular Pharmacology
BMS 3133 - Haematology
BMS 3134 - Human Diseases II
BMS 3135 - Diagnostic Pathology
BMS 3136 - Research Methodology
BMS 3231 - Transfusion Medicine
BMS 3232 - Clinical Microbiology
BMS 3233 - Medical Bioinformatics
BMS 3234 - Genomic and Precision Medicine
BMS 3225 - Research Bioethics
BMS 3246 - Laboratory/ Industrial Training Module
BMS 4131 - Advanced Instrumentation
BMS 4162 - Research Project
BMS 4133 - Medical Physics
BMS 4134 - Laboratory Quality Assurance and Accreditation
BMS 4125 - Drug Development and Clinical Trials
BMS 4231 - Basics in Nanobiotechnology
BMS 4232 - Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine
BMS 4233 - Laboratory Quality and Control Management
BMS 4234 - Cancer Biology and Diagnostics
BMS 4235 - Applied Recombinant Technology
BHCS 1004 - Introduction to Human Pathology
BHCS 1006 - Infection and Immunity
BHCS 1011 - Study Skills and Personal DevelopmentÂ
BHCS 1012 - Workshop and Seminars
NUR 1151 - Fundamentals of Nursing I
NUR 1122 - Applied Sociology and Anthropology
NUR 1133 - Human Physiology I
NUR 1124 - Applied Nutrition and Dietetics
NUR 1125 - Biomolecules
NUR 1136 - Anatomical Planes and Sections
NUR 1128 - General and Professional English
NUR 1117 - Personality Development
NUR 1261 - Fundamentals of Nursing (Practical)
NUR 1212 - Communication Skills in Nursing
NUR 1233 - Human Anatomy II
NUR 1234 - Human Physiology II
NUR 1235 - Pathology
NUR 1226 - Applied psychology
NUR 1227 - Microbiology
NUR 1228 - Biochemistry
PUSL 2053 - Fundamentals of Nursing II
PUSL 2054 - Pharmacology
PUSL 2055 - Adult Health Nursing I
PUSL 2056 - Adult Health Nursing II
PUSL 2057 - Child Health Nursing
PUSL 2058 - Midwifery Obstetric and Gynecological Nursing
PUSL 3161 - Developing Nursing Practice
PUSL 3162 - Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing
PUSL 3127 - Leadership and Professional practice
PUSL 3164 - Transition to professional practice
PUSL 3165 - Nursing Research
PUSL 3163 - Community Health Nursing
PSY 1141 - Science of Learning
PSY 1142 - Fundamentals in Psychological Science
PSY 1143 - Debates in Psychology
PSY 1117 - Personality Development
PSY 1128 - General and Professional English
PSY 1241 - Psychology of Relationships
PSY 1242 - Topics in Psychology
PSY 1243 - Connecting Psychology
FNS 0141 - Fundamentals in Biology
FNS 0142 - Fundamentals in Chemistry I
FNS 0123 - Fundamentals in Physics
NSBM FP 1103 - omputer Applications and Programming Fundamentals
FNS 0241 - Genetics and Human Biology
FNS 0222 - Fundamentals in Psychology
FNS 0223 - Academic Writing
FNS 0224 - Communication and Presentation Skills
FNS 0225 - Technological Skills
FNS 0236 - Fndamentals in Chemistry II
PHN 1111 - Laboratory Practice and Safety
PHN 1132 - General Chemistry
PHN 1125 - Biomolecules
PHN 1124 - Cell Biology
PHN 1117 - Personality Development
PHN 1136 - Anatomical Planes and Sections
PHN 1128 - General and Professional English
PHN 1133 - Human Physiology I
PHN 1231 - General Instrumentation
PHN 1232 - General Microbiology
PHN 1233 - Human Anatomy II
PHN 1234 - Human Physiology II
PHN 1235 - Organic Chemistry
PHN 1226 - Genetics
PHN 1217 - Psychology
PHN 2121 - Biochemistry
PHN 2132 - General Pathology
PHN 2133 - Principles of Analytical Chemistry
PHN 2134 - Human Parasitology
PHN 2135 - Immunobiology
PHN 2117 - Basic Mathematics
PHN 2136 - Molecular Biology
PHN 2225 - Biostatistics
PHN 2221 - Metabolism
PHN 2232 - Human Diseases I
PHN 2233 - Toxicology
PHN 2234 - Clinical Biochemistry
PHN 2216 - Information Technology
PHN 3131 - Pharmacology I
PHN 3132 - Basics of Human Nutrition
PHN 3133 - Pathology II
PHN 3134 - Human Diseases II
PHN 3135 - Nutrition and Life Cycle
PHN 3136 - Research Methodology
PHN 3231 - Pharmacology II
PHN 3232 - Food and Food Analysis
PHN 3233 - Nutritional Product Development
PHN 3234 - Nutrition and Chronic Diseases
PHN 3225 - Research Bioethics
PHN 3246 - Industrial Training Module
PHN 4131 - Nutrition and Public Health
PHN 4162 - Research Project
PHN 4133 - Epidemiology
PHN 4241 - Health Education
PHN 4242 - Environmental and Occupational Health
PHN 4234 - Global Health
PHN 4225 - Public Health Microbiology
PHN 4236 - Cancer Biology
PHN 4233 - Nutraceutical Development
BMS 1136 - Anotomical planes and sections
FNS 0133 - Physics and Applied Mathematics
FNS 0134 - Principles of Management
FNS 0125 - General English
FNS 0236 - Fundamentals in Chemistry II
MGT 4361 - Dissertation
MGT 4201 - Dissertation
MGT 3233 - Reward Management
IS 304.3 - Business Analysis and Product Management
IS 303.2 - Research Methodology
SE 305.4 - Internship
IS 301.3 - Contemporary Topics in IS
ACF 3231 - Taxation
ACF 3232 - Financial Reporting and Disclosure
BS 201.3 - Engineering Ethics & Industrial Law
MA 202.3 - Engineering Mathematics IV
EE 207.3 - Electrical Machines & Drives I
ME 105.3 - Instrumentation & Control Principles
EE 102.3 - Communication Systems & Networks
CE 102.3 - Computer Architecture & Organization
ME 101.3 - Introductory Mechanics & Fluids
CE 307.3 - Digital Design & Embedded Systems
BS 302.3 - Engineering Project Management & Costing Accounting
CE 305.3 - Programming Languages & Compiler Designing
ME 304.3 - Sensors & Actuators
EE 301.3 - Advanced Communications
EE 302.3 - Power Electronics & Applications
EE 311.3 - Antennas & Propagation
BS 303.3 - Engineering & Socioeconomic Impact
BS 304.3 - Marketing & Business Economics
EE 313.3 - Electrical Machines & Drives II
EE 304.3 - Power System Engineering & Analysis
MGT 4234 - Business Ethics and CSR
MGT 4235 - Global Strategy
MGT 4236 - Contemporary Issues in International Business
MGT 4261 - Dissertation
NSBM CP 1502 - Basic Rendering Techniques
NSBM CP 1505 - Design Fundamentals
NSBM CP 1506 - Nature Studies
NSBM CP 1508 - Art, Design & Culture
BID 1106 - Materials - Structural - Building Construction I
BID 3103 - Introduction to Interior Design V
QS 1100 - Measurement Workshop
BLDG 402 - Principles of Economics and Management
BLDG 406 - Fundamentals of Construction
CIVL 102 - Construction Materials and Site Surveying
BLDG 409 - Digital Built Environment
BLDG 405 - Built Environment Project 1
BLDG 407 - Building Physics
PUSL 2012 - Transdisciplinary Design
PUSL 2013 - Design Studies and Communication
PUSL 2014 - Building Scince and Technology
PUSL 2015 - Spatial and Interior Integrated Skills
PUSL 2016 - Advance Design Practices
PUSL 2017 - Creative Career Development
PUSL 3114 - Internship
PUSL 3115 - Research Methodology
PUSL 3116 - Market Assessment and Project Management
PUSL 3117 - Interior Design Consolidation
PUSL 3118 - Comprehensive Design Project
BID 1206 - Materials - Interior - Interior Construction and Design II
IS 305.3 - Contemporary Topics in IS
NSBM QS 1201 - Construction Fundamentals
NSBM QS 1202 - Fundamentals of Project Management
NSBM QS 1203 - Drawing Fundamnetals
NSBM QS 1204 - Communication Skills
MGT 3237 - Critical Thinking
MGT 3238 - Social Media Management
MGT 3239 - Corporate Communication Management
LOG 4503 - Modelling in Transportation Logistics
IND 4503 - Advance Operations Management
PRO 4503 - Project HRM
PRO 4504 - Project Monitoring Control Evaluation and Termination
MGT 3136 - Public Relations in Practice &Theory
OPL 3237 - Innovation and New product Development
PUSL 2024 - Software Engineering 02
TSD-INTRO - TSD-Introductory Session
TSD-ENG - TSD-English
TSD-PD - TSD-Personal Development
TSD-TECH - TSD-Technical Session
PU CMN 1206 - Macroeconomics
PU CMN 1207 - Organization Behaviour
MGT 3233 - Industrial Training
MKT 215SL - Advertising Brand Management and Mkt
PUSL 2059 - Biology of Disease
PUSL 2060 - Evidence Based Practice in Biomedical Science
PUSL 2061 - Genetic Continuity and Diversity
PUSL 2062 - Cell Biology in Health and Disease
PUSL 2063 - Clinical Haematology and Biochemistry Â
PUSL 2064 - Infection, Immunity and Disease
PUSL 2065 - Preparation for Internship
PUSL 3166 - Personal Research Project
PUSL 3169 - Cellular Basis of Immunity
PUSL 3170 - Current Developments in Biomedical Science
PUSL 3168 - Specialist Biochemistry and Screening
PUSL 3167 - Clinical Microbiology
PUSL 3171 - Internship
PUSL 3190 - Computing Individual Project
PUSL 3120 - Full Stack Development
PUSL 3131 - Security Operation and Incident Management
PUSL 3133 - Digital Forensics and Malware Analysis
ABF 207 SL - Taxation
BSO 214 SL - Operations Management
PUSL 2042 - Research Skills in Practice 1
PUSL 2044 - Individual Differences, Social, & Developmental Psychology
PUSL 2047 - Applied Psychology
PUSL 2043 - Research Skills in Practice 2
PUSL 2045 - Cognitive and Biological Psychology
PUSL 2046 - Health & Wellbeing
PUSL 3149 - Current Topics in Psychology 1
PUSL 3150 - Current Topics in Psychology 2
PUSL 3151 - Advances in Psychology
PUSL 3152 - Internship
PUSL 3153 - Research Project
PUSL 2048 - Business Research
BSO 215SL - International Logistics & Supply Chain
BLDG 501 - Technology of Large and Innovative Building
BLDG 506 - Contract Procedure
BLDG 511 - Building Services Engineering
BLDG 508 - Built Environment Project 2
BLDG 604 - Building and Property Law
BLDG 603 - Sustainable and Safe Construction
BLDG 611 - Research Methods in the Built Environment
BLDG 612 - Dissertation Project
BLDG 614 - Quantity Surveying Professional Practice
BLDG 609 - Built Environemnt Project 3
EDS 1231 - Business Mathematics & Stat I
PUSL 3135 - Business Writing
NAH 1111 - Laboratory Practice and Safety
NAH 1117 - Personality Development
NAH 1124 - Cell Biology
NAH 1125 - Biomolecules
NAH 1128 - General and Professional English
NAH 1132 - General Chemistry
NAH 1133 - Human Physiology I
NAH 1136 - Anatomical Planes and Sections
ACE 0001 - Physics
ACE 0002 - Mathematical Methods
ACE 0003 - Applied Mathematics
PHYS 050 - Physics I
MATH 051 - Mathematical Methods I
MATH 058 - Applied Mathematics
ENGR 103 - Engineering Science (ENGR103)
ENGR 104 - Engineering Mathematics (ENGR104)
ENGR 104 - Engineering Mathematics
BID 1100 - Design Fundamentals
CREST CMN 01 - Capacity Enhancement
CREST CMN 02 - Law for Life
CREST MGT 01 - Fundamentals of HRM
CREST MGT 02 - Fundamentals of Logistics & Project Management
CREST MGT 03 - Fundamentals of Industrial Management
CREST IB 01 - Business in Global Context
CREST_BC_01_Crisis Communication -
CREST_LLB_01_English for Academic Purpos -
CREST ACC 01 - Fundamentals of Accounting
CREST LAW 01 - Law for Life
BAO 2001 - Corporate Finance
BSK 2001 - My Professional Brand
BEO 2255 - Applied Statistics for Business
BEO 2000 - Financial Institutions & Monetory Theory
BAO 3404 - Credit and Lending Decision
BAO 2007 - International Finance
BEO 3000 - Risk Management Models
BLO 2206 - Taxation Law and Practice
QS 1101 - Professional Communication Workshop
EDS 1131 - Microeconomics
EML 1131 - Academic and Business Writing
NIT 2122 - Server Administration and Management
NIT 2141 - Digital Forensics and Ethical Hacking
NIT 2103 - Cloud Computing
BMO 3002 - Knowledge Management
BHO 3373 - International Marketing
BMO 3008 - Strategic Supply Chain Management
BMO 3007 - Global Transport and Distribution Mnagement
CE 401.3 - Network Systems & Technologies
CE 404.3 - Cloud & Distributed Computing
EE 401.3 - Digital Signal Processing & Machine Vision
BS 402.3 - Entrepreneurship & Innovation
CE 402.3 - Data Science & Big Data Analytics
EE 405.3 - Advanced Power System Control & Protection
ACF 1131 - Financial Accounting I
MGT 3266 - Industrial Training
MGT 1235 - English for Professional Purposes I
MGT 2136 - Visual Communication
MGT 2233 - English for Professional Purposes II
MGT 3137 - English for Global Communication
MGT 32610 - Final Project
QS 2101 - Quantity Surveying Practices
Module Code - Name
PGD HRM 5231 - Introduction to HRM and Employee Resourcing
PGD HRM 5232 - Employment Law and Labour Relations
PGD HRM 5204 - Human Resource Information Systems
PGD HRM 5205 - Organizational Change and Development
BS 102.3 - Professional English for Engineering
BS 401.3 - Organizational Behaviour & Human Resource Management
EE407.3 - Optical Communication & Technologies
EE408.3 - Satellite & Mobile Communication Technology
CE406.3 - Web Architecture & Modern Web Development Technologies
BS403.3 - Strategic Management & Public Policy Planning
EE402.3 - Advances in Electrical & Electronic Engineering
EE403.3 - Power System Planning & Markets
EE 406.3 - Renewable Energy & Technologies
BS 401.3 - Organizational Behaviour & Human Resources Management
CE 401.3 - Network System & Technologies
MBAMP 6131 - Organizational Leadership and Cross-Cultural Management
MBAFN 6131 - Corporate Finance
OPL 3134 - Production Planing and Control
OPL 3135 - Maintenance Management
OPL 3131 - Port Operations and Management
OPL 3132 - Inventory & Warehouse Management
OPL 3133 - Procument Management
OPL 3136 - Scope Management
OPL 3137 - Time Management
OPL 3138 - Business Analysis
ACF 3133 - Investment Portfolio Management
ACF 3135 - Financial Modeling and Forecasting (Elective)
ABF 300 SL - Advanced Management Accounting
ABF 302 SL - Financial Management & Policy
MGT 4142 - Leadership for Organizational Change
MGT 3231 - International Business Management
MGT 3232 - Industrial Health and Safety
OPL 4145 - Project Estimation and Cost Management
OPL 4146 - Project Risk and Quality Management
OPL 4147 - Project Portfolio Management
OPL 4141 - Strategic Quality Management and Lean Six Sigma
OPL 4142 - Import and Export Management Related to Logistics
OPL 4143 - Operational Research
OPL 4144 - Industrial Engineering
IS 406.3 - Enterprise Architecture
FNS 0223 - Academic Writing
FNS 0224 - Communication and Presentation Skills
FNS 0227 - Research Methods in Psychology
NSBM FP 1101 - Principles of Management and Business (24.1)
NSBM FP 1104 - English and Soft Skills Development (24.1)
NSBM FP 1205 - Fundamentals of Mathematics and Quantitative Techniques (24.1)
NSBM FP 1103 - Computer Applications and Programming Fundamentals (24.1)
EDS 2133 - Introduction to Information systems
EDS 2132 - Mathematics for Economics I
LLB 2141 - Law of Property
LLB 2142 - Commercial Law
LLB 2143 - Negotiations
LLB 2144 - International Law
EML 2131 - Intercultural & Interpersonal Communication
EML 2132 - Modern World Literature
ACF 2132 - Financial Revenue Management
BSO 316 SL - Operations Management for Comp Adv (21.1/21.2)
BMG 312SL - Organisational Leadership
FDCN 01 - Fundamentals of Data Communication and Networking
FITS 02 - Fundamentals of IT security
FCSNS 03 - Fundamentals of Computer Systems and Network Services
ECS 04 - Essentials for Cyber Security
ABF 203 SL - Financial Accounting and Reporting (22.1/22.2)
ABF 204 SL - Financial Institution & Markets (22.1/22.2)
ABF 205 SL - Management Accounting (22.1/22.2)
PUSL 3124 - Study skills and Professional Values
PUSL 3125 - Understanding Evidence to Inform Clinical Decision
PUSL 3126 - Clinical Decision Making in Healthcare Practice
PUSL 3128 - Independent Study
PUSL 1004 - Contract Law
PUSL 1005 - Family Law
PUSL 1006 - Public Law
PUSL 2076 - Data Programming in R
PUSL 2077 - Data Science in Python
PUSL 2078 - Statistics for Data Science
PUSL 2052 - Business Process and ERP
PUSL 2079 - Topics in Business Analytics and Intelligence
BLDG 510 - Property Development and Refurbishment
BLDG 514 - Quantity Surveying Principles
PUSL 2030 - Construction Technology
PUSL 2034 - Building Services Engineering
PUSL 2031 - Contract Procedures
PUSL 2032 - Common Challenge: Built Environment
OPL 3233 - Computer Integrated Manufacturing
MGT 3235 - Innovation and New product Development
OPL 3231 - Aviation Operations and Management
LGS 3231 - Maritime Law in Logistics
OPL 3232 - Supply Chain Management
OPL 3236 - Agile Project Management
OPL 3235 - Project Information Systems and Management Applications
OPL 3234 - Project Procurement and Contract Management
PUSL 2028 - Media,Law and Ethics
NSBM FP 1101 - Principles of Management and Business (24.2)
NSBM FP 1104 - English and Soft Skills Development (24.2)
NSBM FP 1205 - Fundamentals of Mathematics and Quantitative Techniques (24.2)
NSBM FP 1103 - Computer Applications and Programming Fundamentals (24.2)
OPL 3131 - Port Operations and Management
NAH 1217 - Psychology
NAH 1226 - Genetics
NAH 1231 - General Instrumentation
NAH 1232 - General Microbiology
NAH 1233 - Human Anatomy II
NAH 1234 - Human Physiology II
NAH 1235 - Organic Chemistry
NAH 2117 - Basic Mathematics
NAH 2121 - Biochemistry
NAH 2132 - General Pathology
NAH 2133 - Principles of Analytical Chemistry
NAH 2134 - Human Parasitology
NAH 2135 - Immunobiology
NAH 2136 - Molecular Biology
NAH 2216 - Information Technology
NAH 2221 - Metabolism
NAH 2225 - Biostatistics
NAH 2232 - Human Diseases I
NAH 2233 - Toxicology
NAH 2234 - Clinical Biochemistry
NAH 3131 - Pharmacology I
NAH 3132 - Basics of Human Nutrition
NAH 3133 - Pathology II
NAH 3134 - Human Diseases II
NAH 3135 - Nutrition and Life Cycle
NAH 3136 - Research Methodology
NAH 3225 - Research Bioethics
NAH 3231 - Pharmacology II
NAH 3232 - Food and Food Analysis
NAH 3233 - Nutritional Product Development
NAH 3234 - Nutrition and Chronic Diseases
NAH 3246 - Industrial Training Module
NAH 4131 - Nutrition and Public Health
NAH 4133 - Epidemiology
NAH 4162 - Research Project
NAH 4225 - Public Health Microbiology
NAH 4233 - Nutraceutical Development
NAH 4234 - Global Health
NAH 4236 - Cancer Biology
NAH 4241 - Health Education
NAH 4242 - Environmental and Occupational Health
BHCS 1011 - Study Skills and Personal Development
PUSL 2063 - Clinical Haematology and Biochemistry
MKT 201 SL - Buyer Behaviour & Relationships
MKT 201SL - Buyer Behaviour & Relationships
MKT 217 SL - New Product Development and Marketing Planning
MKT 217SL - New Product Development and Marketing Planning
NUR 1141 - Fundamentals of Nursing I
NUR 1142 - Human Anatomy and Physiology I
NUR 1143 - Applied Psychology, Sociology and Communication Skills
NUR 1244 - Human Anatomy and Physiology II
NUR 1245 - Applied Nutrition and Dietetics and Biochemistry
NUR 1246 - Microbiology and Pathology
NUR 1247 - Fundamentals of Nursing I (Practical)
CS 102.3 - Programming Fundamentals
SE 103.3 - Systems Analysis and Design
ACF 4141 - Advanced Management Accounting
ACF 4142 - Auditing and Professional Practice
ACF 4143 - Business Valuation
MGT 1131 - Principles of Management
HTM 215SL - Tourism and Planning Management
PUSL 2011 - Special Interest in Tourism
PUSL 3103 - Event Innovation
PU BC 1201 - English for Academic Purposes
EDS 1231 - Business Statitics I
EDS 1232 - Economics History
EML 1203 - Academic Writing
PHS 11101 - Laboratory Practice and Safety
PHS 11107 - Chemistry Elementary Laboratory
PHS 11108 - Basic Mathematics
PHS 11109 - Personality Development
PHS 11202 - General Chemistry
PHS 11203 - Human Physiology I
PHS 11204 - Cell Biology
PHS 11205 - Biomolecules
PHS 11206 - Anatomical Planes and Sections
PHS 11210 - General and Professional English
PHS 12107 - Analytical Chemistry Laboratory
PHS 12108 - Information Technology
PHS 12109 - Psychology
PHS 12110 - Mathematics 2
PHS 12202 - Pharmaceutical Analytical Chemistry
PHS 12203 - Human Anatomy II
PHS 12204 - Human Physiology II
PHS 12301 - General Instrumentation
PHS 12305 - Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry
PHS 12306 - Pharmaceutics I
CS 104.3 - Computer Architechture
ENGR 101 - Engineering Design
ENGR 102 - Engineering Practice and Experimental Techniques
ENGR 105 - Engineering Mechanics and Structures
ENGR 106 - Engineering Materials
PROJ 100 - Embedded System Design and Build
ELEC 144 - Electrical priciples and machines
EML 1231 - Fundamentals of Communication Studies
EML 1232 - English for Professional Purposes (I)
ACF 1232 - Financial Accounting II
ACF 1233 - Financial Management
CIVL 102 - Construcion Materials and Site Surveying
BLDG 405 - Built Environment Project
PHYS 051 - Physics 2
MATH 053 - Mathematical methods 2
ELEC 051 - Electronics
ACS 0031 - Biology
ACS 0032 - Chemistry
ACS 0033 - Physics
DESC 1102 - Design Fundamentals
DESC 1105 - Basic Drafting and Presentation Techniques
DESC 1101 - Drawing Fundamentals
DESC 1104 - Design Culture & Society
BAO 3403 - Investment Portfolio Management
BAO 3000 - Personal Financial Planning
BPD 3100 - Applied Business Challenge (Common)
BEO 2008 - Banking Law
BEO 2012 - Financial Modelling for Entreprise Risk Management
ABF 311 SL - Advanced Financial Accounting & Reporting (21.1/21.2)
ABF 318 SL - Auditing (21.1/21.2)
NSBM CFP 1208 - Programming in C
NSBM FP 1106 - Fundamentals of Accounting
NSBM FP 1107 - Business Theory & Environment
NSBM FP 1108 - Professional Development
BMO 3332 - Managing Organisational Change
BMO 2013 - Digital Supply Chain Management
BSK 3000 - Professional Business Project
BMO 2014 - Leadership
BMO 2012 - Procurement and Supply Management
BMO 2008 - Digital Business
NIT 2241 - Cyber Law Policy and Professional Ethics
NIT 2242 - Data Privacy and Cyber Physical Systems Security
BMO 3010 - Entrepreneurial Venture Scale Up
NSBM CP 1100 - Library Session
IS 405.6 - Computer Network Award Project
CN 406.3 - Disaster Recovery and High Availability Techniques
IS 405.6 - Computer Network Award Project
ACP EDS 101 - Basic Mathematics
ACP EML 102 - Critical Thinking for Academic Literacy
ACP EDS 103 - Introduction to Economics
ACP MGT 104 - Out-bound Training
ACF 4231 - Advanced Accounting Theory
ACF 4232 - Financial Statement Analysis
ACF 4233 - Strategic Management Accounting
BSC MM 1001 - Concept Development
BSC MM 1002 - World of Multimedia
BSC MM 1003 - Computing Fundamentals
BSC MM 1004 - Drawing
BSC MM 1005 - Design Principles 1
BSC MM 1006 - Typography Design
MGT 1104 - Introduction to Sustainability
MBS 5116 - Business Communication (Residential Woekshop)
MBS5 125 - Legal Aspects for Managers
MGT 2232 - Organizational Behavior
EDS 2231 - Business Statistics II
EDS 2232 - Managerial Economics
EDS 2233 - Data visualization using Tableau
EDS 2234 - R for Business Analytics
EDS 2235 - Statistics for Analytics II
EDS 2236 - Introduction to enterprise Systems
EML 2231 - English for Professional Purposes (II)
EML 2232 - Communication via Web-Based Applications
EML 2233 - Research Methods for Communication Research
LLB 2245 - Law of Evidence
LLB 2246 - Administrative Law
LLB 2247 - Employment Law
LLB 2248 - Interpretation of Statutes
EML 2207 - French Language
MBS 5116 - Business Communication (Residential Workshop)
MBAEN 6131 - Innovation and Entrepreneurship
MBAMP 6132 - Knowledge Management
MBAOP 6132 - Managing Service Operation
MBATo 6132 - Managing Small Scale Enterprises in Tourism
PCN 11103 - Computer Network Models and Design
PCN 11203 - Routing and Switching
PCN 12103 - Voice & Telephony Technologies
PCN 22103 - Disaster Recovery & High Availability Techniques
PCN 22301 - Project Reports
PGD 5135 - Organizational Behaviour
PGD HRM 5231 - Introduction to HRM & Employee Resourcing
PGD HRM 5232 - Employment Law & Labour Relations
MGT 4143 - Performance Management
MGT 4144 - Work Psychology and Counselling
MTM 2132 - Tourism Planning & Development
MTM 2231 - Social Etiquette and Professional Development for Tourism
MTM 2232 - Resources, Recreation & Tourism
MTM 2233 - Service Quality Management
MTM 2234 - Tourism, Hospitality and Event Marketing
MTM 2235 - Housekeeping & Accommodation Operations
MTM 3131 - Tourism and Sustainable Development
MTM 3132 - Entrepreneurship in Tourism Hospitality & Events
MTM 3133 - Sustainable Tourism Principles and Practices
MTM 3134 - MICE Tourism
LGS 3232 - Legal Environment of Tourism, Hospitality and Events
MTM 3231 - Project Management in Tourism
MTM 3232 - Crisis and Disaster Management in Tourism
MTM 3233 - Travel and Tour Agency Operations
MTM 3234 - E Commerce for Tourism
MTM 4141 - Cultural Diversity in Tourism, Hospitality and Event Management
MTM 4142 - Sustainable Event Management
MTM 4143 - Aviation and Airport Operations
LSC 1111 - Laboratory Practice and Safety
LSC 1132 - General Chemistry
LSC 1133 - Human Physiology
LSC 1124 - Cell Biology
LSC 1125 - Biomolecules
LSC 1136 - Anatomical Planes and Sections
LSC 1117 - Personality Development
LSC 1128 - General and Professional English
PHS 1121 - General Chemistry
PHS 1122 - Human Physiology I
PHS 1123 - Anatomical Planes and Sections
PHS 1114 - Chemistry Elementary Laboratory
PHS 1115 - Basic Mathematics
NUR 1143 - Applied Psychology, Sociology, and Communication Skills
PUSL 2053 - Fundamentals of Nursing 2
PUSL 2054 - Pharmocology
PUSL 2056 - Adult Health Nursing 2
PUSL 2058 - Midwifery, Obstetrics and Gynaecological Nursing
PUSL 3162 - Psychiatric & Mental health nursing
CS 103.2 - Personal Development
PHYS 049 - Physics Laboratory 1
ENGR 103 - Engineering Science
ELEC 142 - Analogue Electronics
ELEC 141 - Digital Electronics
BSC MM 1013 - Photography
BSC MM 1014 - Cinematography
BSC MM 1015 - 3D Design 1
BSC MM 1016 - Game Design
BSC MM 1017 - Video Editing and Production
BSC MM 1018 - Interactive Design
BSC MM 1007 - Illustration
BSC MM 1008 - Story Telling and Script Writing
BSC MM 1009 - Art, Design and Society
BSC MM 1010 - Animation Studies
BSC MM 1011 - Digital Imagine
BSC MM 1012 - Multimedia Imagine
ACE 0004 - Professional Communication
BAI 1100 - Referrals
NSBM QS 1205 - Mathematics Fundamentals
BSC MM 1019 - Advertising and Media Art
BSC MM 1020 - Multimedia Project Management
BSC MM 1021 - 3D Design 2
BSC MM 1022 - Web Design
BSC MM 1023 - Design Principles 2
BSC MM 1024 - Visual Communication
BSC MM 1025 - Multimedia Production
BSC MM 1026 - Professional Studies
BSC MM 1027 - Visual Effects Production
BSC MM 1028 - Research Methodology
BSC MM 1029 - Dissertation
BSC MM 1008 - Story Telling & Script Writing
BSC MM 1011 - Digital Imaging
BSC MM 1012 - Multimedia Imaging
BSC MM 1030 - Internship
BSC MM 1031 - Media Law & Ethics
BSC MM 1032 - Entrepreneurship
BSC MM 1033 - Final Project
BSO 300 SL - Corporate Strategy
MGT 1233 - Academic Writing
BLDG 402 - Principles of Economic and Management
NSBM SR 1100 - Self Reflection
MSC 5101 - Problem Solving and Programming
MSC 5102 - Software Development Paradigms and Processes
MSC 5103 - Systems Analysis and Design
MSC 5201 - Data Communication and Computer Networks
MSC 5202 - Web and Mobile Application Development
MSC 5203 - Governance and Management in ICT
MSC 5204 - Intergrated Project
MBATo 6132 - Managing Small Scale Enterprise in Tourism
PUSL 2019 - Informational Management and Retreieval
PUSL 2018 - Computational Theory and Statistics for Computing
LLB 1143 - Legal Systems
LLB 1144 - Introduction to Legal Research and Writing
MKT 215SL - Advertising Brand Management & Mkt Comms
PUSL 2066 - Property Law
PUSL 2067 - Tort Law
PUSL 2068 - European Law
BSO 300SL - Corporate Stratergy
PUSL 2086 - Engineering Mathematics and Statistics
PUSL 2087 - Real Time Systems Project
PUSL 2082 - Introduction to Robotics
PUSL 2092 - Civil Engineering Practice
PUSL 2093 - Structural Analysis and Design 1
PUSL 2094 - Geotechnical Engineering 1
PUSL 2095 - Engineering Analysis
PUSL 2080 - Materials and Structural Integrity
PUSL 2081 - Manufacturing Processes
PUSL 2083 - Engineering Mathematics and Control
PUSL 2088 - Communication Systems
BSO 215SL - International Logistics and Supply Chain
BSO 214 SL - Opernations Management
PUSL 2031 - Contract Procedure
PUSL 2032 - Common Challenge : and Built Environment
PUSL 3190 - Computing Project
PUSL 3159 - Entreprise, Innovations and Creativity
PUSL 3189 - Natural Language Processing
BEO 3002 - Derivatives and Risk Management
BAO 3404 - Credit and Lending Decisions
ENGR 101 - Engineering Design (S1)
ENGR 102 - Engineering Practice and Experimental Techniques (S1)
PROJ 100 - Embedded System Design and Build (S1)
ELEC 144 - Electrical principles and machines (S1)
BS 101.3 - Technical Communication
BMO 3007 - Global Transport and Distribution Management
BMO 3002 - Strategic Management
NIT 3141 - Securities Operations and Vulnerability Analysis
NIT 3122 - Enterprise Network Management
NIT 3203 - Software Development and IT Operations
COM 0001 - Common Module 01
MEML 3133 - English for Global Communication
EML 2132 - Modern World Literatures
EML 3161 - Industrial Training
EML 3132 - Public Relations in Practice & Theory
EML 3133 - English for Global Communication
EML 3231 - Critical Thinking
EML 3232 - Social Media Management
EML 3233 - Corporate Communication Management
EML 3264 - Final Project
MGT 4232 - Strategic Human Resource Management
MGT 4233 - HR Processes and Systems
EDS 4232 - Labor Economics
OPL 3133 - Procurement Management
OPL 4143 - Operations Research
OPL 4231 - Transport Planning and Demand Modelling
OPL 4232 - Enterprise Resource Planning
OPL 4235 - Project Human Resource Management
OPL 4236 - Project Monitoring, Control, Evaluation and Termination
OPL 3134 - Production Planning and Control
OPL 3135 - Maintenance Management
OPL 4233 - Business Simulation
OPL 4234 - Materials Management
COM 0001 - Academic Writing
ACF 3134 - Computer Based Accounting
ACF 3135 - Financial Modeling and Forecasting
ACF 4141 - Advanced Management Accounting
MM 1005 - Design Principles 1
MM 1008 - Story Telling & Script Writing
MM 1015 - 3D Design 1
MM 1021 - 3D Design 2
MM 1023 - Design Principles 2
MM 1031 - Media Law & Ethics
MBAMP 6131 - Organizational Leadership and Cross-Cultural Management
PUSL 2042 - Research Skills in Practice I
PUSL 2043 - Research Skills in Practice II
PUSL 3149 - Current Topics in Psychology I
PUSL 3150 - Current Topics in Psychology II
DS 201.3 - Introduction to Data Science
SE 204.3 - Development of Enterprise Applications I
DS 202.3 - Data Programming with R
DS 203.3 - Statistics for Data Science
SE 202.3 - Introduction to Software Engineering
CS 202.3 - Systems Fundamentals
CS 203.3 - Algorithms and Complexity
SE 206.3 - Human Computer Interaction
PGD 5133 - Business Communication
MBS 5125 - Leagal Aspects for Managers
COM 0003 - Law of Contract/Contract Law
EDS 1231 - Business Statistics I
MTM 1231 - Introduction to Tourism and Hospitality
MTM 1232 - Event Management
MTM 2235 - Accomadation Operations
ELEC 144 - Electrical Principles and Machines
COM 0002 - Statistics for Analytics I/Business Statitics I
EDS 2134 - Business Statistics
ACF 3135 - Accounting, Financial Modeling and Forecasting
EML 2107 - Chinese Language
MGT 4131 - Research Methadology
PU CMN 1213 - Accommodation Operations
EDS 1231 - Business and Statistics I
MTM 1233 - Accommodation Operations
MTM 2132 - Tourism Planning and Development
EDS 3135 - Marketing Analytics
EDS 3136 - Human Resource Analytics
EDS 3137 - System analysis and design
EDS 3138 - Big data analytics in Business
EDS 3139 - Operations Analytics
EDS 3131 - Mathematics for Economics II
EDS 3132 - Financial Institutions and Monetary Theory
EDS 3133 - Financial Economics
EDS 3134 - Transferrable Skills and Employability
OPL 3134 - Production Planing and Control
LLB 3141 - Procedural Laws
LLB 3142 - Human Rights Law
LLB 3143 - Law of Delict
LLB 3144 - Internship/Industrial Training
CREST TOU 01 - History of Tourism & Sri Lankan Tourism Geography
MSC 5104 - Modern Operating Systems
MSC 5105 - Information Management and Retrieval
PUSL 3137 - Quantity Surveying Professional Practice
QS 3201 - Industrial Training Workshop
PUSL 2065 - Computer Networks
PUSL 3130 - Advance Computer Networking Infrastructure
PUSL 3122 - HCI, Computer Graphics & Visualization
PUSL 2096 - Hydraulic and Coastal Engineering
PUSL 2097 - Construction Management
PUSL 2085 - Mechanical Engineering Design & Commercialization
PUSL 2084 - Engineering Quality Management
PUSL 2090 - Control Engineering
PUSL 2091 - Sensors and Actuators for Robotics Systems
PUSL 2089 - Power Electronics and Generation
ABF 311 SL - Advanced Financial Accounting & Reporting
ABF 318 SL - Auditing
BSO 316 SL - Operations Management for Comp Adv
ABF 203 SL - Financial Accounting and Reporting
ABF 204 SL - Financial Institutions & Marketing
ABF 205 SL - Management Accounting
MKT 216SL - Business and Market Research
PUSL 2007 - Events Planning and Strategy
PHS 21201 - Biochemistry
PHS 21302 - General Pathology
PHS 21303 - Pharmaceutical Microbiology
PHS 21304 - Physical Pharmacy I
PHS 21305 - Immunobiology
PHS 21306 - Pharmaceutics II
PHS 21107 - Physical Pharmacy I Laboratory
PHS 21108 - Organic Chemistry Laboratory
OPL 4235 - Project HR Management
PUSL 2069 - Equity and Trust
PUSL 2070 - Public International Law
PUSL 2071 - Internship/Work Based Learning
COM 0004 - Public Relations in Practice & Theory
LLB 1100 - English for Legal Studies
LLB PU CMN 01 - Legal English
EML 1131 - Business Communication
LSC 1231 - General Instrumentation
LSC 1232 - General Microbiology
LSC 1233 - Human Anatomy II
LSC 1234 - Human Physiology II
LSC 1235 - Organic Chemistry
LSC 1226 - Genetics
LSC 1217 - Psychology
PHS 1221 - Pharmaceutical Analytical Chemistry
PHS 1222 - Human Anatomy II
PHS 1223 - Human Physiology II
PHS 1234 - Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry
PHS 1235 - Pharmaceutics I
PHS 1216 - Analytical Chemistry Laboratory
PHS 1217 - Mathematics II
MGT 1133 - Soft Skills Development
PUSL 1001 - Introduction to Law and Legal System
PUSL 1002 - Criminal Law
PUSL 1003 - Introduction to Legal Writing and Legal Research
NSBM BFP 1101 - Principles of Management and Business
NSBM BFP 1102 - English and Soft Skills Development
NSBM BFP 1103 - Fundamentals of Mathematics and Quantitative Techniques
NSBM BFP 1201 - Fundamentals of Economics
NSBM BFP 1202 - Project Management
NSBM BFP 1203 - Fundamentals of Accounting
NSBM BFP 1204 - Business Theory & Legal Environment
NSBM BFP 1205 - Professional Development
PU CMN 1206 - Economics for Business II
PU CMN 1214 - Introduction to Tourism and Event
PU CMN 1213 - Accomodation Operations
MTM 1233 - Front Office Operations
MTM 1233 - Accomodation Operations
MM 1001 - Concept Development
MM 1002 - World of Multimedia
MM 1003 - Computing Fundamentals
MM 1004 - Drawing
MM 1005 - Design Principles I
MM 1006 - Typography Design
MM 1007 - Illustration
MM 1008 - Story Telling and Script Writing
MM 1009 - Art, Design and Society
MM 1010 - Animation Studies
MM 1011 - Digital Imaging
MM 1012 - Multimedia Imaging
MM 1013 - Photography
MM 1014 - Cinematography
MM 1015 - 3D Design I
MM 1016 - Game Design
MM 1017 - Video Editing and Production
MM 1018 - Interactive Design
MM 1019 - Advertising and Media Art
MM 1020 - Multimedia Project Management
MM 1021 - 3D Design II
MM 1022 - Web Design
MM 1023 - Design Principles II
MM 1024 - Visual Communication
MM 1025 - Multimedia Production
MM 1026 - Professional Studies
MM 1027 - Visual Effects Production
MM 1028 - Research Methodology
MM 1029 - Dissertation
MM 1030 - Internship
MM 1031 - Media Law and Ethics
MM 1032 - Entrepreneurship
MM 1033 - Final Project
CS 101.3 - Introduction to Computer Science
MA 101.3 - Mathematics I
CS 102.3 - Programming in C
CS 103.3 - Professional Development
SE 103.3 - System Analysis and Design
CS 107.3 - Object Oriented Programming with C#
CS 106.3 - Algorithms and Data Structures
CS 104.3 - Computer Architecture
CS 105.3 - Database Management Systems
SE 102.3 - Web Based Application Development
CNET 214SL - Network & System Administration
CNET 233SL - Network security
PUSL 2001 - IT Legalization & Ethics
PUSL 2008 - Introduction to IoT
PUSL 2010 - Servers, Datacenters and Cloud
CNET 237SL - Computer Networks
PUSL 2003 - Integrating project
ISAD 253SL - Databases
PUSL 2009 - Network and Security Programming
PRCO 303SL - Computing Project
CNET 335SL - Cybercrime and Forensics Investigation
PUSL 3109 - Voice and Video over IP
CNET 350SL - Network Monitoring
CNET 349SL - Incident Prevention, Detection & Response
PUSL 3105 - Advanced Networks
PUSL 3107 - Network Security and Penetration Testing
CNET 334SL - Information Security Management
ISAD 254SL - Human Computer Interaction
PUSL 2002 - Web Development Platforms
SOFT 255SL - Software Engineering for the Internet using Java
ISAD 341SL - Software Development and Project Management
SOFT 336SL - Cross-platform Development in C++
PUSL 3110 - Advanced Databases and Their Applications
CNET 343SL - Distributed Systems
PUSL 3111 - API Software Development
PUSL 3108 - Pervasive Computing
PUSL 3106 - Design Patterns and Software Engineering
CN 101.3 - Data Communications and Networks
SE 101.3 - Object Oriented Programming with Java
CN 201.3 - Computer Networks
SE 201.3 - Systems Analysis and Design
CS 201.3 - Operating Systems
MA 201.3 - Mathematics II
CN 202.3 - Network Management
SE 204.3 - Development of Enterprise Applications I
CN 205.3 - Voice and Video over IP
CN 203.3 - Network systems configuration and administration
CN 204.3 - Network Security
SE 206.3 - Human Computer Interaction
CS 301.3 - IT Project Management
CS 306.3 - Information Assurance and Security
SE 307.3 - Social Issues and Professional Practice
SE305.6 - Internship **
CN 301.3 - Advanced Routing and Switching
CN 303.3 - Service provider systems and networks
CN 302.3 - Wireless Technologies and Network Programming
MA 301.3 - Advanced Mathematics for Computing
CS 302.3 - Cryptography
IS 302.3 - IT Audit and Control
IS 301.3 - Enterprise Architecture
CN 401.6 - CN Award Project
CN 402.3 - Enterprise Networks
CN 403.3 - Intrusion Prevention, Detection & Response
CN 406.3 - Disaster Recovery and High Availability Techniques
CS 407.3 - Internet of Things
BS 402.3 - Entrepreneurship
BS 401.3 - Business Policy and Strategy
CS 404.3 - Parallel and Distributed Computing
CS 405.3 - Data Warehousing and Data Mining
IS 401.3 - Management Information Systems
IS 402.3 - E-Business Application Development
CS 408.3 - Embedded Systems
SE 403.3 - Platform Based Development
SE 202.3 - Introduction to Software Engineering
CS 202.3 - Systems Fundamentals
CS 203.3 - Algorithms and Complexity
SE 205.3 - Software Architecture
CS 303.3 - Computational Theory
CS 305.3 - Programming Languages and Compiler Design
CS 304.3 - Advanced Database Management Systems
SE301.3 - Software Process Management
SE 303.3 - Mobile Application Development
CS 402.3 - Computer Graphics and Visualization
CS 403.3 - Intelligent Systems
CS406.3 - Bio Informatics
SE 404.3 - Agent Based Systems
SE 402.3 - Development of Enterprise Applications II
MA 101.3 - Mathematics for Computing
MA 201.3 - Statistics for Computing
BS 201.3 - Business Studies
IS 204.3 - Enterprise Systems
IS 203.3 - Business Process Management
IS 202.3 - Foundations of Information Systems
SE 304.3 - Software Quality Assurance
IS 404.3 - Business Analytics
IS209.3 - Business Processes and ERP
SE207.3 - Software Verification and Validation
SE 401.6 - SE Honours Award Project
NIT 2102 - Cyber Security Essentials
NIT 2112 - Object Oriented Programming
NIT2113 - Cloud Application Development
NIT 2171 - Introduction to ICT Management
NIT 2213 - Software Engineering
NIT 2202 - Big Data
NIT 2271 - ICT Change Management
NIT 2201 - IT Profession and Ethics
NIT3101 - IT Project 1
NIT3112 - Advance Web Application Development
NIT3113 - Advanced Programming
NIT3114 - Online Business System Development
NIT 3171 - ICT Business Analytics and Data Visualisation
NIT 3213 - Mobile Application Development
NIT 3274 - Small IT Business
NIT3201 - IT Project 2
IS 204.3 - Enterprize Systems
CS 401.6 - CS Honours Award Project
IS 301.3 - Enterprize Architecture
IS401.6 - MIS Award Project
SE 308.3 - Software Process
SE306.3 - SE Award Project
CN 406.3 - Disaster Recovery and High Availability Techniques
CN 303.3 - Service Provider Systems and Networks
CN 403.3 - Intrusion Prevention, Detection and Response
SE 308.3 - Software Process Management
IS 405.6 - MIS Special Award Project
MGT 1301 - Management Process
MGT 1302 - Business Communication
MGT 1303 - Financial Accounting I
MGT 1304 - Economics for Managers
MGT 1305 - Soft Skills Development
MGT 1306 - Management Accounting
MGT 1307 - Information and Communication Technology
MGT 1308 - Business Environment
MGT 1309 - Project Management
MGT 1310 - Business Mathematics and Statistics I
MGT 2301 - Organizational Behaviour
MGT 2302 - Marketing Management
MGT 2303 - Financial Accounting II
MGT 2304 - Professional Development
MGT 2305 - Operations Management
MGT 2306 - Financial Management
MGT 2307 - Human Resource Management
MGT 2308 - Logistics Management
MGT 2309 - Quality Management
MGT 2310 - Industrial Relations
MGT 3401 - Strategic Management
MGT 3402 - Management Information Systems
HRM 3401 - Employee Resourcing
HRM 3402 - Human Resources Development
MGT 3403 - International Business Management
MGT 3404 - Business and Industrial Law
MGT 3605 - Industrial Training
MGT 4401 - Research Methodology
HRM 4501 - Performance Management
HRM 4502 - Rewards Management
HRM 4503 - Strategic Human Resource Management
HRM 4504 - HR Processes and Systems
MGT 4602 - Dissertation
LOG 3401 - Inventory and Warehouse Management
LOG 3402 - Procurement Management
LOG 4501 - Import and Export Management Related to Logistics
LOG 4502 - Maritime Law in Logistics
LOG 4503 - Modeling in Transportation Logistics
LOG 4504 - Supply Chain Management
IND 3401 - Production Planning and Control
IND 3402 - Maintenance Management
IND 4501 - Industrial Safety Management
IND 4502 - Industrial Engineering
IND 4503 - Advanced Operations Management
IND 4504 - Materials Management
PRO 3401 - Scope Management
PRO 3402 - Time Management
PRO 4501 - Cost Management
PRO 4502 - Project Risk and Quality Management
PRO 4503 - Project HR Management
PRO 4504 - Project Monitoring, Control, Evaluation and Termination
MGT 1310 - Business Mathematics and Statistics
ACT 2301 - Macro-Economics
ACT 2302 - Business Mathematics and Statistics II
MGT 3301 - Strategic Management
MGT 3302 - Management Information Systems
ACT 3301 - Taxation
ACT 3302 - Corporate Finance
ACT 3303 - Investment and Portfolio Management
MGT 3304 - Business and Industrial Law
ACT 3304 - Computer Based Accounting
ACT 3305 - Financial Reporting and Disclosure
ACT 3306 - International Financial Management
MGT 3305 - Industrial Training
ACT 4401 - Advanced Management Accounting
ACT 4402 - Auditing and Professional Practice
ACT 4303 - Business Valuation
ACT 4304 - Advanced Accounting Theory
ACT 4305 - Financial Statement Analysis
ACT 4306 - Strategic Management Accounting
BScMGT 1101 - Management Process
BScMGT 1102 - Business Communication
BScMGT 1103 - Financial Accounting
BScMGT 1104 - Economics for Managers
BScMGT 1105 - Business Mathematics and Statistics
BScMGT 1106 - Managerial Accounting
BScMGT 1207 - Information and Communication Technology
BScMGT 1208 - Business Environment
BScMGT 1209 - Introduction to Project Management
BScMGT 1210 - Critical Enabling Skills Training
BScMGT 2101 - Organizational Behaviour
BScMGT 2102 - Professional Development
BScMGT 2103 - Marketing Management
BScMGT 2104 - Advanced Financial Accounting
BScMGT 2105 - Logistics Management
BScMGT 2206 - Financial Management
BScMGT 2207 - Human Resource Management
BScMGT 2208 - Quality Management
BScMGT 2209 - Introduction to Operations Management
BScMGT 2210 - Industrial Relations
BScMGT 2211 - Industrial Training
BScMGT 3101 - Strategic Management
BScMGT 3102 - Management Information Systems
BScHRM 3103 - Employee Resourcing
BScMGT 3103 - International Business Management
BScMGT 3104 - Business and Industrial Law
BScHRM 3209 - Human Resources Development
BScHRM 4102 - Performance Management
BScHRM 4103 - Rewards Management
BScMGT 4101 - Research Methodology
BScHRM 4210 - Strategic Human Resource Management
BScHRM 4211 - HR Processes and Systems
BScLOG 3104 - Inventory and Warehouse Management
BScLOG 3210 - Procurement Management
BScLOG 4104 - Import and Export Management Related to Logistics
BScLOG 4105 - Maritime Law in Logistics
BScLOG 4212 - Modeling in Transportation Logistics
BScLOG 4213 - Supply Chain Management
BScIND 3105 - Production Planning and Control
BScIND 3211 - Maintenance Management
BScIND 4106 - Industrial Safety Management
BScIND 4107 - Industrial Engineering
BScIND 4214 - Advanced Operations Management
BScIND 4215 - Materials Management
BScPRO 3106 - Scope Management
BScPRO 3212 - Time Management
BScPRO 4108 - Cost Management
BScPRO 4109 - Project Risk and Quality Management
BScPRO 4216 - Project HR Management
BScPRO 4217 - Project Monitoring, Control, Evaluation and Termination
BEO2255 - Applied Statistics for Business
BLO1105 - Business Law
BEO2401 - Risk Management and Insurance
BBC3004 - Green Economy
BAO2001 - Corporate Finance
BEO2000 - Financial Institutions and Monetary Theory
BPD 2100 - International Business Challenge
BAO3000 - Personal Financial Planning
BAO3402 - International Banking and Finance
BLO2206 - Taxation Law and Practice
BEO3000 - Risk Management Models
BEO2001 - Commercial Banking and Finance
BAO3404 - Credit and Lending Decisions
BLO3405 - Law of Financial Institutions and Securities
BAO3403 - Investment and Portfolio Management
BPD 3100 - Applied Business Challenge
ACC2002L - Financial & Management Accounting
HRM2001L - HRM: Strategy & Policy
BMGT2001L - Managing Change
BMGT2002L - International Business
BMGT2003L - Project Management
MIS2008L - Data Analysis for Decision Makers
MIS3008L - Managing Digital Business Strategy and Operations
BMGT3004L - Management Research Project
BMGT3003L - Operations Management
BMGT 3002L - Management of Organisations
MKT3001L - International Marketing Management
BMGT3001L - Business Policy
HRM3004L - Talent Management
HRM3002L - Workplace Practice
HRM3003L - International Human Resource Management
MA 101.3 - Engineering Mathematics I
CE 101.3 - Programming Fundamentals
EE 101.3 - Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering
ME 102.3 - Engineering Materials
ME 104.3 - Computer Aided Design
EE 104.3 - Electronics I
ME 105.3 - Instrumentation and Control Principles
EE 102.3 - Communication Systems and Networks
CE 102.3 - Computer Architecture and Organization
MA 102.3 - Engineering Mathematics II
ME 101.3 - Introductory Mechanics and Fluids
EE 202.3 - Engineering Electromagnetics
CE 208.3 - Software Development Project
ME 203.3 - Thermodynamics
EE 201.3 - Electronics II
BS 201.3 - Engineering Ethics and Industrial Law
CE 205.3 - Modern Communication Systems
CE 201.3 - Object Oriented Software Development
CE 202.3 - Algorithms
CE 203.3 - Operating Systems
MA 201.3 - Engineering Mathematics III
ME206.5 - Industrial Placement 1
CE 303.3 - Advanced Computer Networks
CE 301.3 - Database Systems
CE 304.3 - Computer Systems Engineering
CE 305.3 - Programming Languages and Syntax Directed Tools
CE 306.3 - Software Engineering
CE 307.3 - Digital Design and Embedded Systems
MA 301.3 - Engineering Mathematics IV
BS 302.3 - Engineering Project Management and Costing Accounting
ME306.3 - Industry Placement II
ME 302.3 - Robotics
ME 304.3 - Sensors and Actuators
EE 301.3 - Advance Communications (Elective 1)
EE 302.3 - Power Electronics and Applications (Elective 1)
EE 311.3 - Antennas and Propagation
EE 306.3 - VLSI Design
BS 303.3 - Engineering & Socioeconomic Impact (Elective 2)
BS 304.3 - Marketing and Business Economics
CE 401.3 - Network Systems and Technologies
CE403.3 - Intelligent Systems
CE 404.3 - Cloud and Distributed Computing
EE 401.3 - Digital Signal Processing and Machine Vision
BS 402.3 - Enterpreneurship and Innovation
BS 401.3 - Organizational Behaviour and Human Resource Management
ME 403.6 - Engineering Honours Thesis
EE407.3 - Optical Communication & Technologies (Elective 1)
EE408.3 - Satellite and Mobile Communication Technology
ME 407.3 - Industrial Automation (Elective 1)
CE 402.3 - Data Science and Big Data
CE403.3 - Data Analytics & Machine Learning (Elective 1)
BS403.3 - Strategic Management & Public Policy Plaining (Elective 2)
BS 404.3 - Psychology for Engineering
ME 202.3 - Fluid Mechanics
ME 204.3 - Control Engineering
ME 205.3 - Mechatronics I
ME 208.3 - Basic Manufacturing Technologies
ME206.3 - Mechanics of Machines
EE 207.3 - Electrical Machines & Drives 1
ME207.5 - Industry Placement 1
ME 301.3 - Engineering Analysis
ME 303.3 - Modern Manufacturing Technologies
ME 307.3 - Mechatronics II
EE 301.3 - Advance Communications
EE 302.3 - Power Electronics and Applications
ME 405.3 - Mechatronics System Integration
ME406.3 - Manufacturing Process Design
ME 407.3 - Industrial Automation
EE 406.3 - Renewable Energy and Technologies
CE 401.3 - Network System & Technologies (Elective 1)
EE408.3 - Satellite and Mobile Communication
EE407.3 - Optical Communication & Technologies ( Elective 1)
BS403.3 - Strategic Management & Public policy Plaining ( Elective 2)
EE 204.3 - Theory of Electricity
EE 205.3 - Introduction to Power Systems
ME207.5 - Industrial Placement 1
EE 303.3 - High Voltage Engineering
EE 304.3 - Power System Engineering and Analysis
EE 309.3 - Electrical Installations
ME306.3 - Industrial Placement II
ME 302.3 - Robotics (Elective 1)
ME 303.3 - Modern Manufacturing Technologies (Elective 1)
EE 405.3 - Advanced Power System Control and Protection
EE402.3 - Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering
EE403.3 - Power System Planning and Markets
EE404.3 - Intelligent Electricity Networks
CE403.3 - Interlligent Systems (Elective 1)
CE 401.3 - Network System and Technologies (Elective 1)
EE407.3 - Optical Communication & Technologies ( Elective 1)
CE 404.3 - Cloud & Distributed Computing (Elective 1)
BS403.3 - Strategic Management & Public Policy Plaining (Elective 2)
PU CMN 1103 - Introduction to Finance
PU CMN 1206 - Economics for Business II and QT
PU CMN 1210 - Business Law
LCS101SL - English for Academic Purposes 1
LCS100SL - Culture and Society
PU LOG 1207 - Introduction to Logistics
PULOG 1209 - Introduction to Shipping
PU HOS 1207 - Introduction to Tourism and Events
PU HOS 1209 - Food and Beverage Operations
PU HOS 1210 - Front Office and Facilities Operations
PU CMN 1101 - Economics for Business I
PU CMN 1102 - World of Business
PU CMN 1104 - Personal Development
PU CMN 1105 - Organizational Communication
BMG 311SL - Current Issues in Management
BMG 312SL - Organizational Leadership
HRS 302SL - International & Comparative HRM
ABF 302SL - Financial Management & Policy
ABF 318SL - Auditing
BSO 316SL - Opearations Management for Competitive Advantage
MAR 330SL - Port Management & Intermodalism
HTM 310SL - Crisis & Disaster Management in the Hospitality, Tourism & Events Industries
PUSL3103 - Event Innovation
MKT 306SL - Marketing Management
ELC 307SL - English for Global Communication
MKT 302SL - Public Relations
BSO 302SL - Global Enterprise
BSO 300SL - Corporate Strategy
MKT 316SL - International Marketing
ABF 311SL - Advanced Financial Accounting & Reporting
ABF 300SL - Advanced Management Accounting
MAR 312SL - Advanced Logistics Management
MAR 313SL - International Supply Chain Management
HTM 309SL - Contemporary Issues in Tourism
HTM 322SL - Managing Service Innovation
HTM 314SL - Honours Project
MKT 301SL - Contemporary Issues in Marketing
ELC 309SL - English for Professional Practice
BSO 213SL - Enterprise & Innovation
BSO 214SL - Operations Management
MKT 216SL - Business & Market Research
ABF 205SL - Management Accounting
BSO 215SL - International Logistics & Supply Chain Opearations
PUSL2006 - Festivals & Exhibitions
MKT 215SL - Advertising, Brand Management & Marketing Communications
MKT 205SL - Digital Marketing
PUSL 2004 - Business Communication
BSO 212SL - Business Ethics
HRS 204SL - Managing People
BSO 208SL - International Business
ABF 207SL - Taxation
ABF 203SL - Financial Accounting & Reporting
ABF 204SL - Financial Institutions & Markets
MAR 211SL - Principles in Purchasing Management
HTM 215SL - Tourism & Planning Management
PUSL 2007 - Events Planning & Strategy
MKT 201SL - Buyer Behaviour & Relations
MKT 217SL - New Product Development & Marketing Planning
BID 1101 - Introduction to Interior Design I
BID 1102 - Historical and Cultural Influence on Interior Design I
BID 1103 - Design Communication I
BID 1104 - Theory and Practice of Interior Design
BID 1105 - Building Science
BID 1106 - Materials Structural - Building Construction I
BID 1107 - Business English
BID 1201 - Interior Design II
BID 1202 - Historical and Cultural Influence on Interior Design II
BID 1203 - Design Communication II
BID 1204 - Basics of Building Construction
BID 1205 - Digital Communication I
BID 1206 - Materials Interior - Interior Construction and Design II
BID 1207 - Environmental Psychology
BID 2101 - Interior Design III
BID 2102 - Historical and Cultural Influences on Interior Design III
BID 2103 - Design Communication III
BID 2104 - Building Technology I
BID 2105 - Furniture Design
BID 2106 - Digital Communication II
BID 2201 - Interior Design IV
BID 2202 - Professional Practice
BID 2203 - Interior Lighting
BID 2204 - Environmental Studies and Services
BID 2205 - Digital Communication III
BID 2206 - Building Technology II
BID 2207 - Interior Acoustics
BID 3101 - Internship
BID 3102 - Research Methodology and Essay
BID 3103 - Introduction to Interior Design V
BID 3104 - Project Management
BID 3105 - Marketing Management
BID 3201 - Interior Design V
BID 3202 - Advanced Interior Design Practice VI
BID 3203 - Design Management and by Law
PGD BM 5101 - Managing People
PGD BM 5102 - Marketing Management
PGD 5107 - Research Methods
PGD HRM 5103 - Human Resource Development
PGD HRM 5101 - Introduction to HRM and Employee Resourcing
PGD HRM 5102 - Employment Law and Labour Relations
5107 - Marketing Management
5114 - Organizational Behaviour
5117 - Independent Study-RM
5115 - Business Ethics and Sustainability
32041 - Project Management
32022 - Big Data Analytics
5111 - Legal Aspect of Management
5110 - International Buisness Management
5112 - Startegic Management
NIT 3202 - Data Analytics for Cyber Security
BBC 2201 - Corporate Communication Management
BBC 2202 - Law for Communication
BBC 2203 - Communication via Web-based Applications
BBC 2204 - International Business
BBC 2205 - Research Methods for Communication Research
EW19.1 - English for Writing
BAI 3166 - Interior Design
NSBM FP 1101 - Principles of Management & Business
NSBM FP 1102 - Fundamentals of Economics
NSBM FP 1205 - Fundamentals of Mathematics and Quantitative Techniques
NSBM FP 1206 - Fundamentals of Accounting
NSBM FP 1207 - Business Theory & Environment
NSBM FP 1208 - Professional Development
NSBM CFP 1103 - Computer Applications and Programming Fundamentals
NSBM FP 1109 - English and Soft skills Development
NSBM CP 1206 - Quantitative Techniques
NSBM CP 1313 - Fundamentals of Project Management
NSBM CP 1207 - Business Theory and Environment
- Personal and Managerial Effectiveness
NSBM CP 1209 - Introduction to Computer Applications
NSBM FP 1110 - Project Management
MBSA 11012 - Accounting for Decision Making
MBSA 11022 - Business Economics
MBSA 11032 - Enterprise Management
MBSA 11042 - Quantitative Methods for Management
MBSA 11051 - Business Communication
MBSA 12012 - Managing Finance
MBSA 12022 - Human Resources Management
MBSA 12032 - Marketing Management
MBSA 12042 - Managing Operations in Business
MBSA 21012 - Management Information Systems
MBSA 21021 - International Business Management
MBSA 21032 - Legal Aspects for Management
MBSA 21042 - Organizational Behaviour
MBSA 21051 - Strategic Management
MBSA 22012 - Business Ethics and Sustainability
MBSA 22021 - Problem Analysis Methodology
MBSA 22035 - Independent Study
MBA 31011 - Research Workshop 1
MBA 31021 - Research Workshop 2
PGD 5101 - Management Process and Practice
PGD 5102 - Accounting for Decision Making
PGD 5103 - Business Communication
PGD 5104 - Business Statistics
PGD 5105 - Organizational Behavior
PGD 5106 - Economics for Business
PGD HRM 5104 - Human Resource Information Systems
PGD HRM 5105 - Organizational Change and Development
PGD 5108 - Project Report
PGD BM 5103 - Financial Management
PGD BM 5104 - Management Information Systems
PUSL 3113 - Current Issues in Tourism, Hospitality & Events
PUSL 3112 - International Events, Culture & Identity
PUSL 2011 - Special Interest Tourism
BP 001.3 - Computational Thinking
BP 002.2 - English & Communication Skills
BP 003.4 - Foundational Mathematics
NSBM CFP 1206 - Computer Technology
NSBM CFP 1207 - Web Design & Development
NSBM CFP 1208 - Programming in Python
NSBM CFP 1209 - Introduction to Multimedia
NSBM CFP 1210 - ICT Project Management
CS003.2 - English for Communication
MA001.2 - Fundamentals of Mathematics
CS001.4 - Introduction to Programming
CS 002.2 - Introduction to Computer Applications
PUSL3100 - Information Security Management
5101 - Enterprise Management
5101-S - Enterprise Management
5102 - Business Economics
5102-S - Business Economics
5103 - Accounting & Finance
5103-S - Accounting & Finance
5104 - Quantitative Methods for Management
5104-S - Quantitative Methods for Management
5105 - Legal Aspects for Managers
5105-S - Legal Aspects for Managers
5106 - Business Communication (Residential workshop)
5106-S - Business Communication (Residential workshop)
5107 - Human Resource Management
5107-S - Human Resource Management
5108 - Marketing Management
5108-S - Marketing Management
5109 - Managing Operations in Business
5109-S - Managing Operations in Business
5110 - Managing Information system
5110-S - Managing Information system
5111 - Organizational Behaviour
5111-S - Organizational Behaviour
6201 - Research Methodology
6202 - Logistics and Supply Chain Management
6203 - Strategic Cost Analysis
6204 - Strategic Management
6205 - Big Data Analytics
6206 - Organizational leadership and Cross Cultural Management
6207 - Knowledge Managemnt
6208 - Innovation and Entreprenurship
6209 - Strategic Cost Analysis
6210 - Tourism Operations & Destination Development
6211 - Managing Small Scale Enterprises in Tourism
6212 - Coparate Finance
6213 - Strategic Cost Analysis
6214 - Final Thesis
6215 - International Business Practice - Case Study
BBC 1101 - Personal Development
BBC 1102 - English for Professional Purposes I
BBC 1103 - Introduction to Management
BBC 1104 - English for Global Communication
BBC 1105 - ICT for Communication
BBC 1201 - Fundamentals of Communication Studies
BBC 1202 - Professional Communication
BBC 1203 - World of Business
BBC 1204 - English for Professional Purposes II
BBC 1205 - Marketing Communication
BBC 2101 - Intercultural and Interpersonal Communication
BBC 2102 - Advertising
BBC 2103 - Visual Communication
BBC 2104 - Business Ethics
BBC 2105 - Organisational Behaviour and Communication
BScMGT 1207 - Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
BScMGT 1210 - Critical Enabling Skills Training – 3 Months
BScMGT 3104 - Business & Industrial Law
BScLOG 3104 - Inventory & Warehouse Management
MBA 31012 - Logistics and Supply Chain Management
MBA 31022 - Strategic Cost Analysis
MBA 31032 - Innovation and Technology Management
MBA 32022 - Big Data Analytics
MBA 32041 - Project Management
MBA 40015 - Research Report
MBA 41012 - Business Negotiation Skills
MBA 42012 - International Business Practice
PGD 5103 - Business Communication
PGD HRM 5102 - Human Resource Development
PGD HRM 5104 - Organizational Change & Development
Module_Code - Module_Name
MBA 31092 - Innovation and Entrepreneurship
MBA 31102 - Small Business Management
MBA 31052 - Cross Cultural Management
MBA 31062 - Industry and Competitive Analysis
MBA 31082 - Organizational Leadership and Culture
MBA 32052 - Knowledge Management
IBM 2301 - Introduction to International Business Management
IBM 2002 - Chinese
BBC 3201 - Final Project
BBC 3101 - Internship
MGT 1131 - Management Process
MGT 1132 - Business Communication
MGT 1133 - Soft Skills Development
ACF 1131 - Financial Accounting
EDS 1131 - Economics for Managers
NSBM CFP 1103 - Computer Applications and Programming Fundamentals
NSBM FP 1104 - English and Soft Skills Development
NSBM FP 1103 - Project Management
NSBM CFP 1207 - Web Design and Development
NSBM CFP 1210 - ICT Project
CS 003.2 - English for Communication
MA 001.2 - Fundamentals of Mathematics
CS 001.4 - Introduction to Programming
CS 002.2 - Introduction to Computer Applications
PU CMN 1208 - Introduction to Finance
PU CMN 1207 - Organizational Behaviour
PU CMN 1209 - Introduction to Marketing
PU CMN 1211 - Introduction to Logistics
PU CMN 1212 - Introduction to shipping
PU CMN 1214 - Introduction to Tourism and Events
PU CMN 1215 - Food and Beverage operations
PU CMN 1213 - Front office and facilities operations
PU BC 1201 - English for Academic Purpose
PU BC 1202 - Culture and Society
CE405.3 - Modern Technologies for Mobile Application Development
BAO 3403 - Investment and Portfolio Management
MGT 1104 - Introduction to Sustainability Development
EL 101.1 - English for Communication Skills
CS 101.3 - Introduction to Computer Science
CS 102.3 - Programming in C
CS 105.3 - Database Management Systems
EL 101.3 - English for Communication Skills
SE 102.3 - Web Application Development
SE 201.3 - System Analysis and Design
MGT 1234 - Fundamentals of Communication Studies
MGT 1235 - English for Professional Purposes (I)
NSBM CFP 1211 - Network Fundamentals
MBS 5101 - Enterprise Management
MBS 5102 - Business Economics
MBS 5103 - Accounting & Finance
MBS 5104 - Quantitative Methods for Management
MBS 5105 - Legal Aspects for Managers
MBS 5106 - Business Communication
MBS 5107 - Human Resource Management
MBS 5108 - Marketing Management
MBS 5109 - Managing Operations in Business
MBS 5110 - Managing Information Systems
MBS 5111 - Organizational Behaviour
PGD 5105 - Organizational Behaviour
PGDBM 5102 - Marketing Management
PGDBM 5101 - Managing People
PGD BM 5103 - Financial Management
PGD HRM 5101 - Intro to HRM and EMP Resourcing
PGD HRM 5102 - Employment Law & Labour Relations
PGD HRM 5104 - HR Information Systems
MBSA 11051 - Residential Workshop 1
MBSA 22021 - Residential Workshop II-Problem Analysis Methodology
PGDBM 5103 - Financial Management
PGDBM 5104 - Management Information Systems
PCN 11103 - Computer Network Models and Design
PCN 11203 - Routing and Switching
PCN 11303 - Network Planning Implementing and Administration
PCN 12103 - Voice and Telephony Technologies
PCN 12203 - Wireless Communication
PCN 21103 - Service Provider Networks
PCN 21203 - Network Security
PCN 21301 - Research Methods
PCN 22103 - Disaster Recovery and High Availability Techniques
PCN 22301 - Project Report
MM 1014 - Cinemaatography
MM 1019 - Advertising & Media Art
MM 1020 - Multimedia Project Mgt
MM1025 - Multimedia Production
MM1026 - Professional Studies
MM1027 - Visual Effects Production
MM1028 - Research Methodology
MM1029 - Dissertation
MM1030 - Internship
MM1031 - Media Law & Ethics
MM1032 - Entrepreneurship
MM1033 - Final Project
MBS 5105 - Legal Aspect for Managers
MGT 3138 - International Communication
MGT 3139 - Foreign Trade Theory
MTM 3135 - International Marketing and Branding
MGT 31310 - Foreign Direct Investments and MNC corporations
PUSL 2028 - Media Law & Ethics
PUSL 2029 - Psychology of Communication
PUSL 3136 - Crisis Communication
MGT 2133 - Introduction to International Business Management
MGT 2134 - Intercultural & Interpersonal Communication
MGT 2135 - Modern World Literatures
MTM 2133 - Advertising
EDS 2131 - Macroeconomics
MGT 2131 - Human Resources Management
OPL 2131 - Operations Management
MGT 2102 - Professional Development
MIS2001L - Database & Information Resource Management
MIS2005L - Business Analytics
MIS2007L - Digital Business Infrastructure Applications (UCD)
BMGT 3002L - Management of Organizations
MIS3003L - Information Systems Applications
MIS3005L - Information Systems Development
MIS3007L - Digital Business and Social Media Strategy (UCD)
ISAD357SL - Software Development and Project Management
CNET 335SL - Cyber crime and Forensics Investigation
PUSL 2018 - Computer Theory and Statistics for Computing
PUSL 2019 - Information Management and Retrieval
PUSL 2020 - Software Development Tools and Practices
PUSL 2021 - Computing Group Project
PUSL 2022 - Introduction to IOT
PUSL 2023 - Mobile Application Development (NSBM)
PUSL 2024 - Software Engineering 2
PUSL 2025 - Security Architecure and Cryptography
PUSL 2026 - Computer Networks
ACB103 - Introduction to Economics & Accounting
ACB203 - Business Englis
BMO 2000 - Human Resources Management
BMO 2004 - Business Ethics
BMO 2202 - Purchasing and Supply Management
CBC - Chinese for Beginners - Certificate Course
FBC - French for Beginners- Certificate Course
JBC - Japanese for Beginners- Certificate Course
BP 1101 - General Business Knowledge
BP 1102 - Principles of Accounting
BP 1103 - Principles of Economics
BP 1104 - English and Communication Skills
BS 102.3 - Professional English for Engineering
CE 406.3 - Web Architecture and Modern Web Development Technologies
MGT 2231 - Management Information System
MGT 2232 - Organizational Behaviour
OPL 2231 - Logistics Management
EDS 2231 - Business Mathematics and Stat II
LGS 2231 - Business Law
CS 002.2 - Computer Fundamentals
ACC 503.3 - Soft Skills for Personal Development
ACC 303.3 - Introduction to Data and Information Systems
MGT 2234 - Business Ethics
MGT 2235 - Communication via Web-Based Applications
MGT 2236 - Research Methods for Communication Research
EAE - English for Academic Excellence (EAE)
MGT 3234 - International HRM
MGT 32311 - Cross Cultural Management
ACF 3233 - International Financial Management
MTM 3235 - Digital Marketing
PUSL 2048 - Business Research
ME 101.1 - Introductory Design Project
EE 201.1 - Product Development Project
EE 301.1 - Industrial Project
PUSL 3133 - Forensics and Malware
MGT 1132 - Business and Academic Writing
MAT IT ENG - Maths / IT / English
MGTc 1201 - Business Theory and Environment
MGTc 1202 - Introduction to Computer Applications
EDSc 1201 - Quantitative Techniques
DOLc 1201 - Fundamentals of Project Management and MS Project
EDSc 1202 - Introduction to Economics & Accounting
MGTc 1303 - Personal and Managerial Effectiveness (PME)
EMLc 1301 - Business English
BMO 2005 - Innovation and Entrepreneurship
BMO 2002 - Strategic Management
BMO 2181 - Operations Management
BMO 2201 - Distribution Management
BHO 3373 - International Marketing
BMO 3000 - Knowledge Management Practices for Innovative Organization
BMO 3123 - Integrated Supply Chain Management
BMO 3418 - Transport & Logistics Management
MBS 5131 - Management Theory & Practice
MBS 5132 - Business Economics
MBS 5133 - Accounting & Finance
MBS5 125 - Leagal Aspects for Managers
MBS 5116 - Business Comunication
MBS 5134 - Human Resource Management
MBS 5231 - Quantitative Methods for Management
MBS 5232 - Marketing Management
MBS 5233 - Managing Oparations in Business
MBS 5234 - Managing Information System
MBS 5235 - Organizational Behavior
MBAOP 6132 - Managing Service Operations
MBA 62121 - Final Thesis
MBA 6232 - International Business Practice - Case Study
PGD 5131 - Management Process & Practice
PGD 5132 - Accounting for Decision Making
PGD 5113 - Business Comunication
PGD 5134 - Business Statistics
PGD 5135 - Organizational Behavior
PGD 5136 - Econimics for Business
PGD BM 5231 - Managing People
PGD BM 5232 - Marketing Management
PGD 5217 - Research Methods
PGD BM 5233 - Financial Management
PGD BM 5234 - Management Information Systems
PGD 5238 - Project Reports
PGD HRM 5231 - Introduction to HRM &Employee Resourcing
PGD HRM 5232 - Employement Law & Labour Relations
PGD HRM 5233 - Human Resource Development
PGD HRM 5204 - Human Resourse Information Systems
PGD HRM 5205 - Organizational Change & Development
PG 11103 - Management Process & Practice
PG 11203 - Accounting for Decision Making
PG 11301 - Business Comunication
PG 12102 - Business Statistics
PG 12202 - Information Systems Project Management
PG 12303 - Economics for Business
PPM 21103 - Applied project Management
PPM 21203 - Project Risk & Scope Management
PG 21101 - Research Methods
PPM 22103 - Project Finance and Cost Management
PPM 22203 - Project Intergration Management
PPM 22301 - Project Report
PIM 21102 - Operatinal Research
PIM 21202 - Industrial Marketing Management
PIM 21302 - Production & Operation Management
PIM 22302 - Research Methods
PPM 22103 - Industrial Safety & Maintenance Management
PPM 22203 - Industrial Engineering & Quality Management
PIM 22301A - Project Report
PCN 12203 - Wireless Comunication
PHR 22301 - Project Report
PSE 11103 - Advance Computer Programming
PSE 11203 - Design Patterns
PSE 11303 - Human Computer Nteraction
PSE 12103 - Mobile Application Development
PSE 12203 - Advance Database Concepts
PSE 21103 - Service Oriented Architecture
PSE 21203 - Software Project Management
PSE 21301 - Research Methods
PSE 21103 - Software Quality Assuarance/ Software Simultion
PSE 21205 - Project Report
PIM 22103 - Research Methods
SE 309.3 - Software Verification and Validation
IS401.6 - Final Year Project
PGD 5131 - Management Process and Practice
PGD 5113 - Business Communication
PGD 5136 - Economics for Business
PGD 5238 - Project Report
MBS 5131 - Management Theory and Practice
MBS 5133 - Accounting and Finance
MBS 5125 - Legal Aspects for Managers
MBS 5116 - Business Communication
MBS 5233 - Managing Operations in Business
MBS 5234 - Managing Information Systems
MBS 5235 - Organizational Behaviour
MBA 6131 - Research Methodology
MBAEN 6131 - Innovation and Entreprenurship
MBAEN 6132 - Small Business Management
MBA 6132 - Strategic Management
MBA 6133 - Big Data Analytics
MBA 62151 - Final Thesis
MBAMP 6131 - Organizational leadership & Cross Cultural Management
MBAMP 6132 - Knowledge Managemnt
MBAOP 6131 - Logistics and Supply Chain Management
MBAFN 6131 - Coparate Finance
MBAFN 6132 - Strategic Cost Analysis
IS 204.3 - Advanced Database Management Systems
IS 203.3 - Mobile Application Development
MA 301.3 - Advanced Mathematics for Computing
CN 201.3 - Information Assurance and Security
SE 204.3 - Social Issues and Professional Practice
SE 202.3 - Software Process Management
IS 202.3 - Software Quality Assurance
SE305.6 - Internship **
CS 403.3 - Artificial Intelligence
CS 402.3 - Computer Graphics and Visualization
IS401.6 - Research
CN 401.6 - Research Project
CS 401.6 - Research Project
IS401.6 - Research Project
SE306.3 - Research Project
ME207.3 - Industrial Placement I
MA203.3 - Engineering Mathematics IV
CE 403.6 - Engineering Honours Thesis
CE406.3 - Web Architecture and Modern Web Development Technologies
ME 209.3 - Industrial Placement I
EE 207.3 - Electrical Machines and Drives I
EE 304.3 - Power System Engineering Analysis
EE 313.3 - Electrical Machines and Drives II
CE 209.3 - Industrial Placement I
CE 314.3 - Industrial Placement II
CE 301.1 - Industrial Project
EE 209.3 - Industrial Placement I
EE314.3 - Industrial Placement II
EE 403.6 - Engineering Honours Thesis
ME314.3 - Industrial Placement II
ME 301.1 - Industrial Project
MGT 3131 - Strategic Management
MGT 3136 - Public Relations in Practice & Theory
LGS 3131 - Law for Communication
BMO 3332 - Managing Organizational Change
BMO 2203 - E-Supply Chain Management
BMO 3419 - Supply Chain Analytics
MGT 1203 - Academic Writing
LLB 1143 - Leagal Systems
LLB 1141 - Introduction to Law
LLB 1142 - Criminal Law
LLb 1144 - Leagal Research and Writing
LLB 1100 - English for Leagal Studies
SE 303.3 - Service Provider Systems and Networks
DS 206.3 - Ethics in Data Science
DS 205.3 - Data Science in Python
PUSL 2023 - Mobile Application Development
PUSL 2025 - Security Architecture and Cryptography
PUSL 2018 - Computational Theory and Statistics for Computing
NSBM FP 1205 - Fundamentals of Mathematics and QT
DS 305.3 - Advanced Database Management Systems
DS 306.6 - Internship
CS 307.3 - Cloud Computing
DS 307.3 - Machine Learning
DS 308.3 - Big Data Analytics
DS 401.3 - Natural Language Processing
DS 402.3 - Neural Networks
DS 403.3 - Big Data Programming
DS 404.6 - DS Honors Award Project
DS 405.3 - Urban Computing
DS 406.3 - Data Science Trends and Applications
DS 407.3 - Deep Learning
SE 107.3 - Object Oriented Programming with C#
DS 206.3 - Ethics in Data Science
DS 205.3 - Data Science in Python
DS 301.3 - Web Mining
DS 302.3 - Advanced Statistics for Data Science
DS 303.3 - Data Warehousing & Data Mining
DS 304.3 - Data Visualization
CS 103.2 - Personal Development
EL 101.1 - Academic Writing and Communication
NSBM FP 1103 - Computer Applications and Programming Fundamentals
NSBM FP 1101 - Principles of Management and Business
PUSL 3120 - Full-Stack Development
PUSL 3123 - AI and Machine Learning
PUSL 3122 - HCI, Computer Graphics, and Visualization
PUSL 3134 - Software Project Management
PUSL 3119 - Computer Individual Project
PUSL 3121 - Big Data Analytics
PUSL 3131 - Security Operations and Incident Management
PUSL 3132 - Ethical Hacking
PUSL 3129 - Multimedia over IP
PUSL 3130 - Advance Computer Networking Infrastructures
LLB 1245 - Constitutional Law
LLB 1246 - Equity and Trust
LLB 1247 - Family Law
LLB 1248 - Law of Contracts
MTM 2131 - Marketing Management
ACF 2131 - Finance Management
MGT 2107 - Chinese Language
BSO 316SL - Operations Management for Competitive Advantage
MGT 4131 - Research Methodology
MGT 4132 - Leadership for Organizational Change
MGT 4135 - Internationalization of Entrepreneurship and Innovation
LGS 4131 - International Trade Law
EDS 4131 - Sri Lankan Economy and Global Economic Trends
MGT 2233 - English for Professional Purposes (II)
HTM 322 SL - Managing Service Innovation
PU SL 3112 - International Events Culture and Identity
PU SL 3113 - Current Issues in Tourism, Hospitality and Events
PUSL 3112 - International Events Culture and Identity
PUSL 3113 - Current Issues in Tourism, Hospitality and Events
MKT 306 SL - Marketing Management
PU SL 3154 - Marketing Honours Project
ABF 311SL - Advanced Financial Accounting & Reporting
ABF 203SL - Financial Accounting & Reporting
ABF 205SL - Management Accounting
MGT 2232 - Organisational Behaviour
EDS 2231 - Business Mathematics and Stat II
LGS 2231 - Business Law
MGT 2231 - Management Information Systems
MGT 3162 - Industrial Training
PUSL 3154 - Marketing Honours Project
ACF 1231 - Management Accounting
MGT 1231 - Computer Application
OPL 1231 - Introduction to Project Management
EDS 1231 - Business Mathematics and Stat 1
EDS 1232 - Economic History
EDS 1233 - Introduction to Business Analytics
EDS 1234 - Fundamentals of Mathematics
EDS 1235 - Statistics for Analytics I
MGT 2131 - Human Respurce Management
ACF 2131 - Financial Management
EDF 2131 - Macroeconomics
IS 201.3 - Business Processes and ERP
CN 401.6 - CN Honours Award Project
NIT 3171 - ICT Business Analytics and Data Visualization
NEF 3001 - Applied Project 1
NEF 3002 - Applied Project 2
DS 201.3 - Introduction to Data Science
DS 203.3 - Statistics for Data Science
DS 202.3 - Data Programming with R
MGT 1232 - Business Environment
CN 403.3 - Intrusion Prevention, Detection, and Response
Mod Code - Mod Name
PU CMN 1206 - Quantitative Techniques
OPL 1231 - Introduction to Project
EDS 1231 - Business Mathematics
MGT 1236 - ICT for Communication
MTM 1234 - Marketing Communication
BLO 3405 - Law of Financial Institutuions and Securities
BEO 2401 - Risk Management & Insurance
BEO 2001 - Commercial banking and Finance
BLO 3405 - Law of financial Institutions and securities
BEO 2401 - Risk management and Insurance
EDS 1231 - Business Mathematics and Stat I
BMO 2000 - Human Resource Management
BMO 2202 - Purchasing and Supply Chain Management
MBAMp 6132 - Knowlegdge Management
MBATo 6131 - Tourism Operations & Destination Development
MBATo 6132 - Managing Small Acale Enterprise in Tourism
Code - Name
ACF 3131 - Advanced Financial Accounting
ACF 3132 - Corporate Finance
ACF 3133 - Investment and Portfolio Management
ACF 3135 - Accounting & Financial Modeling and Forecasting
MGT 2207 - French Language
MGT 3134 - Employee Resourcing
MGT 3135 - Human Resources Development
MGT 3133 - Industrial Relations
BMS 1111 - Laboratory Practice and Safety
BMS 1132 - General Chemistry
BMS 1125 - Biomolecules
BMS 1124 - Cell Biology
BMS 1117 - Personality Development
BMS 1136 - Anatomical Planes and Sections
BMS 1128 - General and Professional English
BMS 1133 - Human Physiology I
BMS 1231 - General Instrumentation
BMS 1232 - General Microbiology
BMS 1233 - Human Anatomy II
BMS 1234 - Human Physiology II
BMS 1235 - Organic Chemistry
BMS 1226 - Genetics
BMS 1217 - Psychology
BMS 2121 - Biochemistry
BMS 2132 - General Pathology
BMS 2133 - Principles of Analytical Chemistry
BMS 2134 - Human Parasitology
BMS 2135 - Immunobiology
BMS 2117 - Basic Mathematics
BMS 2136 - Molecular Biology
BMS 2225 - Biostatistics
BMS 2221 - Metabolism
BMS 2232 - Human Diseases I
BMS 2233 - Toxicology
BMS 2234 - Clinical Biochemistry
BMS 2216 - Information Technology
BMS 3131 - Clinical Nutrition
BMS 3132 - Molecular Pharmacology
BMS 3133 - Haematology
BMS 3134 - Human Diseases II
BMS 3135 - Diagnostic Pathology
BMS 3136 - Research Methodology
BMS 3231 - Transfusion Medicine
BMS 3232 - Clinical Microbiology
BMS 3233 - Medical Bioinformatics
BMS 3234 - Genomic and Precision Medicine
BMS 3225 - Research Bioethics
BMS 3246 - Laboratory/ Industrial Training Module
BMS 4131 - Advanced Instrumentation
BMS 4162 - Research Project
BMS 4133 - Medical Physics
BMS 4134 - Laboratory Quality Assurance and Accreditation
BMS 4125 - Drug Development and Clinical Trials
BMS 4231 - Basics in Nanobiotechnology
BMS 4232 - Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine
BMS 4233 - Laboratory Quality and Control Management
BMS 4234 - Cancer Biology and Diagnostics
BMS 4235 - Applied Recombinant Technology
BHCS 1004 - Introduction to Human Pathology
BHCS 1006 - Infection and Immunity
BHCS 1011 - Study Skills and Personal DevelopmentÂ
BHCS 1012 - Workshop and Seminars
NUR 1151 - Fundamentals of Nursing I
NUR 1122 - Applied Sociology and Anthropology
NUR 1133 - Human Physiology I
NUR 1124 - Applied Nutrition and Dietetics
NUR 1125 - Biomolecules
NUR 1136 - Anatomical Planes and Sections
NUR 1128 - General and Professional English
NUR 1117 - Personality Development
NUR 1261 - Fundamentals of Nursing (Practical)
NUR 1212 - Communication Skills in Nursing
NUR 1233 - Human Anatomy II
NUR 1234 - Human Physiology II
NUR 1235 - Pathology
NUR 1226 - Applied psychology
NUR 1227 - Microbiology
NUR 1228 - Biochemistry
PUSL 2053 - Fundamentals of Nursing II
PUSL 2054 - Pharmacology
PUSL 2055 - Adult Health Nursing I
PUSL 2056 - Adult Health Nursing II
PUSL 2057 - Child Health Nursing
PUSL 2058 - Midwifery Obstetric and Gynecological Nursing
PUSL 3161 - Developing Nursing Practice
PUSL 3162 - Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing
PUSL 3127 - Leadership and Professional practice
PUSL 3164 - Transition to professional practice
PUSL 3165 - Nursing Research
PUSL 3163 - Community Health Nursing
PSY 1141 - Science of Learning
PSY 1142 - Fundamentals in Psychological Science
PSY 1143 - Debates in Psychology
PSY 1117 - Personality Development
PSY 1128 - General and Professional English
PSY 1241 - Psychology of Relationships
PSY 1242 - Topics in Psychology
PSY 1243 - Connecting Psychology
FNS 0141 - Fundamentals in Biology
FNS 0142 - Fundamentals in Chemistry I
FNS 0123 - Fundamentals in Physics
NSBM FP 1103 - omputer Applications and Programming Fundamentals
FNS 0241 - Genetics and Human Biology
FNS 0222 - Fundamentals in Psychology
FNS 0223 - Academic Writing
FNS 0224 - Communication and Presentation Skills
FNS 0225 - Technological Skills
FNS 0236 - Fndamentals in Chemistry II
PHN 1111 - Laboratory Practice and Safety
PHN 1132 - General Chemistry
PHN 1125 - Biomolecules
PHN 1124 - Cell Biology
PHN 1117 - Personality Development
PHN 1136 - Anatomical Planes and Sections
PHN 1128 - General and Professional English
PHN 1133 - Human Physiology I
PHN 1231 - General Instrumentation
PHN 1232 - General Microbiology
PHN 1233 - Human Anatomy II
PHN 1234 - Human Physiology II
PHN 1235 - Organic Chemistry
PHN 1226 - Genetics
PHN 1217 - Psychology
PHN 2121 - Biochemistry
PHN 2132 - General Pathology
PHN 2133 - Principles of Analytical Chemistry
PHN 2134 - Human Parasitology
PHN 2135 - Immunobiology
PHN 2117 - Basic Mathematics
PHN 2136 - Molecular Biology
PHN 2225 - Biostatistics
PHN 2221 - Metabolism
PHN 2232 - Human Diseases I
PHN 2233 - Toxicology
PHN 2234 - Clinical Biochemistry
PHN 2216 - Information Technology
PHN 3131 - Pharmacology I
PHN 3132 - Basics of Human Nutrition
PHN 3133 - Pathology II
PHN 3134 - Human Diseases II
PHN 3135 - Nutrition and Life Cycle
PHN 3136 - Research Methodology
PHN 3231 - Pharmacology II
PHN 3232 - Food and Food Analysis
PHN 3233 - Nutritional Product Development
PHN 3234 - Nutrition and Chronic Diseases
PHN 3225 - Research Bioethics
PHN 3246 - Industrial Training Module
PHN 4131 - Nutrition and Public Health
PHN 4162 - Research Project
PHN 4133 - Epidemiology
PHN 4241 - Health Education
PHN 4242 - Environmental and Occupational Health
PHN 4234 - Global Health
PHN 4225 - Public Health Microbiology
PHN 4236 - Cancer Biology
PHN 4233 - Nutraceutical Development
BMS 1136 - Anotomical planes and sections
FNS 0133 - Physics and Applied Mathematics
FNS 0134 - Principles of Management
FNS 0125 - General English
FNS 0236 - Fundamentals in Chemistry II
MGT 4361 - Dissertation
MGT 4201 - Dissertation
MGT 3233 - Reward Management
IS 304.3 - Business Analysis and Product Management
IS 303.2 - Research Methodology
SE 305.4 - Internship
IS 301.3 - Contemporary Topics in IS
ACF 3231 - Taxation
ACF 3232 - Financial Reporting and Disclosure
BS 201.3 - Engineering Ethics & Industrial Law
MA 202.3 - Engineering Mathematics IV
EE 207.3 - Electrical Machines & Drives I
ME 105.3 - Instrumentation & Control Principles
EE 102.3 - Communication Systems & Networks
CE 102.3 - Computer Architecture & Organization
ME 101.3 - Introductory Mechanics & Fluids
CE 307.3 - Digital Design & Embedded Systems
BS 302.3 - Engineering Project Management & Costing Accounting
CE 305.3 - Programming Languages & Compiler Designing
ME 304.3 - Sensors & Actuators
EE 301.3 - Advanced Communications
EE 302.3 - Power Electronics & Applications
EE 311.3 - Antennas & Propagation
BS 303.3 - Engineering & Socioeconomic Impact
BS 304.3 - Marketing & Business Economics
EE 313.3 - Electrical Machines & Drives II
EE 304.3 - Power System Engineering & Analysis
MGT 4234 - Business Ethics and CSR
MGT 4235 - Global Strategy
MGT 4236 - Contemporary Issues in International Business
MGT 4261 - Dissertation
NSBM CP 1502 - Basic Rendering Techniques
NSBM CP 1505 - Design Fundamentals
NSBM CP 1506 - Nature Studies
NSBM CP 1508 - Art, Design & Culture
BID 1106 - Materials - Structural - Building Construction I
BID 3103 - Introduction to Interior Design V
QS 1100 - Measurement Workshop
BLDG 402 - Principles of Economics and Management
BLDG 406 - Fundamentals of Construction
CIVL 102 - Construction Materials and Site Surveying
BLDG 409 - Digital Built Environment
BLDG 405 - Built Environment Project 1
BLDG 407 - Building Physics
PUSL 2012 - Transdisciplinary Design
PUSL 2013 - Design Studies and Communication
PUSL 2014 - Building Scince and Technology
PUSL 2015 - Spatial and Interior Integrated Skills
PUSL 2016 - Advance Design Practices
PUSL 2017 - Creative Career Development
PUSL 3114 - Internship
PUSL 3115 - Research Methodology
PUSL 3116 - Market Assessment and Project Management
PUSL 3117 - Interior Design Consolidation
PUSL 3118 - Comprehensive Design Project
BID 1206 - Materials - Interior - Interior Construction and Design II
IS 305.3 - Contemporary Topics in IS
NSBM QS 1201 - Construction Fundamentals
NSBM QS 1202 - Fundamentals of Project Management
NSBM QS 1203 - Drawing Fundamnetals
NSBM QS 1204 - Communication Skills
MGT 3237 - Critical Thinking
MGT 3238 - Social Media Management
MGT 3239 - Corporate Communication Management
LOG 4503 - Modelling in Transportation Logistics
IND 4503 - Advance Operations Management
PRO 4503 - Project HRM
PRO 4504 - Project Monitoring Control Evaluation and Termination
MGT 3136 - Public Relations in Practice &Theory
OPL 3237 - Innovation and New product Development
PUSL 2024 - Software Engineering 02
TSD-INTRO - TSD-Introductory Session
TSD-ENG - TSD-English
TSD-PD - TSD-Personal Development
TSD-TECH - TSD-Technical Session
PU CMN 1206 - Macroeconomics
PU CMN 1207 - Organization Behaviour
MGT 3233 - Industrial Training
MKT 215SL - Advertising Brand Management and Mkt
PUSL 2059 - Biology of Disease
PUSL 2060 - Evidence Based Practice in Biomedical Science
PUSL 2061 - Genetic Continuity and Diversity
PUSL 2062 - Cell Biology in Health and Disease
PUSL 2063 - Clinical Haematology and Biochemistry Â
PUSL 2064 - Infection, Immunity and Disease
PUSL 2065 - Preparation for Internship
PUSL 3166 - Personal Research Project
PUSL 3169 - Cellular Basis of Immunity
PUSL 3170 - Current Developments in Biomedical Science
PUSL 3168 - Specialist Biochemistry and Screening
PUSL 3167 - Clinical Microbiology
PUSL 3171 - Internship
PUSL 3190 - Computing Individual Project
PUSL 3120 - Full Stack Development
PUSL 3131 - Security Operation and Incident Management
PUSL 3133 - Digital Forensics and Malware Analysis
ABF 207 SL - Taxation
BSO 214 SL - Operations Management
PUSL 2042 - Research Skills in Practice 1
PUSL 2044 - Individual Differences, Social, & Developmental Psychology
PUSL 2047 - Applied Psychology
PUSL 2043 - Research Skills in Practice 2
PUSL 2045 - Cognitive and Biological Psychology
PUSL 2046 - Health & Wellbeing
PUSL 3149 - Current Topics in Psychology 1
PUSL 3150 - Current Topics in Psychology 2
PUSL 3151 - Advances in Psychology
PUSL 3152 - Internship
PUSL 3153 - Research Project
PUSL 2048 - Business Research
BSO 215SL - International Logistics & Supply Chain
BLDG 501 - Technology of Large and Innovative Building
BLDG 506 - Contract Procedure
BLDG 511 - Building Services Engineering
BLDG 508 - Built Environment Project 2
BLDG 604 - Building and Property Law
BLDG 603 - Sustainable and Safe Construction
BLDG 611 - Research Methods in the Built Environment
BLDG 612 - Dissertation Project
BLDG 614 - Quantity Surveying Professional Practice
BLDG 609 - Built Environemnt Project 3
EDS 1231 - Business Mathematics & Stat I
PUSL 3135 - Business Writing
NAH 1111 - Laboratory Practice and Safety
NAH 1117 - Personality Development
NAH 1124 - Cell Biology
NAH 1125 - Biomolecules
NAH 1128 - General and Professional English
NAH 1132 - General Chemistry
NAH 1133 - Human Physiology I
NAH 1136 - Anatomical Planes and Sections
ACE 0001 - Physics
ACE 0002 - Mathematical Methods
ACE 0003 - Applied Mathematics
PHYS 050 - Physics I
MATH 051 - Mathematical Methods I
MATH 058 - Applied Mathematics
ENGR 103 - Engineering Science (ENGR103)
ENGR 104 - Engineering Mathematics (ENGR104)
ENGR 104 - Engineering Mathematics
BID 1100 - Design Fundamentals
CREST CMN 01 - Capacity Enhancement
CREST CMN 02 - Law for Life
CREST MGT 01 - Fundamentals of HRM
CREST MGT 02 - Fundamentals of Logistics & Project Management
CREST MGT 03 - Fundamentals of Industrial Management
CREST IB 01 - Business in Global Context
CREST_BC_01_Crisis Communication -
CREST_LLB_01_English for Academic Purpos -
CREST ACC 01 - Fundamentals of Accounting
CREST LAW 01 - Law for Life
BAO 2001 - Corporate Finance
BSK 2001 - My Professional Brand
BEO 2255 - Applied Statistics for Business
BEO 2000 - Financial Institutions & Monetory Theory
BAO 3404 - Credit and Lending Decision
BAO 2007 - International Finance
BEO 3000 - Risk Management Models
BLO 2206 - Taxation Law and Practice
QS 1101 - Professional Communication Workshop
EDS 1131 - Microeconomics
EML 1131 - Academic and Business Writing
NIT 2122 - Server Administration and Management
NIT 2141 - Digital Forensics and Ethical Hacking
NIT 2103 - Cloud Computing
BMO 3002 - Knowledge Management
BHO 3373 - International Marketing
BMO 3008 - Strategic Supply Chain Management
BMO 3007 - Global Transport and Distribution Mnagement
CE 401.3 - Network Systems & Technologies
CE 404.3 - Cloud & Distributed Computing
EE 401.3 - Digital Signal Processing & Machine Vision
BS 402.3 - Entrepreneurship & Innovation
CE 402.3 - Data Science & Big Data Analytics
EE 405.3 - Advanced Power System Control & Protection
ACF 1131 - Financial Accounting I
MGT 3266 - Industrial Training
MGT 1235 - English for Professional Purposes I
MGT 2136 - Visual Communication
MGT 2233 - English for Professional Purposes II
MGT 3137 - English for Global Communication
MGT 32610 - Final Project
QS 2101 - Quantity Surveying Practices
Module Code - Name
PGD HRM 5231 - Introduction to HRM and Employee Resourcing
PGD HRM 5232 - Employment Law and Labour Relations
PGD HRM 5204 - Human Resource Information Systems
PGD HRM 5205 - Organizational Change and Development
BS 102.3 - Professional English for Engineering
BS 401.3 - Organizational Behaviour & Human Resource Management
EE407.3 - Optical Communication & Technologies
EE408.3 - Satellite & Mobile Communication Technology
CE406.3 - Web Architecture & Modern Web Development Technologies
BS403.3 - Strategic Management & Public Policy Planning
EE402.3 - Advances in Electrical & Electronic Engineering
EE403.3 - Power System Planning & Markets
EE 406.3 - Renewable Energy & Technologies
BS 401.3 - Organizational Behaviour & Human Resources Management
CE 401.3 - Network System & Technologies
MBAMP 6131 - Organizational Leadership and Cross-Cultural Management
MBAFN 6131 - Corporate Finance
OPL 3134 - Production Planing and Control
OPL 3135 - Maintenance Management
OPL 3131 - Port Operations and Management
OPL 3132 - Inventory & Warehouse Management
OPL 3133 - Procument Management
OPL 3136 - Scope Management
OPL 3137 - Time Management
OPL 3138 - Business Analysis
ACF 3133 - Investment Portfolio Management
ACF 3135 - Financial Modeling and Forecasting (Elective)
ABF 300 SL - Advanced Management Accounting
ABF 302 SL - Financial Management & Policy
MGT 4142 - Leadership for Organizational Change
MGT 3231 - International Business Management
MGT 3232 - Industrial Health and Safety
OPL 4145 - Project Estimation and Cost Management
OPL 4146 - Project Risk and Quality Management
OPL 4147 - Project Portfolio Management
OPL 4141 - Strategic Quality Management and Lean Six Sigma
OPL 4142 - Import and Export Management Related to Logistics
OPL 4143 - Operational Research
OPL 4144 - Industrial Engineering
IS 406.3 - Enterprise Architecture
FNS 0223 - Academic Writing
FNS 0224 - Communication and Presentation Skills
FNS 0227 - Research Methods in Psychology
NSBM FP 1101 - Principles of Management and Business (24.1)
NSBM FP 1104 - English and Soft Skills Development (24.1)
NSBM FP 1205 - Fundamentals of Mathematics and Quantitative Techniques (24.1)
NSBM FP 1103 - Computer Applications and Programming Fundamentals (24.1)
EDS 2133 - Introduction to Information systems
EDS 2132 - Mathematics for Economics I
LLB 2141 - Law of Property
LLB 2142 - Commercial Law
LLB 2143 - Negotiations
LLB 2144 - International Law
EML 2131 - Intercultural & Interpersonal Communication
EML 2132 - Modern World Literature
ACF 2132 - Financial Revenue Management
BSO 316 SL - Operations Management for Comp Adv (21.1/21.2)
BMG 312SL - Organisational Leadership
FDCN 01 - Fundamentals of Data Communication and Networking
FITS 02 - Fundamentals of IT security
FCSNS 03 - Fundamentals of Computer Systems and Network Services
ECS 04 - Essentials for Cyber Security
ABF 203 SL - Financial Accounting and Reporting (22.1/22.2)
ABF 204 SL - Financial Institution & Markets (22.1/22.2)
ABF 205 SL - Management Accounting (22.1/22.2)
PUSL 3124 - Study skills and Professional Values
PUSL 3125 - Understanding Evidence to Inform Clinical Decision
PUSL 3126 - Clinical Decision Making in Healthcare Practice
PUSL 3128 - Independent Study
PUSL 1004 - Contract Law
PUSL 1005 - Family Law
PUSL 1006 - Public Law
PUSL 2076 - Data Programming in R
PUSL 2077 - Data Science in Python
PUSL 2078 - Statistics for Data Science
PUSL 2052 - Business Process and ERP
PUSL 2079 - Topics in Business Analytics and Intelligence
BLDG 510 - Property Development and Refurbishment
BLDG 514 - Quantity Surveying Principles
PUSL 2030 - Construction Technology
PUSL 2034 - Building Services Engineering
PUSL 2031 - Contract Procedures
PUSL 2032 - Common Challenge: Built Environment
OPL 3233 - Computer Integrated Manufacturing
MGT 3235 - Innovation and New product Development
OPL 3231 - Aviation Operations and Management
LGS 3231 - Maritime Law in Logistics
OPL 3232 - Supply Chain Management
OPL 3236 - Agile Project Management
OPL 3235 - Project Information Systems and Management Applications
OPL 3234 - Project Procurement and Contract Management
PUSL 2028 - Media,Law and Ethics
NSBM FP 1101 - Principles of Management and Business (24.2)
NSBM FP 1104 - English and Soft Skills Development (24.2)
NSBM FP 1205 - Fundamentals of Mathematics and Quantitative Techniques (24.2)
NSBM FP 1103 - Computer Applications and Programming Fundamentals (24.2)
OPL 3131 - Port Operations and Management
NAH 1217 - Psychology
NAH 1226 - Genetics
NAH 1231 - General Instrumentation
NAH 1232 - General Microbiology
NAH 1233 - Human Anatomy II
NAH 1234 - Human Physiology II
NAH 1235 - Organic Chemistry
NAH 2117 - Basic Mathematics
NAH 2121 - Biochemistry
NAH 2132 - General Pathology
NAH 2133 - Principles of Analytical Chemistry
NAH 2134 - Human Parasitology
NAH 2135 - Immunobiology
NAH 2136 - Molecular Biology
NAH 2216 - Information Technology
NAH 2221 - Metabolism
NAH 2225 - Biostatistics
NAH 2232 - Human Diseases I
NAH 2233 - Toxicology
NAH 2234 - Clinical Biochemistry
NAH 3131 - Pharmacology I
NAH 3132 - Basics of Human Nutrition
NAH 3133 - Pathology II
NAH 3134 - Human Diseases II
NAH 3135 - Nutrition and Life Cycle
NAH 3136 - Research Methodology
NAH 3225 - Research Bioethics
NAH 3231 - Pharmacology II
NAH 3232 - Food and Food Analysis
NAH 3233 - Nutritional Product Development
NAH 3234 - Nutrition and Chronic Diseases
NAH 3246 - Industrial Training Module
NAH 4131 - Nutrition and Public Health
NAH 4133 - Epidemiology
NAH 4162 - Research Project
NAH 4225 - Public Health Microbiology
NAH 4233 - Nutraceutical Development
NAH 4234 - Global Health
NAH 4236 - Cancer Biology
NAH 4241 - Health Education
NAH 4242 - Environmental and Occupational Health
BHCS 1011 - Study Skills and Personal Development
PUSL 2063 - Clinical Haematology and Biochemistry
MKT 201 SL - Buyer Behaviour & Relationships
MKT 201SL - Buyer Behaviour & Relationships
MKT 217 SL - New Product Development and Marketing Planning
MKT 217SL - New Product Development and Marketing Planning
NUR 1141 - Fundamentals of Nursing I
NUR 1142 - Human Anatomy and Physiology I
NUR 1143 - Applied Psychology, Sociology and Communication Skills
NUR 1244 - Human Anatomy and Physiology II
NUR 1245 - Applied Nutrition and Dietetics and Biochemistry
NUR 1246 - Microbiology and Pathology
NUR 1247 - Fundamentals of Nursing I (Practical)
CS 102.3 - Programming Fundamentals
SE 103.3 - Systems Analysis and Design
ACF 4141 - Advanced Management Accounting
ACF 4142 - Auditing and Professional Practice
ACF 4143 - Business Valuation
MGT 1131 - Principles of Management
HTM 215SL - Tourism and Planning Management
PUSL 2011 - Special Interest in Tourism
PUSL 3103 - Event Innovation
PU BC 1201 - English for Academic Purposes
EDS 1231 - Business Statitics I
EDS 1232 - Economics History
EML 1203 - Academic Writing
PHS 11101 - Laboratory Practice and Safety
PHS 11107 - Chemistry Elementary Laboratory
PHS 11108 - Basic Mathematics
PHS 11109 - Personality Development
PHS 11202 - General Chemistry
PHS 11203 - Human Physiology I
PHS 11204 - Cell Biology
PHS 11205 - Biomolecules
PHS 11206 - Anatomical Planes and Sections
PHS 11210 - General and Professional English
PHS 12107 - Analytical Chemistry Laboratory
PHS 12108 - Information Technology
PHS 12109 - Psychology
PHS 12110 - Mathematics 2
PHS 12202 - Pharmaceutical Analytical Chemistry
PHS 12203 - Human Anatomy II
PHS 12204 - Human Physiology II
PHS 12301 - General Instrumentation
PHS 12305 - Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry
PHS 12306 - Pharmaceutics I
CS 104.3 - Computer Architechture
ENGR 101 - Engineering Design
ENGR 102 - Engineering Practice and Experimental Techniques
ENGR 105 - Engineering Mechanics and Structures
ENGR 106 - Engineering Materials
PROJ 100 - Embedded System Design and Build
ELEC 144 - Electrical priciples and machines
EML 1231 - Fundamentals of Communication Studies
EML 1232 - English for Professional Purposes (I)
ACF 1232 - Financial Accounting II
ACF 1233 - Financial Management
CIVL 102 - Construcion Materials and Site Surveying
BLDG 405 - Built Environment Project
PHYS 051 - Physics 2
MATH 053 - Mathematical methods 2
ELEC 051 - Electronics
ACS 0031 - Biology
ACS 0032 - Chemistry
ACS 0033 - Physics
DESC 1102 - Design Fundamentals
DESC 1105 - Basic Drafting and Presentation Techniques
DESC 1101 - Drawing Fundamentals
DESC 1104 - Design Culture & Society
BAO 3403 - Investment Portfolio Management
BAO 3000 - Personal Financial Planning
BPD 3100 - Applied Business Challenge (Common)
BEO 2008 - Banking Law
BEO 2012 - Financial Modelling for Entreprise Risk Management
ABF 311 SL - Advanced Financial Accounting & Reporting (21.1/21.2)
ABF 318 SL - Auditing (21.1/21.2)
NSBM CFP 1208 - Programming in C
NSBM FP 1106 - Fundamentals of Accounting
NSBM FP 1107 - Business Theory & Environment
NSBM FP 1108 - Professional Development
BMO 3332 - Managing Organisational Change
BMO 2013 - Digital Supply Chain Management
BSK 3000 - Professional Business Project
BMO 2014 - Leadership
BMO 2012 - Procurement and Supply Management
BMO 2008 - Digital Business
NIT 2241 - Cyber Law Policy and Professional Ethics
NIT 2242 - Data Privacy and Cyber Physical Systems Security
BMO 3010 - Entrepreneurial Venture Scale Up
NSBM CP 1100 - Library Session
IS 405.6 - Computer Network Award Project
CN 406.3 - Disaster Recovery and High Availability Techniques
IS 405.6 - Computer Network Award Project
ACP EDS 101 - Basic Mathematics
ACP EML 102 - Critical Thinking for Academic Literacy
ACP EDS 103 - Introduction to Economics
ACP MGT 104 - Out-bound Training
ACF 4231 - Advanced Accounting Theory
ACF 4232 - Financial Statement Analysis
ACF 4233 - Strategic Management Accounting
BSC MM 1001 - Concept Development
BSC MM 1002 - World of Multimedia
BSC MM 1003 - Computing Fundamentals
BSC MM 1004 - Drawing
BSC MM 1005 - Design Principles 1
BSC MM 1006 - Typography Design
MGT 1104 - Introduction to Sustainability
MBS 5116 - Business Communication (Residential Woekshop)
MBS5 125 - Legal Aspects for Managers
MGT 2232 - Organizational Behavior
EDS 2231 - Business Statistics II
EDS 2232 - Managerial Economics
EDS 2233 - Data visualization using Tableau
EDS 2234 - R for Business Analytics
EDS 2235 - Statistics for Analytics II
EDS 2236 - Introduction to enterprise Systems
EML 2231 - English for Professional Purposes (II)
EML 2232 - Communication via Web-Based Applications
EML 2233 - Research Methods for Communication Research
LLB 2245 - Law of Evidence
LLB 2246 - Administrative Law
LLB 2247 - Employment Law
LLB 2248 - Interpretation of Statutes
EML 2207 - French Language
MBS 5116 - Business Communication (Residential Workshop)
MBAEN 6131 - Innovation and Entrepreneurship
MBAMP 6132 - Knowledge Management
MBAOP 6132 - Managing Service Operation
MBATo 6132 - Managing Small Scale Enterprises in Tourism
PCN 11103 - Computer Network Models and Design
PCN 11203 - Routing and Switching
PCN 12103 - Voice & Telephony Technologies
PCN 22103 - Disaster Recovery & High Availability Techniques
PCN 22301 - Project Reports
PGD 5135 - Organizational Behaviour
PGD HRM 5231 - Introduction to HRM & Employee Resourcing
PGD HRM 5232 - Employment Law & Labour Relations
MGT 4143 - Performance Management
MGT 4144 - Work Psychology and Counselling
MTM 2132 - Tourism Planning & Development
MTM 2231 - Social Etiquette and Professional Development for Tourism
MTM 2232 - Resources, Recreation & Tourism
MTM 2233 - Service Quality Management
MTM 2234 - Tourism, Hospitality and Event Marketing
MTM 2235 - Housekeeping & Accommodation Operations
MTM 3131 - Tourism and Sustainable Development
MTM 3132 - Entrepreneurship in Tourism Hospitality & Events
MTM 3133 - Sustainable Tourism Principles and Practices
MTM 3134 - MICE Tourism
LGS 3232 - Legal Environment of Tourism, Hospitality and Events
MTM 3231 - Project Management in Tourism
MTM 3232 - Crisis and Disaster Management in Tourism
MTM 3233 - Travel and Tour Agency Operations
MTM 3234 - E Commerce for Tourism
MTM 4141 - Cultural Diversity in Tourism, Hospitality and Event Management
MTM 4142 - Sustainable Event Management
MTM 4143 - Aviation and Airport Operations
LSC 1111 - Laboratory Practice and Safety
LSC 1132 - General Chemistry
LSC 1133 - Human Physiology
LSC 1124 - Cell Biology
LSC 1125 - Biomolecules
LSC 1136 - Anatomical Planes and Sections
LSC 1117 - Personality Development
LSC 1128 - General and Professional English
PHS 1121 - General Chemistry
PHS 1122 - Human Physiology I
PHS 1123 - Anatomical Planes and Sections
PHS 1114 - Chemistry Elementary Laboratory
PHS 1115 - Basic Mathematics
NUR 1143 - Applied Psychology, Sociology, and Communication Skills
PUSL 2053 - Fundamentals of Nursing 2
PUSL 2054 - Pharmocology
PUSL 2056 - Adult Health Nursing 2
PUSL 2058 - Midwifery, Obstetrics and Gynaecological Nursing
PUSL 3162 - Psychiatric & Mental health nursing
CS 103.2 - Personal Development
PHYS 049 - Physics Laboratory 1
ENGR 103 - Engineering Science
ELEC 142 - Analogue Electronics
ELEC 141 - Digital Electronics
BSC MM 1013 - Photography
BSC MM 1014 - Cinematography
BSC MM 1015 - 3D Design 1
BSC MM 1016 - Game Design
BSC MM 1017 - Video Editing and Production
BSC MM 1018 - Interactive Design
BSC MM 1007 - Illustration
BSC MM 1008 - Story Telling and Script Writing
BSC MM 1009 - Art, Design and Society
BSC MM 1010 - Animation Studies
BSC MM 1011 - Digital Imagine
BSC MM 1012 - Multimedia Imagine
ACE 0004 - Professional Communication
BAI 1100 - Referrals
NSBM QS 1205 - Mathematics Fundamentals
BSC MM 1019 - Advertising and Media Art
BSC MM 1020 - Multimedia Project Management
BSC MM 1021 - 3D Design 2
BSC MM 1022 - Web Design
BSC MM 1023 - Design Principles 2
BSC MM 1024 - Visual Communication
BSC MM 1025 - Multimedia Production
BSC MM 1026 - Professional Studies
BSC MM 1027 - Visual Effects Production
BSC MM 1028 - Research Methodology
BSC MM 1029 - Dissertation
BSC MM 1008 - Story Telling & Script Writing
BSC MM 1011 - Digital Imaging
BSC MM 1012 - Multimedia Imaging
BSC MM 1030 - Internship
BSC MM 1031 - Media Law & Ethics
BSC MM 1032 - Entrepreneurship
BSC MM 1033 - Final Project
BSO 300 SL - Corporate Strategy
MGT 1233 - Academic Writing
BLDG 402 - Principles of Economic and Management
NSBM SR 1100 - Self Reflection
MSC 5101 - Problem Solving and Programming
MSC 5102 - Software Development Paradigms and Processes
MSC 5103 - Systems Analysis and Design
MSC 5201 - Data Communication and Computer Networks
MSC 5202 - Web and Mobile Application Development
MSC 5203 - Governance and Management in ICT
MSC 5204 - Intergrated Project
MBATo 6132 - Managing Small Scale Enterprise in Tourism
PUSL 2019 - Informational Management and Retreieval
PUSL 2018 - Computational Theory and Statistics for Computing
LLB 1143 - Legal Systems
LLB 1144 - Introduction to Legal Research and Writing
MKT 215SL - Advertising Brand Management & Mkt Comms
PUSL 2066 - Property Law
PUSL 2067 - Tort Law
PUSL 2068 - European Law
BSO 300SL - Corporate Stratergy
PUSL 2086 - Engineering Mathematics and Statistics
PUSL 2087 - Real Time Systems Project
PUSL 2082 - Introduction to Robotics
PUSL 2092 - Civil Engineering Practice
PUSL 2093 - Structural Analysis and Design 1
PUSL 2094 - Geotechnical Engineering 1
PUSL 2095 - Engineering Analysis
PUSL 2080 - Materials and Structural Integrity
PUSL 2081 - Manufacturing Processes
PUSL 2083 - Engineering Mathematics and Control
PUSL 2088 - Communication Systems
BSO 215SL - International Logistics and Supply Chain
BSO 214 SL - Opernations Management
PUSL 2031 - Contract Procedure
PUSL 2032 - Common Challenge : and Built Environment
PUSL 3190 - Computing Project
PUSL 3159 - Entreprise, Innovations and Creativity
PUSL 3189 - Natural Language Processing
BEO 3002 - Derivatives and Risk Management
BAO 3404 - Credit and Lending Decisions
ENGR 101 - Engineering Design (S1)
ENGR 102 - Engineering Practice and Experimental Techniques (S1)
PROJ 100 - Embedded System Design and Build (S1)
ELEC 144 - Electrical principles and machines (S1)
BS 101.3 - Technical Communication
BMO 3007 - Global Transport and Distribution Management
BMO 3002 - Strategic Management
NIT 3141 - Securities Operations and Vulnerability Analysis
NIT 3122 - Enterprise Network Management
NIT 3203 - Software Development and IT Operations
COM 0001 - Common Module 01
MEML 3133 - English for Global Communication
EML 2132 - Modern World Literatures
EML 3161 - Industrial Training
EML 3132 - Public Relations in Practice & Theory
EML 3133 - English for Global Communication
EML 3231 - Critical Thinking
EML 3232 - Social Media Management
EML 3233 - Corporate Communication Management
EML 3264 - Final Project
MGT 4232 - Strategic Human Resource Management
MGT 4233 - HR Processes and Systems
EDS 4232 - Labor Economics
OPL 3133 - Procurement Management
OPL 4143 - Operations Research
OPL 4231 - Transport Planning and Demand Modelling
OPL 4232 - Enterprise Resource Planning
OPL 4235 - Project Human Resource Management
OPL 4236 - Project Monitoring, Control, Evaluation and Termination
OPL 3134 - Production Planning and Control
OPL 3135 - Maintenance Management
OPL 4233 - Business Simulation
OPL 4234 - Materials Management
COM 0001 - Academic Writing
ACF 3134 - Computer Based Accounting
ACF 3135 - Financial Modeling and Forecasting
ACF 4141 - Advanced Management Accounting
MM 1005 - Design Principles 1
MM 1008 - Story Telling & Script Writing
MM 1015 - 3D Design 1
MM 1021 - 3D Design 2
MM 1023 - Design Principles 2
MM 1031 - Media Law & Ethics
MBAMP 6131 - Organizational Leadership and Cross-Cultural Management
PUSL 2042 - Research Skills in Practice I
PUSL 2043 - Research Skills in Practice II
PUSL 3149 - Current Topics in Psychology I
PUSL 3150 - Current Topics in Psychology II
DS 201.3 - Introduction to Data Science
SE 204.3 - Development of Enterprise Applications I
DS 202.3 - Data Programming with R
DS 203.3 - Statistics for Data Science
SE 202.3 - Introduction to Software Engineering
CS 202.3 - Systems Fundamentals
CS 203.3 - Algorithms and Complexity
SE 206.3 - Human Computer Interaction
PGD 5133 - Business Communication
MBS 5125 - Leagal Aspects for Managers
COM 0003 - Law of Contract/Contract Law
EDS 1231 - Business Statistics I
MTM 1231 - Introduction to Tourism and Hospitality
MTM 1232 - Event Management
MTM 2235 - Accomadation Operations
ELEC 144 - Electrical Principles and Machines
COM 0002 - Statistics for Analytics I/Business Statitics I
EDS 2134 - Business Statistics
ACF 3135 - Accounting, Financial Modeling and Forecasting
EML 2107 - Chinese Language
MGT 4131 - Research Methadology
PU CMN 1213 - Accommodation Operations
EDS 1231 - Business and Statistics I
MTM 1233 - Accommodation Operations
MTM 2132 - Tourism Planning and Development
EDS 3135 - Marketing Analytics
EDS 3136 - Human Resource Analytics
EDS 3137 - System analysis and design
EDS 3138 - Big data analytics in Business
EDS 3139 - Operations Analytics
EDS 3131 - Mathematics for Economics II
EDS 3132 - Financial Institutions and Monetary Theory
EDS 3133 - Financial Economics
EDS 3134 - Transferrable Skills and Employability
OPL 3134 - Production Planing and Control
LLB 3141 - Procedural Laws
LLB 3142 - Human Rights Law
LLB 3143 - Law of Delict
LLB 3144 - Internship/Industrial Training
CREST TOU 01 - History of Tourism & Sri Lankan Tourism Geography
MSC 5104 - Modern Operating Systems
MSC 5105 - Information Management and Retrieval
PUSL 3137 - Quantity Surveying Professional Practice
QS 3201 - Industrial Training Workshop
PUSL 2065 - Computer Networks
PUSL 3130 - Advance Computer Networking Infrastructure
PUSL 3122 - HCI, Computer Graphics & Visualization
PUSL 2096 - Hydraulic and Coastal Engineering
PUSL 2097 - Construction Management
PUSL 2085 - Mechanical Engineering Design & Commercialization
PUSL 2084 - Engineering Quality Management
PUSL 2090 - Control Engineering
PUSL 2091 - Sensors and Actuators for Robotics Systems
PUSL 2089 - Power Electronics and Generation
ABF 311 SL - Advanced Financial Accounting & Reporting
ABF 318 SL - Auditing
BSO 316 SL - Operations Management for Comp Adv
ABF 203 SL - Financial Accounting and Reporting
ABF 204 SL - Financial Institutions & Marketing
ABF 205 SL - Management Accounting
MKT 216SL - Business and Market Research
PUSL 2007 - Events Planning and Strategy
PHS 21201 - Biochemistry
PHS 21302 - General Pathology
PHS 21303 - Pharmaceutical Microbiology
PHS 21304 - Physical Pharmacy I
PHS 21305 - Immunobiology
PHS 21306 - Pharmaceutics II
PHS 21107 - Physical Pharmacy I Laboratory
PHS 21108 - Organic Chemistry Laboratory
OPL 4235 - Project HR Management
PUSL 2069 - Equity and Trust
PUSL 2070 - Public International Law
PUSL 2071 - Internship/Work Based Learning
COM 0004 - Public Relations in Practice & Theory
LLB 1100 - English for Legal Studies
LLB PU CMN 01 - Legal English
EML 1131 - Business Communication
LSC 1231 - General Instrumentation
LSC 1232 - General Microbiology
LSC 1233 - Human Anatomy II
LSC 1234 - Human Physiology II
LSC 1235 - Organic Chemistry
LSC 1226 - Genetics
LSC 1217 - Psychology
PHS 1221 - Pharmaceutical Analytical Chemistry
PHS 1222 - Human Anatomy II
PHS 1223 - Human Physiology II
PHS 1234 - Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry
PHS 1235 - Pharmaceutics I
PHS 1216 - Analytical Chemistry Laboratory
PHS 1217 - Mathematics II
MGT 1133 - Soft Skills Development
PUSL 1001 - Introduction to Law and Legal System
PUSL 1002 - Criminal Law
PUSL 1003 - Introduction to Legal Writing and Legal Research
NSBM BFP 1101 - Principles of Management and Business
NSBM BFP 1102 - English and Soft Skills Development
NSBM BFP 1103 - Fundamentals of Mathematics and Quantitative Techniques
NSBM BFP 1201 - Fundamentals of Economics
NSBM BFP 1202 - Project Management
NSBM BFP 1203 - Fundamentals of Accounting
NSBM BFP 1204 - Business Theory & Legal Environment
NSBM BFP 1205 - Professional Development
PU CMN 1206 - Economics for Business II
PU CMN 1214 - Introduction to Tourism and Event
PU CMN 1213 - Accomodation Operations
MTM 1233 - Front Office Operations
MTM 1233 - Accomodation Operations
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